Source code for mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataAutoprocv1_0

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Generated Tue Oct 14 03:54::11 2014 by EDGenerateDS.

import os
import sys
from xml.dom import (

from XSDataCommon import (

strEdnaHome = os.environ.get("EDNA_HOME", None)

dictLocation = {
    "XSDataCommon": "kernel/datamodel",
    "XSDataCommon": "kernel/datamodel",
    "XSDataCommon": "kernel/datamodel",
    "XSDataCommon": "kernel/datamodel",
    "XSDataCommon": "kernel/datamodel",
    "XSDataCommon": "kernel/datamodel",
    "XSDataCommon": "kernel/datamodel",
    "XSDataCommon": "kernel/datamodel",

    from XSDataCommon import (
except ImportError as error:
    if strEdnaHome is not None:
        for strXsdName in dictLocation:
            strXsdModule = strXsdName + ".py"
            strRootdir = os.path.dirname(
                os.path.abspath(os.path.join(strEdnaHome, dictLocation[strXsdName]))
            for strRoot, listDirs, listFiles in os.walk(strRootdir):
                if strXsdModule in listFiles:
        raise error

# Support/utility functions.

# Compabiltity between Python 2 and 3:
if sys.version.startswith("3"):
    unicode = str
    from io import StringIO
    from StringIO import StringIO

def showIndent(outfile, level):
    for idx in range(level):
        outfile.write(unicode("    "))

def warnEmptyAttribute(_strName, _strTypeName):
    # if not _strTypeName in ["float", "double", "string", "boolean", "integer"]:
    #    print("Warning! Non-optional attribute %s of type %s is None!" % (_strName, _strTypeName))

class MixedContainer(object):
    # Constants for category:
    CategoryNone = 0
    CategoryText = 1
    CategorySimple = 2
    CategoryComplex = 3
    # Constants for content_type:
    TypeNone = 0
    TypeText = 1
    TypeString = 2
    TypeInteger = 3
    TypeFloat = 4
    TypeDecimal = 5
    TypeDouble = 6
    TypeBoolean = 7

    def __init__(self, category, content_type, name, value):
        self.category = category
        self.content_type = content_type = name
        self.value = value

    def getCategory(self):
        return self.category

    def getContenttype(self, content_type):
        return self.content_type

    def getValue(self):
        return self.value

    def getName(self):

    def export(self, outfile, level, name):
        if self.category == MixedContainer.CategoryText:
        elif self.category == MixedContainer.CategorySimple:
            self.exportSimple(outfile, level, name)
        else:  # category == MixedContainer.CategoryComplex
            self.value.export(outfile, level, name)

    def exportSimple(self, outfile, level, name):
        if self.content_type == MixedContainer.TypeString:
            outfile.write(unicode("<%s>%s</%s>" % (, self.value,
        elif (
            self.content_type == MixedContainer.TypeInteger
            or self.content_type == MixedContainer.TypeBoolean
            outfile.write(unicode("<%s>%d</%s>" % (, self.value,
        elif (
            self.content_type == MixedContainer.TypeFloat
            or self.content_type == MixedContainer.TypeDecimal
            outfile.write(unicode("<%s>%f</%s>" % (, self.value,
        elif self.content_type == MixedContainer.TypeDouble:
            outfile.write(unicode("<%s>%g</%s>" % (, self.value,

# Data representation classes.

class XSData2DCoordinates(object):
    def __init__(self, y=None, x=None):
        if x is None:
            self._x = None
        elif x.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._x = x
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSData2DCoordinates constructor argument 'x' is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % self._x.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)
        if y is None:
            self._y = None
        elif y.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._y = y
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSData2DCoordinates constructor argument 'y' is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % self._y.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)

    # Methods and properties for the 'x' attribute
    def getX(self):
        return self._x

    def setX(self, x):
        if x is None:
            self._x = None
        elif x.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._x = x
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSData2DCoordinates.setX argument is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % x.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)

    def delX(self):
        self._x = None

    x = property(getX, setX, delX, "Property for x")
    # Methods and properties for the 'y' attribute

    def getY(self):
        return self._y

    def setY(self, y):
        if y is None:
            self._y = None
        elif y.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._y = y
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSData2DCoordinates.setY argument is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % y.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)

    def delY(self):
        self._y = None

    y = property(getY, setY, delY, "Property for y")

    def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSData2DCoordinates"):
        showIndent(outfile, level)
        outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_))
        self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_)
        showIndent(outfile, level)
        outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_))

    def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSData2DCoordinates"):
        if self._x is not None:
            self.x.export(outfile, level, name_="x")
            warnEmptyAttribute("x", "XSDataDouble")
        if self._y is not None:
            self.y.export(outfile, level, name_="y")
            warnEmptyAttribute("y", "XSDataDouble")

    def build(self, node_):
        for child_ in node_.childNodes:
            nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1]
            self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_)

    def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_):
        if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "x":
            obj_ = XSDataDouble()
        elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "y":
            obj_ = XSDataDouble()

    # Method for marshalling an object
    def marshal(self):
        oStreamString = StringIO()
        oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n'))
        self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSData2DCoordinates")
        oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue()
        return oStringXML

    # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk
    def exportToFile(self, _outfileName):
        outfile = open(_outfileName, "w")
        outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n'))
        self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSData2DCoordinates")

    # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile
    def outputFile(self, _outfileName):
            "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSData2DCoordinates is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!"

    # Method for making a copy in a new instance
    def copy(self):
        return XSData2DCoordinates.parseString(self.marshal())

    # Static method for parsing a string
    def parseString(_inString):
        doc = minidom.parseString(_inString)
        rootNode = doc.documentElement
        rootObj = XSData2DCoordinates()
        # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object
        oStreamString = StringIO()
        rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSData2DCoordinates")
        return rootObj

    parseString = staticmethod(parseString)
    # Static method for parsing a file

    def parseFile(_inFilePath):
        doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath)
        rootNode = doc.documentElement
        rootObj = XSData2DCoordinates()
        return rootObj

    parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)

# end class XSData2DCoordinates

class XSDataRange(object):
    def __init__(self, end=None, begin=None):
        if begin is None:
            self._begin = None
            self._begin = int(begin)
        if end is None:
            self._end = None
            self._end = int(end)

    # Methods and properties for the 'begin' attribute
    def getBegin(self):
        return self._begin

    def setBegin(self, begin):
        if begin is None:
            self._begin = None
            self._begin = int(begin)

    def delBegin(self):
        self._begin = None

    begin = property(getBegin, setBegin, delBegin, "Property for begin")
    # Methods and properties for the 'end' attribute

    def getEnd(self):
        return self._end

    def setEnd(self, end):
        if end is None:
            self._end = None
            self._end = int(end)

    def delEnd(self):
        self._end = None

    end = property(getEnd, setEnd, delEnd, "Property for end")

    def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataRange"):
        showIndent(outfile, level)
        outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_))
        self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_)
        showIndent(outfile, level)
        outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_))

    def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataRange"):
        if self._begin is not None:
            showIndent(outfile, level)
            outfile.write(unicode("<begin>%d</begin>\n" % self._begin))
            warnEmptyAttribute("begin", "integer")
        if self._end is not None:
            showIndent(outfile, level)
            outfile.write(unicode("<end>%d</end>\n" % self._end))
            warnEmptyAttribute("end", "integer")

    def build(self, node_):
        for child_ in node_.childNodes:
            nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1]
            self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_)

    def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_):
        if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "begin":
            if child_.firstChild:
                sval_ = child_.firstChild.nodeValue
                    ival_ = int(sval_)
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValueError("requires integer -- %s" % child_.toxml())
                self._begin = ival_
        elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "end":
            if child_.firstChild:
                sval_ = child_.firstChild.nodeValue
                    ival_ = int(sval_)
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValueError("requires integer -- %s" % child_.toxml())
                self._end = ival_

    # Method for marshalling an object
    def marshal(self):
        oStreamString = StringIO()
        oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n'))
        self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataRange")
        oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue()
        return oStringXML

    # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk
    def exportToFile(self, _outfileName):
        outfile = open(_outfileName, "w")
        outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n'))
        self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataRange")

    # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile
    def outputFile(self, _outfileName):
            "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataRange is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!"

    # Method for making a copy in a new instance
    def copy(self):
        return XSDataRange.parseString(self.marshal())

    # Static method for parsing a string
    def parseString(_inString):
        doc = minidom.parseString(_inString)
        rootNode = doc.documentElement
        rootObj = XSDataRange()
        # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object
        oStreamString = StringIO()
        rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataRange")
        return rootObj

    parseString = staticmethod(parseString)
    # Static method for parsing a file

    def parseFile(_inFilePath):
        doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath)
        rootNode = doc.documentElement
        rootObj = XSDataRange()
        return rootObj

    parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)

# end class XSDataRange

class XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry(object):
    def __init__(
        if res is None:
            self._res = None
        elif res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._res = res
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry constructor argument 'res' is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % self._res.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)
        if observed is None:
            self._observed = None
        elif observed.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._observed = observed
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry constructor argument 'observed' is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % self._observed.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)
        if unique is None:
            self._unique = None
        elif unique.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._unique = unique
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry constructor argument 'unique' is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % self._unique.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)
        if possible is None:
            self._possible = None
        elif possible.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._possible = possible
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry constructor argument 'possible' is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % self._possible.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)
        if complete is None:
            self._complete = None
        elif complete.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._complete = complete
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry constructor argument 'complete' is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % self._complete.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)
        if rfactor is None:
            self._rfactor = None
        elif rfactor.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._rfactor = rfactor
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry constructor argument 'rfactor' is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % self._rfactor.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)
        if isig is None:
            self._isig = None
        elif isig.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._isig = isig
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry constructor argument 'isig' is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % self._isig.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)
        if half_dataset_correlation is None:
            self._half_dataset_correlation = None
        elif half_dataset_correlation.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._half_dataset_correlation = half_dataset_correlation
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry constructor argument 'half_dataset_correlation' is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % self._half_dataset_correlation.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)

    # Methods and properties for the 'res' attribute
    def getRes(self):
        return self._res

    def setRes(self, res):
        if res is None:
            self._res = None
        elif res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._res = res
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry.setRes argument is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % res.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)

    def delRes(self):
        self._res = None

    res = property(getRes, setRes, delRes, "Property for res")
    # Methods and properties for the 'observed' attribute

    def getObserved(self):
        return self._observed

    def setObserved(self, observed):
        if observed is None:
            self._observed = None
        elif observed.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._observed = observed
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry.setObserved argument is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % observed.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)

    def delObserved(self):
        self._observed = None

    observed = property(getObserved, setObserved, delObserved, "Property for observed")
    # Methods and properties for the 'unique' attribute

    def getUnique(self):
        return self._unique

    def setUnique(self, unique):
        if unique is None:
            self._unique = None
        elif unique.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._unique = unique
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry.setUnique argument is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % unique.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)

    def delUnique(self):
        self._unique = None

    unique = property(getUnique, setUnique, delUnique, "Property for unique")
    # Methods and properties for the 'possible' attribute

    def getPossible(self):
        return self._possible

    def setPossible(self, possible):
        if possible is None:
            self._possible = None
        elif possible.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._possible = possible
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry.setPossible argument is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % possible.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)

    def delPossible(self):
        self._possible = None

    possible = property(getPossible, setPossible, delPossible, "Property for possible")
    # Methods and properties for the 'complete' attribute

    def getComplete(self):
        return self._complete

    def setComplete(self, complete):
        if complete is None:
            self._complete = None
        elif complete.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._complete = complete
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry.setComplete argument is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % complete.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)

    def delComplete(self):
        self._complete = None

    complete = property(getComplete, setComplete, delComplete, "Property for complete")
    # Methods and properties for the 'rfactor' attribute

    def getRfactor(self):
        return self._rfactor

    def setRfactor(self, rfactor):
        if rfactor is None:
            self._rfactor = None
        elif rfactor.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._rfactor = rfactor
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry.setRfactor argument is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % rfactor.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)

    def delRfactor(self):
        self._rfactor = None

    rfactor = property(getRfactor, setRfactor, delRfactor, "Property for rfactor")
    # Methods and properties for the 'isig' attribute

    def getIsig(self):
        return self._isig

    def setIsig(self, isig):
        if isig is None:
            self._isig = None
        elif isig.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._isig = isig
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry.setIsig argument is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % isig.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)

    def delIsig(self):
        self._isig = None

    isig = property(getIsig, setIsig, delIsig, "Property for isig")
    # Methods and properties for the 'half_dataset_correlation' attribute

    def getHalf_dataset_correlation(self):
        return self._half_dataset_correlation

    def setHalf_dataset_correlation(self, half_dataset_correlation):
        if half_dataset_correlation is None:
            self._half_dataset_correlation = None
        elif half_dataset_correlation.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._half_dataset_correlation = half_dataset_correlation
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry.setHalf_dataset_correlation argument is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % half_dataset_correlation.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)

    def delHalf_dataset_correlation(self):
        self._half_dataset_correlation = None

    half_dataset_correlation = property(
        "Property for half_dataset_correlation",

    def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry"):
        showIndent(outfile, level)
        outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_))
        self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_)
        showIndent(outfile, level)
        outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_))

    def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry"):
        if self._res is not None:
            self.res.export(outfile, level, name_="res")
            warnEmptyAttribute("res", "XSDataDouble")
        if self._observed is not None:
            self.observed.export(outfile, level, name_="observed")
            warnEmptyAttribute("observed", "XSDataDouble")
        if self._unique is not None:
            self.unique.export(outfile, level, name_="unique")
            warnEmptyAttribute("unique", "XSDataDouble")
        if self._possible is not None:
            self.possible.export(outfile, level, name_="possible")
            warnEmptyAttribute("possible", "XSDataDouble")
        if self._complete is not None:
            self.complete.export(outfile, level, name_="complete")
            warnEmptyAttribute("complete", "XSDataDouble")
        if self._rfactor is not None:
            self.rfactor.export(outfile, level, name_="rfactor")
            warnEmptyAttribute("rfactor", "XSDataDouble")
        if self._isig is not None:
            self.isig.export(outfile, level, name_="isig")
            warnEmptyAttribute("isig", "XSDataDouble")
        if self._half_dataset_correlation is not None:
                outfile, level, name_="half_dataset_correlation"
            warnEmptyAttribute("half_dataset_correlation", "XSDataDouble")

    def build(self, node_):
        for child_ in node_.childNodes:
            nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1]
            self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_)

    def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_):
        if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "res":
            obj_ = XSDataDouble()
        elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "observed":
            obj_ = XSDataDouble()
        elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "unique":
            obj_ = XSDataDouble()
        elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "possible":
            obj_ = XSDataDouble()
        elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "complete":
            obj_ = XSDataDouble()
        elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "rfactor":
            obj_ = XSDataDouble()
        elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "isig":
            obj_ = XSDataDouble()
        elif (
            child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
            and nodeName_ == "half_dataset_correlation"
            obj_ = XSDataDouble()

    # Method for marshalling an object
    def marshal(self):
        oStreamString = StringIO()
        oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n'))
        self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry")
        oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue()
        return oStringXML

    # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk
    def exportToFile(self, _outfileName):
        outfile = open(_outfileName, "w")
        outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n'))
        self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry")

    # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile
    def outputFile(self, _outfileName):
            "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!"

    # Method for making a copy in a new instance
    def copy(self):
        return XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry.parseString(self.marshal())

    # Static method for parsing a string
    def parseString(_inString):
        doc = minidom.parseString(_inString)
        rootNode = doc.documentElement
        rootObj = XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry()
        # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object
        oStreamString = StringIO()
        rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry")
        return rootObj

    parseString = staticmethod(parseString)
    # Static method for parsing a file

    def parseFile(_inFilePath):
        doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath)
        rootNode = doc.documentElement
        rootObj = XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry()
        return rootObj

    parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)

# end class XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry

class XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry(XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry):
    def __init__(
        if multiplicity is None:
            self._multiplicity = None
        elif multiplicity.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._multiplicity = multiplicity
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry constructor argument 'multiplicity' is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % self._multiplicity.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)

    # Methods and properties for the 'multiplicity' attribute
    def getMultiplicity(self):
        return self._multiplicity

    def setMultiplicity(self, multiplicity):
        if multiplicity is None:
            self._multiplicity = None
        elif multiplicity.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._multiplicity = multiplicity
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry.setMultiplicity argument is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % multiplicity.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)

    def delMultiplicity(self):
        self._multiplicity = None

    multiplicity = property(
        getMultiplicity, setMultiplicity, delMultiplicity, "Property for multiplicity"

    def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry"):
        showIndent(outfile, level)
        outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_))
        self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_)
        showIndent(outfile, level)
        outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_))

    def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry"):
        XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_)
        if self._multiplicity is not None:
            self.multiplicity.export(outfile, level, name_="multiplicity")
            warnEmptyAttribute("multiplicity", "XSDataDouble")

    def build(self, node_):
        for child_ in node_.childNodes:
            nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1]
            self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_)

    def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_):
        if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "multiplicity":
            obj_ = XSDataDouble()
        XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_)

    # Method for marshalling an object
    def marshal(self):
        oStreamString = StringIO()
        oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n'))
        self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry")
        oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue()
        return oStringXML

    # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk
    def exportToFile(self, _outfileName):
        outfile = open(_outfileName, "w")
        outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n'))
        self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry")

    # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile
    def outputFile(self, _outfileName):
            "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!"

    # Method for making a copy in a new instance
    def copy(self):
        return XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry.parseString(self.marshal())

    # Static method for parsing a string
    def parseString(_inString):
        doc = minidom.parseString(_inString)
        rootNode = doc.documentElement
        rootObj = XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry()
        # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object
        oStreamString = StringIO()
        rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry")
        return rootObj

    parseString = staticmethod(parseString)
    # Static method for parsing a file

    def parseFile(_inFilePath):
        doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath)
        rootNode = doc.documentElement
        rootObj = XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry()
        return rootObj

    parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)

# end class XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry

[docs]class XSDataAutoprocImport(XSDataInput): def __init__( self, configuration=None, image_prefix=None, nres=None, res=None, end_image=None, start_image=None, dataCollectionID=None, output_directory=None, input_noanom=None, input_anom=None, ): XSDataInput.__init__(self, configuration) if input_anom is None: self._input_anom = None elif input_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._input_anom = input_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport constructor argument 'input_anom' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._input_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if input_noanom is None: self._input_noanom = None elif input_noanom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._input_noanom = input_noanom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport constructor argument 'input_noanom' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._input_noanom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if output_directory is None: self._output_directory = None elif output_directory.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._output_directory = output_directory else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport constructor argument 'output_directory' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._output_directory.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if dataCollectionID is None: self._dataCollectionID = None elif dataCollectionID.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._dataCollectionID = dataCollectionID else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport constructor argument 'dataCollectionID' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._dataCollectionID.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if start_image is None: self._start_image = None elif start_image.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._start_image = start_image else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport constructor argument 'start_image' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._start_image.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if end_image is None: self._end_image = None elif end_image.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._end_image = end_image else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport constructor argument 'end_image' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._end_image.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if res is None: self._res = None elif res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._res = res else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport constructor argument 'res' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._res.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if nres is None: self._nres = None elif nres.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._nres = nres else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport constructor argument 'nres' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._nres.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if image_prefix is None: self._image_prefix = None elif image_prefix.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._image_prefix = image_prefix else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport constructor argument 'image_prefix' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._image_prefix.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'input_anom' attribute def getInput_anom(self): return self._input_anom def setInput_anom(self, input_anom): if input_anom is None: self._input_anom = None elif input_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._input_anom = input_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport.setInput_anom argument is not XSDataString but %s" % input_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delInput_anom(self): self._input_anom = None input_anom = property( getInput_anom, setInput_anom, delInput_anom, "Property for input_anom" ) # Methods and properties for the 'input_noanom' attribute def getInput_noanom(self): return self._input_noanom def setInput_noanom(self, input_noanom): if input_noanom is None: self._input_noanom = None elif input_noanom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._input_noanom = input_noanom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport.setInput_noanom argument is not XSDataString but %s" % input_noanom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delInput_noanom(self): self._input_noanom = None input_noanom = property( getInput_noanom, setInput_noanom, delInput_noanom, "Property for input_noanom" ) # Methods and properties for the 'output_directory' attribute def getOutput_directory(self): return self._output_directory def setOutput_directory(self, output_directory): if output_directory is None: self._output_directory = None elif output_directory.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._output_directory = output_directory else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport.setOutput_directory argument is not XSDataString but %s" % output_directory.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delOutput_directory(self): self._output_directory = None output_directory = property( getOutput_directory, setOutput_directory, delOutput_directory, "Property for output_directory", ) # Methods and properties for the 'dataCollectionID' attribute def getDataCollectionID(self): return self._dataCollectionID def setDataCollectionID(self, dataCollectionID): if dataCollectionID is None: self._dataCollectionID = None elif dataCollectionID.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._dataCollectionID = dataCollectionID else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport.setDataCollectionID argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % dataCollectionID.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delDataCollectionID(self): self._dataCollectionID = None dataCollectionID = property( getDataCollectionID, setDataCollectionID, delDataCollectionID, "Property for dataCollectionID", ) # Methods and properties for the 'start_image' attribute def getStart_image(self): return self._start_image def setStart_image(self, start_image): if start_image is None: self._start_image = None elif start_image.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._start_image = start_image else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport.setStart_image argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % start_image.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delStart_image(self): self._start_image = None start_image = property( getStart_image, setStart_image, delStart_image, "Property for start_image" ) # Methods and properties for the 'end_image' attribute def getEnd_image(self): return self._end_image def setEnd_image(self, end_image): if end_image is None: self._end_image = None elif end_image.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._end_image = end_image else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport.setEnd_image argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % end_image.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delEnd_image(self): self._end_image = None end_image = property( getEnd_image, setEnd_image, delEnd_image, "Property for end_image" ) # Methods and properties for the 'res' attribute def getRes(self): return self._res def setRes(self, res): if res is None: self._res = None elif res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._res = res else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport.setRes argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % res.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delRes(self): self._res = None res = property(getRes, setRes, delRes, "Property for res") # Methods and properties for the 'nres' attribute def getNres(self): return self._nres def setNres(self, nres): if nres is None: self._nres = None elif nres.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._nres = nres else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport.setNres argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % nres.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delNres(self): self._nres = None nres = property(getNres, setNres, delNres, "Property for nres") # Methods and properties for the 'image_prefix' attribute def getImage_prefix(self): return self._image_prefix def setImage_prefix(self, image_prefix): if image_prefix is None: self._image_prefix = None elif image_prefix.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._image_prefix = image_prefix else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport.setImage_prefix argument is not XSDataString but %s" % image_prefix.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delImage_prefix(self): self._image_prefix = None image_prefix = property( getImage_prefix, setImage_prefix, delImage_prefix, "Property for image_prefix" ) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataAutoprocImport"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataAutoprocImport"): XSDataInput.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._input_anom is not None: self.input_anom.export(outfile, level, name_="input_anom") else: warnEmptyAttribute("input_anom", "XSDataString") if self._input_noanom is not None: self.input_noanom.export(outfile, level, name_="input_noanom") else: warnEmptyAttribute("input_noanom", "XSDataString") if self._output_directory is not None: self.output_directory.export(outfile, level, name_="output_directory") else: warnEmptyAttribute("output_directory", "XSDataString") if self._dataCollectionID is not None: self.dataCollectionID.export(outfile, level, name_="dataCollectionID") else: warnEmptyAttribute("dataCollectionID", "XSDataInteger") if self._start_image is not None: self.start_image.export(outfile, level, name_="start_image") else: warnEmptyAttribute("start_image", "XSDataInteger") if self._end_image is not None: self.end_image.export(outfile, level, name_="end_image") else: warnEmptyAttribute("end_image", "XSDataInteger") if self._res is not None: self.res.export(outfile, level, name_="res") else: warnEmptyAttribute("res", "XSDataDouble") if self._nres is not None: self.nres.export(outfile, level, name_="nres") else: warnEmptyAttribute("nres", "XSDataDouble") if self._image_prefix is not None: self.image_prefix.export(outfile, level, name_="image_prefix") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "input_anom": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setInput_anom(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "input_noanom": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setInput_noanom(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "output_directory": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setOutput_directory(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "dataCollectionID": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setDataCollectionID(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "start_image": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setStart_image(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "end_image": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setEnd_image(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "res": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setRes(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "nres": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setNres(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "image_prefix": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setImage_prefix(obj_) XSDataInput.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataAutoprocImport") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataAutoprocImport") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataAutoprocImport is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataAutoprocImport.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataAutoprocImport() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataAutoprocImport") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataAutoprocImport() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataAutoprocImport
[docs]class XSDataAutoprocImportOut(XSDataResult): def __init__( self, status=None, aimless_log_noanom=None, aimless_log_anom=None, pointless_sgstring=None, pointless_sgnumber=None, files=None, ): XSDataResult.__init__(self, status) if files is None: self._files = [] elif files.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._files = files else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut constructor argument 'files' is not list but %s" % self._files.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if pointless_sgnumber is None: self._pointless_sgnumber = None elif pointless_sgnumber.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._pointless_sgnumber = pointless_sgnumber else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut constructor argument 'pointless_sgnumber' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._pointless_sgnumber.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if pointless_sgstring is None: self._pointless_sgstring = None elif pointless_sgstring.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._pointless_sgstring = pointless_sgstring else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut constructor argument 'pointless_sgstring' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._pointless_sgstring.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if aimless_log_anom is None: self._aimless_log_anom = None elif aimless_log_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._aimless_log_anom = aimless_log_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut constructor argument 'aimless_log_anom' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._aimless_log_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if aimless_log_noanom is None: self._aimless_log_noanom = None elif aimless_log_noanom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._aimless_log_noanom = aimless_log_noanom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut constructor argument 'aimless_log_noanom' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._aimless_log_noanom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'files' attribute def getFiles(self): return self._files def setFiles(self, files): if files is None: self._files = [] elif files.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._files = files else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut.setFiles argument is not list but %s" % files.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delFiles(self): self._files = None files = property(getFiles, setFiles, delFiles, "Property for files") def addFiles(self, value): if value is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut.addFiles argument is None" raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._files.append(value) else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut.addFiles argument is not XSDataString but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def insertFiles(self, index, value): if index is None: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut.insertFiles argument 'index' is None" ) raise Exception(strMessage) if value is None: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut.insertFiles argument 'value' is None" ) raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._files[index] = value else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut.addFiles argument is not XSDataString but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'pointless_sgnumber' attribute def getPointless_sgnumber(self): return self._pointless_sgnumber def setPointless_sgnumber(self, pointless_sgnumber): if pointless_sgnumber is None: self._pointless_sgnumber = None elif pointless_sgnumber.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._pointless_sgnumber = pointless_sgnumber else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut.setPointless_sgnumber argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % pointless_sgnumber.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delPointless_sgnumber(self): self._pointless_sgnumber = None pointless_sgnumber = property( getPointless_sgnumber, setPointless_sgnumber, delPointless_sgnumber, "Property for pointless_sgnumber", ) # Methods and properties for the 'pointless_sgstring' attribute def getPointless_sgstring(self): return self._pointless_sgstring def setPointless_sgstring(self, pointless_sgstring): if pointless_sgstring is None: self._pointless_sgstring = None elif pointless_sgstring.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._pointless_sgstring = pointless_sgstring else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut.setPointless_sgstring argument is not XSDataString but %s" % pointless_sgstring.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delPointless_sgstring(self): self._pointless_sgstring = None pointless_sgstring = property( getPointless_sgstring, setPointless_sgstring, delPointless_sgstring, "Property for pointless_sgstring", ) # Methods and properties for the 'aimless_log_anom' attribute def getAimless_log_anom(self): return self._aimless_log_anom def setAimless_log_anom(self, aimless_log_anom): if aimless_log_anom is None: self._aimless_log_anom = None elif aimless_log_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._aimless_log_anom = aimless_log_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut.setAimless_log_anom argument is not XSDataString but %s" % aimless_log_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delAimless_log_anom(self): self._aimless_log_anom = None aimless_log_anom = property( getAimless_log_anom, setAimless_log_anom, delAimless_log_anom, "Property for aimless_log_anom", ) # Methods and properties for the 'aimless_log_noanom' attribute def getAimless_log_noanom(self): return self._aimless_log_noanom def setAimless_log_noanom(self, aimless_log_noanom): if aimless_log_noanom is None: self._aimless_log_noanom = None elif aimless_log_noanom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._aimless_log_noanom = aimless_log_noanom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut.setAimless_log_noanom argument is not XSDataString but %s" % aimless_log_noanom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delAimless_log_noanom(self): self._aimless_log_noanom = None aimless_log_noanom = property( getAimless_log_noanom, setAimless_log_noanom, delAimless_log_noanom, "Property for aimless_log_noanom", ) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataAutoprocImportOut"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataAutoprocImportOut"): XSDataResult.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) for files_ in self.getFiles(): files_.export(outfile, level, name_="files") if self.getFiles() == []: warnEmptyAttribute("files", "XSDataString") if self._pointless_sgnumber is not None: self.pointless_sgnumber.export(outfile, level, name_="pointless_sgnumber") else: warnEmptyAttribute("pointless_sgnumber", "XSDataInteger") if self._pointless_sgstring is not None: self.pointless_sgstring.export(outfile, level, name_="pointless_sgstring") else: warnEmptyAttribute("pointless_sgstring", "XSDataString") if self._aimless_log_anom is not None: self.aimless_log_anom.export(outfile, level, name_="aimless_log_anom") else: warnEmptyAttribute("aimless_log_anom", "XSDataString") if self._aimless_log_noanom is not None: self.aimless_log_noanom.export(outfile, level, name_="aimless_log_noanom") else: warnEmptyAttribute("aimless_log_noanom", "XSDataString") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "files": obj_ = XSDataString() self.files.append(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "pointless_sgnumber": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setPointless_sgnumber(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "pointless_sgstring": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setPointless_sgstring(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "aimless_log_anom": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setAimless_log_anom(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "aimless_log_noanom": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setAimless_log_noanom(obj_) XSDataResult.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataAutoprocImportOut") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataAutoprocImportOut") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataAutoprocImportOut is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataAutoprocImportOut.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataAutoprocImportOut() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataAutoprocImportOut") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataAutoprocImportOut() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataAutoprocImportOut
[docs]class XSDataAutoprocInput(XSDataInput): def __init__( self, configuration=None, output_file=None, unit_cell=None, spacegroup=None, nres=None, low_resolution_limit=None, detector_max_res=None, data_collection_id=None, cc_half_cutoff=None, r_value_cutoff=None, isig_cutoff=None, completeness_cutoff=None, res_override=None, input_file=None, ): XSDataInput.__init__(self, configuration) if input_file is None: self._input_file = None elif input_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataFile": self._input_file = input_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput constructor argument 'input_file' is not XSDataFile but %s" % self._input_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if res_override is None: self._res_override = None elif res_override.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._res_override = res_override else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput constructor argument 'res_override' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._res_override.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if completeness_cutoff is None: self._completeness_cutoff = None elif completeness_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._completeness_cutoff = completeness_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput constructor argument 'completeness_cutoff' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._completeness_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if isig_cutoff is None: self._isig_cutoff = None elif isig_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._isig_cutoff = isig_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput constructor argument 'isig_cutoff' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._isig_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if r_value_cutoff is None: self._r_value_cutoff = None elif r_value_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._r_value_cutoff = r_value_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput constructor argument 'r_value_cutoff' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._r_value_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if cc_half_cutoff is None: self._cc_half_cutoff = None elif cc_half_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cc_half_cutoff = cc_half_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput constructor argument 'cc_half_cutoff' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._cc_half_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if data_collection_id is None: self._data_collection_id = None elif data_collection_id.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._data_collection_id = data_collection_id else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput constructor argument 'data_collection_id' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._data_collection_id.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if detector_max_res is None: self._detector_max_res = None elif detector_max_res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._detector_max_res = detector_max_res else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput constructor argument 'detector_max_res' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._detector_max_res.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if low_resolution_limit is None: self._low_resolution_limit = None elif low_resolution_limit.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._low_resolution_limit = low_resolution_limit else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput constructor argument 'low_resolution_limit' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._low_resolution_limit.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if nres is None: self._nres = None elif nres.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._nres = nres else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput constructor argument 'nres' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._nres.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if spacegroup is None: self._spacegroup = None elif spacegroup.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._spacegroup = spacegroup else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput constructor argument 'spacegroup' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._spacegroup.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if unit_cell is None: self._unit_cell = None elif unit_cell.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._unit_cell = unit_cell else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput constructor argument 'unit_cell' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._unit_cell.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if output_file is None: self._output_file = None elif output_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataFile": self._output_file = output_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput constructor argument 'output_file' is not XSDataFile but %s" % self._output_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'input_file' attribute def getInput_file(self): return self._input_file def setInput_file(self, input_file): if input_file is None: self._input_file = None elif input_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataFile": self._input_file = input_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput.setInput_file argument is not XSDataFile but %s" % input_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delInput_file(self): self._input_file = None input_file = property( getInput_file, setInput_file, delInput_file, "Property for input_file" ) # Methods and properties for the 'res_override' attribute def getRes_override(self): return self._res_override def setRes_override(self, res_override): if res_override is None: self._res_override = None elif res_override.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._res_override = res_override else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput.setRes_override argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % res_override.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delRes_override(self): self._res_override = None res_override = property( getRes_override, setRes_override, delRes_override, "Property for res_override" ) # Methods and properties for the 'completeness_cutoff' attribute def getCompleteness_cutoff(self): return self._completeness_cutoff def setCompleteness_cutoff(self, completeness_cutoff): if completeness_cutoff is None: self._completeness_cutoff = None elif completeness_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._completeness_cutoff = completeness_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput.setCompleteness_cutoff argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % completeness_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCompleteness_cutoff(self): self._completeness_cutoff = None completeness_cutoff = property( getCompleteness_cutoff, setCompleteness_cutoff, delCompleteness_cutoff, "Property for completeness_cutoff", ) # Methods and properties for the 'isig_cutoff' attribute def getIsig_cutoff(self): return self._isig_cutoff def setIsig_cutoff(self, isig_cutoff): if isig_cutoff is None: self._isig_cutoff = None elif isig_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._isig_cutoff = isig_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput.setIsig_cutoff argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % isig_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delIsig_cutoff(self): self._isig_cutoff = None isig_cutoff = property( getIsig_cutoff, setIsig_cutoff, delIsig_cutoff, "Property for isig_cutoff" ) # Methods and properties for the 'r_value_cutoff' attribute def getR_value_cutoff(self): return self._r_value_cutoff def setR_value_cutoff(self, r_value_cutoff): if r_value_cutoff is None: self._r_value_cutoff = None elif r_value_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._r_value_cutoff = r_value_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput.setR_value_cutoff argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % r_value_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delR_value_cutoff(self): self._r_value_cutoff = None r_value_cutoff = property( getR_value_cutoff, setR_value_cutoff, delR_value_cutoff, "Property for r_value_cutoff", ) # Methods and properties for the 'cc_half_cutoff' attribute def getCc_half_cutoff(self): return self._cc_half_cutoff def setCc_half_cutoff(self, cc_half_cutoff): if cc_half_cutoff is None: self._cc_half_cutoff = None elif cc_half_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cc_half_cutoff = cc_half_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput.setCc_half_cutoff argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % cc_half_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCc_half_cutoff(self): self._cc_half_cutoff = None cc_half_cutoff = property( getCc_half_cutoff, setCc_half_cutoff, delCc_half_cutoff, "Property for cc_half_cutoff", ) # Methods and properties for the 'data_collection_id' attribute def getData_collection_id(self): return self._data_collection_id def setData_collection_id(self, data_collection_id): if data_collection_id is None: self._data_collection_id = None elif data_collection_id.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._data_collection_id = data_collection_id else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput.setData_collection_id argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % data_collection_id.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delData_collection_id(self): self._data_collection_id = None data_collection_id = property( getData_collection_id, setData_collection_id, delData_collection_id, "Property for data_collection_id", ) # Methods and properties for the 'detector_max_res' attribute def getDetector_max_res(self): return self._detector_max_res def setDetector_max_res(self, detector_max_res): if detector_max_res is None: self._detector_max_res = None elif detector_max_res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._detector_max_res = detector_max_res else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput.setDetector_max_res argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % detector_max_res.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delDetector_max_res(self): self._detector_max_res = None detector_max_res = property( getDetector_max_res, setDetector_max_res, delDetector_max_res, "Property for detector_max_res", ) # Methods and properties for the 'low_resolution_limit' attribute def getLow_resolution_limit(self): return self._low_resolution_limit def setLow_resolution_limit(self, low_resolution_limit): if low_resolution_limit is None: self._low_resolution_limit = None elif low_resolution_limit.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._low_resolution_limit = low_resolution_limit else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput.setLow_resolution_limit argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % low_resolution_limit.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delLow_resolution_limit(self): self._low_resolution_limit = None low_resolution_limit = property( getLow_resolution_limit, setLow_resolution_limit, delLow_resolution_limit, "Property for low_resolution_limit", ) # Methods and properties for the 'nres' attribute def getNres(self): return self._nres def setNres(self, nres): if nres is None: self._nres = None elif nres.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._nres = nres else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput.setNres argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % nres.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delNres(self): self._nres = None nres = property(getNres, setNres, delNres, "Property for nres") # Methods and properties for the 'spacegroup' attribute def getSpacegroup(self): return self._spacegroup def setSpacegroup(self, spacegroup): if spacegroup is None: self._spacegroup = None elif spacegroup.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._spacegroup = spacegroup else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput.setSpacegroup argument is not XSDataString but %s" % spacegroup.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delSpacegroup(self): self._spacegroup = None spacegroup = property( getSpacegroup, setSpacegroup, delSpacegroup, "Property for spacegroup" ) # Methods and properties for the 'unit_cell' attribute def getUnit_cell(self): return self._unit_cell def setUnit_cell(self, unit_cell): if unit_cell is None: self._unit_cell = None elif unit_cell.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._unit_cell = unit_cell else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput.setUnit_cell argument is not XSDataString but %s" % unit_cell.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delUnit_cell(self): self._unit_cell = None unit_cell = property( getUnit_cell, setUnit_cell, delUnit_cell, "Property for unit_cell" ) # Methods and properties for the 'output_file' attribute def getOutput_file(self): return self._output_file def setOutput_file(self, output_file): if output_file is None: self._output_file = None elif output_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataFile": self._output_file = output_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput.setOutput_file argument is not XSDataFile but %s" % output_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delOutput_file(self): self._output_file = None output_file = property( getOutput_file, setOutput_file, delOutput_file, "Property for output_file" ) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataAutoprocInput"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataAutoprocInput"): XSDataInput.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._input_file is not None: self.input_file.export(outfile, level, name_="input_file") else: warnEmptyAttribute("input_file", "XSDataFile") if self._res_override is not None: self.res_override.export(outfile, level, name_="res_override") if self._completeness_cutoff is not None: self.completeness_cutoff.export(outfile, level, name_="completeness_cutoff") if self._isig_cutoff is not None: self.isig_cutoff.export(outfile, level, name_="isig_cutoff") if self._r_value_cutoff is not None: self.r_value_cutoff.export(outfile, level, name_="r_value_cutoff") if self._cc_half_cutoff is not None: self.cc_half_cutoff.export(outfile, level, name_="cc_half_cutoff") if self._data_collection_id is not None: self.data_collection_id.export(outfile, level, name_="data_collection_id") if self._detector_max_res is not None: self.detector_max_res.export(outfile, level, name_="detector_max_res") if self._low_resolution_limit is not None: self.low_resolution_limit.export( outfile, level, name_="low_resolution_limit" ) if self._nres is not None: self.nres.export(outfile, level, name_="nres") if self._spacegroup is not None: self.spacegroup.export(outfile, level, name_="spacegroup") if self._unit_cell is not None: self.unit_cell.export(outfile, level, name_="unit_cell") if self._output_file is not None: self.output_file.export(outfile, level, name_="output_file") else: warnEmptyAttribute("output_file", "XSDataFile") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "input_file": obj_ = XSDataFile() self.setInput_file(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "res_override": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setRes_override(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "completeness_cutoff" ): obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setCompleteness_cutoff(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "isig_cutoff": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setIsig_cutoff(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "r_value_cutoff": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setR_value_cutoff(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "cc_half_cutoff": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setCc_half_cutoff(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "data_collection_id": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setData_collection_id(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "detector_max_res": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setDetector_max_res(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "low_resolution_limit" ): obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setLow_resolution_limit(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "nres": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setNres(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "spacegroup": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setSpacegroup(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "unit_cell": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setUnit_cell(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "output_file": obj_ = XSDataFile() self.setOutput_file(obj_) XSDataInput.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataAutoprocInput") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataAutoprocInput") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataAutoprocInput is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataAutoprocInput.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataAutoprocInput() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataAutoprocInput") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataAutoprocInput() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataAutoprocInput
[docs]class XSDataFileConversion(XSDataInput): def __init__( self, configuration=None, image_prefix=None, anom=None, nres=None, res=None, end_image=None, start_image=None, dataCollectionID=None, output_file=None, input_file=None, ): XSDataInput.__init__(self, configuration) if input_file is None: self._input_file = None elif input_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._input_file = input_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion constructor argument 'input_file' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._input_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if output_file is None: self._output_file = None elif output_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._output_file = output_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion constructor argument 'output_file' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._output_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if dataCollectionID is None: self._dataCollectionID = None elif dataCollectionID.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._dataCollectionID = dataCollectionID else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion constructor argument 'dataCollectionID' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._dataCollectionID.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if start_image is None: self._start_image = None elif start_image.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._start_image = start_image else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion constructor argument 'start_image' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._start_image.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if end_image is None: self._end_image = None elif end_image.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._end_image = end_image else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion constructor argument 'end_image' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._end_image.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if res is None: self._res = None elif res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._res = res else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion constructor argument 'res' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._res.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if nres is None: self._nres = None elif nres.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._nres = nres else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion constructor argument 'nres' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._nres.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if anom is None: self._anom = None elif anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataBoolean": self._anom = anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion constructor argument 'anom' is not XSDataBoolean but %s" % self._anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if image_prefix is None: self._image_prefix = None elif image_prefix.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._image_prefix = image_prefix else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion constructor argument 'image_prefix' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._image_prefix.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'input_file' attribute def getInput_file(self): return self._input_file def setInput_file(self, input_file): if input_file is None: self._input_file = None elif input_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._input_file = input_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion.setInput_file argument is not XSDataString but %s" % input_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delInput_file(self): self._input_file = None input_file = property( getInput_file, setInput_file, delInput_file, "Property for input_file" ) # Methods and properties for the 'output_file' attribute def getOutput_file(self): return self._output_file def setOutput_file(self, output_file): if output_file is None: self._output_file = None elif output_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._output_file = output_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion.setOutput_file argument is not XSDataString but %s" % output_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delOutput_file(self): self._output_file = None output_file = property( getOutput_file, setOutput_file, delOutput_file, "Property for output_file" ) # Methods and properties for the 'dataCollectionID' attribute def getDataCollectionID(self): return self._dataCollectionID def setDataCollectionID(self, dataCollectionID): if dataCollectionID is None: self._dataCollectionID = None elif dataCollectionID.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._dataCollectionID = dataCollectionID else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion.setDataCollectionID argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % dataCollectionID.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delDataCollectionID(self): self._dataCollectionID = None dataCollectionID = property( getDataCollectionID, setDataCollectionID, delDataCollectionID, "Property for dataCollectionID", ) # Methods and properties for the 'start_image' attribute def getStart_image(self): return self._start_image def setStart_image(self, start_image): if start_image is None: self._start_image = None elif start_image.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._start_image = start_image else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion.setStart_image argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % start_image.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delStart_image(self): self._start_image = None start_image = property( getStart_image, setStart_image, delStart_image, "Property for start_image" ) # Methods and properties for the 'end_image' attribute def getEnd_image(self): return self._end_image def setEnd_image(self, end_image): if end_image is None: self._end_image = None elif end_image.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._end_image = end_image else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion.setEnd_image argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % end_image.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delEnd_image(self): self._end_image = None end_image = property( getEnd_image, setEnd_image, delEnd_image, "Property for end_image" ) # Methods and properties for the 'res' attribute def getRes(self): return self._res def setRes(self, res): if res is None: self._res = None elif res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._res = res else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion.setRes argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % res.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delRes(self): self._res = None res = property(getRes, setRes, delRes, "Property for res") # Methods and properties for the 'nres' attribute def getNres(self): return self._nres def setNres(self, nres): if nres is None: self._nres = None elif nres.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._nres = nres else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion.setNres argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % nres.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delNres(self): self._nres = None nres = property(getNres, setNres, delNres, "Property for nres") # Methods and properties for the 'anom' attribute def getAnom(self): return self._anom def setAnom(self, anom): if anom is None: self._anom = None elif anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataBoolean": self._anom = anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion.setAnom argument is not XSDataBoolean but %s" % anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delAnom(self): self._anom = None anom = property(getAnom, setAnom, delAnom, "Property for anom") # Methods and properties for the 'image_prefix' attribute def getImage_prefix(self): return self._image_prefix def setImage_prefix(self, image_prefix): if image_prefix is None: self._image_prefix = None elif image_prefix.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._image_prefix = image_prefix else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion.setImage_prefix argument is not XSDataString but %s" % image_prefix.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delImage_prefix(self): self._image_prefix = None image_prefix = property( getImage_prefix, setImage_prefix, delImage_prefix, "Property for image_prefix" ) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataFileConversion"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataFileConversion"): XSDataInput.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._input_file is not None: self.input_file.export(outfile, level, name_="input_file") else: warnEmptyAttribute("input_file", "XSDataString") if self._output_file is not None: self.output_file.export(outfile, level, name_="output_file") else: warnEmptyAttribute("output_file", "XSDataString") if self._dataCollectionID is not None: self.dataCollectionID.export(outfile, level, name_="dataCollectionID") else: warnEmptyAttribute("dataCollectionID", "XSDataInteger") if self._start_image is not None: self.start_image.export(outfile, level, name_="start_image") else: warnEmptyAttribute("start_image", "XSDataInteger") if self._end_image is not None: self.end_image.export(outfile, level, name_="end_image") else: warnEmptyAttribute("end_image", "XSDataInteger") if self._res is not None: self.res.export(outfile, level, name_="res") else: warnEmptyAttribute("res", "XSDataDouble") if self._nres is not None: self.nres.export(outfile, level, name_="nres") else: warnEmptyAttribute("nres", "XSDataDouble") if self._anom is not None: self.anom.export(outfile, level, name_="anom") else: warnEmptyAttribute("anom", "XSDataBoolean") if self._image_prefix is not None: self.image_prefix.export(outfile, level, name_="image_prefix") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "input_file": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setInput_file(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "output_file": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setOutput_file(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "dataCollectionID": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setDataCollectionID(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "start_image": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setStart_image(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "end_image": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setEnd_image(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "res": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setRes(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "nres": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setNres(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "anom": obj_ = XSDataBoolean() self.setAnom(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "image_prefix": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setImage_prefix(obj_) XSDataInput.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataFileConversion") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataFileConversion") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataFileConversion is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataFileConversion.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataFileConversion() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataFileConversion") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataFileConversion() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataFileConversion
[docs]class XSDataFileConversionOut(XSDataResult): def __init__( self, status=None, aimless_log=None, pointless_sgstring=None, pointless_sgnumber=None, ): XSDataResult.__init__(self, status) if pointless_sgnumber is None: self._pointless_sgnumber = None elif pointless_sgnumber.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._pointless_sgnumber = pointless_sgnumber else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversionOut constructor argument 'pointless_sgnumber' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._pointless_sgnumber.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if pointless_sgstring is None: self._pointless_sgstring = None elif pointless_sgstring.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._pointless_sgstring = pointless_sgstring else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversionOut constructor argument 'pointless_sgstring' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._pointless_sgstring.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if aimless_log is None: self._aimless_log = None elif aimless_log.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._aimless_log = aimless_log else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversionOut constructor argument 'aimless_log' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._aimless_log.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'pointless_sgnumber' attribute def getPointless_sgnumber(self): return self._pointless_sgnumber def setPointless_sgnumber(self, pointless_sgnumber): if pointless_sgnumber is None: self._pointless_sgnumber = None elif pointless_sgnumber.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._pointless_sgnumber = pointless_sgnumber else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversionOut.setPointless_sgnumber argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % pointless_sgnumber.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delPointless_sgnumber(self): self._pointless_sgnumber = None pointless_sgnumber = property( getPointless_sgnumber, setPointless_sgnumber, delPointless_sgnumber, "Property for pointless_sgnumber", ) # Methods and properties for the 'pointless_sgstring' attribute def getPointless_sgstring(self): return self._pointless_sgstring def setPointless_sgstring(self, pointless_sgstring): if pointless_sgstring is None: self._pointless_sgstring = None elif pointless_sgstring.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._pointless_sgstring = pointless_sgstring else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversionOut.setPointless_sgstring argument is not XSDataString but %s" % pointless_sgstring.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delPointless_sgstring(self): self._pointless_sgstring = None pointless_sgstring = property( getPointless_sgstring, setPointless_sgstring, delPointless_sgstring, "Property for pointless_sgstring", ) # Methods and properties for the 'aimless_log' attribute def getAimless_log(self): return self._aimless_log def setAimless_log(self, aimless_log): if aimless_log is None: self._aimless_log = None elif aimless_log.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._aimless_log = aimless_log else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversionOut.setAimless_log argument is not XSDataString but %s" % aimless_log.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delAimless_log(self): self._aimless_log = None aimless_log = property( getAimless_log, setAimless_log, delAimless_log, "Property for aimless_log" ) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataFileConversionOut"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataFileConversionOut"): XSDataResult.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._pointless_sgnumber is not None: self.pointless_sgnumber.export(outfile, level, name_="pointless_sgnumber") else: warnEmptyAttribute("pointless_sgnumber", "XSDataInteger") if self._pointless_sgstring is not None: self.pointless_sgstring.export(outfile, level, name_="pointless_sgstring") else: warnEmptyAttribute("pointless_sgstring", "XSDataString") if self._aimless_log is not None: self.aimless_log.export(outfile, level, name_="aimless_log") else: warnEmptyAttribute("aimless_log", "XSDataString") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "pointless_sgnumber": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setPointless_sgnumber(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "pointless_sgstring": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setPointless_sgstring(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "aimless_log": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setAimless_log(obj_) XSDataResult.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataFileConversionOut") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataFileConversionOut") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataFileConversionOut is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataFileConversionOut.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataFileConversionOut() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataFileConversionOut") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataFileConversionOut() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataFileConversionOut
[docs]class XSDataInputControlDimple(XSDataInput): def __init__( self, configuration=None, pdbDirectory=None, pyarchPath=None, mtzFile=None, dataCollectionId=None, ): XSDataInput.__init__(self, configuration) if dataCollectionId is None: self._dataCollectionId = None elif dataCollectionId.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._dataCollectionId = dataCollectionId else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataInputControlDimple constructor argument 'dataCollectionId' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._dataCollectionId.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if mtzFile is None: self._mtzFile = None elif mtzFile.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataFile": self._mtzFile = mtzFile else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataInputControlDimple constructor argument 'mtzFile' is not XSDataFile but %s" % self._mtzFile.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if pyarchPath is None: self._pyarchPath = None elif pyarchPath.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataFile": self._pyarchPath = pyarchPath else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataInputControlDimple constructor argument 'pyarchPath' is not XSDataFile but %s" % self._pyarchPath.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if pdbDirectory is None: self._pdbDirectory = None elif pdbDirectory.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataFile": self._pdbDirectory = pdbDirectory else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataInputControlDimple constructor argument 'pdbDirectory' is not XSDataFile but %s" % self._pdbDirectory.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'dataCollectionId' attribute def getDataCollectionId(self): return self._dataCollectionId def setDataCollectionId(self, dataCollectionId): if dataCollectionId is None: self._dataCollectionId = None elif dataCollectionId.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._dataCollectionId = dataCollectionId else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataInputControlDimple.setDataCollectionId argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % dataCollectionId.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delDataCollectionId(self): self._dataCollectionId = None dataCollectionId = property( getDataCollectionId, setDataCollectionId, delDataCollectionId, "Property for dataCollectionId", ) # Methods and properties for the 'mtzFile' attribute def getMtzFile(self): return self._mtzFile def setMtzFile(self, mtzFile): if mtzFile is None: self._mtzFile = None elif mtzFile.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataFile": self._mtzFile = mtzFile else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataInputControlDimple.setMtzFile argument is not XSDataFile but %s" % mtzFile.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delMtzFile(self): self._mtzFile = None mtzFile = property(getMtzFile, setMtzFile, delMtzFile, "Property for mtzFile") # Methods and properties for the 'pyarchPath' attribute def getPyarchPath(self): return self._pyarchPath def setPyarchPath(self, pyarchPath): if pyarchPath is None: self._pyarchPath = None elif pyarchPath.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataFile": self._pyarchPath = pyarchPath else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataInputControlDimple.setPyarchPath argument is not XSDataFile but %s" % pyarchPath.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delPyarchPath(self): self._pyarchPath = None pyarchPath = property( getPyarchPath, setPyarchPath, delPyarchPath, "Property for pyarchPath" ) # Methods and properties for the 'pdbDirectory' attribute def getPdbDirectory(self): return self._pdbDirectory def setPdbDirectory(self, pdbDirectory): if pdbDirectory is None: self._pdbDirectory = None elif pdbDirectory.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataFile": self._pdbDirectory = pdbDirectory else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataInputControlDimple.setPdbDirectory argument is not XSDataFile but %s" % pdbDirectory.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delPdbDirectory(self): self._pdbDirectory = None pdbDirectory = property( getPdbDirectory, setPdbDirectory, delPdbDirectory, "Property for pdbDirectory" ) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataInputControlDimple"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataInputControlDimple"): XSDataInput.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._dataCollectionId is not None: self.dataCollectionId.export(outfile, level, name_="dataCollectionId") else: warnEmptyAttribute("dataCollectionId", "XSDataInteger") if self._mtzFile is not None: self.mtzFile.export(outfile, level, name_="mtzFile") else: warnEmptyAttribute("mtzFile", "XSDataFile") if self._pyarchPath is not None: self.pyarchPath.export(outfile, level, name_="pyarchPath") else: warnEmptyAttribute("pyarchPath", "XSDataFile") if self._pdbDirectory is not None: self.pdbDirectory.export(outfile, level, name_="pdbDirectory") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "dataCollectionId": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setDataCollectionId(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "mtzFile": obj_ = XSDataFile() self.setMtzFile(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "pyarchPath": obj_ = XSDataFile() self.setPyarchPath(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "pdbDirectory": obj_ = XSDataFile() self.setPdbDirectory(obj_) XSDataInput.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataInputControlDimple") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataInputControlDimple") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataInputControlDimple is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataInputControlDimple.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataInputControlDimple() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataInputControlDimple") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataInputControlDimple() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataInputControlDimple
[docs]class XSDataMinimalXdsIn(XSDataInput): def __init__( self, configuration=None, unit_cell=None, spacegroup=None, spot_range=None, resolution_range=None, friedels_law=None, maxjobs=None, maxproc=None, job=None, input_file=None, ): XSDataInput.__init__(self, configuration) if input_file is None: self._input_file = None elif input_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._input_file = input_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn constructor argument 'input_file' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._input_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if job is None: self._job = None elif job.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._job = job else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn constructor argument 'job' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._job.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if maxproc is None: self._maxproc = None elif maxproc.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._maxproc = maxproc else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn constructor argument 'maxproc' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._maxproc.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if maxjobs is None: self._maxjobs = None elif maxjobs.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._maxjobs = maxjobs else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn constructor argument 'maxjobs' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._maxjobs.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if friedels_law is None: self._friedels_law = None elif friedels_law.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataBoolean": self._friedels_law = friedels_law else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn constructor argument 'friedels_law' is not XSDataBoolean but %s" % self._friedels_law.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if resolution_range is None: self._resolution_range = [] elif resolution_range.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._resolution_range = resolution_range else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn constructor argument 'resolution_range' is not list but %s" % self._resolution_range.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if spot_range is None: self._spot_range = [] elif spot_range.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._spot_range = spot_range else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn constructor argument 'spot_range' is not list but %s" % self._spot_range.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if spacegroup is None: self._spacegroup = None elif spacegroup.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._spacegroup = spacegroup else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn constructor argument 'spacegroup' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._spacegroup.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if unit_cell is None: self._unit_cell = None elif unit_cell.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._unit_cell = unit_cell else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn constructor argument 'unit_cell' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._unit_cell.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'input_file' attribute def getInput_file(self): return self._input_file def setInput_file(self, input_file): if input_file is None: self._input_file = None elif input_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._input_file = input_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.setInput_file argument is not XSDataString but %s" % input_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delInput_file(self): self._input_file = None input_file = property( getInput_file, setInput_file, delInput_file, "Property for input_file" ) # Methods and properties for the 'job' attribute def getJob(self): return self._job def setJob(self, job): if job is None: self._job = None elif job.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._job = job else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.setJob argument is not XSDataString but %s" % job.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delJob(self): self._job = None job = property(getJob, setJob, delJob, "Property for job") # Methods and properties for the 'maxproc' attribute def getMaxproc(self): return self._maxproc def setMaxproc(self, maxproc): if maxproc is None: self._maxproc = None elif maxproc.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._maxproc = maxproc else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.setMaxproc argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % maxproc.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delMaxproc(self): self._maxproc = None maxproc = property(getMaxproc, setMaxproc, delMaxproc, "Property for maxproc") # Methods and properties for the 'maxjobs' attribute def getMaxjobs(self): return self._maxjobs def setMaxjobs(self, maxjobs): if maxjobs is None: self._maxjobs = None elif maxjobs.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._maxjobs = maxjobs else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.setMaxjobs argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % maxjobs.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delMaxjobs(self): self._maxjobs = None maxjobs = property(getMaxjobs, setMaxjobs, delMaxjobs, "Property for maxjobs") # Methods and properties for the 'friedels_law' attribute def getFriedels_law(self): return self._friedels_law def setFriedels_law(self, friedels_law): if friedels_law is None: self._friedels_law = None elif friedels_law.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataBoolean": self._friedels_law = friedels_law else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.setFriedels_law argument is not XSDataBoolean but %s" % friedels_law.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delFriedels_law(self): self._friedels_law = None friedels_law = property( getFriedels_law, setFriedels_law, delFriedels_law, "Property for friedels_law" ) # Methods and properties for the 'resolution_range' attribute def getResolution_range(self): return self._resolution_range def setResolution_range(self, resolution_range): if resolution_range is None: self._resolution_range = [] elif resolution_range.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._resolution_range = resolution_range else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.setResolution_range argument is not list but %s" % resolution_range.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delResolution_range(self): self._resolution_range = None resolution_range = property( getResolution_range, setResolution_range, delResolution_range, "Property for resolution_range", ) def addResolution_range(self, value): if value is None: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.addResolution_range argument is None" ) raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._resolution_range.append(value) else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.addResolution_range argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def insertResolution_range(self, index, value): if index is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.insertResolution_range argument 'index' is None" raise Exception(strMessage) if value is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.insertResolution_range argument 'value' is None" raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._resolution_range[index] = value else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.addResolution_range argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'spot_range' attribute def getSpot_range(self): return self._spot_range def setSpot_range(self, spot_range): if spot_range is None: self._spot_range = [] elif spot_range.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._spot_range = spot_range else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.setSpot_range argument is not list but %s" % spot_range.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delSpot_range(self): self._spot_range = None spot_range = property( getSpot_range, setSpot_range, delSpot_range, "Property for spot_range" ) def addSpot_range(self, value): if value is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.addSpot_range argument is None" raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataRange": self._spot_range.append(value) else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.addSpot_range argument is not XSDataRange but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def insertSpot_range(self, index, value): if index is None: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.insertSpot_range argument 'index' is None" ) raise Exception(strMessage) if value is None: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.insertSpot_range argument 'value' is None" ) raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataRange": self._spot_range[index] = value else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.addSpot_range argument is not XSDataRange but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'spacegroup' attribute def getSpacegroup(self): return self._spacegroup def setSpacegroup(self, spacegroup): if spacegroup is None: self._spacegroup = None elif spacegroup.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._spacegroup = spacegroup else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.setSpacegroup argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % spacegroup.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delSpacegroup(self): self._spacegroup = None spacegroup = property( getSpacegroup, setSpacegroup, delSpacegroup, "Property for spacegroup" ) # Methods and properties for the 'unit_cell' attribute def getUnit_cell(self): return self._unit_cell def setUnit_cell(self, unit_cell): if unit_cell is None: self._unit_cell = None elif unit_cell.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._unit_cell = unit_cell else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.setUnit_cell argument is not XSDataString but %s" % unit_cell.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delUnit_cell(self): self._unit_cell = None unit_cell = property( getUnit_cell, setUnit_cell, delUnit_cell, "Property for unit_cell" ) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataMinimalXdsIn"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataMinimalXdsIn"): XSDataInput.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._input_file is not None: self.input_file.export(outfile, level, name_="input_file") else: warnEmptyAttribute("input_file", "XSDataString") if self._job is not None: self.job.export(outfile, level, name_="job") if self._maxproc is not None: self.maxproc.export(outfile, level, name_="maxproc") if self._maxjobs is not None: self.maxjobs.export(outfile, level, name_="maxjobs") if self._friedels_law is not None: self.friedels_law.export(outfile, level, name_="friedels_law") for resolution_range_ in self.getResolution_range(): resolution_range_.export(outfile, level, name_="resolution_range") for spot_range_ in self.getSpot_range(): spot_range_.export(outfile, level, name_="spot_range") if self._spacegroup is not None: self.spacegroup.export(outfile, level, name_="spacegroup") if self._unit_cell is not None: self.unit_cell.export(outfile, level, name_="unit_cell") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "input_file": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setInput_file(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "job": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setJob(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "maxproc": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setMaxproc(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "maxjobs": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setMaxjobs(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "friedels_law": obj_ = XSDataBoolean() self.setFriedels_law(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "resolution_range": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.resolution_range.append(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "spot_range": obj_ = XSDataRange() self.spot_range.append(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "spacegroup": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setSpacegroup(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "unit_cell": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setUnit_cell(obj_) XSDataInput.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataMinimalXdsIn") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataMinimalXdsIn") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataMinimalXdsIn is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataMinimalXdsIn.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataMinimalXdsIn() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataMinimalXdsIn") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataMinimalXdsIn() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataMinimalXdsIn
[docs]class XSDataMinimalXdsOut(XSDataResult): def __init__(self, status=None, succeeded=None): XSDataResult.__init__(self, status) if succeeded is None: self._succeeded = None elif succeeded.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataBoolean": self._succeeded = succeeded else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsOut constructor argument 'succeeded' is not XSDataBoolean but %s" % self._succeeded.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'succeeded' attribute def getSucceeded(self): return self._succeeded def setSucceeded(self, succeeded): if succeeded is None: self._succeeded = None elif succeeded.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataBoolean": self._succeeded = succeeded else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsOut.setSucceeded argument is not XSDataBoolean but %s" % succeeded.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delSucceeded(self): self._succeeded = None succeeded = property( getSucceeded, setSucceeded, delSucceeded, "Property for succeeded" ) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataMinimalXdsOut"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataMinimalXdsOut"): XSDataResult.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._succeeded is not None: self.succeeded.export(outfile, level, name_="succeeded") else: warnEmptyAttribute("succeeded", "XSDataBoolean") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "succeeded": obj_ = XSDataBoolean() self.setSucceeded(obj_) XSDataResult.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataMinimalXdsOut") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataMinimalXdsOut") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataMinimalXdsOut is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataMinimalXdsOut.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataMinimalXdsOut() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataMinimalXdsOut") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataMinimalXdsOut() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataMinimalXdsOut
[docs]class XSDataXdsOutput(XSDataResult): def __init__( self, status=None, xds_run_directory=None, sg_number=None, unit_cell_constants=None, cell_gamma=None, cell_beta=None, cell_alpha=None, cell_c=None, cell_b=None, cell_a=None, coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis=None, coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis=None, coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis=None, crystal_to_detector_distance=None, detector_origin=None, direct_beam_detector_coordinates=None, direct_beam_coordinates=None, crystal_mosaicity=None, total_completeness=None, completeness_entries=None, ): XSDataResult.__init__(self, status) if completeness_entries is None: self._completeness_entries = [] elif completeness_entries.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._completeness_entries = completeness_entries else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'completeness_entries' is not list but %s" % self._completeness_entries.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if total_completeness is None: self._total_completeness = None elif total_completeness.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry": self._total_completeness = total_completeness else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'total_completeness' is not XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry but %s" % self._total_completeness.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if crystal_mosaicity is None: self._crystal_mosaicity = None elif crystal_mosaicity.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._crystal_mosaicity = crystal_mosaicity else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'crystal_mosaicity' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._crystal_mosaicity.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if direct_beam_coordinates is None: self._direct_beam_coordinates = None elif direct_beam_coordinates.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataVectorDouble": self._direct_beam_coordinates = direct_beam_coordinates else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'direct_beam_coordinates' is not XSDataVectorDouble but %s" % self._direct_beam_coordinates.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if direct_beam_detector_coordinates is None: self._direct_beam_detector_coordinates = None elif ( direct_beam_detector_coordinates.__class__.__name__ == "XSData2DCoordinates" ): self._direct_beam_detector_coordinates = direct_beam_detector_coordinates else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'direct_beam_detector_coordinates' is not XSData2DCoordinates but %s" % self._direct_beam_detector_coordinates.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if detector_origin is None: self._detector_origin = None elif detector_origin.__class__.__name__ == "XSData2DCoordinates": self._detector_origin = detector_origin else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'detector_origin' is not XSData2DCoordinates but %s" % self._detector_origin.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if crystal_to_detector_distance is None: self._crystal_to_detector_distance = None elif crystal_to_detector_distance.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._crystal_to_detector_distance = crystal_to_detector_distance else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'crystal_to_detector_distance' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._crystal_to_detector_distance.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis is None: self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis = None elif coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataVectorDouble": self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis = coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis' is not XSDataVectorDouble but %s" % self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis is None: self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis = None elif coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataVectorDouble": self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis = coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis' is not XSDataVectorDouble but %s" % self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis is None: self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis = None elif coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataVectorDouble": self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis = coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis' is not XSDataVectorDouble but %s" % self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if cell_a is None: self._cell_a = None elif cell_a.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cell_a = cell_a else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'cell_a' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._cell_a.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if cell_b is None: self._cell_b = None elif cell_b.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cell_b = cell_b else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'cell_b' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._cell_b.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if cell_c is None: self._cell_c = None elif cell_c.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cell_c = cell_c else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'cell_c' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._cell_c.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if cell_alpha is None: self._cell_alpha = None elif cell_alpha.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cell_alpha = cell_alpha else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'cell_alpha' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._cell_alpha.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if cell_beta is None: self._cell_beta = None elif cell_beta.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cell_beta = cell_beta else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'cell_beta' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._cell_beta.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if cell_gamma is None: self._cell_gamma = None elif cell_gamma.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cell_gamma = cell_gamma else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'cell_gamma' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._cell_gamma.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if unit_cell_constants is None: self._unit_cell_constants = [] elif unit_cell_constants.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._unit_cell_constants = unit_cell_constants else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'unit_cell_constants' is not list but %s" % self._unit_cell_constants.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if sg_number is None: self._sg_number = None elif sg_number.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._sg_number = sg_number else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'sg_number' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._sg_number.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if xds_run_directory is None: self._xds_run_directory = None elif xds_run_directory.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._xds_run_directory = xds_run_directory else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'xds_run_directory' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._xds_run_directory.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'completeness_entries' attribute def getCompleteness_entries(self): return self._completeness_entries def setCompleteness_entries(self, completeness_entries): if completeness_entries is None: self._completeness_entries = [] elif completeness_entries.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._completeness_entries = completeness_entries else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setCompleteness_entries argument is not list but %s" % completeness_entries.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCompleteness_entries(self): self._completeness_entries = None completeness_entries = property( getCompleteness_entries, setCompleteness_entries, delCompleteness_entries, "Property for completeness_entries", ) def addCompleteness_entries(self, value): if value is None: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.addCompleteness_entries argument is None" ) raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry": self._completeness_entries.append(value) else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.addCompleteness_entries argument is not XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def insertCompleteness_entries(self, index, value): if index is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.insertCompleteness_entries argument 'index' is None" raise Exception(strMessage) if value is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.insertCompleteness_entries argument 'value' is None" raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry": self._completeness_entries[index] = value else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.addCompleteness_entries argument is not XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'total_completeness' attribute def getTotal_completeness(self): return self._total_completeness def setTotal_completeness(self, total_completeness): if total_completeness is None: self._total_completeness = None elif total_completeness.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry": self._total_completeness = total_completeness else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setTotal_completeness argument is not XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry but %s" % total_completeness.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delTotal_completeness(self): self._total_completeness = None total_completeness = property( getTotal_completeness, setTotal_completeness, delTotal_completeness, "Property for total_completeness", ) # Methods and properties for the 'crystal_mosaicity' attribute def getCrystal_mosaicity(self): return self._crystal_mosaicity def setCrystal_mosaicity(self, crystal_mosaicity): if crystal_mosaicity is None: self._crystal_mosaicity = None elif crystal_mosaicity.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._crystal_mosaicity = crystal_mosaicity else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setCrystal_mosaicity argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % crystal_mosaicity.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCrystal_mosaicity(self): self._crystal_mosaicity = None crystal_mosaicity = property( getCrystal_mosaicity, setCrystal_mosaicity, delCrystal_mosaicity, "Property for crystal_mosaicity", ) # Methods and properties for the 'direct_beam_coordinates' attribute def getDirect_beam_coordinates(self): return self._direct_beam_coordinates def setDirect_beam_coordinates(self, direct_beam_coordinates): if direct_beam_coordinates is None: self._direct_beam_coordinates = None elif direct_beam_coordinates.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataVectorDouble": self._direct_beam_coordinates = direct_beam_coordinates else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setDirect_beam_coordinates argument is not XSDataVectorDouble but %s" % direct_beam_coordinates.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delDirect_beam_coordinates(self): self._direct_beam_coordinates = None direct_beam_coordinates = property( getDirect_beam_coordinates, setDirect_beam_coordinates, delDirect_beam_coordinates, "Property for direct_beam_coordinates", ) # Methods and properties for the 'direct_beam_detector_coordinates' attribute def getDirect_beam_detector_coordinates(self): return self._direct_beam_detector_coordinates def setDirect_beam_detector_coordinates(self, direct_beam_detector_coordinates): if direct_beam_detector_coordinates is None: self._direct_beam_detector_coordinates = None elif ( direct_beam_detector_coordinates.__class__.__name__ == "XSData2DCoordinates" ): self._direct_beam_detector_coordinates = direct_beam_detector_coordinates else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setDirect_beam_detector_coordinates argument is not XSData2DCoordinates but %s" % direct_beam_detector_coordinates.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delDirect_beam_detector_coordinates(self): self._direct_beam_detector_coordinates = None direct_beam_detector_coordinates = property( getDirect_beam_detector_coordinates, setDirect_beam_detector_coordinates, delDirect_beam_detector_coordinates, "Property for direct_beam_detector_coordinates", ) # Methods and properties for the 'detector_origin' attribute def getDetector_origin(self): return self._detector_origin def setDetector_origin(self, detector_origin): if detector_origin is None: self._detector_origin = None elif detector_origin.__class__.__name__ == "XSData2DCoordinates": self._detector_origin = detector_origin else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setDetector_origin argument is not XSData2DCoordinates but %s" % detector_origin.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delDetector_origin(self): self._detector_origin = None detector_origin = property( getDetector_origin, setDetector_origin, delDetector_origin, "Property for detector_origin", ) # Methods and properties for the 'crystal_to_detector_distance' attribute def getCrystal_to_detector_distance(self): return self._crystal_to_detector_distance def setCrystal_to_detector_distance(self, crystal_to_detector_distance): if crystal_to_detector_distance is None: self._crystal_to_detector_distance = None elif crystal_to_detector_distance.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._crystal_to_detector_distance = crystal_to_detector_distance else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setCrystal_to_detector_distance argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % crystal_to_detector_distance.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCrystal_to_detector_distance(self): self._crystal_to_detector_distance = None crystal_to_detector_distance = property( getCrystal_to_detector_distance, setCrystal_to_detector_distance, delCrystal_to_detector_distance, "Property for crystal_to_detector_distance", ) # Methods and properties for the 'coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis' attribute def getCoordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis(self): return self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis def setCoordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis(self, coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis): if coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis is None: self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis = None elif coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataVectorDouble": self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis = coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setCoordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis argument is not XSDataVectorDouble but %s" % coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCoordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis(self): self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis = None coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis = property( getCoordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis, setCoordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis, delCoordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis, "Property for coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis", ) # Methods and properties for the 'coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis' attribute def getCoordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis(self): return self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis def setCoordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis(self, coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis): if coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis is None: self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis = None elif coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataVectorDouble": self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis = coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setCoordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis argument is not XSDataVectorDouble but %s" % coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCoordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis(self): self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis = None coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis = property( getCoordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis, setCoordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis, delCoordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis, "Property for coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis", ) # Methods and properties for the 'coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis' attribute def getCoordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis(self): return self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis def setCoordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis(self, coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis): if coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis is None: self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis = None elif coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataVectorDouble": self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis = coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setCoordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis argument is not XSDataVectorDouble but %s" % coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCoordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis(self): self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis = None coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis = property( getCoordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis, setCoordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis, delCoordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis, "Property for coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis", ) # Methods and properties for the 'cell_a' attribute def getCell_a(self): return self._cell_a def setCell_a(self, cell_a): if cell_a is None: self._cell_a = None elif cell_a.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cell_a = cell_a else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setCell_a argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % cell_a.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCell_a(self): self._cell_a = None cell_a = property(getCell_a, setCell_a, delCell_a, "Property for cell_a") # Methods and properties for the 'cell_b' attribute def getCell_b(self): return self._cell_b def setCell_b(self, cell_b): if cell_b is None: self._cell_b = None elif cell_b.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cell_b = cell_b else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setCell_b argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % cell_b.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCell_b(self): self._cell_b = None cell_b = property(getCell_b, setCell_b, delCell_b, "Property for cell_b") # Methods and properties for the 'cell_c' attribute def getCell_c(self): return self._cell_c def setCell_c(self, cell_c): if cell_c is None: self._cell_c = None elif cell_c.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cell_c = cell_c else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setCell_c argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % cell_c.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCell_c(self): self._cell_c = None cell_c = property(getCell_c, setCell_c, delCell_c, "Property for cell_c") # Methods and properties for the 'cell_alpha' attribute def getCell_alpha(self): return self._cell_alpha def setCell_alpha(self, cell_alpha): if cell_alpha is None: self._cell_alpha = None elif cell_alpha.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cell_alpha = cell_alpha else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setCell_alpha argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % cell_alpha.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCell_alpha(self): self._cell_alpha = None cell_alpha = property( getCell_alpha, setCell_alpha, delCell_alpha, "Property for cell_alpha" ) # Methods and properties for the 'cell_beta' attribute def getCell_beta(self): return self._cell_beta def setCell_beta(self, cell_beta): if cell_beta is None: self._cell_beta = None elif cell_beta.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cell_beta = cell_beta else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setCell_beta argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % cell_beta.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCell_beta(self): self._cell_beta = None cell_beta = property( getCell_beta, setCell_beta, delCell_beta, "Property for cell_beta" ) # Methods and properties for the 'cell_gamma' attribute def getCell_gamma(self): return self._cell_gamma def setCell_gamma(self, cell_gamma): if cell_gamma is None: self._cell_gamma = None elif cell_gamma.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cell_gamma = cell_gamma else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setCell_gamma argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % cell_gamma.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCell_gamma(self): self._cell_gamma = None cell_gamma = property( getCell_gamma, setCell_gamma, delCell_gamma, "Property for cell_gamma" ) # Methods and properties for the 'unit_cell_constants' attribute def getUnit_cell_constants(self): return self._unit_cell_constants def setUnit_cell_constants(self, unit_cell_constants): if unit_cell_constants is None: self._unit_cell_constants = [] elif unit_cell_constants.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._unit_cell_constants = unit_cell_constants else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setUnit_cell_constants argument is not list but %s" % unit_cell_constants.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delUnit_cell_constants(self): self._unit_cell_constants = None unit_cell_constants = property( getUnit_cell_constants, setUnit_cell_constants, delUnit_cell_constants, "Property for unit_cell_constants", ) def addUnit_cell_constants(self, value): if value is None: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.addUnit_cell_constants argument is None" ) raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._unit_cell_constants.append(value) else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.addUnit_cell_constants argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def insertUnit_cell_constants(self, index, value): if index is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.insertUnit_cell_constants argument 'index' is None" raise Exception(strMessage) if value is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.insertUnit_cell_constants argument 'value' is None" raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._unit_cell_constants[index] = value else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.addUnit_cell_constants argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'sg_number' attribute def getSg_number(self): return self._sg_number def setSg_number(self, sg_number): if sg_number is None: self._sg_number = None elif sg_number.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._sg_number = sg_number else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setSg_number argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % sg_number.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delSg_number(self): self._sg_number = None sg_number = property( getSg_number, setSg_number, delSg_number, "Property for sg_number" ) # Methods and properties for the 'xds_run_directory' attribute def getXds_run_directory(self): return self._xds_run_directory def setXds_run_directory(self, xds_run_directory): if xds_run_directory is None: self._xds_run_directory = None elif xds_run_directory.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._xds_run_directory = xds_run_directory else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setXds_run_directory argument is not XSDataString but %s" % xds_run_directory.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delXds_run_directory(self): self._xds_run_directory = None xds_run_directory = property( getXds_run_directory, setXds_run_directory, delXds_run_directory, "Property for xds_run_directory", ) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXdsOutput"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXdsOutput"): XSDataResult.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) for completeness_entries_ in self.getCompleteness_entries(): completeness_entries_.export(outfile, level, name_="completeness_entries") if self.getCompleteness_entries() == []: warnEmptyAttribute("completeness_entries", "XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry") if self._total_completeness is not None: self.total_completeness.export(outfile, level, name_="total_completeness") else: warnEmptyAttribute("total_completeness", "XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry") if self._crystal_mosaicity is not None: self.crystal_mosaicity.export(outfile, level, name_="crystal_mosaicity") else: warnEmptyAttribute("crystal_mosaicity", "XSDataDouble") if self._direct_beam_coordinates is not None: self.direct_beam_coordinates.export( outfile, level, name_="direct_beam_coordinates" ) else: warnEmptyAttribute("direct_beam_coordinates", "XSDataVectorDouble") if self._direct_beam_detector_coordinates is not None: self.direct_beam_detector_coordinates.export( outfile, level, name_="direct_beam_detector_coordinates" ) else: warnEmptyAttribute( "direct_beam_detector_coordinates", "XSData2DCoordinates" ) if self._detector_origin is not None: self.detector_origin.export(outfile, level, name_="detector_origin") else: warnEmptyAttribute("detector_origin", "XSData2DCoordinates") if self._crystal_to_detector_distance is not None: self.crystal_to_detector_distance.export( outfile, level, name_="crystal_to_detector_distance" ) else: warnEmptyAttribute("crystal_to_detector_distance", "XSDataDouble") if self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis is not None: self.coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis.export( outfile, level, name_="coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis" ) else: warnEmptyAttribute("coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis", "XSDataVectorDouble") if self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis is not None: self.coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis.export( outfile, level, name_="coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis" ) else: warnEmptyAttribute("coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis", "XSDataVectorDouble") if self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis is not None: self.coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis.export( outfile, level, name_="coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis" ) else: warnEmptyAttribute("coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis", "XSDataVectorDouble") if self._cell_a is not None: self.cell_a.export(outfile, level, name_="cell_a") else: warnEmptyAttribute("cell_a", "XSDataDouble") if self._cell_b is not None: self.cell_b.export(outfile, level, name_="cell_b") else: warnEmptyAttribute("cell_b", "XSDataDouble") if self._cell_c is not None: self.cell_c.export(outfile, level, name_="cell_c") else: warnEmptyAttribute("cell_c", "XSDataDouble") if self._cell_alpha is not None: self.cell_alpha.export(outfile, level, name_="cell_alpha") else: warnEmptyAttribute("cell_alpha", "XSDataDouble") if self._cell_beta is not None: self.cell_beta.export(outfile, level, name_="cell_beta") else: warnEmptyAttribute("cell_beta", "XSDataDouble") if self._cell_gamma is not None: self.cell_gamma.export(outfile, level, name_="cell_gamma") else: warnEmptyAttribute("cell_gamma", "XSDataDouble") for unit_cell_constants_ in self.getUnit_cell_constants(): unit_cell_constants_.export(outfile, level, name_="unit_cell_constants") if self._sg_number is not None: self.sg_number.export(outfile, level, name_="sg_number") if self._xds_run_directory is not None: self.xds_run_directory.export(outfile, level, name_="xds_run_directory") else: warnEmptyAttribute("xds_run_directory", "XSDataString") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "completeness_entries": obj_ = XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry() self.completeness_entries.append(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "total_completeness": obj_ = XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry() self.setTotal_completeness(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "crystal_mosaicity": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setCrystal_mosaicity(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "direct_beam_coordinates" ): obj_ = XSDataVectorDouble() self.setDirect_beam_coordinates(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "direct_beam_detector_coordinates" ): obj_ = XSData2DCoordinates() self.setDirect_beam_detector_coordinates(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "detector_origin": obj_ = XSData2DCoordinates() self.setDetector_origin(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "crystal_to_detector_distance" ): obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setCrystal_to_detector_distance(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis" ): obj_ = XSDataVectorDouble() self.setCoordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis" ): obj_ = XSDataVectorDouble() self.setCoordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis" ): obj_ = XSDataVectorDouble() self.setCoordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "cell_a": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setCell_a(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "cell_b": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setCell_b(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "cell_c": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setCell_c(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "cell_alpha": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setCell_alpha(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "cell_beta": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setCell_beta(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "cell_gamma": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setCell_gamma(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "unit_cell_constants" ): obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.unit_cell_constants.append(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "sg_number": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setSg_number(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "xds_run_directory": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setXds_run_directory(obj_) XSDataResult.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXdsOutput") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataXdsOutput") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataXdsOutput is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataXdsOutput.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXdsOutput() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXdsOutput") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXdsOutput() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataXdsOutput
[docs]class XSDataResCutoff(XSDataInput): def __init__( self, configuration=None, cc_half_cutoff=None, r_value_cutoff=None, isig_cutoff=None, completeness_cutoff=None, res_override=None, total_completeness=None, detector_max_res=None, completeness_entries=None, xds_res=None, ): XSDataInput.__init__(self, configuration) if xds_res is None: self._xds_res = None elif xds_res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXdsOutput": self._xds_res = xds_res else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff constructor argument 'xds_res' is not XSDataXdsOutput but %s" % self._xds_res.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if completeness_entries is None: self._completeness_entries = [] elif completeness_entries.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._completeness_entries = completeness_entries else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff constructor argument 'completeness_entries' is not list but %s" % self._completeness_entries.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if detector_max_res is None: self._detector_max_res = None elif detector_max_res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._detector_max_res = detector_max_res else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff constructor argument 'detector_max_res' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._detector_max_res.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if total_completeness is None: self._total_completeness = None elif total_completeness.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry": self._total_completeness = total_completeness else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff constructor argument 'total_completeness' is not XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry but %s" % self._total_completeness.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if res_override is None: self._res_override = None elif res_override.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._res_override = res_override else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff constructor argument 'res_override' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._res_override.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if completeness_cutoff is None: self._completeness_cutoff = None elif completeness_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._completeness_cutoff = completeness_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff constructor argument 'completeness_cutoff' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._completeness_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if isig_cutoff is None: self._isig_cutoff = None elif isig_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._isig_cutoff = isig_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff constructor argument 'isig_cutoff' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._isig_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if r_value_cutoff is None: self._r_value_cutoff = None elif r_value_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._r_value_cutoff = r_value_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff constructor argument 'r_value_cutoff' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._r_value_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if cc_half_cutoff is None: self._cc_half_cutoff = None elif cc_half_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cc_half_cutoff = cc_half_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff constructor argument 'cc_half_cutoff' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._cc_half_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'xds_res' attribute def getXds_res(self): return self._xds_res def setXds_res(self, xds_res): if xds_res is None: self._xds_res = None elif xds_res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXdsOutput": self._xds_res = xds_res else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff.setXds_res argument is not XSDataXdsOutput but %s" % xds_res.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delXds_res(self): self._xds_res = None xds_res = property(getXds_res, setXds_res, delXds_res, "Property for xds_res") # Methods and properties for the 'completeness_entries' attribute def getCompleteness_entries(self): return self._completeness_entries def setCompleteness_entries(self, completeness_entries): if completeness_entries is None: self._completeness_entries = [] elif completeness_entries.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._completeness_entries = completeness_entries else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff.setCompleteness_entries argument is not list but %s" % completeness_entries.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCompleteness_entries(self): self._completeness_entries = None completeness_entries = property( getCompleteness_entries, setCompleteness_entries, delCompleteness_entries, "Property for completeness_entries", ) def addCompleteness_entries(self, value): if value is None: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff.addCompleteness_entries argument is None" ) raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry": self._completeness_entries.append(value) else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff.addCompleteness_entries argument is not XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def insertCompleteness_entries(self, index, value): if index is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff.insertCompleteness_entries argument 'index' is None" raise Exception(strMessage) if value is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff.insertCompleteness_entries argument 'value' is None" raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry": self._completeness_entries[index] = value else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff.addCompleteness_entries argument is not XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'detector_max_res' attribute def getDetector_max_res(self): return self._detector_max_res def setDetector_max_res(self, detector_max_res): if detector_max_res is None: self._detector_max_res = None elif detector_max_res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._detector_max_res = detector_max_res else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff.setDetector_max_res argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % detector_max_res.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delDetector_max_res(self): self._detector_max_res = None detector_max_res = property( getDetector_max_res, setDetector_max_res, delDetector_max_res, "Property for detector_max_res", ) # Methods and properties for the 'total_completeness' attribute def getTotal_completeness(self): return self._total_completeness def setTotal_completeness(self, total_completeness): if total_completeness is None: self._total_completeness = None elif total_completeness.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry": self._total_completeness = total_completeness else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff.setTotal_completeness argument is not XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry but %s" % total_completeness.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delTotal_completeness(self): self._total_completeness = None total_completeness = property( getTotal_completeness, setTotal_completeness, delTotal_completeness, "Property for total_completeness", ) # Methods and properties for the 'res_override' attribute def getRes_override(self): return self._res_override def setRes_override(self, res_override): if res_override is None: self._res_override = None elif res_override.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._res_override = res_override else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff.setRes_override argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % res_override.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delRes_override(self): self._res_override = None res_override = property( getRes_override, setRes_override, delRes_override, "Property for res_override" ) # Methods and properties for the 'completeness_cutoff' attribute def getCompleteness_cutoff(self): return self._completeness_cutoff def setCompleteness_cutoff(self, completeness_cutoff): if completeness_cutoff is None: self._completeness_cutoff = None elif completeness_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._completeness_cutoff = completeness_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff.setCompleteness_cutoff argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % completeness_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCompleteness_cutoff(self): self._completeness_cutoff = None completeness_cutoff = property( getCompleteness_cutoff, setCompleteness_cutoff, delCompleteness_cutoff, "Property for completeness_cutoff", ) # Methods and properties for the 'isig_cutoff' attribute def getIsig_cutoff(self): return self._isig_cutoff def setIsig_cutoff(self, isig_cutoff): if isig_cutoff is None: self._isig_cutoff = None elif isig_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._isig_cutoff = isig_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff.setIsig_cutoff argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % isig_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delIsig_cutoff(self): self._isig_cutoff = None isig_cutoff = property( getIsig_cutoff, setIsig_cutoff, delIsig_cutoff, "Property for isig_cutoff" ) # Methods and properties for the 'r_value_cutoff' attribute def getR_value_cutoff(self): return self._r_value_cutoff def setR_value_cutoff(self, r_value_cutoff): if r_value_cutoff is None: self._r_value_cutoff = None elif r_value_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._r_value_cutoff = r_value_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff.setR_value_cutoff argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % r_value_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delR_value_cutoff(self): self._r_value_cutoff = None r_value_cutoff = property( getR_value_cutoff, setR_value_cutoff, delR_value_cutoff, "Property for r_value_cutoff", ) # Methods and properties for the 'cc_half_cutoff' attribute def getCc_half_cutoff(self): return self._cc_half_cutoff def setCc_half_cutoff(self, cc_half_cutoff): if cc_half_cutoff is None: self._cc_half_cutoff = None elif cc_half_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cc_half_cutoff = cc_half_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff.setCc_half_cutoff argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % cc_half_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCc_half_cutoff(self): self._cc_half_cutoff = None cc_half_cutoff = property( getCc_half_cutoff, setCc_half_cutoff, delCc_half_cutoff, "Property for cc_half_cutoff", ) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataResCutoff"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataResCutoff"): XSDataInput.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._xds_res is not None: self.xds_res.export(outfile, level, name_="xds_res") else: warnEmptyAttribute("xds_res", "XSDataXdsOutput") for completeness_entries_ in self.getCompleteness_entries(): completeness_entries_.export(outfile, level, name_="completeness_entries") if self.getCompleteness_entries() == []: warnEmptyAttribute("completeness_entries", "XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry") if self._detector_max_res is not None: self.detector_max_res.export(outfile, level, name_="detector_max_res") if self._total_completeness is not None: self.total_completeness.export(outfile, level, name_="total_completeness") else: warnEmptyAttribute("total_completeness", "XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry") if self._res_override is not None: self.res_override.export(outfile, level, name_="res_override") if self._completeness_cutoff is not None: self.completeness_cutoff.export(outfile, level, name_="completeness_cutoff") if self._isig_cutoff is not None: self.isig_cutoff.export(outfile, level, name_="isig_cutoff") if self._r_value_cutoff is not None: self.r_value_cutoff.export(outfile, level, name_="r_value_cutoff") if self._cc_half_cutoff is not None: self.cc_half_cutoff.export(outfile, level, name_="cc_half_cutoff") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "xds_res": obj_ = XSDataXdsOutput() self.setXds_res(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "completeness_entries" ): obj_ = XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry() self.completeness_entries.append(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "detector_max_res": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setDetector_max_res(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "total_completeness": obj_ = XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry() self.setTotal_completeness(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "res_override": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setRes_override(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "completeness_cutoff" ): obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setCompleteness_cutoff(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "isig_cutoff": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setIsig_cutoff(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "r_value_cutoff": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setR_value_cutoff(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "cc_half_cutoff": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setCc_half_cutoff(obj_) XSDataInput.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataResCutoff") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataResCutoff") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataResCutoff is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataResCutoff.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataResCutoff() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataResCutoff") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataResCutoff() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataResCutoff
[docs]class XSDataResCutoffResult(XSDataResult): def __init__( self, status=None, total_isig=None, total_rfactor=None, total_complete=None, bins=None, res=None, ): XSDataResult.__init__(self, status) if res is None: self._res = None elif res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._res = res else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult constructor argument 'res' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._res.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if bins is None: self._bins = [] elif bins.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._bins = bins else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult constructor argument 'bins' is not list but %s" % self._bins.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if total_complete is None: self._total_complete = None elif total_complete.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._total_complete = total_complete else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult constructor argument 'total_complete' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._total_complete.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if total_rfactor is None: self._total_rfactor = None elif total_rfactor.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._total_rfactor = total_rfactor else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult constructor argument 'total_rfactor' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._total_rfactor.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if total_isig is None: self._total_isig = None elif total_isig.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._total_isig = total_isig else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult constructor argument 'total_isig' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._total_isig.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'res' attribute def getRes(self): return self._res def setRes(self, res): if res is None: self._res = None elif res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._res = res else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult.setRes argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % res.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delRes(self): self._res = None res = property(getRes, setRes, delRes, "Property for res") # Methods and properties for the 'bins' attribute def getBins(self): return self._bins def setBins(self, bins): if bins is None: self._bins = [] elif bins.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._bins = bins else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult.setBins argument is not list but %s" % bins.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delBins(self): self._bins = None bins = property(getBins, setBins, delBins, "Property for bins") def addBins(self, value): if value is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult.addBins argument is None" raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._bins.append(value) else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult.addBins argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def insertBins(self, index, value): if index is None: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult.insertBins argument 'index' is None" ) raise Exception(strMessage) if value is None: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult.insertBins argument 'value' is None" ) raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._bins[index] = value else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult.addBins argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'total_complete' attribute def getTotal_complete(self): return self._total_complete def setTotal_complete(self, total_complete): if total_complete is None: self._total_complete = None elif total_complete.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._total_complete = total_complete else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult.setTotal_complete argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % total_complete.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delTotal_complete(self): self._total_complete = None total_complete = property( getTotal_complete, setTotal_complete, delTotal_complete, "Property for total_complete", ) # Methods and properties for the 'total_rfactor' attribute def getTotal_rfactor(self): return self._total_rfactor def setTotal_rfactor(self, total_rfactor): if total_rfactor is None: self._total_rfactor = None elif total_rfactor.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._total_rfactor = total_rfactor else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult.setTotal_rfactor argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % total_rfactor.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delTotal_rfactor(self): self._total_rfactor = None total_rfactor = property( getTotal_rfactor, setTotal_rfactor, delTotal_rfactor, "Property for total_rfactor", ) # Methods and properties for the 'total_isig' attribute def getTotal_isig(self): return self._total_isig def setTotal_isig(self, total_isig): if total_isig is None: self._total_isig = None elif total_isig.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._total_isig = total_isig else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult.setTotal_isig argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % total_isig.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delTotal_isig(self): self._total_isig = None total_isig = property( getTotal_isig, setTotal_isig, delTotal_isig, "Property for total_isig" ) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataResCutoffResult"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataResCutoffResult"): XSDataResult.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._res is not None: self.res.export(outfile, level, name_="res") else: warnEmptyAttribute("res", "XSDataDouble") for bins_ in self.getBins(): bins_.export(outfile, level, name_="bins") if self.getBins() == []: warnEmptyAttribute("bins", "XSDataDouble") if self._total_complete is not None: self.total_complete.export(outfile, level, name_="total_complete") else: warnEmptyAttribute("total_complete", "XSDataDouble") if self._total_rfactor is not None: self.total_rfactor.export(outfile, level, name_="total_rfactor") else: warnEmptyAttribute("total_rfactor", "XSDataDouble") if self._total_isig is not None: self.total_isig.export(outfile, level, name_="total_isig") else: warnEmptyAttribute("total_isig", "XSDataDouble") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "res": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setRes(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "bins": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.bins.append(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "total_complete": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setTotal_complete(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "total_rfactor": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setTotal_rfactor(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "total_isig": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setTotal_isig(obj_) XSDataResult.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataResCutoffResult") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataResCutoffResult") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataResCutoffResult is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataResCutoffResult.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataResCutoffResult() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataResCutoffResult") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataResCutoffResult() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataResCutoffResult
[docs]class XSDataResultControlDimple(XSDataResult): def __init__(self, status=None, dimpleExecutedSuccessfully=None): XSDataResult.__init__(self, status) if dimpleExecutedSuccessfully is None: self._dimpleExecutedSuccessfully = None elif dimpleExecutedSuccessfully.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataBoolean": self._dimpleExecutedSuccessfully = dimpleExecutedSuccessfully else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResultControlDimple constructor argument 'dimpleExecutedSuccessfully' is not XSDataBoolean but %s" % self._dimpleExecutedSuccessfully.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'dimpleExecutedSuccessfully' attribute def getDimpleExecutedSuccessfully(self): return self._dimpleExecutedSuccessfully def setDimpleExecutedSuccessfully(self, dimpleExecutedSuccessfully): if dimpleExecutedSuccessfully is None: self._dimpleExecutedSuccessfully = None elif dimpleExecutedSuccessfully.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataBoolean": self._dimpleExecutedSuccessfully = dimpleExecutedSuccessfully else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResultControlDimple.setDimpleExecutedSuccessfully argument is not XSDataBoolean but %s" % dimpleExecutedSuccessfully.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delDimpleExecutedSuccessfully(self): self._dimpleExecutedSuccessfully = None dimpleExecutedSuccessfully = property( getDimpleExecutedSuccessfully, setDimpleExecutedSuccessfully, delDimpleExecutedSuccessfully, "Property for dimpleExecutedSuccessfully", ) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataResultControlDimple"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataResultControlDimple"): XSDataResult.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._dimpleExecutedSuccessfully is not None: self.dimpleExecutedSuccessfully.export( outfile, level, name_="dimpleExecutedSuccessfully" ) else: warnEmptyAttribute("dimpleExecutedSuccessfully", "XSDataBoolean") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "dimpleExecutedSuccessfully" ): obj_ = XSDataBoolean() self.setDimpleExecutedSuccessfully(obj_) XSDataResult.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataResultControlDimple") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataResultControlDimple") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataResultControlDimple is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataResultControlDimple.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataResultControlDimple() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataResultControlDimple") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataResultControlDimple() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataResultControlDimple
[docs]class XSDataXdsGenerateInput(XSDataInput): def __init__(self, configuration=None, resolution=None, previous_run_dir=None): XSDataInput.__init__(self, configuration) if previous_run_dir is None: self._previous_run_dir = None elif previous_run_dir.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._previous_run_dir = previous_run_dir else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateInput constructor argument 'previous_run_dir' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._previous_run_dir.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if resolution is None: self._resolution = None elif resolution.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._resolution = resolution else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateInput constructor argument 'resolution' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._resolution.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'previous_run_dir' attribute def getPrevious_run_dir(self): return self._previous_run_dir def setPrevious_run_dir(self, previous_run_dir): if previous_run_dir is None: self._previous_run_dir = None elif previous_run_dir.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._previous_run_dir = previous_run_dir else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateInput.setPrevious_run_dir argument is not XSDataString but %s" % previous_run_dir.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delPrevious_run_dir(self): self._previous_run_dir = None previous_run_dir = property( getPrevious_run_dir, setPrevious_run_dir, delPrevious_run_dir, "Property for previous_run_dir", ) # Methods and properties for the 'resolution' attribute def getResolution(self): return self._resolution def setResolution(self, resolution): if resolution is None: self._resolution = None elif resolution.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._resolution = resolution else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateInput.setResolution argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % resolution.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delResolution(self): self._resolution = None resolution = property( getResolution, setResolution, delResolution, "Property for resolution" ) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXdsGenerateInput"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXdsGenerateInput"): XSDataInput.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._previous_run_dir is not None: self.previous_run_dir.export(outfile, level, name_="previous_run_dir") else: warnEmptyAttribute("previous_run_dir", "XSDataString") if self._resolution is not None: self.resolution.export(outfile, level, name_="resolution") else: warnEmptyAttribute("resolution", "XSDataDouble") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "previous_run_dir": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setPrevious_run_dir(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "resolution": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setResolution(obj_) XSDataInput.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXdsGenerateInput") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataXdsGenerateInput") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataXdsGenerateInput is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataXdsGenerateInput.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXdsGenerateInput() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXdsGenerateInput") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXdsGenerateInput() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataXdsGenerateInput
[docs]class XSDataXdsGenerateOutput(XSDataResult): def __init__( self, status=None, gxparm=None, integrate_noanom=None, integrate_anom=None, correct_lp_no_anom=None, correct_lp_anom=None, hkl_no_anom=None, hkl_anom=None, ): XSDataResult.__init__(self, status) if hkl_anom is None: self._hkl_anom = None elif hkl_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._hkl_anom = hkl_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateOutput constructor argument 'hkl_anom' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._hkl_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if hkl_no_anom is None: self._hkl_no_anom = None elif hkl_no_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._hkl_no_anom = hkl_no_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateOutput constructor argument 'hkl_no_anom' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._hkl_no_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if correct_lp_anom is None: self._correct_lp_anom = None elif correct_lp_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._correct_lp_anom = correct_lp_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateOutput constructor argument 'correct_lp_anom' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._correct_lp_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if correct_lp_no_anom is None: self._correct_lp_no_anom = None elif correct_lp_no_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._correct_lp_no_anom = correct_lp_no_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateOutput constructor argument 'correct_lp_no_anom' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._correct_lp_no_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if integrate_anom is None: self._integrate_anom = None elif integrate_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._integrate_anom = integrate_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateOutput constructor argument 'integrate_anom' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._integrate_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if integrate_noanom is None: self._integrate_noanom = None elif integrate_noanom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._integrate_noanom = integrate_noanom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateOutput constructor argument 'integrate_noanom' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._integrate_noanom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if gxparm is None: self._gxparm = None elif gxparm.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._gxparm = gxparm else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateOutput constructor argument 'gxparm' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._gxparm.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'hkl_anom' attribute def getHkl_anom(self): return self._hkl_anom def setHkl_anom(self, hkl_anom): if hkl_anom is None: self._hkl_anom = None elif hkl_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._hkl_anom = hkl_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateOutput.setHkl_anom argument is not XSDataString but %s" % hkl_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delHkl_anom(self): self._hkl_anom = None hkl_anom = property(getHkl_anom, setHkl_anom, delHkl_anom, "Property for hkl_anom") # Methods and properties for the 'hkl_no_anom' attribute def getHkl_no_anom(self): return self._hkl_no_anom def setHkl_no_anom(self, hkl_no_anom): if hkl_no_anom is None: self._hkl_no_anom = None elif hkl_no_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._hkl_no_anom = hkl_no_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateOutput.setHkl_no_anom argument is not XSDataString but %s" % hkl_no_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delHkl_no_anom(self): self._hkl_no_anom = None hkl_no_anom = property( getHkl_no_anom, setHkl_no_anom, delHkl_no_anom, "Property for hkl_no_anom" ) # Methods and properties for the 'correct_lp_anom' attribute def getCorrect_lp_anom(self): return self._correct_lp_anom def setCorrect_lp_anom(self, correct_lp_anom): if correct_lp_anom is None: self._correct_lp_anom = None elif correct_lp_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._correct_lp_anom = correct_lp_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateOutput.setCorrect_lp_anom argument is not XSDataString but %s" % correct_lp_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCorrect_lp_anom(self): self._correct_lp_anom = None correct_lp_anom = property( getCorrect_lp_anom, setCorrect_lp_anom, delCorrect_lp_anom, "Property for correct_lp_anom", ) # Methods and properties for the 'correct_lp_no_anom' attribute def getCorrect_lp_no_anom(self): return self._correct_lp_no_anom def setCorrect_lp_no_anom(self, correct_lp_no_anom): if correct_lp_no_anom is None: self._correct_lp_no_anom = None elif correct_lp_no_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._correct_lp_no_anom = correct_lp_no_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateOutput.setCorrect_lp_no_anom argument is not XSDataString but %s" % correct_lp_no_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCorrect_lp_no_anom(self): self._correct_lp_no_anom = None correct_lp_no_anom = property( getCorrect_lp_no_anom, setCorrect_lp_no_anom, delCorrect_lp_no_anom, "Property for correct_lp_no_anom", ) # Methods and properties for the 'integrate_anom' attribute def getIntegrate_anom(self): return self._integrate_anom def setIntegrate_anom(self, integrate_anom): if integrate_anom is None: self._integrate_anom = None elif integrate_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._integrate_anom = integrate_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateOutput.setIntegrate_anom argument is not XSDataString but %s" % integrate_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delIntegrate_anom(self): self._integrate_anom = None integrate_anom = property( getIntegrate_anom, setIntegrate_anom, delIntegrate_anom, "Property for integrate_anom", ) # Methods and properties for the 'integrate_noanom' attribute def getIntegrate_noanom(self): return self._integrate_noanom def setIntegrate_noanom(self, integrate_noanom): if integrate_noanom is None: self._integrate_noanom = None elif integrate_noanom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._integrate_noanom = integrate_noanom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateOutput.setIntegrate_noanom argument is not XSDataString but %s" % integrate_noanom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delIntegrate_noanom(self): self._integrate_noanom = None integrate_noanom = property( getIntegrate_noanom, setIntegrate_noanom, delIntegrate_noanom, "Property for integrate_noanom", ) # Methods and properties for the 'gxparm' attribute def getGxparm(self): return self._gxparm def setGxparm(self, gxparm): if gxparm is None: self._gxparm = None elif gxparm.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._gxparm = gxparm else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateOutput.setGxparm argument is not XSDataString but %s" % gxparm.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delGxparm(self): self._gxparm = None gxparm = property(getGxparm, setGxparm, delGxparm, "Property for gxparm") def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXdsGenerateOutput"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXdsGenerateOutput"): XSDataResult.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._hkl_anom is not None: self.hkl_anom.export(outfile, level, name_="hkl_anom") else: warnEmptyAttribute("hkl_anom", "XSDataString") if self._hkl_no_anom is not None: self.hkl_no_anom.export(outfile, level, name_="hkl_no_anom") else: warnEmptyAttribute("hkl_no_anom", "XSDataString") if self._correct_lp_anom is not None: self.correct_lp_anom.export(outfile, level, name_="correct_lp_anom") else: warnEmptyAttribute("correct_lp_anom", "XSDataString") if self._correct_lp_no_anom is not None: self.correct_lp_no_anom.export(outfile, level, name_="correct_lp_no_anom") else: warnEmptyAttribute("correct_lp_no_anom", "XSDataString") if self._integrate_anom is not None: self.integrate_anom.export(outfile, level, name_="integrate_anom") else: warnEmptyAttribute("integrate_anom", "XSDataString") if self._integrate_noanom is not None: self.integrate_noanom.export(outfile, level, name_="integrate_noanom") else: warnEmptyAttribute("integrate_noanom", "XSDataString") if self._gxparm is not None: self.gxparm.export(outfile, level, name_="gxparm") else: warnEmptyAttribute("gxparm", "XSDataString") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "hkl_anom": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setHkl_anom(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "hkl_no_anom": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setHkl_no_anom(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "correct_lp_anom": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setCorrect_lp_anom(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "correct_lp_no_anom": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setCorrect_lp_no_anom(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "integrate_anom": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setIntegrate_anom(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "integrate_noanom": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setIntegrate_noanom(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "gxparm": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setGxparm(obj_) XSDataResult.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXdsGenerateOutput") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataXdsGenerateOutput") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataXdsGenerateOutput is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataXdsGenerateOutput.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXdsGenerateOutput() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXdsGenerateOutput") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXdsGenerateOutput() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataXdsGenerateOutput
[docs]class XSDataXdsOutputFile(XSDataInput): def __init__(self, configuration=None, gxparm=None, correct_lp=None): XSDataInput.__init__(self, configuration) if correct_lp is None: self._correct_lp = None elif correct_lp.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataFile": self._correct_lp = correct_lp else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutputFile constructor argument 'correct_lp' is not XSDataFile but %s" % self._correct_lp.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if gxparm is None: self._gxparm = None elif gxparm.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataFile": self._gxparm = gxparm else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutputFile constructor argument 'gxparm' is not XSDataFile but %s" % self._gxparm.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'correct_lp' attribute def getCorrect_lp(self): return self._correct_lp def setCorrect_lp(self, correct_lp): if correct_lp is None: self._correct_lp = None elif correct_lp.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataFile": self._correct_lp = correct_lp else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutputFile.setCorrect_lp argument is not XSDataFile but %s" % correct_lp.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCorrect_lp(self): self._correct_lp = None correct_lp = property( getCorrect_lp, setCorrect_lp, delCorrect_lp, "Property for correct_lp" ) # Methods and properties for the 'gxparm' attribute def getGxparm(self): return self._gxparm def setGxparm(self, gxparm): if gxparm is None: self._gxparm = None elif gxparm.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataFile": self._gxparm = gxparm else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutputFile.setGxparm argument is not XSDataFile but %s" % gxparm.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delGxparm(self): self._gxparm = None gxparm = property(getGxparm, setGxparm, delGxparm, "Property for gxparm") def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXdsOutputFile"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXdsOutputFile"): XSDataInput.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._correct_lp is not None: self.correct_lp.export(outfile, level, name_="correct_lp") else: warnEmptyAttribute("correct_lp", "XSDataFile") if self._gxparm is not None: self.gxparm.export(outfile, level, name_="gxparm") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "correct_lp": obj_ = XSDataFile() self.setCorrect_lp(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "gxparm": obj_ = XSDataFile() self.setGxparm(obj_) XSDataInput.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXdsOutputFile") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataXdsOutputFile") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataXdsOutputFile is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataXdsOutputFile.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXdsOutputFile() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXdsOutputFile") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXdsOutputFile() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataXdsOutputFile
[docs]class XSDataXscaleOutput(XSDataResult): def __init__(self, status=None, lp_file=None, hkl_file=None, succeeded=None): XSDataResult.__init__(self, status) if succeeded is None: self._succeeded = None elif succeeded.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataBoolean": self._succeeded = succeeded else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleOutput constructor argument 'succeeded' is not XSDataBoolean but %s" % self._succeeded.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if hkl_file is None: self._hkl_file = None elif hkl_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._hkl_file = hkl_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleOutput constructor argument 'hkl_file' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._hkl_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if lp_file is None: self._lp_file = None elif lp_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._lp_file = lp_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleOutput constructor argument 'lp_file' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._lp_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'succeeded' attribute def getSucceeded(self): return self._succeeded def setSucceeded(self, succeeded): if succeeded is None: self._succeeded = None elif succeeded.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataBoolean": self._succeeded = succeeded else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleOutput.setSucceeded argument is not XSDataBoolean but %s" % succeeded.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delSucceeded(self): self._succeeded = None succeeded = property( getSucceeded, setSucceeded, delSucceeded, "Property for succeeded" ) # Methods and properties for the 'hkl_file' attribute def getHkl_file(self): return self._hkl_file def setHkl_file(self, hkl_file): if hkl_file is None: self._hkl_file = None elif hkl_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._hkl_file = hkl_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleOutput.setHkl_file argument is not XSDataString but %s" % hkl_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delHkl_file(self): self._hkl_file = None hkl_file = property(getHkl_file, setHkl_file, delHkl_file, "Property for hkl_file") # Methods and properties for the 'lp_file' attribute def getLp_file(self): return self._lp_file def setLp_file(self, lp_file): if lp_file is None: self._lp_file = None elif lp_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._lp_file = lp_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleOutput.setLp_file argument is not XSDataString but %s" % lp_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delLp_file(self): self._lp_file = None lp_file = property(getLp_file, setLp_file, delLp_file, "Property for lp_file") def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXscaleOutput"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXscaleOutput"): XSDataResult.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._succeeded is not None: self.succeeded.export(outfile, level, name_="succeeded") else: warnEmptyAttribute("succeeded", "XSDataBoolean") if self._hkl_file is not None: self.hkl_file.export(outfile, level, name_="hkl_file") if self._lp_file is not None: self.lp_file.export(outfile, level, name_="lp_file") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "succeeded": obj_ = XSDataBoolean() self.setSucceeded(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "hkl_file": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setHkl_file(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "lp_file": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setLp_file(obj_) XSDataResult.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleOutput") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleOutput") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataXscaleOutput is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataXscaleOutput.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXscaleOutput() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleOutput") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXscaleOutput() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataXscaleOutput
[docs]class XSDataXscaleParsedOutput(XSDataResult): def __init__(self, status=None, completeness_entries=None, total_completeness=None): XSDataResult.__init__(self, status) if total_completeness is None: self._total_completeness = None elif total_completeness.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry": self._total_completeness = total_completeness else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleParsedOutput constructor argument 'total_completeness' is not XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry but %s" % self._total_completeness.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if completeness_entries is None: self._completeness_entries = [] elif completeness_entries.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._completeness_entries = completeness_entries else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleParsedOutput constructor argument 'completeness_entries' is not list but %s" % self._completeness_entries.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'total_completeness' attribute def getTotal_completeness(self): return self._total_completeness def setTotal_completeness(self, total_completeness): if total_completeness is None: self._total_completeness = None elif total_completeness.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry": self._total_completeness = total_completeness else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleParsedOutput.setTotal_completeness argument is not XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry but %s" % total_completeness.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delTotal_completeness(self): self._total_completeness = None total_completeness = property( getTotal_completeness, setTotal_completeness, delTotal_completeness, "Property for total_completeness", ) # Methods and properties for the 'completeness_entries' attribute def getCompleteness_entries(self): return self._completeness_entries def setCompleteness_entries(self, completeness_entries): if completeness_entries is None: self._completeness_entries = [] elif completeness_entries.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._completeness_entries = completeness_entries else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleParsedOutput.setCompleteness_entries argument is not list but %s" % completeness_entries.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCompleteness_entries(self): self._completeness_entries = None completeness_entries = property( getCompleteness_entries, setCompleteness_entries, delCompleteness_entries, "Property for completeness_entries", ) def addCompleteness_entries(self, value): if value is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataXscaleParsedOutput.addCompleteness_entries argument is None" raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry": self._completeness_entries.append(value) else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleParsedOutput.addCompleteness_entries argument is not XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def insertCompleteness_entries(self, index, value): if index is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataXscaleParsedOutput.insertCompleteness_entries argument 'index' is None" raise Exception(strMessage) if value is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataXscaleParsedOutput.insertCompleteness_entries argument 'value' is None" raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry": self._completeness_entries[index] = value else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleParsedOutput.addCompleteness_entries argument is not XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXscaleParsedOutput"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXscaleParsedOutput"): XSDataResult.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._total_completeness is not None: self.total_completeness.export(outfile, level, name_="total_completeness") else: warnEmptyAttribute("total_completeness", "XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry") for completeness_entries_ in self.getCompleteness_entries(): completeness_entries_.export(outfile, level, name_="completeness_entries") if self.getCompleteness_entries() == []: warnEmptyAttribute("completeness_entries", "XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "total_completeness": obj_ = XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry() self.setTotal_completeness(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "completeness_entries" ): obj_ = XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry() self.completeness_entries.append(obj_) XSDataResult.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleParsedOutput") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleParsedOutput") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataXscaleParsedOutput is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataXscaleParsedOutput.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXscaleParsedOutput() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleParsedOutput") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXscaleParsedOutput() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataXscaleParsedOutput
[docs]class XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles(XSDataResult): def __init__( self, status=None, stats_noanom_unmerged=None, lp_noanom_unmerged=None, hkl_noanom_unmerged=None, stats_anom_unmerged=None, lp_anom_unmerged=None, hkl_anom_unmerged=None, stats_noanom_merged=None, lp_noanom_merged=None, hkl_noanom_merged=None, stats_anom_merged=None, lp_anom_merged=None, hkl_anom_merged=None, ): XSDataResult.__init__(self, status) if hkl_anom_merged is None: self._hkl_anom_merged = None elif hkl_anom_merged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._hkl_anom_merged = hkl_anom_merged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles constructor argument 'hkl_anom_merged' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._hkl_anom_merged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if lp_anom_merged is None: self._lp_anom_merged = None elif lp_anom_merged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._lp_anom_merged = lp_anom_merged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles constructor argument 'lp_anom_merged' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._lp_anom_merged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if stats_anom_merged is None: self._stats_anom_merged = None elif stats_anom_merged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXscaleParsedOutput": self._stats_anom_merged = stats_anom_merged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles constructor argument 'stats_anom_merged' is not XSDataXscaleParsedOutput but %s" % self._stats_anom_merged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if hkl_noanom_merged is None: self._hkl_noanom_merged = None elif hkl_noanom_merged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._hkl_noanom_merged = hkl_noanom_merged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles constructor argument 'hkl_noanom_merged' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._hkl_noanom_merged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if lp_noanom_merged is None: self._lp_noanom_merged = None elif lp_noanom_merged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._lp_noanom_merged = lp_noanom_merged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles constructor argument 'lp_noanom_merged' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._lp_noanom_merged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if stats_noanom_merged is None: self._stats_noanom_merged = None elif stats_noanom_merged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXscaleParsedOutput": self._stats_noanom_merged = stats_noanom_merged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles constructor argument 'stats_noanom_merged' is not XSDataXscaleParsedOutput but %s" % self._stats_noanom_merged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if hkl_anom_unmerged is None: self._hkl_anom_unmerged = None elif hkl_anom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._hkl_anom_unmerged = hkl_anom_unmerged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles constructor argument 'hkl_anom_unmerged' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._hkl_anom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if lp_anom_unmerged is None: self._lp_anom_unmerged = None elif lp_anom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._lp_anom_unmerged = lp_anom_unmerged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles constructor argument 'lp_anom_unmerged' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._lp_anom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if stats_anom_unmerged is None: self._stats_anom_unmerged = None elif stats_anom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXscaleParsedOutput": self._stats_anom_unmerged = stats_anom_unmerged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles constructor argument 'stats_anom_unmerged' is not XSDataXscaleParsedOutput but %s" % self._stats_anom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if hkl_noanom_unmerged is None: self._hkl_noanom_unmerged = None elif hkl_noanom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._hkl_noanom_unmerged = hkl_noanom_unmerged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles constructor argument 'hkl_noanom_unmerged' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._hkl_noanom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if lp_noanom_unmerged is None: self._lp_noanom_unmerged = None elif lp_noanom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._lp_noanom_unmerged = lp_noanom_unmerged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles constructor argument 'lp_noanom_unmerged' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._lp_noanom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if stats_noanom_unmerged is None: self._stats_noanom_unmerged = None elif stats_noanom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXscaleParsedOutput": self._stats_noanom_unmerged = stats_noanom_unmerged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles constructor argument 'stats_noanom_unmerged' is not XSDataXscaleParsedOutput but %s" % self._stats_noanom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'hkl_anom_merged' attribute def getHkl_anom_merged(self): return self._hkl_anom_merged def setHkl_anom_merged(self, hkl_anom_merged): if hkl_anom_merged is None: self._hkl_anom_merged = None elif hkl_anom_merged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._hkl_anom_merged = hkl_anom_merged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles.setHkl_anom_merged argument is not XSDataString but %s" % hkl_anom_merged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delHkl_anom_merged(self): self._hkl_anom_merged = None hkl_anom_merged = property( getHkl_anom_merged, setHkl_anom_merged, delHkl_anom_merged, "Property for hkl_anom_merged", ) # Methods and properties for the 'lp_anom_merged' attribute def getLp_anom_merged(self): return self._lp_anom_merged def setLp_anom_merged(self, lp_anom_merged): if lp_anom_merged is None: self._lp_anom_merged = None elif lp_anom_merged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._lp_anom_merged = lp_anom_merged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles.setLp_anom_merged argument is not XSDataString but %s" % lp_anom_merged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delLp_anom_merged(self): self._lp_anom_merged = None lp_anom_merged = property( getLp_anom_merged, setLp_anom_merged, delLp_anom_merged, "Property for lp_anom_merged", ) # Methods and properties for the 'stats_anom_merged' attribute def getStats_anom_merged(self): return self._stats_anom_merged def setStats_anom_merged(self, stats_anom_merged): if stats_anom_merged is None: self._stats_anom_merged = None elif stats_anom_merged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXscaleParsedOutput": self._stats_anom_merged = stats_anom_merged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles.setStats_anom_merged argument is not XSDataXscaleParsedOutput but %s" % stats_anom_merged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delStats_anom_merged(self): self._stats_anom_merged = None stats_anom_merged = property( getStats_anom_merged, setStats_anom_merged, delStats_anom_merged, "Property for stats_anom_merged", ) # Methods and properties for the 'hkl_noanom_merged' attribute def getHkl_noanom_merged(self): return self._hkl_noanom_merged def setHkl_noanom_merged(self, hkl_noanom_merged): if hkl_noanom_merged is None: self._hkl_noanom_merged = None elif hkl_noanom_merged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._hkl_noanom_merged = hkl_noanom_merged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles.setHkl_noanom_merged argument is not XSDataString but %s" % hkl_noanom_merged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delHkl_noanom_merged(self): self._hkl_noanom_merged = None hkl_noanom_merged = property( getHkl_noanom_merged, setHkl_noanom_merged, delHkl_noanom_merged, "Property for hkl_noanom_merged", ) # Methods and properties for the 'lp_noanom_merged' attribute def getLp_noanom_merged(self): return self._lp_noanom_merged def setLp_noanom_merged(self, lp_noanom_merged): if lp_noanom_merged is None: self._lp_noanom_merged = None elif lp_noanom_merged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._lp_noanom_merged = lp_noanom_merged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles.setLp_noanom_merged argument is not XSDataString but %s" % lp_noanom_merged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delLp_noanom_merged(self): self._lp_noanom_merged = None lp_noanom_merged = property( getLp_noanom_merged, setLp_noanom_merged, delLp_noanom_merged, "Property for lp_noanom_merged", ) # Methods and properties for the 'stats_noanom_merged' attribute def getStats_noanom_merged(self): return self._stats_noanom_merged def setStats_noanom_merged(self, stats_noanom_merged): if stats_noanom_merged is None: self._stats_noanom_merged = None elif stats_noanom_merged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXscaleParsedOutput": self._stats_noanom_merged = stats_noanom_merged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles.setStats_noanom_merged argument is not XSDataXscaleParsedOutput but %s" % stats_noanom_merged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delStats_noanom_merged(self): self._stats_noanom_merged = None stats_noanom_merged = property( getStats_noanom_merged, setStats_noanom_merged, delStats_noanom_merged, "Property for stats_noanom_merged", ) # Methods and properties for the 'hkl_anom_unmerged' attribute def getHkl_anom_unmerged(self): return self._hkl_anom_unmerged def setHkl_anom_unmerged(self, hkl_anom_unmerged): if hkl_anom_unmerged is None: self._hkl_anom_unmerged = None elif hkl_anom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._hkl_anom_unmerged = hkl_anom_unmerged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles.setHkl_anom_unmerged argument is not XSDataString but %s" % hkl_anom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delHkl_anom_unmerged(self): self._hkl_anom_unmerged = None hkl_anom_unmerged = property( getHkl_anom_unmerged, setHkl_anom_unmerged, delHkl_anom_unmerged, "Property for hkl_anom_unmerged", ) # Methods and properties for the 'lp_anom_unmerged' attribute def getLp_anom_unmerged(self): return self._lp_anom_unmerged def setLp_anom_unmerged(self, lp_anom_unmerged): if lp_anom_unmerged is None: self._lp_anom_unmerged = None elif lp_anom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._lp_anom_unmerged = lp_anom_unmerged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles.setLp_anom_unmerged argument is not XSDataString but %s" % lp_anom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delLp_anom_unmerged(self): self._lp_anom_unmerged = None lp_anom_unmerged = property( getLp_anom_unmerged, setLp_anom_unmerged, delLp_anom_unmerged, "Property for lp_anom_unmerged", ) # Methods and properties for the 'stats_anom_unmerged' attribute def getStats_anom_unmerged(self): return self._stats_anom_unmerged def setStats_anom_unmerged(self, stats_anom_unmerged): if stats_anom_unmerged is None: self._stats_anom_unmerged = None elif stats_anom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXscaleParsedOutput": self._stats_anom_unmerged = stats_anom_unmerged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles.setStats_anom_unmerged argument is not XSDataXscaleParsedOutput but %s" % stats_anom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delStats_anom_unmerged(self): self._stats_anom_unmerged = None stats_anom_unmerged = property( getStats_anom_unmerged, setStats_anom_unmerged, delStats_anom_unmerged, "Property for stats_anom_unmerged", ) # Methods and properties for the 'hkl_noanom_unmerged' attribute def getHkl_noanom_unmerged(self): return self._hkl_noanom_unmerged def setHkl_noanom_unmerged(self, hkl_noanom_unmerged): if hkl_noanom_unmerged is None: self._hkl_noanom_unmerged = None elif hkl_noanom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._hkl_noanom_unmerged = hkl_noanom_unmerged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles.setHkl_noanom_unmerged argument is not XSDataString but %s" % hkl_noanom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delHkl_noanom_unmerged(self): self._hkl_noanom_unmerged = None hkl_noanom_unmerged = property( getHkl_noanom_unmerged, setHkl_noanom_unmerged, delHkl_noanom_unmerged, "Property for hkl_noanom_unmerged", ) # Methods and properties for the 'lp_noanom_unmerged' attribute def getLp_noanom_unmerged(self): return self._lp_noanom_unmerged def setLp_noanom_unmerged(self, lp_noanom_unmerged): if lp_noanom_unmerged is None: self._lp_noanom_unmerged = None elif lp_noanom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._lp_noanom_unmerged = lp_noanom_unmerged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles.setLp_noanom_unmerged argument is not XSDataString but %s" % lp_noanom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delLp_noanom_unmerged(self): self._lp_noanom_unmerged = None lp_noanom_unmerged = property( getLp_noanom_unmerged, setLp_noanom_unmerged, delLp_noanom_unmerged, "Property for lp_noanom_unmerged", ) # Methods and properties for the 'stats_noanom_unmerged' attribute def getStats_noanom_unmerged(self): return self._stats_noanom_unmerged def setStats_noanom_unmerged(self, stats_noanom_unmerged): if stats_noanom_unmerged is None: self._stats_noanom_unmerged = None elif stats_noanom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXscaleParsedOutput": self._stats_noanom_unmerged = stats_noanom_unmerged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles.setStats_noanom_unmerged argument is not XSDataXscaleParsedOutput but %s" % stats_noanom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delStats_noanom_unmerged(self): self._stats_noanom_unmerged = None stats_noanom_unmerged = property( getStats_noanom_unmerged, setStats_noanom_unmerged, delStats_noanom_unmerged, "Property for stats_noanom_unmerged", ) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles"): XSDataResult.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._hkl_anom_merged is not None: self.hkl_anom_merged.export(outfile, level, name_="hkl_anom_merged") else: warnEmptyAttribute("hkl_anom_merged", "XSDataString") if self._lp_anom_merged is not None: self.lp_anom_merged.export(outfile, level, name_="lp_anom_merged") else: warnEmptyAttribute("lp_anom_merged", "XSDataString") if self._stats_anom_merged is not None: self.stats_anom_merged.export(outfile, level, name_="stats_anom_merged") else: warnEmptyAttribute("stats_anom_merged", "XSDataXscaleParsedOutput") if self._hkl_noanom_merged is not None: self.hkl_noanom_merged.export(outfile, level, name_="hkl_noanom_merged") else: warnEmptyAttribute("hkl_noanom_merged", "XSDataString") if self._lp_noanom_merged is not None: self.lp_noanom_merged.export(outfile, level, name_="lp_noanom_merged") else: warnEmptyAttribute("lp_noanom_merged", "XSDataString") if self._stats_noanom_merged is not None: self.stats_noanom_merged.export(outfile, level, name_="stats_noanom_merged") else: warnEmptyAttribute("stats_noanom_merged", "XSDataXscaleParsedOutput") if self._hkl_anom_unmerged is not None: self.hkl_anom_unmerged.export(outfile, level, name_="hkl_anom_unmerged") else: warnEmptyAttribute("hkl_anom_unmerged", "XSDataString") if self._lp_anom_unmerged is not None: self.lp_anom_unmerged.export(outfile, level, name_="lp_anom_unmerged") else: warnEmptyAttribute("lp_anom_unmerged", "XSDataString") if self._stats_anom_unmerged is not None: self.stats_anom_unmerged.export(outfile, level, name_="stats_anom_unmerged") else: warnEmptyAttribute("stats_anom_unmerged", "XSDataXscaleParsedOutput") if self._hkl_noanom_unmerged is not None: self.hkl_noanom_unmerged.export(outfile, level, name_="hkl_noanom_unmerged") else: warnEmptyAttribute("hkl_noanom_unmerged", "XSDataString") if self._lp_noanom_unmerged is not None: self.lp_noanom_unmerged.export(outfile, level, name_="lp_noanom_unmerged") else: warnEmptyAttribute("lp_noanom_unmerged", "XSDataString") if self._stats_noanom_unmerged is not None: self.stats_noanom_unmerged.export( outfile, level, name_="stats_noanom_unmerged" ) else: warnEmptyAttribute("stats_noanom_unmerged", "XSDataXscaleParsedOutput") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "hkl_anom_merged": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setHkl_anom_merged(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "lp_anom_merged": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setLp_anom_merged(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "stats_anom_merged": obj_ = XSDataXscaleParsedOutput() self.setStats_anom_merged(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "hkl_noanom_merged": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setHkl_noanom_merged(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "lp_noanom_merged": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setLp_noanom_merged(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "stats_noanom_merged" ): obj_ = XSDataXscaleParsedOutput() self.setStats_noanom_merged(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "hkl_anom_unmerged": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setHkl_anom_unmerged(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "lp_anom_unmerged": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setLp_anom_unmerged(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "stats_anom_unmerged" ): obj_ = XSDataXscaleParsedOutput() self.setStats_anom_unmerged(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "hkl_noanom_unmerged" ): obj_ = XSDataString() self.setHkl_noanom_unmerged(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "lp_noanom_unmerged": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setLp_noanom_unmerged(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "stats_noanom_unmerged" ): obj_ = XSDataXscaleParsedOutput() self.setStats_noanom_unmerged(obj_) XSDataResult.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles
[docs]class XSDataXscaleInputFile(XSDataInput): def __init__(self, configuration=None, res=None, path_noanom=None, path_anom=None): XSDataInput.__init__(self, configuration) if path_anom is None: self._path_anom = None elif path_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._path_anom = path_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInputFile constructor argument 'path_anom' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._path_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if path_noanom is None: self._path_noanom = None elif path_noanom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._path_noanom = path_noanom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInputFile constructor argument 'path_noanom' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._path_noanom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if res is None: self._res = None elif res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._res = res else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInputFile constructor argument 'res' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._res.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'path_anom' attribute def getPath_anom(self): return self._path_anom def setPath_anom(self, path_anom): if path_anom is None: self._path_anom = None elif path_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._path_anom = path_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInputFile.setPath_anom argument is not XSDataString but %s" % path_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delPath_anom(self): self._path_anom = None path_anom = property( getPath_anom, setPath_anom, delPath_anom, "Property for path_anom" ) # Methods and properties for the 'path_noanom' attribute def getPath_noanom(self): return self._path_noanom def setPath_noanom(self, path_noanom): if path_noanom is None: self._path_noanom = None elif path_noanom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._path_noanom = path_noanom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInputFile.setPath_noanom argument is not XSDataString but %s" % path_noanom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delPath_noanom(self): self._path_noanom = None path_noanom = property( getPath_noanom, setPath_noanom, delPath_noanom, "Property for path_noanom" ) # Methods and properties for the 'res' attribute def getRes(self): return self._res def setRes(self, res): if res is None: self._res = None elif res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._res = res else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInputFile.setRes argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % res.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delRes(self): self._res = None res = property(getRes, setRes, delRes, "Property for res") def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXscaleInputFile"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXscaleInputFile"): XSDataInput.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._path_anom is not None: self.path_anom.export(outfile, level, name_="path_anom") if self._path_noanom is not None: self.path_noanom.export(outfile, level, name_="path_noanom") if self._res is not None: self.res.export(outfile, level, name_="res") else: warnEmptyAttribute("res", "XSDataDouble") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "path_anom": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setPath_anom(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "path_noanom": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setPath_noanom(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "res": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setRes(obj_) XSDataInput.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleInputFile") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleInputFile") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataXscaleInputFile is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataXscaleInputFile.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXscaleInputFile() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleInputFile") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXscaleInputFile() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataXscaleInputFile
[docs]class XSDataXscaleInput(XSDataInput): def __init__( self, configuration=None, bins=None, sg_number=None, unit_cell_constants=None, xds_files=None, friedels_law=None, merge=None, ): XSDataInput.__init__(self, configuration) if merge is None: self._merge = None elif merge.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataBoolean": self._merge = merge else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput constructor argument 'merge' is not XSDataBoolean but %s" % self._merge.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if friedels_law is None: self._friedels_law = None elif friedels_law.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataBoolean": self._friedels_law = friedels_law else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput constructor argument 'friedels_law' is not XSDataBoolean but %s" % self._friedels_law.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if xds_files is None: self._xds_files = [] elif xds_files.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._xds_files = xds_files else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput constructor argument 'xds_files' is not list but %s" % self._xds_files.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if unit_cell_constants is None: self._unit_cell_constants = [] elif unit_cell_constants.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._unit_cell_constants = unit_cell_constants else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput constructor argument 'unit_cell_constants' is not list but %s" % self._unit_cell_constants.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if sg_number is None: self._sg_number = None elif sg_number.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._sg_number = sg_number else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput constructor argument 'sg_number' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._sg_number.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if bins is None: self._bins = [] elif bins.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._bins = bins else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput constructor argument 'bins' is not list but %s" % self._bins.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'merge' attribute def getMerge(self): return self._merge def setMerge(self, merge): if merge is None: self._merge = None elif merge.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataBoolean": self._merge = merge else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.setMerge argument is not XSDataBoolean but %s" % merge.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delMerge(self): self._merge = None merge = property(getMerge, setMerge, delMerge, "Property for merge") # Methods and properties for the 'friedels_law' attribute def getFriedels_law(self): return self._friedels_law def setFriedels_law(self, friedels_law): if friedels_law is None: self._friedels_law = None elif friedels_law.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataBoolean": self._friedels_law = friedels_law else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.setFriedels_law argument is not XSDataBoolean but %s" % friedels_law.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delFriedels_law(self): self._friedels_law = None friedels_law = property( getFriedels_law, setFriedels_law, delFriedels_law, "Property for friedels_law" ) # Methods and properties for the 'xds_files' attribute def getXds_files(self): return self._xds_files def setXds_files(self, xds_files): if xds_files is None: self._xds_files = [] elif xds_files.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._xds_files = xds_files else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.setXds_files argument is not list but %s" % xds_files.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delXds_files(self): self._xds_files = None xds_files = property( getXds_files, setXds_files, delXds_files, "Property for xds_files" ) def addXds_files(self, value): if value is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.addXds_files argument is None" raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXscaleInputFile": self._xds_files.append(value) else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.addXds_files argument is not XSDataXscaleInputFile but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def insertXds_files(self, index, value): if index is None: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.insertXds_files argument 'index' is None" ) raise Exception(strMessage) if value is None: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.insertXds_files argument 'value' is None" ) raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXscaleInputFile": self._xds_files[index] = value else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.addXds_files argument is not XSDataXscaleInputFile but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'unit_cell_constants' attribute def getUnit_cell_constants(self): return self._unit_cell_constants def setUnit_cell_constants(self, unit_cell_constants): if unit_cell_constants is None: self._unit_cell_constants = [] elif unit_cell_constants.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._unit_cell_constants = unit_cell_constants else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.setUnit_cell_constants argument is not list but %s" % unit_cell_constants.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delUnit_cell_constants(self): self._unit_cell_constants = None unit_cell_constants = property( getUnit_cell_constants, setUnit_cell_constants, delUnit_cell_constants, "Property for unit_cell_constants", ) def addUnit_cell_constants(self, value): if value is None: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.addUnit_cell_constants argument is None" ) raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._unit_cell_constants.append(value) else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.addUnit_cell_constants argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def insertUnit_cell_constants(self, index, value): if index is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.insertUnit_cell_constants argument 'index' is None" raise Exception(strMessage) if value is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.insertUnit_cell_constants argument 'value' is None" raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._unit_cell_constants[index] = value else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.addUnit_cell_constants argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'sg_number' attribute def getSg_number(self): return self._sg_number def setSg_number(self, sg_number): if sg_number is None: self._sg_number = None elif sg_number.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._sg_number = sg_number else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.setSg_number argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % sg_number.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delSg_number(self): self._sg_number = None sg_number = property( getSg_number, setSg_number, delSg_number, "Property for sg_number" ) # Methods and properties for the 'bins' attribute def getBins(self): return self._bins def setBins(self, bins): if bins is None: self._bins = [] elif bins.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._bins = bins else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.setBins argument is not list but %s" % bins.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delBins(self): self._bins = None bins = property(getBins, setBins, delBins, "Property for bins") def addBins(self, value): if value is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.addBins argument is None" raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._bins.append(value) else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.addBins argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def insertBins(self, index, value): if index is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.insertBins argument 'index' is None" raise Exception(strMessage) if value is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.insertBins argument 'value' is None" raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._bins[index] = value else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.addBins argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXscaleInput"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXscaleInput"): XSDataInput.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._merge is not None: self.merge.export(outfile, level, name_="merge") else: warnEmptyAttribute("merge", "XSDataBoolean") if self._friedels_law is not None: self.friedels_law.export(outfile, level, name_="friedels_law") else: warnEmptyAttribute("friedels_law", "XSDataBoolean") for xds_files_ in self.getXds_files(): xds_files_.export(outfile, level, name_="xds_files") if self.getXds_files() == []: warnEmptyAttribute("xds_files", "XSDataXscaleInputFile") for unit_cell_constants_ in self.getUnit_cell_constants(): unit_cell_constants_.export(outfile, level, name_="unit_cell_constants") if self.getUnit_cell_constants() == []: warnEmptyAttribute("unit_cell_constants", "XSDataDouble") if self._sg_number is not None: self.sg_number.export(outfile, level, name_="sg_number") else: warnEmptyAttribute("sg_number", "XSDataInteger") for bins_ in self.getBins(): bins_.export(outfile, level, name_="bins") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "merge": obj_ = XSDataBoolean() self.setMerge(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "friedels_law": obj_ = XSDataBoolean() self.setFriedels_law(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "xds_files": obj_ = XSDataXscaleInputFile() self.xds_files.append(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "unit_cell_constants" ): obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.unit_cell_constants.append(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "sg_number": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setSg_number(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "bins": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.bins.append(obj_) XSDataInput.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleInput") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleInput") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataXscaleInput is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataXscaleInput.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXscaleInput() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleInput") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXscaleInput() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataXscaleInput
[docs]class XSDataXscaleParsingInput(XSDataInput): def __init__(self, configuration=None, lp_file=None): XSDataInput.__init__(self, configuration) if lp_file is None: self._lp_file = None elif lp_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._lp_file = lp_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleParsingInput constructor argument 'lp_file' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._lp_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'lp_file' attribute def getLp_file(self): return self._lp_file def setLp_file(self, lp_file): if lp_file is None: self._lp_file = None elif lp_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._lp_file = lp_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleParsingInput.setLp_file argument is not XSDataString but %s" % lp_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delLp_file(self): self._lp_file = None lp_file = property(getLp_file, setLp_file, delLp_file, "Property for lp_file") def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXscaleParsingInput"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXscaleParsingInput"): XSDataInput.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._lp_file is not None: self.lp_file.export(outfile, level, name_="lp_file") else: warnEmptyAttribute("lp_file", "XSDataString") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "lp_file": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setLp_file(obj_) XSDataInput.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleParsingInput") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleParsingInput") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataXscaleParsingInput is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataXscaleParsingInput.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXscaleParsingInput() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleParsingInput") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXscaleParsingInput() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataXscaleParsingInput # End of data representation classes.