Detector API Abstract methods:
prepare_acquisition start_acquisition has_shutterless
- Overloaded methods:
- Implemented methods:
stop_acquisition get_pixel_size, get_width, get_heigth, get_metadata get_radius, get_outer_radius get_beam_position get_roi_mode, set_roi_mode, get_roi_mode_name, get_roi_modes get_exposure_time_limits get_threshold_energy, set_threshold_energy get_binning_mode, set_binning_mode
- Implemented propertries:
- Emited signals:
detectorRoiModeChanged temperatureChanged humidityChanged expTimeLimitsChanged frameRateChanged stateChanged specificStateChanged
Hardware objects used: energy
Common base class for detectors |
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.abstract.AbstractDetector.AbstractDetector(name)[source]#
Common base class for detectors
- property distance#
Property for contained detector_distance hardware object :returns: Hardware object. :rtype: (AbstratctMotor)
- get_beam_position(distance=None, wavelength=None)[source]#
Calculate the beam position for a given distance. :param distance: detector distance [mm] :type distance: float :param wavelength: X-ray wavelength [Å] :type wavelength: float
- get_exposure_time_limits()[source]#
Get the exposure time lower and upper limits. :returns: Two floats (lower and upper limit) [s] :rtype: (tuple)
- get_first_and_last_file(pt: PathTemplate)[source]#
Get complete path to first and last image
- Parameters:
pt (PathTempalte) – Path template parameter
Returns: (Tuple): Tuple containing first and last image path (first, last)
- get_outer_radius(distance=None)[source]#
Get distance from beam_position to the furthest point on the detector. :param distance: Distance [mm] :type distance: float
- Returns:
Detector outer adius [mm]
- Return type:
- get_radius(distance=None)[source]#
Get distance from the beam position to the nearest detector edge. :param distance: Distance [mm] :type distance: float
- Returns:
Detector radius [mm]
- Return type:
- get_threshold_energy()[source]#
Returns detector threshold_energy :returns: Detector threshold energy [eV] :rtype: (float)
- abstract has_shutterless()[source]#
Check if detector is capable of shutterless acquisition. :returns: True if detector is capable, False otherwise :rtype: (bool)
- set_binning_mode(value)[source]#
Set the current binning mode. :param value: binning mode. :type value: int
- set_roi_mode(roi_mode)[source]#
Set the current ROI mode. :param roi_mode: ROI mode to set. :type roi_mode: int