Exporter Client implementation
ExporterClient class |
- class mxcubecore.Command.exporter.ExporterClient.ExporterClient(server_ip, server_port, protocol, timeout, retries)[source]#
ExporterClient class
- create_array_parameter(value)[source]#
Create a string to send. :param value: simple, tuple ot list
- Returns:
formated string
- Return type:
- execute(method, pars=None, timeout=-1)[source]#
Execute a command synchronous. :param method: Method name :type method: str :param pars: parameters :type pars: str :param timeout: Timeout [s] :type timeout: float
- execute_async(method, pars=None)[source]#
Execute command asynchronous. :param method: Method name :type method: str :param pars: parameters :type pars: str
- get_method_list()[source]#
Get the list of the methods :returns: List of strings (the methods) :rtype: (list)
- get_property_list()[source]#
Get the list of the properties. :returns: List of strings (the properties) :rtype: (list)
- on_message_received(msg)[source]#
Act if the message is an event, pass to StandardClient otherwise. :param msg: The message. :type msg: str
- parse_array(value)[source]#
Parse to list :param value: input string :type value: str
- Returns:
List of strings
- Return type:
- read_property(prop, timeout=-1)[source]#
Read a property :param prop: property name :type prop: str
- Returns:
reply from the process.
- Return type: