Hardware Object is used to get relevant machine information (current, intensity, hutch temperature and humidity, and data storage disc information). Value limits are included
Displays actual information about the beamline |
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.EMBL.EMBLMachineInfo.EMBLMachineInfo(name)[source]#
Displays actual information about the beamline
- cryojet_in_changed(value)[source]#
Updates cryojet status
- Parameters:
value (bool) – status
- Returns:
- file_transfer_status_changed(status)[source]#
Updates info about file beeing transfered :param total: int :param pending: int :param failed: int :return:
- get_external_value(addr)[source]#
- Extracts value from the given epics address. This is very specific
implementation how to get a value from epics web tool. At first web address string is formed and then web page by urllib2 extracted. Page contains column with records. Then the last value is choosen as the last active value.
- Parameters:
addr (str) – epics address
:returns : float
- get_ramdisk_size()[source]#
Gets ramdisk size in bytes :return: total, free disc size in bytes and free disc in perc
- mach_current_changed(value)[source]#
Method called if the machine current is changed
- Parameters:
value (float) – new machine current
- mach_energy_changed(value)[source]#
Updates machine energy value
- Parameters:
value (float) – machine energy
- Returns: