LIMS integration#

Integrating a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) is an essential part of data acquisition software. It enables the retrieval and upload of sample and experimental data both before and during the acquisition process. It further facilitates real-time monitoring of experimental results. MXCuBE can be integrated with any LIMS, currently supporting ISPyB, ICAT, or both via the AbstractLims interface.


The ISPyB LIMS system has, for a very long time, been the LIMS standard in the MXCuBE community. There was for that reason, little need for an abstraction that enabled the use of other systems. Several sites within the community have started to use other LIMS systems, creating a need for a more general abstraction within MXCuBE.

The current AbstractLims abstraction is based on the interface of the previous ISPyBClient, which was used for communication with ISPyB. Much of the API defined in ISPyBClient was kept the same so that the new AbstractLims, in an initial phase, can be used with minimal changes.

The aim of the current implementation of AbstractLims is to facilitate the usage of other LIMS systems. It also allows the use of other LIMS systems in parallel with ISPyB. It’s understood that the AbstractLims will need to evolve with the introduction of new LIMS systems and further development of existing solutions.

Authentication and authorization#

The authentication and authorization of a user have traditionally been performed in one step via the ISPYBClient hardware object. The authentication step has either been done through LDAP or delegated to ISPyB. ISPYBClient has been replaced by ISPyBAbstractLIMS and exists in two variants, one for user-based login (UserTypeISPyBLims) and another one for proposal (ProposalTypeISPyBLims) both of which support authentication via LDAP or ISPyB. The possibility to authenticate via LIMS will be removed in the future, and authentication has to be delegated to a process dedicated to authentication.

The authorization for a user to use a beamline is performed via the user portal or LIMS system, and the policy is site-specific. A very common policy is that user cannot log in unless there is an experiment scheduled for that user on the given beamline.


The proposal based login is still maintained but it’s strongly recommended to migrate to user based login. The proposal based login will be deprecated in the future.

Experiment session#

A user belongs to a proposal that has an experiment session scheduled on a beamline at a given time. Only one session and proposal can be active on a beamline at the same time. Other users beloning to the same proposal can access the instrument but only as observers, meaning that they can see what’s being done but not control it. Users not belonging to the currently active proposal can consequently not login (are not authorized to use the instrument).

User-based login#

When user-based login is used, the user authenticates with their personal credentials and the authorization is generally handled as described above. There may be local deviations from this defined by the LIMS system and HardwareObject used. Any number of users can be logged in at the same time (only one active) as long as they belong to the same proposal.

Proposal-based login#

When proposal-based login is used, the user authenticates with the proposal credentials. Only one proposal can be active at the time; however, a proposal can be logged-in any number of times (with only one instance active at the time).

Internal data model#

The data structures passed to the LIMS system via AbstractLims are still, as with ISPyBClient, the dictionary data structure used by the collect routines based on AbstractCollect and AbstractMultiCollect. A deliberate choice to leave room for discussion on the data model and make the transition into AbstractLims easier. There is a longer-running discussion in the community on the topic of defining these data structures as data classes and, more recently, as PyDantic models. The dictionary structures have for that purpose been documented in the new AbstractLims class.

There is an attempt to define the data structures retrieved from the LIMS system in model/ This data model currently defines information related to the experiment or session. Work is needed to further develop the model so that it includes the different data entities, such as samples.

Abstract LIMS#

The AbstractLIMS class contains the methods that must be implemented for any LIMS to function properly. The following list is the result of merging, cleaning and refactoring the methods found in HardwareObjects/ and HardwareObjects/

    def get_user_name(self)
    def get_full_user_name(self)
    def login(self, login_id: str, password: str, create_session: bool)
    def get_proposals_by_user(self, login_id  str)
    def get_samples(self)
    def store_robot_action(self, proposal_id  str)
    def store_beamline_setup(self, session_id  str, bl_config_dict  dict)
    def store_image(self, image_dict  dict)
    def store_energy_scan(self, energyscan_dict  dict)
    def store_xfe_spectrum(self, xfespectrum_dict  dict)
    def store_workflow(self, workflow_dict  dict)
    def store_data_collection(self, datacollection_dict: dict, beamline_config_dict: dict)
    def update_data_collection(self, datacollection_dict: dict)
    def finalize_data_collection(self, datacollection_dict: dict)
    def update_bl_sample(self, bl_sample  str)



The former ISPyBClient has been refactored and renamed to ISPyBAbstractLIMS. It uses the ISPyBDataAdapter class, a data adapter that handles all calls to ISPyB via SOAP web services. It improves the readability and maintainability of the code by reducing its complexity. The adapter class also provides a way to create a ISPyB client using a different technology to communicate with ISPyB i.e. REST instead of SAOP.

Depending on the facility, a user can be logged in as either a user or a proposal. In the previous implementation, this logic was combined, increasing complexity. It has now been separated into two distinct classes that inherit from ISPyBAbstractLIMS: UserTypeISPyBLims and ProposalTypeISPyBLims.

A facility using the ISPyB LIMS would need to configure the lims.xml hardware object either with ProposalTypeISPyBLims or UserTypeISPyBLims.


This is more or less the same configuration file as previously with ISPyBClient. The difference is the class name, and that there is no login_type configuration


<object class="ProposalTypeISPyBLims"> <!-- or <object class="UserTypeISPyBLims"> -->
  <object role="ldapServer" href="/ldapconnection" />
  <object role="session" href="/session" />

Migrating to AbstractLims#

To use AbstractLims instead of ISPyBClient, change object in the configuration file to ProposalTypeISPyBLims or UserTypeISPyBLims, as in the example below.

<!--<object class="ISPyBClient"> Change to ProposalTypeISPyBLims -->
<object class="ProposalTypeISPyBLims">
  <object hwrid="/lims-rest" role="lims_rest"/>
  <object role="ldapServer" href="/ldapconnection"/>
  <object role="icat_client" href="/icat-client"/>
  <object role="session" href="/session"/>

The method AbstractLims.login now returns a LimsSessionManager model instead of a list with dictionaries.


Similar to ISPyB, MXCuBE can now use ICAT with the ICATLIMS class. Note that ICATLIMS only works with user authentication.

The way a user selects their session is more flexible compared to with ISPyB, and it also manages beamline changes (in case of breakdown), making the configuration slightly more complex.

<object class="ICATLIMS">
  <object role="session" href="/session" />
       The list of sessions will be filtered by the override_beamline_name,
       this is needed when HWR.beamline.session.beamline_name does not match
       with the name of the instrument in the catalog




On top of the mentioned configuration, there is a LIMS client that combines both ISPyB and ICAT. This LIMS client has, for the time beeing been named ESRFLIMS but is open for renaming. By using ESRFLIMS sample information can be retrieved from either ISPyB or ICAT and the results are sent to both ISPyB and ICAT simultaneously. The authorization is based in ICAT. The configuration lims.xml relies on the previous hardware objects for ICAT (drac.xml) and ISPyB (ispyb.xml):

<object class="ESRFLIMS">
  <object role="drac" href="/drac" />
  <object role="ispyb" href="/ispyb" />