Abstract Classes#
General Concept#
The role of the mxcubecore Abstract Classes is to provide an API to be used by both mxcubeweb and mxcubeqt clients. It defines methods, attributes and signals. Most of the methods are defined only to give the footprint and should be, when appropriate, overloaded by the inheriting classes.
Abstract classes can be inherited by any class, including another abstract class. Any abstract class, if not inheriting from another abstract class should inherit from the HardwareObject or alternatively HardwareObjectYam class. The hierarchy scheme shows in brief the inheritance of the abstract classes.
If get_value/set_value methods are defined in the abstract class, the name of the class defines what will be represented. For example, get_value/set_value in the AbstractEnergy will read/set the energy, while the wavelength, handled in the same class, will have specific methods like get_value_wavelength/set_value_wavelength.
There are two methods available for any class, as inherited from HardwareObject - get_object_by_role() and get_property(). Both methods allow to retrieve information from the configuration file (xml or yaml).
get_object_by_role returns an object, associated to a role. Used to give an access to the defined Hardware Object.
<object href="/aperture" role="beamsize"/>
get_property returns a property - numeric, string or None. This usually serves to define or assign different attributes.
<values>{"IN": False, "OUT": True}</values>
Warning: Today these methods are specific to XML-configured classes, and may be re-factored away in the future.
Methods, specific to different abstract classes will be listed further.
There is only a limited number of general states, shared by all HardwareObjects. They are defined as an Enum as follows and should not be overridden.
class HardwareObjectState(enum.Enum):
"""Enumeration of common states, shared between all HardwareObjects"""
BUSY = 2
OFF = 5
The HardwareObjectState class is assigned to the STATES object, so it is accessible by the inheriting from HardwareObject classes as self.STATES.
In case additional states for a specific implementation are needed, there is a placeholder enumeration.
class DefaultSpecificState(enum.Enum):
Similar to STATES, a SPECIFIC_STATES object allows to access the specific states, without knowing the name of the class where they are defined.
VALUES Enum and how to expand it.#
Another abstraction concept is the enumeration for the values that can be get/set. It allows to define any value as an Enum, so only the name is fixed, but the value itself is flexible. It is defined in the AbstractNState.py with just one member:
class BaseValueEnum(enum.Enum):
"""Defines only the compulsory unknown."""
The VALUES object is assigned to BaseValueEnum. In the inheriting from AbstractNState classes it is overloaded by simply getting the information from the configuration file. For example (for XML-configured objects), from the following configuration
<values>{"A10": (0, 10, 0.15), "A20": (1, 20, 0.3), "A30": (2, 30, 0.63), "A50": (3, 50, 0.9), "A75": (4, 75, 0.96)}</values>
The python code transforms the string from the configuration to an Enum:
values = ast.literal_eval(self.get_property("values"))
values_dict = dict(**{item.name: item.value for item in self.VALUES})
self.VALUES = Enum("ValueEnum", values_dict)
This is the same as if a ValueEnum class was defined as follows:
class ValueEnum(enum.enum):
A10 = (0, 10, 0.15)
A20 = (1, 20, 0.3)
A30 = (2, 30, 0.63)
A50 = (3, 50, 0.9)
A75 = (4, 75, 0.96)
A timeout parameter can be added to any method that needs it. The common behaviour is defined as:
timeout=0 - return immediately, without waiting
timeout=None - wait until the end of the action
timeout=n - wait for n seconds (float value). Raise an exception if error.
Abstract Classes#
Only the methods, attributes, signals and properties defined or overloaded in the class are listed. The exhaustive list of the available methods, attributes and properties for each class depends on the parent class.
The mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.abstract.AbstractActuator.AbstractActuator
defines methods common for any moving device.
Inherits from HardwareObject class.
defined methods: get_value, set_value, validate_value, update_value, _set_value, get_limits, update_limits
properties from the configuration file: actuator_name, username, read_only, default_value, default_limits
attributes: actuator_name, username, read_only, default_value, default_limits, unit, _nominal_value, _nominal_limits.
emitted signals: valueChanged, limitsChanged
The _set_value is the only abstract method that needs to be overloaded with every specific implementation.
The mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.abstract.AbstractBeam.AbstractBeam
implements methods to handle the beam size and shape and the presence of beam. Defines the BeamShape Enum to handle the shape of the beam.
Inherits from HardwareObject class.
methods: get_beam_size, get_beam_shape, get_beam_divergence, get_available_size, get_beam_position_on_screen, evaluate_beam_info, set_beam_size_shape, set_beam_position_on_screen
overloaded methods: re_emit_values
properties from the configuration file: beam_divergence_vertical, beam_divergence_horizontal
attributes: definer, aperture, slits, _beam_divergence, _beam_position_on_screen, _beam_width, _beam_height, ._beam_shape, _beam_label, _beam_size_dict
emitted signals: beamSizeChanged, beamInfoChanged, beamPosChanged
The mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.abstract.AbstractEnergy.AbstractEnergy
handles energy and wavelength.
Inherits from AbstractActuator class.
methods: get_wavelength, get_wavelength_limits, set_wavelength, calculate_energy, calculate_wavelength
overloaded methods: update_value, force_emit_signals
attributes: is_tunable
emitted signals: energyChanged
The mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.abstract.AbstractFlux.AbstractFlux
handles the flux. Defines get_dose_rate_per_photon_per_mmsq as dose rate for a standard composition crystal, in Gy/s as a function of energy in keV.
Inherits from AbstractActuator class.
methods: get_average_flux_density, get_dose_rate_per_photon_per_mmsq
The mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.abstract.AbstractMachineInfo.AbstractMachineInfo
handles information coming from the accelerator source. It provides only few common to all accelerators parameters.
Inherits from HardwareObject class.
methods: get_current, get_fill_mode, get_lifetime, get_message, get_topup_remaining,get_mach_info_dict
attributes: _current, _message, _lifetime, _topup_remaining, _mach_info_dict
The mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.abstract.AbstractMotor.AbstractMotor
implements methods to handle devices which behave as a motor. Defines the MotorStates enumeration, assigned to SPECIFIC_STATES.
Inherits from AbstractActuator class.
methods: get_velocity, set_velocity, set_value_relative, home
overloaded methods: update_value
properties from the configuration file: tolerance
attributes: _velocity, _tolerance
The mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.abstract.AbstractNState.AbstractNState
implements methods to handle devices with a fixed number of possible values.
Defines the BaseValueEnum, assigned to VALUES.
Inherits from AbstractActuator class.
methods: initialise_values, value_to_enum
overloaded methods: validate_value, set_limits, update_limits, re_emit_values
The mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.abstract.AbstractResolution.AbstractResolution
implements methods to move the resolution as a motor. Handles the calculation of the resolution from detector distance and vice versa. Updates the value when energy or detector distance changed.
Inherits from AbstractMotor class. - methods: get_limits_for_wavelength, distance_to_resolution, resolution_to_distance, _calculate_resolution, get_value_at_corner, update_distance, update_energy - overloaded methods: get_state, get_value, get_limits, re_emit_values, set_limits, _set_value - attributes: _hwr_detector - hardware objects from configuration file: detector
The mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.abstract.AbstractShutter.AbstractShutter
implements methods to handle shutter like devices. Adds appropriate members to the BaseValueEnum.
Inherits from AbstractNStater class.
methods: open, close
attributes: is_open
The mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.abstract.AbstractTransmission.AbstractTransmission
get/set transmission value.
Inherits from AbstractActuator class.
The abstract class only defines the units [%] and the limits (0-100) at initialisation.
The mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.abstract.AbstractXRFSpectrum.AbstractXRFSpectrum
implements methods to run XRF Spectrum type acquisition.
Inherits from HardwareObject class.
methods: start_spectrum, execute_spectrum, _execute_spectrum, spectrum_store_lims, spectrum_command_finished, spectrum_command_failed, spectrum_command_aborted, spectrum_status_change, spectrum_analyse, create_directory, get_filename.
properties from the configuration file: default_integration_time
attributes: lims, spectrum_info_dict, default_integration_time
emitted signals: stateChanged xrfSpectrumStatusChanged - used to propagate the errors.
_execute_spectrum is the only abstract method. It is a placeholder for specific sequence implementation.
spectrum_analyse is additional hook to allow specific implementation.