[Name] PlateManipulator
[Description] Plate manipulator hardware object is used to use diffractometer in plate mode. It is compatable with md2, md3 diffractometers. Class is based on SampleChanger, so it has all the sample changed functionalities, like mount, unmount sample (in this case move to plate position). Plate is organized in rows and columns. Each cell (Cell) contains drop (Drop). Each drop could contain several crystals (Xtal). If CRIMS is available then each drop could have several crystals.
self.chan_current_phase : diffractometer phase
self.chan_plate_location : plate location (col, row)
self.chan_drop_location : plate location (col, row, drop)
self.chan_state : diffractometer state
self.cmd_move_to_location : move to plate location
[Emited signals]
emited signals defined in SampleChanger class
[Included Hardware Objects]#
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.PlateManipulator.Cell(row, row_chr, col_index, drops_num)[source]#