[Name] Harvester
[Description] Harvester mockup is use as a replacement of the Dewar sample storage This hardware object is use in couple with a Sample changer . and it is compatible with the Crystal Direct Harvester 3. It has some functionalities, like Harvest Sample, .
getSampleList : Get list of available sample from Harvester
Harvest : load sample from Harvester
Harvester functionality |
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.mockup.HarvesterMockup.HarvesterMockup(name)[source]#
Harvester functionality
The Harvester Class consists of methods executing exporter commands to communicate with the Crystal Direct Harvester Machine
- check_crystal_state(crystal_uuid)[source]#
Check wether if a Crystal is in pending_and_current or not
Args (str) : Crystal uuid
Return (str): status of the crystal_uuid pending / current
- current_crystal_state(crystal_uuid)[source]#
get current crystal state
Args: state (str) : Crystal uuid
Return (str): State of the crystal uuid
- get_calibrated_pin_offset()[source]#
Get Stored x , y , z offsets position after calibration procedure
return: (float) x, y, z offsets
- get_crystal_images_urls(crystal_uuid)[source]#
Get the Harvester Sample List Images
Args (str) : Crystal uuid
Return (List): list of crystal by image_url from current processing plan”
- get_crystal_uuids()[source]#
Get the Harvester Sample List uuid
Return (List): list of crystal by uuid from the current processing plan”
- get_current_crystal()[source]#
Get the Harvester current harvested crystal
Return (str): the crystal uuid
- get_image_target_x(crystal_uuid)[source]#
Get the crystal images position x
Args (str) : Crystal uuid
Return (float): Crystal x coordinate in plate
- get_image_target_y(crystal_uuid)[source]#
Get the crystal images position Y
Args (str) : Crystal uuid
Return (float): Crystal Y coordinate in plate
- get_last_pin_cut_shape_offset_x()[source]#
Pin shape Offset x position when Return (float): last pin cut shape offset x
- get_last_pin_cut_shape_offset_y()[source]#
Pin shape Offset Y position when Return (float): last pin cut shape offset y
- get_last_sample_drift_offset_x()[source]#
Sample Offset X position when drifted Return (float): last pin drift offset x
- get_last_sample_drift_offset_y()[source]#
Sample Offset Y position when drifted Return (float): last pin drift offset y
- get_last_sample_drift_offset_z()[source]#
Sample Offset Z position when drifted Return (float): last pin drift offset z
- get_room_temperature_mode()[source]#
get RoomTemperature Mode state
Args (str) : Crystal uuid
Return (bool): TemperatureMode , True if Room Temp else False
- get_sample_acronyms()[source]#
Get the Harvester Sample List by Acronyms
Return (List): list of crystal by Acronyms from the current processing plan”
- get_sample_names()[source]#
Get the Harvester Sample List Name
Return (List): list of crystal by names from the current processing plan”
- get_samples_state()[source]#
Get the Harvester Samples State
Return (List): list of crystal state “waiting_for_transfer, Running etc..”
- is_crystal_harvested(crystal_uuid)[source]#
Check Whether if the current crystal is harvested
args: the crystal uuid
Return (bool): True if the crystal is the current harvested crystal
- set_calibration_state(state)[source]#
Set Calibration state
Args: state (bool) : Whether the a calibration was perform
- set_room_temperature_mode(value)[source]#
Set Harvester temperature mode
Args: (bool) set room temperature when true