This object describes a single atom content (of type 'symbol' i.e 'S') that could be either expressed in concentration if dilute in a solvent (mM) or in number in a structure |
This object contains all the properties related to the beam: - the exposure time (sec) - the flux (photons/sec) - The minimum exposure time permitted by hardware (sec) - The size of the beam (mm x mm) - The wavelength (a) - Transmission in % |
Crystallographic properties |
A polymer chain of type 'protein', 'dna' or 'rna' that contains monomers (which number is defined by numberOfMonomers) and a list of heavy atoms. |
This is the composition of a crystal sample of a Macro Molecule (MM stand for Macro Molecule) |
The data collection carried out or to be carried out with a particular sample with specific user inputs defined by the diffraction plan. |
The comment can be used for describing exotic data collections, for example without collecting any images. |
Crystallographic properties |
The properties of a detector. |
This object contains the main properties a user can parameterize for a crystal characterisation: |
This object encapsulates all the physical properties of an experiment instrumentation. |
This generalisation is not very logical in terms of names, it should be fixed after the prototype (see bug #49). |
The properties of a goniostat: - the maximal rotation speed permitted - the minimal width for an oscillation width of subwedge - the name of the rotation axis (typically phi) - the rotation start angle - the rotation end angle |
These two definitions are used by the read image header plugin. |
These two definitions are used by the sub wedge assemble plugin. |
These two definitions are used by the sub wedge merge plugins. |
This generalisation is not very logical in terms of names, it should be fixed after the prototype (see bug #49). |
A polymer ligand that contains a set of heavy atoms, the number of all the light atoms (weight <= Oxygen) and the number of copies of this particular ligand in the polymer. |
These two definitions are used by the read image header plugin. |
Several collection plans could be present in case of multi-sweep strategy |
These two definitions are used by the sub wedge assemble plugin. |
These two definitions are used by the sub wedge merge plugins. |
This defines the main properties of a sample: - absorbed dose rate in Gray/sec - shape: the factor that is related to the sample and the beam size (1 if crystal smaller than beam size or = to the ratio of crystal size to the beam size if the beam is smaller then crystal). |
A crystal sample. |
A particular crystal sample that contains a macro molecule defined by its chemical composition. |
Defines the content of the solvent by defining the concentration of elements in millimoles/litre. |
Crystallographic properties |
The attribute "attenuation" in XSDataStrategySummary is deprecated, see bug #379. |
This is the polymer structure composed by a list of chains and a list of ligands. |
A subwedge is defined as a list of images that been collected or is to be collected with some particular experimental condition. |
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataAtom(symbol=None, numberOf=None, concentration=None)[source]#
This object describes a single atom content (of type ‘symbol’ i.e ‘S’) that could be either expressed in concentration if dilute in a solvent (mM) or in number in a structure
- property concentration#
Property for concentration
- property numberOf#
Property for numberOf
- property symbol#
Property for symbol
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataBeam(apertureSize=None, wavelength=None, transmission=None, size=None, minExposureTimePerImage=None, flux=None, exposureTime=None)[source]#
This object contains all the properties related to the beam: - the exposure time (sec) - the flux (photons/sec) - The minimum exposure time permitted by hardware (sec) - The size of the beam (mm x mm) - The wavelength (a) - Transmission in %
- property apertureSize#
Property for apertureSize
- property exposureTime#
Property for exposureTime
- property flux#
Property for flux
- property minExposureTimePerImage#
Property for minExposureTimePerImage
- property size#
Property for size
- property transmission#
Property for transmission
- property wavelength#
Property for wavelength
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataCell(length_c=None, length_b=None, length_a=None, angle_gamma=None, angle_beta=None, angle_alpha=None)[source]#
Crystallographic properties
- property angle_alpha#
Property for angle_alpha
- property angle_beta#
Property for angle_beta
- property angle_gamma#
Property for angle_gamma
- property length_a#
Property for length_a
- property length_b#
Property for length_b
- property length_c#
Property for length_c
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataChain(type=None, numberOfMonomers=None, numberOfCopies=None, heavyAtoms=None)[source]#
A polymer chain of type ‘protein’, ‘dna’ or ‘rna’ that contains monomers (which number is defined by numberOfMonomers) and a list of heavy atoms. The number of this is particular chain in the whole polymer is defined by numberOfCopies.
- property heavyAtoms#
Property for heavyAtoms
- property numberOfCopies#
Property for numberOfCopies
- property numberOfMonomers#
Property for numberOfMonomers
- property type#
Property for type
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataChemicalCompositionMM(structure=None, solvent=None)[source]#
This is the composition of a crystal sample of a Macro Molecule (MM stand for Macro Molecule)
- property solvent#
Property for solvent
- property structure#
Property for structure
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataCollection(subWedge=None, sample=None, diffractionPlan=None)[source]#
The data collection carried out or to be carried out with a particular sample with specific user inputs defined by the diffraction plan.
- property diffractionPlan#
Property for diffractionPlan
- property sample#
Property for sample
- property subWedge#
Property for subWedge
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataCollectionPlan(strategySummary=None, statistics=None, comment=None, collectionStrategy=None, collectionPlanNumber=None)[source]#
The comment can be used for describing exotic data collections, for example without collecting any images.
- property collectionPlanNumber#
Property for collectionPlanNumber
- property collectionStrategy#
Property for collectionStrategy
- property comment#
Property for comment
- property statistics#
Property for statistics
- property strategySummary#
Property for strategySummary
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataCrystal(spaceGroup=None, mosaicity=None, cell=None)[source]#
Crystallographic properties
- property cell#
Property for cell
- property mosaicity#
Property for mosaicity
- property spaceGroup#
Property for spaceGroup
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataDetector(type=None, twoTheta=None, serialNumber=None, pixelSizeY=None, pixelSizeX=None, numberPixelY=None, numberPixelX=None, numberBytesInHeader=None, name=None, imageSaturation=None, gain=None, distance=None, dataType=None, byteOrder=None, bin=None, beamPositionY=None, beamPositionX=None)[source]#
The properties of a detector.
- property beamPositionX#
Property for beamPositionX
- property beamPositionY#
Property for beamPositionY
- property bin#
Property for bin
- property byteOrder#
Property for byteOrder
- property dataType#
Property for dataType
- property distance#
Property for distance
- property gain#
Property for gain
- property imageSaturation#
Property for imageSaturation
- property name#
Property for name
- property numberBytesInHeader#
Property for numberBytesInHeader
- property numberPixelX#
Property for numberPixelX
- property numberPixelY#
Property for numberPixelY
- property pixelSizeX#
Property for pixelSizeX
- property pixelSizeY#
Property for pixelSizeY
- property serialNumber#
Property for serialNumber
- property twoTheta#
Property for twoTheta
- property type#
Property for type
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataDiffractionPlan(userDefinedRotationStart=None, userDefinedRotationRange=None, strategyType=None, strategyOption=None, rFriedel=None, requiredResolution=None, requiredMultiplicity=None, requiredCompleteness=None, numberOfPositions=None, minTransmission=None, minExposureTimePerImage=None, maxExposureTimePerDataCollection=None, kappaStrategyOption=None, goniostatMinOscillationWidth=None, goniostatMaxOscillationSpeed=None, forcedSpaceGroup=None, estimateRadiationDamage=None, doseLimit=None, detectorDistanceMin=None, detectorDistanceMax=None, complexity=None, anomalousData=None, aimedResolution=None, aimedMultiplicity=None, aimedIOverSigmaAtHighestResolution=None, aimedCompleteness=None)[source]#
This object contains the main properties a user can parameterize for a crystal characterisation:
the aimed* parameters are the parameters that a user would like to reach for a BEST run.
the required* are not yet used (the idea is to warn the user if these parameters cannot be reached)
complexity: BEST complexity input, can be either “none” (always single wedge strategy). “min” (few subwedges) or “full” (many subwedges).
maxExposureTimePerDataCollection is the max total exposure time (shutter open, not including readout time) the crystal can be exposed to the X-ray beam.
forcedSpaceGroup: option to force the space group of the indexing solution
strategyOption: extra option for BEST for more advanced strategies like estimating the sensitivity to radiation damage
anomalousData: Depreccated! Boolean value for enabling anomalous strategy. In the future the strategyOption should be used instead of anomalousData.
estimateRadiationDamage: Boolean value for enabling or disabling the use of Raddose for estimation of radiation damage. If estimateRadiationDamage is enabled also the flux and beamsize must be provided.
detectorDistanceMin and detectorDistanceMax: optimal input to BEST for limiting the calculated strategy resolution to be in the range of the detector displacements with respect to the sample.
minTransmission: optional input for BEST
kappaStrategyOption: optional input for kappa strategies
numberOfPositions: optional input for BEST
- property aimedCompleteness#
Property for aimedCompleteness
- property aimedIOverSigmaAtHighestResolution#
Property for aimedIOverSigmaAtHighestResolution
- property aimedMultiplicity#
Property for aimedMultiplicity
- property aimedResolution#
Property for aimedResolution
- property anomalousData#
Property for anomalousData
- property complexity#
Property for complexity
- property detectorDistanceMax#
Property for detectorDistanceMax
- property detectorDistanceMin#
Property for detectorDistanceMin
- property doseLimit#
Property for doseLimit
- property estimateRadiationDamage#
Property for estimateRadiationDamage
- property forcedSpaceGroup#
Property for forcedSpaceGroup
- property goniostatMaxOscillationSpeed#
Property for goniostatMaxOscillationSpeed
- property goniostatMinOscillationWidth#
Property for goniostatMinOscillationWidth
- property kappaStrategyOption#
Property for kappaStrategyOption
- property maxExposureTimePerDataCollection#
Property for maxExposureTimePerDataCollection
- property minExposureTimePerImage#
Property for minExposureTimePerImage
- property minTransmission#
Property for minTransmission
- property numberOfPositions#
Property for numberOfPositions
- property rFriedel#
Property for rFriedel
- property requiredCompleteness#
Property for requiredCompleteness
- property requiredMultiplicity#
Property for requiredMultiplicity
- property requiredResolution#
Property for requiredResolution
- property strategyOption#
Property for strategyOption
- property strategyType#
Property for strategyType
- property userDefinedRotationRange#
Property for userDefinedRotationRange
- property userDefinedRotationStart#
Property for userDefinedRotationStart
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataDozorInput(configuration=None, nameTemplateImage=None, numberImages=None, firstImageNumber=None, startingAngle=None, imageStep=None, oscillationRange=None, orgy=None, orgx=None, fractionPolarization=None, wavelength=None, detectorDistance=None, spotSize=None, exposureTime=None, detectorType=None)[source]#
- property detectorDistance#
Property for detectorDistance
- property detectorType#
Property for detectorType
- property exposureTime#
Property for exposureTime
- property firstImageNumber#
Property for firstImageNumber
- property fractionPolarization#
Property for fractionPolarization
- property imageStep#
Property for imageStep
- property nameTemplateImage#
Property for nameTemplateImage
- property numberImages#
Property for numberImages
- property orgx#
Property for orgx
- property orgy#
Property for orgy
- property oscillationRange#
Property for oscillationRange
- property spotSize#
Property for spotSize
- property startingAngle#
Property for startingAngle
- property wavelength#
Property for wavelength
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataExperimentalCondition(goniostat=None, detector=None, beam=None)[source]#
This object encapsulates all the physical properties of an experiment instrumentation. i.e: Beam, detector, Goniostat.
- property beam#
Property for beam
- property detector#
Property for detector
- property goniostat#
Property for goniostat
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataGeneratePredictionInput(configuration=None, selectedIndexingSolution=None, dataCollection=None)[source]#
This generalisation is not very logical in terms of names, it should be fixed after the prototype (see bug #49).
- property dataCollection#
Property for dataCollection
- property selectedIndexingSolution#
Property for selectedIndexingSolution
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataGeneratePredictionResult(status=None, predictionImage=None)[source]#
- property predictionImage#
Property for predictionImage
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataGoniostat(phi=None, kappa=None, samplePosition=None, rotationAxisStart=None, rotationAxisEnd=None, rotationAxis=None, overlap=None, oscillationWidth=None, minOscillationWidth=None, maxOscillationSpeed=None)[source]#
The properties of a goniostat: - the maximal rotation speed permitted - the minimal width for an oscillation width of subwedge - the name of the rotation axis (typically phi) - the rotation start angle - the rotation end angle
- property kappa#
Property for kappa
- property maxOscillationSpeed#
Property for maxOscillationSpeed
- property minOscillationWidth#
Property for minOscillationWidth
- property oscillationWidth#
Property for oscillationWidth
- property overlap#
Property for overlap
- property phi#
Property for phi
- property rotationAxis#
Property for rotationAxis
- property rotationAxisEnd#
Property for rotationAxisEnd
- property rotationAxisStart#
Property for rotationAxisStart
- property samplePosition#
Property for samplePosition
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataIndexingInput(configuration=None, experimentalCondition=None, dataCollection=None, crystal=None)[source]#
- property crystal#
Property for crystal
- property dataCollection#
Property for dataCollection
- property experimentalCondition#
Property for experimentalCondition
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataIndexingResult(status=None, solution=None, selectedSolution=None, predictionResult=None, labelitIndexing=None, indexingLogFile=None, image=None)[source]#
- property image#
Property for image
- property indexingLogFile#
Property for indexingLogFile
- property labelitIndexing#
Property for labelitIndexing
- property predictionResult#
Property for predictionResult
- property selectedSolution#
Property for selectedSolution
- property solution#
Property for solution
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataInputCharacterisation(configuration=None, currentResolution=None, token=None, dataCollection=None)[source]#
- property currentResolution#
Property for currentResolution
- property dataCollection#
Property for dataCollection
- property token#
Property for token
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataInputControlISPyB(configuration=None, phi=None, kappa=None, dataCollectionGroupId=None, characterisationResult=None)[source]#
- property characterisationResult#
Property for characterisationResult
- property dataCollectionGroupId#
Property for dataCollectionGroupId
- property kappa#
Property for kappa
- property phi#
Property for phi
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataInputControlImageQualityIndicators(configuration=None, endNo=None, startNo=None, template=None, directory=None, wedgeNumber=None, fastMesh=None, batchSize=None, image=None, doUploadToIspyb=None, doIndexing=None, doDistlSignalStrength=None)[source]#
- property batchSize#
Property for batchSize
- property directory#
Property for directory
- property doDistlSignalStrength#
Property for doDistlSignalStrength
- property doIndexing#
Property for doIndexing
- property doUploadToIspyb#
Property for doUploadToIspyb
- property endNo#
Property for endNo
- property fastMesh#
Property for fastMesh
- property image#
Property for image
- property startNo#
Property for startNo
- property template#
Property for template
- property wedgeNumber#
Property for wedgeNumber
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataInputControlXDSGenerateBackgroundImage(configuration=None, dataCollection=None)[source]#
- property dataCollection#
Property for dataCollection
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataInputInducedRadiationProcess(configuration=None, characterisationResult=None)[source]#
- property characterisationResult#
Property for characterisationResult
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataInputReadImageHeader(configuration=None, image=None)[source]#
These two definitions are used by the read image header plugin.
- property image#
Property for image
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataInputStrategy(configuration=None, xdsBackgroundImage=None, sample=None, experimentalCondition=None, diffractionPlan=None, dataCollection=None, crystalRefined=None, bestFileContentPar=None, bestFileContentHKL=None, bestFileContentDat=None)[source]#
- property bestFileContentDat#
Property for bestFileContentDat
- property bestFileContentHKL#
Property for bestFileContentHKL
- property bestFileContentPar#
Property for bestFileContentPar
- property crystalRefined#
Property for crystalRefined
- property dataCollection#
Property for dataCollection
- property diffractionPlan#
Property for diffractionPlan
- property experimentalCondition#
Property for experimentalCondition
- property sample#
Property for sample
- property xdsBackgroundImage#
Property for xdsBackgroundImage
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataInputSubWedgeAssemble(configuration=None, file=None)[source]#
These two definitions are used by the sub wedge assemble plugin.
- property file#
Property for file
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataInputSubWedgeMerge(configuration=None, subWedge=None)[source]#
These two definitions are used by the sub wedge merge plugins.
- property subWedge#
Property for subWedge
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataIntegrationInput(configuration=None, selectedIndexingSolution=None, dataCollection=None, experimentalConditionRefined=None, crystalRefined=None)[source]#
This generalisation is not very logical in terms of names, it should be fixed after the prototype (see bug #49).
- property crystalRefined#
Property for crystalRefined
- property experimentalConditionRefined#
Property for experimentalConditionRefined
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataIntegrationResult(status=None, integrationSubWedgeResult=None)[source]#
- property integrationSubWedgeResult#
Property for integrationSubWedgeResult
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataLigand(numberOfLightAtoms=None, numberOfCopies=None, heavyAtoms=None)[source]#
A polymer ligand that contains a set of heavy atoms, the number of all the light atoms (weight <= Oxygen) and the number of copies of this particular ligand in the polymer.
- property heavyAtoms#
Property for heavyAtoms
- property numberOfCopies#
Property for numberOfCopies
- property numberOfLightAtoms#
Property for numberOfLightAtoms
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataResultCharacterisation(status=None, kappaReorientation=None, xdsBackgroundImage=None, strategyResult=None, statusMessage=None, shortSummary=None, integrationResult=None, indexingResult=None, imageQualityIndicators=None, executiveSummary=None, thumbnailImage=None, jpegImage=None, dataCollection=None)[source]#
- property dataCollection#
Property for dataCollection
- property executiveSummary#
Property for executiveSummary
- property imageQualityIndicators#
Property for imageQualityIndicators
- property indexingResult#
Property for indexingResult
- property integrationResult#
Property for integrationResult
- property jpegImage#
Property for jpegImage
- property kappaReorientation#
Property for kappaReorientation
- property shortSummary#
Property for shortSummary
- property statusMessage#
Property for statusMessage
- property strategyResult#
Property for strategyResult
- property thumbnailImage#
Property for thumbnailImage
- property xdsBackgroundImage#
Property for xdsBackgroundImage
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataResultControlISPyB(status=None, dataCollectionId=None, screeningId=None)[source]#
- property dataCollectionId#
Property for dataCollectionId
- property screeningId#
Property for screeningId
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataResultControlImageQualityIndicators(status=None, inputDozor=None, imageQualityIndicators=None)[source]#
- property imageQualityIndicators#
Property for imageQualityIndicators
- property inputDozor#
Property for inputDozor
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataResultControlKappa(status=None, solution=None, logFile=None)[source]#
- property logFile#
Property for logFile
- property solution#
Property for solution
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataResultControlXDSGenerateBackgroundImage(status=None, xdsBackgroundImage=None)[source]#
- property xdsBackgroundImage#
Property for xdsBackgroundImage
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataResultInducedRadiationProcess(status=None, scale=None, crystal=None, bFactor=None)[source]#
- property bFactor#
Property for bFactor
- property crystal#
Property for crystal
- property scale#
Property for scale
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataResultReadImageHeader(status=None, subWedge=None)[source]#
These two definitions are used by the read image header plugin.
- property subWedge#
Property for subWedge
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataResultStrategy(status=None, timeToReachHendersonLimit=None, sample=None, raddoseLogFile=None, collectionPlan=None, bestLogFile=None, bestGraphFile=None)[source]#
Several collection plans could be present in case of multi-sweep strategy
- property bestGraphFile#
Property for bestGraphFile
- property bestLogFile#
Property for bestLogFile
- property collectionPlan#
Property for collectionPlan
- property raddoseLogFile#
Property for raddoseLogFile
- property sample#
Property for sample
- property timeToReachHendersonLimit#
Property for timeToReachHendersonLimit
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataResultSubWedgeAssemble(status=None, subWedge=None)[source]#
These two definitions are used by the sub wedge assemble plugin.
- property subWedge#
Property for subWedge
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataResultSubWedgeMerge(status=None, subWedge=None)[source]#
These two definitions are used by the sub wedge merge plugins.
- property subWedge#
Property for subWedge
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataSample(susceptibility=None, omegaMin=None, size=None, shape=None, radiationDamageModelGamma=None, radiationDamageModelBeta=None, absorbedDoseRate=None)[source]#
This defines the main properties of a sample: - absorbed dose rate in Gray/sec - shape: the factor that is related to the sample and the beam size (1 if crystal smaller than beam size or = to the ratio of crystal size to the beam size if the beam is smaller then crystal). - sample size - the susceptibility of the sample to radiation damage.
- property absorbedDoseRate#
Property for absorbedDoseRate
- property omegaMin#
Property for omegaMin
- property radiationDamageModelBeta#
Property for radiationDamageModelBeta
- property radiationDamageModelGamma#
Property for radiationDamageModelGamma
- property shape#
Property for shape
- property size#
Property for size
- property susceptibility#
Property for susceptibility
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataSampleCrystal(susceptibility=None, omegaMin=None, size=None, shape=None, radiationDamageModelGamma=None, radiationDamageModelBeta=None, absorbedDoseRate=None, crystal=None)[source]#
A crystal sample. Inherites of all the XSDataSample attributes (inheritance relationship). In addition has the crystallographic properties (cell, mosaicity, space, group)
- property crystal#
Property for crystal
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataSampleCrystalMM(susceptibility=None, omegaMin=None, size=None, shape=None, radiationDamageModelGamma=None, radiationDamageModelBeta=None, absorbedDoseRate=None, crystal=None, chemicalComposition=None)[source]#
A particular crystal sample that contains a macro molecule defined by its chemical composition.
- property chemicalComposition#
Property for chemicalComposition
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataSolvent(atoms=None)[source]#
Defines the content of the solvent by defining the concentration of elements in millimoles/litre. Note that this atom composition should not include oxygen and lighter atoms.
- property atoms#
Property for atoms
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataSpaceGroup(name=None, ITNumber=None)[source]#
Crystallographic properties
- property ITNumber#
Property for ITNumber
- property name#
Property for name
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataStrategySummary(totalExposureTime=None, totalDataCollectionTime=None, resolutionReasoning=None, resolution=None, redundancy=None, rankingResolution=None, iSigma=None, completeness=None, attenuation=None)[source]#
The attribute “attenuation” in XSDataStrategySummary is deprecated, see bug #379. Please use instead “transmission” in XSDataBeam.
- property attenuation#
Property for attenuation
- property completeness#
Property for completeness
- property iSigma#
Property for iSigma
- property rankingResolution#
Property for rankingResolution
- property redundancy#
Property for redundancy
- property resolution#
Property for resolution
- property resolutionReasoning#
Property for resolutionReasoning
- property totalDataCollectionTime#
Property for totalDataCollectionTime
- property totalExposureTime#
Property for totalExposureTime
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataStructure(numberOfCopiesInAsymmetricUnit=None, ligand=None, chain=None)[source]#
This is the polymer structure composed by a list of chains and a list of ligands. This structure is also defined by its number in the asymmetric unit.
- property chain#
Property for chain
- property ligand#
Property for ligand
- property numberOfCopiesInAsymmetricUnit#
Property for numberOfCopiesInAsymmetricUnit
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataMXv1.XSDataSubWedge(subWedgeNumber=None, image=None, experimentalCondition=None, action=None)[source]#
A subwedge is defined as a list of images that been collected or is to be collected with some particular experimental condition. If the images are to be collected, the image list is empty. The subWedgeNumber is an optional number for relating different subwedges, especially for planning data collections.
- property action#
Property for action
- property experimentalCondition#
Property for experimentalCondition
- property image#
Property for image
- property subWedgeNumber#
Property for subWedgeNumber