- Description: This module implements the hardware object for the Eiger detector
based on a Tango device server
Detector Status:#
- hardware status:
ready: ready for trigger (this is the state after an “Arm” command) idle: ready for config (this should be the state after a “Disarm” command)
hardware object status:
configuring: a configuration task is ongoing
Description: Eiger hwobj based on tango |
- class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.mockup.BIOMAXEigerMockup.BIOMAXEigerMockup(*args)[source]#
Description: Eiger hwobj based on tango
- get_x_pixels_in_detector()[source]#
number of pixels along x-axis numbers vary depending on the RoiMode
- get_y_pixels_in_detector()[source]#
number of pixels along y-axis, numbers vary depending on the RoiMode
- prepare_acquisition(config)[source]#
config is a dictionary OmegaStart,OmegaIncrement, BeamCenterX BeamCenterY OmegaStart OmegaIncrement start, osc_range, exptime, ntrigger, number_of_images, images_per_file, compression,ROI,wavelength):
- set_energy_threshold(threshold)[source]#
set energy_threshold Note, the readout_time will be changed By deafult, the value is 50% of the photon_energy and will be updated upon setting PhotonEnergy. If other values are needed, this should be set after changing PhotonEnergy. Eengery, in eV