Source code for mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.ISARAMaint

from typing import Optional

from tango import (

from mxcubecore.BaseHardwareObjects import HardwareObject

The sample changer maintenance hardware object for ISARA2 robot.

Provide commands for powering on and off the robot. Populates the 'equipment' tab
with a handful of other useful command, while operating the sample changer.

This hardware object assumes that ISARA2 sample changer is exposed
via tango device server implementation as implemented here:

Example XML configuration for this hardware object:

  <object class="ISARAMaint">

  tangoname - the sample changers tango device to use
  polling   - optional, sets the polling frequency of device attributes, in milliseconds


def _reword_isara_error(err_message: str) -> str:
    Reword some of the ISARA error messages to make them easier to understand for the user.
    msg = err_message.lower()
    if msg == "remote mode requested":
        return "it is not in remote mode"

    if msg == "doors must be closed":
        return "hutch is not searched"

    # let's use error as-is
    return msg

def _get_isara_command_error(ex: DevFailed) -> Optional[str]:
    Check if specified exception encodes an ISARA command error.

    Returns the human-readable error message from ISARA, or None
    if this is not an ISARA command error exception.

    # The ISARA command errors are signaled by raising DevError exception,
    # with reason set to 'ISARACommandError' and 'desc' to the error message
    # from ISARA. The DevError will be wrapped inside DevFailed exception by
    # tango.
    # Check if provided exception contains an DevError signalling ISARA command error.
    for err in ex.args:
        if err.reason == "ISARACommandError":
            return _reword_isara_error(err.desc)

    # this is not an ISARA command error exception
    return None

[docs]class ISARAMaint(HardwareObject): def __init__(self, name): super().__init__(name) self._commands_state = dict( PowerOn=False, PowerOff=False, openLid=True, closeLid=True, home=True, dry=True, soak=True, clearMemory=True, reset=True, back=True, abort=True, ) self._powered = None self._position_name = None self._message = None
[docs] def init(self): self.isara_dev = DeviceProxy(self.tangoname) polling = self._get_polling() self._poll_attribute("Powered", polling, self._powered_updated) self._poll_attribute("PositionName", polling, self._position_name_updated) self._poll_attribute("Message", polling, self._message_updated)
def _get_polling(self): """ get polling frequency to use for device attribute poller """ try: # polling is specified in the XML file return self.polling except AttributeError: # no polling is specified in the XML, use default polling value return DEFAULT_POLLING def _poll_attribute(self, attr_name: str, polling: int, callback): channel = self.add_channel( { "type": "tango", "name": f"_chn{attr_name}", "tangoname": self.tangoname, "polling": polling, }, attr_name, ) channel.connect_signal("update", callback) def _update_state(self): for attr in [self._powered, self._position_name, self._message]: if attr is None: # some of the values are still unknown, # wait until we get all values return # # update 'power' commands # self._commands_state["PowerOn"] = not self._powered self._commands_state["PowerOff"] = self._powered # # update 'positions' commands # if not self._powered or self._position_name == "undefined": # when powered off or running a trajectory, # disable position commands self._commands_state["home"] = False self._commands_state["dry"] = False self._commands_state["soak"] = False else: self._commands_state["home"] = True self._commands_state["dry"] = True self._commands_state["soak"] = True if self._position_name in ["home", "dry", "soak"]: # can't move to same position self._commands_state[self._position_name] = False self._emit_global_state_changed() def _powered_updated(self, powered): self._powered = powered self._update_state() def _position_name_updated(self, position_name): self._position_name = position_name.lower() self._update_state() def _message_updated(self, message): self._message = message self._update_state() def _emit_global_state_changed(self): self.emit( "globalStateChanged", (self._commands_state, self._message), ) def _toggle_power(self, power_on: bool): """ issue powerOn or powerOff commands, catching ISARA command error exception """ command = self.isara_dev.PowerOn if power_on else self.isara_dev.PowerOff try: command() except DevFailed as ex: isara_err = _get_isara_command_error(ex) # this is not an ISARA command error, pass on the exception if isara_err is None: raise ex state = "on" if power_on else "off" raise RuntimeError(f"Can't power {state} sample changer, {isara_err}.") def send_command(self, cmd_name, _args=None): if cmd_name == "PowerOn": self._toggle_power(True) elif cmd_name == "PowerOff": self._toggle_power(False) elif cmd_name == "openLid": self.isara_dev.OpenLid() elif cmd_name == "closeLid": self.isara_dev.CloseLid() elif cmd_name == "home": self.isara_dev.Home() elif cmd_name == "dry": self.isara_dev.Dry() elif cmd_name == "soak": self.isara_dev.Soak() elif cmd_name == "clearMemory": self.isara_dev.ClearMemory() elif cmd_name == "reset": self.isara_dev.Reset() elif cmd_name == "back": self.isara_dev.Back() elif cmd_name == "abort": self.isara_dev.Abort() else: raise Exception(f"ISARA MAINT: unexpected command '{cmd_name}'") def get_global_state(self): return dict(glob_state="dummy"), self._commands_state, self._message def get_cmd_info(self): return [ [ "Power", [ ["PowerOn", "PowerOn", "Switch Power On"], ["PowerOff", "PowerOff", "Switch Power Off"], ], ], [ "Lid", [ ["openLid", "Open Lid", "Open Lid"], ["closeLid", "Close Lid", "Close Lid"], ], ], [ "Positions", [ ["home", "Home", "Actions", "Home (trajectory)"], ["dry", "Dry", "Actions", "Dry (trajectory)"], ["soak", "Soak", "Actions", "Soak (trajectory)"], ], ], [ "Recovery", [ [ "clearMemory", "Clear Memory", "Clear Info in Robot Memory " " (includes info about sample on Diffr)", ], [ "reset", "Reset Fault", "Acknowledge security fault", ], [ "back", "Back", "Return sample back to Dewar", ], ], ], ["Abort", [["abort", "Abort", "Abort running trajectory"]]], ]