Source code for mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.mockup.BIOMAXEigerMockup



  Description:  This module implements the hardware object for the Eiger detector
     based on a Tango device server

Detector Status:

hardware status:
   ready:   ready for trigger (this is the state after an "Arm" command)
   idle:    ready for config (this should be the state after a "Disarm" command)

hardware object status:

   configuring:  a configuration task is ongoing


import gevent
import time
import logging

from mxcubecore import HardwareRepository as HWR
from mxcubecore.TaskUtils import task, cleanup, error_cleanup
from mxcubecore.BaseHardwareObjects import HardwareObject

[docs]class BIOMAXEigerMockup(HardwareObject): """ Description: Eiger hwobj based on tango """ def __init__(self, *args): """ Descrip. : """ super().__init__(*args) self.device = None self.file_suffix = None self.default_exposure_time = 0.1 self.default_compression = "bslz4" self.buffer_limit = None self.dcu = None self.config_state = None self.initialized = False self.status_chan = None self.roi_mode = "dsiabled" self.photon_energy = 12000 self.energy_threshold = 6000 # defaults self.energy_change_threshold_default = 20
[docs] def init(self): tango_device = self.get_property("detector_device") filewriter_device = self.get_property("filewriter_device") self.file_suffix = self.get_property("file_suffix") self.default_exposure_time = self.get_property("default_exposure_time") self.default_compression = self.get_property("default_compression") self.buffer_limit = self.get_property("buffer_limit") self.dcu = self.get_property("dcu") # config needed to be set up for data collection # if values are None, use the one from the system self.col_config = { "OmegaStart": 0, "OmegaIncrement": 0.1, "BeamCenterX": 2000, # length not pixel "BeamCenterY": 2000, "DetectorDistance": 0.15, "CountTime": 0.1, "NbImages": 100, "NbTriggers": 1, "ImagesPerFile": 100, "RoiMode": "disabled", "FilenamePattern": "test", "PhotonEnergy": 12000, "TriggerMode": "exts", } # we need to call the init device before accessing the channels here # otherwise the initialization is triggered by the HardwareRepository Poller # that is delayed after the application starts try: self.energy_change_threshold = float( self.get_property("min_trigger_energy_change") ) except Exception: self.energy_change_threshold = self.energy_change_threshold_default
def get_readout_time(self): return 0.000004 def get_acquisition_time(self): return 2 def get_roi_mode(self): return self.roi_mode def set_roi_mode(self, value): self.roi_mode = value
[docs] def get_pixel_size_x(self): """ return sizes of a single pixel along x-axis respectively unit, mm """ x_pixel_size = 0.000075 return x_pixel_size * 1000
[docs] def get_pixel_size_y(self): """ return sizes of a single pixel along y-axis respectively unit, mm """ y_pixel_size = 0.000075 return y_pixel_size * 1000
[docs] def get_x_pixels_in_detector(self): """ number of pixels along x-axis numbers vary depending on the RoiMode """ return 4150
[docs] def get_y_pixels_in_detector(self): """ number of pixels along y-axis, numbers vary depending on the RoiMode """ return 4371
def get_minimum_exposure_time(self): return 0.01 def get_sensor_thickness(self): return 0.45 def has_shutterless(self): return True # GET INFORMATION END # SET VALUES
[docs] def set_photon_energy(self, energy): """ set photon_energy Note, the readout_time will be changed engery, in eV """ self.photon_energy = energy return True
[docs] def set_energy_threshold(self, threshold): """ set energy_threshold Note, the readout_time will be changed By deafult, the value is 50% of the photon_energy and will be updated upon setting PhotonEnergy. If other values are needed, this should be set after changing PhotonEnergy. Eengery, in eV """ self.energy_threshold = threshold
[docs] def prepare_acquisition(self, config): """ config is a dictionary OmegaStart,OmegaIncrement, BeamCenterX BeamCenterY OmegaStart OmegaIncrement start, osc_range, exptime, ntrigger, number_of_images, images_per_file, compression,ROI,wavelength): """ logging.getLogger("user_level_log").info("Preparing acquisition")
@task def start_acquisition(self): """ Before starting the acquisition a prepare_acquisition should be issued After prepare_acquisition the detector should be in "idle" state Otherwise you will have to send a "disarm" command by hand to be able to start an acquisition """ logging.getLogger("user_level_log").info("Detector armed") return self.arm()
[docs] def stop_acquisition(self): """ when use external trigger, Disarm is required, otherwise the last h5 will not be released and not available in WebDAV. """ try: self.cancel() # this is needed as disarm in tango device server does not seem to work # as expected. the disarm command in the simpleinterface is always working # when called from Tango it does not. Once bug is solved in tango server, the # call to "cancel()" is not necessary here self.disarm() except Exception: pass
[docs] def cancel_acquisition(self): """Cancel acquisition""" try: self.cancel() except Exception: pass time.sleep(1) self.disarm()
def arm(self): return def trigger(self): return def disarm(self): return def cancel(self): return
[docs] def abort(self): return