Source code for mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.XSDataAutoprocv1_0

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Generated Tue Oct 14 03:54::11 2014 by EDGenerateDS.

from XSDataCommon import XSDataVectorDouble
from XSDataCommon import XSDataString
from XSDataCommon import XSDataResult
from XSDataCommon import XSDataInteger
from XSDataCommon import XSDataInput
from XSDataCommon import XSDataFile
from XSDataCommon import XSDataDouble
from XSDataCommon import XSDataBoolean
import os
import sys
from xml.dom import minidom
from xml.dom import Node

strEdnaHome = os.environ.get("EDNA_HOME", None)

dictLocation = {
    "XSDataCommon": "kernel/datamodel",
    "XSDataCommon": "kernel/datamodel",
    "XSDataCommon": "kernel/datamodel",
    "XSDataCommon": "kernel/datamodel",
    "XSDataCommon": "kernel/datamodel",
    "XSDataCommon": "kernel/datamodel",
    "XSDataCommon": "kernel/datamodel",
    "XSDataCommon": "kernel/datamodel",

    from XSDataCommon import XSDataBoolean
    from XSDataCommon import XSDataDouble
    from XSDataCommon import XSDataFile
    from XSDataCommon import XSDataInput
    from XSDataCommon import XSDataInteger
    from XSDataCommon import XSDataResult
    from XSDataCommon import XSDataString
    from XSDataCommon import XSDataVectorDouble
except ImportError as error:
    if strEdnaHome is not None:
        for strXsdName in dictLocation:
            strXsdModule = strXsdName + ".py"
            strRootdir = os.path.dirname(
                os.path.abspath(os.path.join(strEdnaHome, dictLocation[strXsdName]))
            for strRoot, listDirs, listFiles in os.walk(strRootdir):
                if strXsdModule in listFiles:
        raise error

# Support/utility functions.

# Compabiltity between Python 2 and 3:
if sys.version.startswith("3"):
    unicode = str
    from io import StringIO
    from StringIO import StringIO

def showIndent(outfile, level):
    for idx in range(level):
        outfile.write(unicode("    "))

def warnEmptyAttribute(_strName, _strTypeName):
    # if not _strTypeName in ["float", "double", "string", "boolean", "integer"]:
    #    print("Warning! Non-optional attribute %s of type %s is None!" % (_strName, _strTypeName))

class MixedContainer(object):
    # Constants for category:
    CategoryNone = 0
    CategoryText = 1
    CategorySimple = 2
    CategoryComplex = 3
    # Constants for content_type:
    TypeNone = 0
    TypeText = 1
    TypeString = 2
    TypeInteger = 3
    TypeFloat = 4
    TypeDecimal = 5
    TypeDouble = 6
    TypeBoolean = 7

    def __init__(self, category, content_type, name, value):
        self.category = category
        self.content_type = content_type = name
        self.value = value

    def getCategory(self):
        return self.category

    def getContenttype(self, content_type):
        return self.content_type

    def getValue(self):
        return self.value

    def getName(self):

    def export(self, outfile, level, name):
        if self.category == MixedContainer.CategoryText:
        elif self.category == MixedContainer.CategorySimple:
            self.exportSimple(outfile, level, name)
        else:  # category == MixedContainer.CategoryComplex
            self.value.export(outfile, level, name)

    def exportSimple(self, outfile, level, name):
        if self.content_type == MixedContainer.TypeString:
            outfile.write(unicode("<%s>%s</%s>" % (, self.value,
        elif (
            self.content_type == MixedContainer.TypeInteger
            or self.content_type == MixedContainer.TypeBoolean
            outfile.write(unicode("<%s>%d</%s>" % (, self.value,
        elif (
            self.content_type == MixedContainer.TypeFloat
            or self.content_type == MixedContainer.TypeDecimal
            outfile.write(unicode("<%s>%f</%s>" % (, self.value,
        elif self.content_type == MixedContainer.TypeDouble:
            outfile.write(unicode("<%s>%g</%s>" % (, self.value,

# Data representation classes.

class XSData2DCoordinates(object):
    def __init__(self, y=None, x=None):
        if x is None:
            self._x = None
        elif x.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._x = x
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSData2DCoordinates constructor argument 'x' is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % self._x.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)
        if y is None:
            self._y = None
        elif y.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._y = y
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSData2DCoordinates constructor argument 'y' is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % self._y.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)

    # Methods and properties for the 'x' attribute
    def getX(self):
        return self._x

    def setX(self, x):
        if x is None:
            self._x = None
        elif x.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._x = x
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSData2DCoordinates.setX argument is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % x.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)

    def delX(self):
        self._x = None

    x = property(getX, setX, delX, "Property for x")
    # Methods and properties for the 'y' attribute

    def getY(self):
        return self._y

    def setY(self, y):
        if y is None:
            self._y = None
        elif y.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._y = y
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSData2DCoordinates.setY argument is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % y.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)

    def delY(self):
        self._y = None

    y = property(getY, setY, delY, "Property for y")

    def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSData2DCoordinates"):
        showIndent(outfile, level)
        outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_))
        self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_)
        showIndent(outfile, level)
        outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_))

    def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSData2DCoordinates"):
        if self._x is not None:
            self.x.export(outfile, level, name_="x")
            warnEmptyAttribute("x", "XSDataDouble")
        if self._y is not None:
            self.y.export(outfile, level, name_="y")
            warnEmptyAttribute("y", "XSDataDouble")

    def build(self, node_):
        for child_ in node_.childNodes:
            nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1]
            self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_)

    def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_):
        if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "x":
            obj_ = XSDataDouble()
        elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "y":
            obj_ = XSDataDouble()

    # Method for marshalling an object
    def marshal(self):
        oStreamString = StringIO()
        oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n'))
        self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSData2DCoordinates")
        oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue()
        return oStringXML

    # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk
    def exportToFile(self, _outfileName):
        outfile = open(_outfileName, "w")
        outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n'))
        self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSData2DCoordinates")

    # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile
    def outputFile(self, _outfileName):
            "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSData2DCoordinates is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!"

    # Method for making a copy in a new instance
    def copy(self):
        return XSData2DCoordinates.parseString(self.marshal())

    # Static method for parsing a string
    def parseString(_inString):
        doc = minidom.parseString(_inString)
        rootNode = doc.documentElement
        rootObj = XSData2DCoordinates()
        # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object
        oStreamString = StringIO()
        rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSData2DCoordinates")
        return rootObj

    parseString = staticmethod(parseString)
    # Static method for parsing a file

    def parseFile(_inFilePath):
        doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath)
        rootNode = doc.documentElement
        rootObj = XSData2DCoordinates()
        return rootObj

    parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)

# end class XSData2DCoordinates

class XSDataRange(object):
    def __init__(self, end=None, begin=None):
        if begin is None:
            self._begin = None
            self._begin = int(begin)
        if end is None:
            self._end = None
            self._end = int(end)

    # Methods and properties for the 'begin' attribute
    def getBegin(self):
        return self._begin

    def setBegin(self, begin):
        if begin is None:
            self._begin = None
            self._begin = int(begin)

    def delBegin(self):
        self._begin = None

    begin = property(getBegin, setBegin, delBegin, "Property for begin")
    # Methods and properties for the 'end' attribute

    def getEnd(self):
        return self._end

    def setEnd(self, end):
        if end is None:
            self._end = None
            self._end = int(end)

    def delEnd(self):
        self._end = None

    end = property(getEnd, setEnd, delEnd, "Property for end")

    def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataRange"):
        showIndent(outfile, level)
        outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_))
        self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_)
        showIndent(outfile, level)
        outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_))

    def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataRange"):
        if self._begin is not None:
            showIndent(outfile, level)
            outfile.write(unicode("<begin>%d</begin>\n" % self._begin))
            warnEmptyAttribute("begin", "integer")
        if self._end is not None:
            showIndent(outfile, level)
            outfile.write(unicode("<end>%d</end>\n" % self._end))
            warnEmptyAttribute("end", "integer")

    def build(self, node_):
        for child_ in node_.childNodes:
            nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1]
            self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_)

    def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_):
        if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "begin":
            if child_.firstChild:
                sval_ = child_.firstChild.nodeValue
                    ival_ = int(sval_)
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValueError("requires integer -- %s" % child_.toxml())
                self._begin = ival_
        elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "end":
            if child_.firstChild:
                sval_ = child_.firstChild.nodeValue
                    ival_ = int(sval_)
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValueError("requires integer -- %s" % child_.toxml())
                self._end = ival_

    # Method for marshalling an object
    def marshal(self):
        oStreamString = StringIO()
        oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n'))
        self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataRange")
        oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue()
        return oStringXML

    # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk
    def exportToFile(self, _outfileName):
        outfile = open(_outfileName, "w")
        outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n'))
        self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataRange")

    # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile
    def outputFile(self, _outfileName):
            "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataRange is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!"

    # Method for making a copy in a new instance
    def copy(self):
        return XSDataRange.parseString(self.marshal())

    # Static method for parsing a string
    def parseString(_inString):
        doc = minidom.parseString(_inString)
        rootNode = doc.documentElement
        rootObj = XSDataRange()
        # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object
        oStreamString = StringIO()
        rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataRange")
        return rootObj

    parseString = staticmethod(parseString)
    # Static method for parsing a file

    def parseFile(_inFilePath):
        doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath)
        rootNode = doc.documentElement
        rootObj = XSDataRange()
        return rootObj

    parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)

# end class XSDataRange

class XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry(object):
    def __init__(
        if res is None:
            self._res = None
        elif res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._res = res
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry constructor argument 'res' is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % self._res.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)
        if observed is None:
            self._observed = None
        elif observed.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._observed = observed
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry constructor argument 'observed' is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % self._observed.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)
        if unique is None:
            self._unique = None
        elif unique.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._unique = unique
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry constructor argument 'unique' is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % self._unique.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)
        if possible is None:
            self._possible = None
        elif possible.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._possible = possible
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry constructor argument 'possible' is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % self._possible.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)
        if complete is None:
            self._complete = None
        elif complete.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._complete = complete
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry constructor argument 'complete' is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % self._complete.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)
        if rfactor is None:
            self._rfactor = None
        elif rfactor.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._rfactor = rfactor
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry constructor argument 'rfactor' is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % self._rfactor.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)
        if isig is None:
            self._isig = None
        elif isig.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._isig = isig
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry constructor argument 'isig' is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % self._isig.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)
        if half_dataset_correlation is None:
            self._half_dataset_correlation = None
        elif half_dataset_correlation.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._half_dataset_correlation = half_dataset_correlation
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry constructor argument 'half_dataset_correlation' is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % self._half_dataset_correlation.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)

    # Methods and properties for the 'res' attribute
    def getRes(self):
        return self._res

    def setRes(self, res):
        if res is None:
            self._res = None
        elif res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._res = res
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry.setRes argument is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % res.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)

    def delRes(self):
        self._res = None

    res = property(getRes, setRes, delRes, "Property for res")
    # Methods and properties for the 'observed' attribute

    def getObserved(self):
        return self._observed

    def setObserved(self, observed):
        if observed is None:
            self._observed = None
        elif observed.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._observed = observed
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry.setObserved argument is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % observed.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)

    def delObserved(self):
        self._observed = None

    observed = property(getObserved, setObserved, delObserved, "Property for observed")
    # Methods and properties for the 'unique' attribute

    def getUnique(self):
        return self._unique

    def setUnique(self, unique):
        if unique is None:
            self._unique = None
        elif unique.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._unique = unique
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry.setUnique argument is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % unique.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)

    def delUnique(self):
        self._unique = None

    unique = property(getUnique, setUnique, delUnique, "Property for unique")
    # Methods and properties for the 'possible' attribute

    def getPossible(self):
        return self._possible

    def setPossible(self, possible):
        if possible is None:
            self._possible = None
        elif possible.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._possible = possible
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry.setPossible argument is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % possible.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)

    def delPossible(self):
        self._possible = None

    possible = property(getPossible, setPossible, delPossible, "Property for possible")
    # Methods and properties for the 'complete' attribute

    def getComplete(self):
        return self._complete

    def setComplete(self, complete):
        if complete is None:
            self._complete = None
        elif complete.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._complete = complete
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry.setComplete argument is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % complete.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)

    def delComplete(self):
        self._complete = None

    complete = property(getComplete, setComplete, delComplete, "Property for complete")
    # Methods and properties for the 'rfactor' attribute

    def getRfactor(self):
        return self._rfactor

    def setRfactor(self, rfactor):
        if rfactor is None:
            self._rfactor = None
        elif rfactor.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._rfactor = rfactor
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry.setRfactor argument is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % rfactor.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)

    def delRfactor(self):
        self._rfactor = None

    rfactor = property(getRfactor, setRfactor, delRfactor, "Property for rfactor")
    # Methods and properties for the 'isig' attribute

    def getIsig(self):
        return self._isig

    def setIsig(self, isig):
        if isig is None:
            self._isig = None
        elif isig.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._isig = isig
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry.setIsig argument is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % isig.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)

    def delIsig(self):
        self._isig = None

    isig = property(getIsig, setIsig, delIsig, "Property for isig")
    # Methods and properties for the 'half_dataset_correlation' attribute

    def getHalf_dataset_correlation(self):
        return self._half_dataset_correlation

    def setHalf_dataset_correlation(self, half_dataset_correlation):
        if half_dataset_correlation is None:
            self._half_dataset_correlation = None
        elif half_dataset_correlation.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._half_dataset_correlation = half_dataset_correlation
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry.setHalf_dataset_correlation argument is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % half_dataset_correlation.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)

    def delHalf_dataset_correlation(self):
        self._half_dataset_correlation = None

    half_dataset_correlation = property(
        "Property for half_dataset_correlation",

    def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry"):
        showIndent(outfile, level)
        outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_))
        self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_)
        showIndent(outfile, level)
        outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_))

    def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry"):
        if self._res is not None:
            self.res.export(outfile, level, name_="res")
            warnEmptyAttribute("res", "XSDataDouble")
        if self._observed is not None:
            self.observed.export(outfile, level, name_="observed")
            warnEmptyAttribute("observed", "XSDataDouble")
        if self._unique is not None:
            self.unique.export(outfile, level, name_="unique")
            warnEmptyAttribute("unique", "XSDataDouble")
        if self._possible is not None:
            self.possible.export(outfile, level, name_="possible")
            warnEmptyAttribute("possible", "XSDataDouble")
        if self._complete is not None:
            self.complete.export(outfile, level, name_="complete")
            warnEmptyAttribute("complete", "XSDataDouble")
        if self._rfactor is not None:
            self.rfactor.export(outfile, level, name_="rfactor")
            warnEmptyAttribute("rfactor", "XSDataDouble")
        if self._isig is not None:
            self.isig.export(outfile, level, name_="isig")
            warnEmptyAttribute("isig", "XSDataDouble")
        if self._half_dataset_correlation is not None:
                outfile, level, name_="half_dataset_correlation"
            warnEmptyAttribute("half_dataset_correlation", "XSDataDouble")

    def build(self, node_):
        for child_ in node_.childNodes:
            nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1]
            self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_)

    def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_):
        if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "res":
            obj_ = XSDataDouble()
        elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "observed":
            obj_ = XSDataDouble()
        elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "unique":
            obj_ = XSDataDouble()
        elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "possible":
            obj_ = XSDataDouble()
        elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "complete":
            obj_ = XSDataDouble()
        elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "rfactor":
            obj_ = XSDataDouble()
        elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "isig":
            obj_ = XSDataDouble()
        elif (
            child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
            and nodeName_ == "half_dataset_correlation"
            obj_ = XSDataDouble()

    # Method for marshalling an object
    def marshal(self):
        oStreamString = StringIO()
        oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n'))
        self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry")
        oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue()
        return oStringXML

    # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk
    def exportToFile(self, _outfileName):
        outfile = open(_outfileName, "w")
        outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n'))
        self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry")

    # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile
    def outputFile(self, _outfileName):
            "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!"

    # Method for making a copy in a new instance
    def copy(self):
        return XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry.parseString(self.marshal())

    # Static method for parsing a string
    def parseString(_inString):
        doc = minidom.parseString(_inString)
        rootNode = doc.documentElement
        rootObj = XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry()
        # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object
        oStreamString = StringIO()
        rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry")
        return rootObj

    parseString = staticmethod(parseString)
    # Static method for parsing a file

    def parseFile(_inFilePath):
        doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath)
        rootNode = doc.documentElement
        rootObj = XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry()
        return rootObj

    parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)

# end class XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry

class XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry(XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry):
    def __init__(
        if multiplicity is None:
            self._multiplicity = None
        elif multiplicity.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._multiplicity = multiplicity
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry constructor argument 'multiplicity' is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % self._multiplicity.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)

    # Methods and properties for the 'multiplicity' attribute
    def getMultiplicity(self):
        return self._multiplicity

    def setMultiplicity(self, multiplicity):
        if multiplicity is None:
            self._multiplicity = None
        elif multiplicity.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble":
            self._multiplicity = multiplicity
            strMessage = (
                "ERROR! XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry.setMultiplicity argument is not XSDataDouble but %s"
                % multiplicity.__class__.__name__
            raise Exception(strMessage)

    def delMultiplicity(self):
        self._multiplicity = None

    multiplicity = property(
        getMultiplicity, setMultiplicity, delMultiplicity, "Property for multiplicity"

    def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry"):
        showIndent(outfile, level)
        outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_))
        self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_)
        showIndent(outfile, level)
        outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_))

    def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry"):
        XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_)
        if self._multiplicity is not None:
            self.multiplicity.export(outfile, level, name_="multiplicity")
            warnEmptyAttribute("multiplicity", "XSDataDouble")

    def build(self, node_):
        for child_ in node_.childNodes:
            nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1]
            self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_)

    def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_):
        if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "multiplicity":
            obj_ = XSDataDouble()
        XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_)

    # Method for marshalling an object
    def marshal(self):
        oStreamString = StringIO()
        oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n'))
        self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry")
        oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue()
        return oStringXML

    # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk
    def exportToFile(self, _outfileName):
        outfile = open(_outfileName, "w")
        outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n'))
        self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry")

    # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile
    def outputFile(self, _outfileName):
            "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!"

    # Method for making a copy in a new instance
    def copy(self):
        return XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry.parseString(self.marshal())

    # Static method for parsing a string
    def parseString(_inString):
        doc = minidom.parseString(_inString)
        rootNode = doc.documentElement
        rootObj = XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry()
        # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object
        oStreamString = StringIO()
        rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry")
        return rootObj

    parseString = staticmethod(parseString)
    # Static method for parsing a file

    def parseFile(_inFilePath):
        doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath)
        rootNode = doc.documentElement
        rootObj = XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry()
        return rootObj

    parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)

# end class XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry

[docs]class XSDataAutoprocImport(XSDataInput): def __init__( self, configuration=None, image_prefix=None, nres=None, res=None, end_image=None, start_image=None, dataCollectionID=None, output_directory=None, input_noanom=None, input_anom=None, ): XSDataInput.__init__(self, configuration) if input_anom is None: self._input_anom = None elif input_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._input_anom = input_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport constructor argument 'input_anom' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._input_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if input_noanom is None: self._input_noanom = None elif input_noanom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._input_noanom = input_noanom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport constructor argument 'input_noanom' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._input_noanom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if output_directory is None: self._output_directory = None elif output_directory.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._output_directory = output_directory else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport constructor argument 'output_directory' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._output_directory.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if dataCollectionID is None: self._dataCollectionID = None elif dataCollectionID.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._dataCollectionID = dataCollectionID else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport constructor argument 'dataCollectionID' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._dataCollectionID.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if start_image is None: self._start_image = None elif start_image.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._start_image = start_image else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport constructor argument 'start_image' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._start_image.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if end_image is None: self._end_image = None elif end_image.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._end_image = end_image else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport constructor argument 'end_image' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._end_image.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if res is None: self._res = None elif res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._res = res else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport constructor argument 'res' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._res.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if nres is None: self._nres = None elif nres.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._nres = nres else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport constructor argument 'nres' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._nres.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if image_prefix is None: self._image_prefix = None elif image_prefix.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._image_prefix = image_prefix else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport constructor argument 'image_prefix' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._image_prefix.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'input_anom' attribute def getInput_anom(self): return self._input_anom def setInput_anom(self, input_anom): if input_anom is None: self._input_anom = None elif input_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._input_anom = input_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport.setInput_anom argument is not XSDataString but %s" % input_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delInput_anom(self): self._input_anom = None input_anom = property( getInput_anom, setInput_anom, delInput_anom, "Property for input_anom" ) # Methods and properties for the 'input_noanom' attribute def getInput_noanom(self): return self._input_noanom def setInput_noanom(self, input_noanom): if input_noanom is None: self._input_noanom = None elif input_noanom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._input_noanom = input_noanom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport.setInput_noanom argument is not XSDataString but %s" % input_noanom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delInput_noanom(self): self._input_noanom = None input_noanom = property( getInput_noanom, setInput_noanom, delInput_noanom, "Property for input_noanom" ) # Methods and properties for the 'output_directory' attribute def getOutput_directory(self): return self._output_directory def setOutput_directory(self, output_directory): if output_directory is None: self._output_directory = None elif output_directory.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._output_directory = output_directory else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport.setOutput_directory argument is not XSDataString but %s" % output_directory.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delOutput_directory(self): self._output_directory = None output_directory = property( getOutput_directory, setOutput_directory, delOutput_directory, "Property for output_directory", ) # Methods and properties for the 'dataCollectionID' attribute def getDataCollectionID(self): return self._dataCollectionID def setDataCollectionID(self, dataCollectionID): if dataCollectionID is None: self._dataCollectionID = None elif dataCollectionID.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._dataCollectionID = dataCollectionID else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport.setDataCollectionID argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % dataCollectionID.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delDataCollectionID(self): self._dataCollectionID = None dataCollectionID = property( getDataCollectionID, setDataCollectionID, delDataCollectionID, "Property for dataCollectionID", ) # Methods and properties for the 'start_image' attribute def getStart_image(self): return self._start_image def setStart_image(self, start_image): if start_image is None: self._start_image = None elif start_image.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._start_image = start_image else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport.setStart_image argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % start_image.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delStart_image(self): self._start_image = None start_image = property( getStart_image, setStart_image, delStart_image, "Property for start_image" ) # Methods and properties for the 'end_image' attribute def getEnd_image(self): return self._end_image def setEnd_image(self, end_image): if end_image is None: self._end_image = None elif end_image.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._end_image = end_image else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport.setEnd_image argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % end_image.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delEnd_image(self): self._end_image = None end_image = property( getEnd_image, setEnd_image, delEnd_image, "Property for end_image" ) # Methods and properties for the 'res' attribute def getRes(self): return self._res def setRes(self, res): if res is None: self._res = None elif res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._res = res else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport.setRes argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % res.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delRes(self): self._res = None res = property(getRes, setRes, delRes, "Property for res") # Methods and properties for the 'nres' attribute def getNres(self): return self._nres def setNres(self, nres): if nres is None: self._nres = None elif nres.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._nres = nres else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport.setNres argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % nres.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delNres(self): self._nres = None nres = property(getNres, setNres, delNres, "Property for nres") # Methods and properties for the 'image_prefix' attribute def getImage_prefix(self): return self._image_prefix def setImage_prefix(self, image_prefix): if image_prefix is None: self._image_prefix = None elif image_prefix.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._image_prefix = image_prefix else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImport.setImage_prefix argument is not XSDataString but %s" % image_prefix.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delImage_prefix(self): self._image_prefix = None image_prefix = property( getImage_prefix, setImage_prefix, delImage_prefix, "Property for image_prefix" ) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataAutoprocImport"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataAutoprocImport"): XSDataInput.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._input_anom is not None: self.input_anom.export(outfile, level, name_="input_anom") else: warnEmptyAttribute("input_anom", "XSDataString") if self._input_noanom is not None: self.input_noanom.export(outfile, level, name_="input_noanom") else: warnEmptyAttribute("input_noanom", "XSDataString") if self._output_directory is not None: self.output_directory.export(outfile, level, name_="output_directory") else: warnEmptyAttribute("output_directory", "XSDataString") if self._dataCollectionID is not None: self.dataCollectionID.export(outfile, level, name_="dataCollectionID") else: warnEmptyAttribute("dataCollectionID", "XSDataInteger") if self._start_image is not None: self.start_image.export(outfile, level, name_="start_image") else: warnEmptyAttribute("start_image", "XSDataInteger") if self._end_image is not None: self.end_image.export(outfile, level, name_="end_image") else: warnEmptyAttribute("end_image", "XSDataInteger") if self._res is not None: self.res.export(outfile, level, name_="res") else: warnEmptyAttribute("res", "XSDataDouble") if self._nres is not None: self.nres.export(outfile, level, name_="nres") else: warnEmptyAttribute("nres", "XSDataDouble") if self._image_prefix is not None: self.image_prefix.export(outfile, level, name_="image_prefix") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "input_anom": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setInput_anom(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "input_noanom": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setInput_noanom(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "output_directory": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setOutput_directory(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "dataCollectionID": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setDataCollectionID(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "start_image": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setStart_image(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "end_image": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setEnd_image(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "res": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setRes(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "nres": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setNres(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "image_prefix": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setImage_prefix(obj_) XSDataInput.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataAutoprocImport") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataAutoprocImport") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataAutoprocImport is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataAutoprocImport.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataAutoprocImport() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataAutoprocImport") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataAutoprocImport() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataAutoprocImport
[docs]class XSDataAutoprocImportOut(XSDataResult): def __init__( self, status=None, aimless_log_noanom=None, aimless_log_anom=None, pointless_sgstring=None, pointless_sgnumber=None, files=None, ): XSDataResult.__init__(self, status) if files is None: self._files = [] elif files.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._files = files else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut constructor argument 'files' is not list but %s" % self._files.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if pointless_sgnumber is None: self._pointless_sgnumber = None elif pointless_sgnumber.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._pointless_sgnumber = pointless_sgnumber else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut constructor argument 'pointless_sgnumber' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._pointless_sgnumber.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if pointless_sgstring is None: self._pointless_sgstring = None elif pointless_sgstring.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._pointless_sgstring = pointless_sgstring else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut constructor argument 'pointless_sgstring' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._pointless_sgstring.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if aimless_log_anom is None: self._aimless_log_anom = None elif aimless_log_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._aimless_log_anom = aimless_log_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut constructor argument 'aimless_log_anom' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._aimless_log_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if aimless_log_noanom is None: self._aimless_log_noanom = None elif aimless_log_noanom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._aimless_log_noanom = aimless_log_noanom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut constructor argument 'aimless_log_noanom' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._aimless_log_noanom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'files' attribute def getFiles(self): return self._files def setFiles(self, files): if files is None: self._files = [] elif files.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._files = files else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut.setFiles argument is not list but %s" % files.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delFiles(self): self._files = None files = property(getFiles, setFiles, delFiles, "Property for files") def addFiles(self, value): if value is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut.addFiles argument is None" raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._files.append(value) else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut.addFiles argument is not XSDataString but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def insertFiles(self, index, value): if index is None: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut.insertFiles argument 'index' is None" ) raise Exception(strMessage) if value is None: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut.insertFiles argument 'value' is None" ) raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._files[index] = value else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut.addFiles argument is not XSDataString but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'pointless_sgnumber' attribute def getPointless_sgnumber(self): return self._pointless_sgnumber def setPointless_sgnumber(self, pointless_sgnumber): if pointless_sgnumber is None: self._pointless_sgnumber = None elif pointless_sgnumber.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._pointless_sgnumber = pointless_sgnumber else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut.setPointless_sgnumber argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % pointless_sgnumber.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delPointless_sgnumber(self): self._pointless_sgnumber = None pointless_sgnumber = property( getPointless_sgnumber, setPointless_sgnumber, delPointless_sgnumber, "Property for pointless_sgnumber", ) # Methods and properties for the 'pointless_sgstring' attribute def getPointless_sgstring(self): return self._pointless_sgstring def setPointless_sgstring(self, pointless_sgstring): if pointless_sgstring is None: self._pointless_sgstring = None elif pointless_sgstring.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._pointless_sgstring = pointless_sgstring else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut.setPointless_sgstring argument is not XSDataString but %s" % pointless_sgstring.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delPointless_sgstring(self): self._pointless_sgstring = None pointless_sgstring = property( getPointless_sgstring, setPointless_sgstring, delPointless_sgstring, "Property for pointless_sgstring", ) # Methods and properties for the 'aimless_log_anom' attribute def getAimless_log_anom(self): return self._aimless_log_anom def setAimless_log_anom(self, aimless_log_anom): if aimless_log_anom is None: self._aimless_log_anom = None elif aimless_log_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._aimless_log_anom = aimless_log_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut.setAimless_log_anom argument is not XSDataString but %s" % aimless_log_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delAimless_log_anom(self): self._aimless_log_anom = None aimless_log_anom = property( getAimless_log_anom, setAimless_log_anom, delAimless_log_anom, "Property for aimless_log_anom", ) # Methods and properties for the 'aimless_log_noanom' attribute def getAimless_log_noanom(self): return self._aimless_log_noanom def setAimless_log_noanom(self, aimless_log_noanom): if aimless_log_noanom is None: self._aimless_log_noanom = None elif aimless_log_noanom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._aimless_log_noanom = aimless_log_noanom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocImportOut.setAimless_log_noanom argument is not XSDataString but %s" % aimless_log_noanom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delAimless_log_noanom(self): self._aimless_log_noanom = None aimless_log_noanom = property( getAimless_log_noanom, setAimless_log_noanom, delAimless_log_noanom, "Property for aimless_log_noanom", ) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataAutoprocImportOut"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataAutoprocImportOut"): XSDataResult.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) for files_ in self.getFiles(): files_.export(outfile, level, name_="files") if self.getFiles() == []: warnEmptyAttribute("files", "XSDataString") if self._pointless_sgnumber is not None: self.pointless_sgnumber.export(outfile, level, name_="pointless_sgnumber") else: warnEmptyAttribute("pointless_sgnumber", "XSDataInteger") if self._pointless_sgstring is not None: self.pointless_sgstring.export(outfile, level, name_="pointless_sgstring") else: warnEmptyAttribute("pointless_sgstring", "XSDataString") if self._aimless_log_anom is not None: self.aimless_log_anom.export(outfile, level, name_="aimless_log_anom") else: warnEmptyAttribute("aimless_log_anom", "XSDataString") if self._aimless_log_noanom is not None: self.aimless_log_noanom.export(outfile, level, name_="aimless_log_noanom") else: warnEmptyAttribute("aimless_log_noanom", "XSDataString") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "files": obj_ = XSDataString() self.files.append(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "pointless_sgnumber": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setPointless_sgnumber(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "pointless_sgstring": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setPointless_sgstring(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "aimless_log_anom": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setAimless_log_anom(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "aimless_log_noanom": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setAimless_log_noanom(obj_) XSDataResult.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataAutoprocImportOut") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataAutoprocImportOut") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataAutoprocImportOut is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataAutoprocImportOut.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataAutoprocImportOut() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataAutoprocImportOut") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataAutoprocImportOut() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataAutoprocImportOut
[docs]class XSDataAutoprocInput(XSDataInput): def __init__( self, configuration=None, output_file=None, unit_cell=None, spacegroup=None, nres=None, low_resolution_limit=None, detector_max_res=None, data_collection_id=None, cc_half_cutoff=None, r_value_cutoff=None, isig_cutoff=None, completeness_cutoff=None, res_override=None, input_file=None, ): XSDataInput.__init__(self, configuration) if input_file is None: self._input_file = None elif input_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataFile": self._input_file = input_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput constructor argument 'input_file' is not XSDataFile but %s" % self._input_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if res_override is None: self._res_override = None elif res_override.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._res_override = res_override else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput constructor argument 'res_override' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._res_override.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if completeness_cutoff is None: self._completeness_cutoff = None elif completeness_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._completeness_cutoff = completeness_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput constructor argument 'completeness_cutoff' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._completeness_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if isig_cutoff is None: self._isig_cutoff = None elif isig_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._isig_cutoff = isig_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput constructor argument 'isig_cutoff' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._isig_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if r_value_cutoff is None: self._r_value_cutoff = None elif r_value_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._r_value_cutoff = r_value_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput constructor argument 'r_value_cutoff' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._r_value_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if cc_half_cutoff is None: self._cc_half_cutoff = None elif cc_half_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cc_half_cutoff = cc_half_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput constructor argument 'cc_half_cutoff' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._cc_half_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if data_collection_id is None: self._data_collection_id = None elif data_collection_id.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._data_collection_id = data_collection_id else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput constructor argument 'data_collection_id' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._data_collection_id.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if detector_max_res is None: self._detector_max_res = None elif detector_max_res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._detector_max_res = detector_max_res else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput constructor argument 'detector_max_res' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._detector_max_res.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if low_resolution_limit is None: self._low_resolution_limit = None elif low_resolution_limit.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._low_resolution_limit = low_resolution_limit else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput constructor argument 'low_resolution_limit' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._low_resolution_limit.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if nres is None: self._nres = None elif nres.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._nres = nres else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput constructor argument 'nres' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._nres.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if spacegroup is None: self._spacegroup = None elif spacegroup.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._spacegroup = spacegroup else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput constructor argument 'spacegroup' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._spacegroup.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if unit_cell is None: self._unit_cell = None elif unit_cell.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._unit_cell = unit_cell else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput constructor argument 'unit_cell' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._unit_cell.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if output_file is None: self._output_file = None elif output_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataFile": self._output_file = output_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput constructor argument 'output_file' is not XSDataFile but %s" % self._output_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'input_file' attribute def getInput_file(self): return self._input_file def setInput_file(self, input_file): if input_file is None: self._input_file = None elif input_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataFile": self._input_file = input_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput.setInput_file argument is not XSDataFile but %s" % input_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delInput_file(self): self._input_file = None input_file = property( getInput_file, setInput_file, delInput_file, "Property for input_file" ) # Methods and properties for the 'res_override' attribute def getRes_override(self): return self._res_override def setRes_override(self, res_override): if res_override is None: self._res_override = None elif res_override.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._res_override = res_override else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput.setRes_override argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % res_override.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delRes_override(self): self._res_override = None res_override = property( getRes_override, setRes_override, delRes_override, "Property for res_override" ) # Methods and properties for the 'completeness_cutoff' attribute def getCompleteness_cutoff(self): return self._completeness_cutoff def setCompleteness_cutoff(self, completeness_cutoff): if completeness_cutoff is None: self._completeness_cutoff = None elif completeness_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._completeness_cutoff = completeness_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput.setCompleteness_cutoff argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % completeness_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCompleteness_cutoff(self): self._completeness_cutoff = None completeness_cutoff = property( getCompleteness_cutoff, setCompleteness_cutoff, delCompleteness_cutoff, "Property for completeness_cutoff", ) # Methods and properties for the 'isig_cutoff' attribute def getIsig_cutoff(self): return self._isig_cutoff def setIsig_cutoff(self, isig_cutoff): if isig_cutoff is None: self._isig_cutoff = None elif isig_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._isig_cutoff = isig_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput.setIsig_cutoff argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % isig_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delIsig_cutoff(self): self._isig_cutoff = None isig_cutoff = property( getIsig_cutoff, setIsig_cutoff, delIsig_cutoff, "Property for isig_cutoff" ) # Methods and properties for the 'r_value_cutoff' attribute def getR_value_cutoff(self): return self._r_value_cutoff def setR_value_cutoff(self, r_value_cutoff): if r_value_cutoff is None: self._r_value_cutoff = None elif r_value_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._r_value_cutoff = r_value_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput.setR_value_cutoff argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % r_value_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delR_value_cutoff(self): self._r_value_cutoff = None r_value_cutoff = property( getR_value_cutoff, setR_value_cutoff, delR_value_cutoff, "Property for r_value_cutoff", ) # Methods and properties for the 'cc_half_cutoff' attribute def getCc_half_cutoff(self): return self._cc_half_cutoff def setCc_half_cutoff(self, cc_half_cutoff): if cc_half_cutoff is None: self._cc_half_cutoff = None elif cc_half_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cc_half_cutoff = cc_half_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput.setCc_half_cutoff argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % cc_half_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCc_half_cutoff(self): self._cc_half_cutoff = None cc_half_cutoff = property( getCc_half_cutoff, setCc_half_cutoff, delCc_half_cutoff, "Property for cc_half_cutoff", ) # Methods and properties for the 'data_collection_id' attribute def getData_collection_id(self): return self._data_collection_id def setData_collection_id(self, data_collection_id): if data_collection_id is None: self._data_collection_id = None elif data_collection_id.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._data_collection_id = data_collection_id else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput.setData_collection_id argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % data_collection_id.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delData_collection_id(self): self._data_collection_id = None data_collection_id = property( getData_collection_id, setData_collection_id, delData_collection_id, "Property for data_collection_id", ) # Methods and properties for the 'detector_max_res' attribute def getDetector_max_res(self): return self._detector_max_res def setDetector_max_res(self, detector_max_res): if detector_max_res is None: self._detector_max_res = None elif detector_max_res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._detector_max_res = detector_max_res else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput.setDetector_max_res argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % detector_max_res.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delDetector_max_res(self): self._detector_max_res = None detector_max_res = property( getDetector_max_res, setDetector_max_res, delDetector_max_res, "Property for detector_max_res", ) # Methods and properties for the 'low_resolution_limit' attribute def getLow_resolution_limit(self): return self._low_resolution_limit def setLow_resolution_limit(self, low_resolution_limit): if low_resolution_limit is None: self._low_resolution_limit = None elif low_resolution_limit.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._low_resolution_limit = low_resolution_limit else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput.setLow_resolution_limit argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % low_resolution_limit.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delLow_resolution_limit(self): self._low_resolution_limit = None low_resolution_limit = property( getLow_resolution_limit, setLow_resolution_limit, delLow_resolution_limit, "Property for low_resolution_limit", ) # Methods and properties for the 'nres' attribute def getNres(self): return self._nres def setNres(self, nres): if nres is None: self._nres = None elif nres.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._nres = nres else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput.setNres argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % nres.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delNres(self): self._nres = None nres = property(getNres, setNres, delNres, "Property for nres") # Methods and properties for the 'spacegroup' attribute def getSpacegroup(self): return self._spacegroup def setSpacegroup(self, spacegroup): if spacegroup is None: self._spacegroup = None elif spacegroup.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._spacegroup = spacegroup else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput.setSpacegroup argument is not XSDataString but %s" % spacegroup.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delSpacegroup(self): self._spacegroup = None spacegroup = property( getSpacegroup, setSpacegroup, delSpacegroup, "Property for spacegroup" ) # Methods and properties for the 'unit_cell' attribute def getUnit_cell(self): return self._unit_cell def setUnit_cell(self, unit_cell): if unit_cell is None: self._unit_cell = None elif unit_cell.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._unit_cell = unit_cell else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput.setUnit_cell argument is not XSDataString but %s" % unit_cell.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delUnit_cell(self): self._unit_cell = None unit_cell = property( getUnit_cell, setUnit_cell, delUnit_cell, "Property for unit_cell" ) # Methods and properties for the 'output_file' attribute def getOutput_file(self): return self._output_file def setOutput_file(self, output_file): if output_file is None: self._output_file = None elif output_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataFile": self._output_file = output_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataAutoprocInput.setOutput_file argument is not XSDataFile but %s" % output_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delOutput_file(self): self._output_file = None output_file = property( getOutput_file, setOutput_file, delOutput_file, "Property for output_file" ) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataAutoprocInput"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataAutoprocInput"): XSDataInput.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._input_file is not None: self.input_file.export(outfile, level, name_="input_file") else: warnEmptyAttribute("input_file", "XSDataFile") if self._res_override is not None: self.res_override.export(outfile, level, name_="res_override") if self._completeness_cutoff is not None: self.completeness_cutoff.export(outfile, level, name_="completeness_cutoff") if self._isig_cutoff is not None: self.isig_cutoff.export(outfile, level, name_="isig_cutoff") if self._r_value_cutoff is not None: self.r_value_cutoff.export(outfile, level, name_="r_value_cutoff") if self._cc_half_cutoff is not None: self.cc_half_cutoff.export(outfile, level, name_="cc_half_cutoff") if self._data_collection_id is not None: self.data_collection_id.export(outfile, level, name_="data_collection_id") if self._detector_max_res is not None: self.detector_max_res.export(outfile, level, name_="detector_max_res") if self._low_resolution_limit is not None: self.low_resolution_limit.export( outfile, level, name_="low_resolution_limit" ) if self._nres is not None: self.nres.export(outfile, level, name_="nres") if self._spacegroup is not None: self.spacegroup.export(outfile, level, name_="spacegroup") if self._unit_cell is not None: self.unit_cell.export(outfile, level, name_="unit_cell") if self._output_file is not None: self.output_file.export(outfile, level, name_="output_file") else: warnEmptyAttribute("output_file", "XSDataFile") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "input_file": obj_ = XSDataFile() self.setInput_file(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "res_override": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setRes_override(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "completeness_cutoff" ): obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setCompleteness_cutoff(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "isig_cutoff": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setIsig_cutoff(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "r_value_cutoff": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setR_value_cutoff(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "cc_half_cutoff": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setCc_half_cutoff(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "data_collection_id": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setData_collection_id(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "detector_max_res": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setDetector_max_res(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "low_resolution_limit" ): obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setLow_resolution_limit(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "nres": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setNres(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "spacegroup": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setSpacegroup(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "unit_cell": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setUnit_cell(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "output_file": obj_ = XSDataFile() self.setOutput_file(obj_) XSDataInput.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataAutoprocInput") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataAutoprocInput") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataAutoprocInput is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataAutoprocInput.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataAutoprocInput() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataAutoprocInput") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataAutoprocInput() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataAutoprocInput
[docs]class XSDataFileConversion(XSDataInput): def __init__( self, configuration=None, image_prefix=None, anom=None, nres=None, res=None, end_image=None, start_image=None, dataCollectionID=None, output_file=None, input_file=None, ): XSDataInput.__init__(self, configuration) if input_file is None: self._input_file = None elif input_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._input_file = input_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion constructor argument 'input_file' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._input_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if output_file is None: self._output_file = None elif output_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._output_file = output_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion constructor argument 'output_file' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._output_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if dataCollectionID is None: self._dataCollectionID = None elif dataCollectionID.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._dataCollectionID = dataCollectionID else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion constructor argument 'dataCollectionID' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._dataCollectionID.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if start_image is None: self._start_image = None elif start_image.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._start_image = start_image else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion constructor argument 'start_image' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._start_image.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if end_image is None: self._end_image = None elif end_image.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._end_image = end_image else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion constructor argument 'end_image' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._end_image.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if res is None: self._res = None elif res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._res = res else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion constructor argument 'res' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._res.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if nres is None: self._nres = None elif nres.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._nres = nres else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion constructor argument 'nres' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._nres.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if anom is None: self._anom = None elif anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataBoolean": self._anom = anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion constructor argument 'anom' is not XSDataBoolean but %s" % self._anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if image_prefix is None: self._image_prefix = None elif image_prefix.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._image_prefix = image_prefix else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion constructor argument 'image_prefix' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._image_prefix.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'input_file' attribute def getInput_file(self): return self._input_file def setInput_file(self, input_file): if input_file is None: self._input_file = None elif input_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._input_file = input_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion.setInput_file argument is not XSDataString but %s" % input_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delInput_file(self): self._input_file = None input_file = property( getInput_file, setInput_file, delInput_file, "Property for input_file" ) # Methods and properties for the 'output_file' attribute def getOutput_file(self): return self._output_file def setOutput_file(self, output_file): if output_file is None: self._output_file = None elif output_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._output_file = output_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion.setOutput_file argument is not XSDataString but %s" % output_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delOutput_file(self): self._output_file = None output_file = property( getOutput_file, setOutput_file, delOutput_file, "Property for output_file" ) # Methods and properties for the 'dataCollectionID' attribute def getDataCollectionID(self): return self._dataCollectionID def setDataCollectionID(self, dataCollectionID): if dataCollectionID is None: self._dataCollectionID = None elif dataCollectionID.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._dataCollectionID = dataCollectionID else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion.setDataCollectionID argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % dataCollectionID.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delDataCollectionID(self): self._dataCollectionID = None dataCollectionID = property( getDataCollectionID, setDataCollectionID, delDataCollectionID, "Property for dataCollectionID", ) # Methods and properties for the 'start_image' attribute def getStart_image(self): return self._start_image def setStart_image(self, start_image): if start_image is None: self._start_image = None elif start_image.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._start_image = start_image else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion.setStart_image argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % start_image.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delStart_image(self): self._start_image = None start_image = property( getStart_image, setStart_image, delStart_image, "Property for start_image" ) # Methods and properties for the 'end_image' attribute def getEnd_image(self): return self._end_image def setEnd_image(self, end_image): if end_image is None: self._end_image = None elif end_image.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._end_image = end_image else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion.setEnd_image argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % end_image.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delEnd_image(self): self._end_image = None end_image = property( getEnd_image, setEnd_image, delEnd_image, "Property for end_image" ) # Methods and properties for the 'res' attribute def getRes(self): return self._res def setRes(self, res): if res is None: self._res = None elif res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._res = res else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion.setRes argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % res.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delRes(self): self._res = None res = property(getRes, setRes, delRes, "Property for res") # Methods and properties for the 'nres' attribute def getNres(self): return self._nres def setNres(self, nres): if nres is None: self._nres = None elif nres.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._nres = nres else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion.setNres argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % nres.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delNres(self): self._nres = None nres = property(getNres, setNres, delNres, "Property for nres") # Methods and properties for the 'anom' attribute def getAnom(self): return self._anom def setAnom(self, anom): if anom is None: self._anom = None elif anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataBoolean": self._anom = anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion.setAnom argument is not XSDataBoolean but %s" % anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delAnom(self): self._anom = None anom = property(getAnom, setAnom, delAnom, "Property for anom") # Methods and properties for the 'image_prefix' attribute def getImage_prefix(self): return self._image_prefix def setImage_prefix(self, image_prefix): if image_prefix is None: self._image_prefix = None elif image_prefix.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._image_prefix = image_prefix else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversion.setImage_prefix argument is not XSDataString but %s" % image_prefix.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delImage_prefix(self): self._image_prefix = None image_prefix = property( getImage_prefix, setImage_prefix, delImage_prefix, "Property for image_prefix" ) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataFileConversion"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataFileConversion"): XSDataInput.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._input_file is not None: self.input_file.export(outfile, level, name_="input_file") else: warnEmptyAttribute("input_file", "XSDataString") if self._output_file is not None: self.output_file.export(outfile, level, name_="output_file") else: warnEmptyAttribute("output_file", "XSDataString") if self._dataCollectionID is not None: self.dataCollectionID.export(outfile, level, name_="dataCollectionID") else: warnEmptyAttribute("dataCollectionID", "XSDataInteger") if self._start_image is not None: self.start_image.export(outfile, level, name_="start_image") else: warnEmptyAttribute("start_image", "XSDataInteger") if self._end_image is not None: self.end_image.export(outfile, level, name_="end_image") else: warnEmptyAttribute("end_image", "XSDataInteger") if self._res is not None: self.res.export(outfile, level, name_="res") else: warnEmptyAttribute("res", "XSDataDouble") if self._nres is not None: self.nres.export(outfile, level, name_="nres") else: warnEmptyAttribute("nres", "XSDataDouble") if self._anom is not None: self.anom.export(outfile, level, name_="anom") else: warnEmptyAttribute("anom", "XSDataBoolean") if self._image_prefix is not None: self.image_prefix.export(outfile, level, name_="image_prefix") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "input_file": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setInput_file(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "output_file": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setOutput_file(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "dataCollectionID": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setDataCollectionID(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "start_image": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setStart_image(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "end_image": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setEnd_image(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "res": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setRes(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "nres": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setNres(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "anom": obj_ = XSDataBoolean() self.setAnom(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "image_prefix": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setImage_prefix(obj_) XSDataInput.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataFileConversion") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataFileConversion") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataFileConversion is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataFileConversion.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataFileConversion() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataFileConversion") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataFileConversion() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataFileConversion
[docs]class XSDataFileConversionOut(XSDataResult): def __init__( self, status=None, aimless_log=None, pointless_sgstring=None, pointless_sgnumber=None, ): XSDataResult.__init__(self, status) if pointless_sgnumber is None: self._pointless_sgnumber = None elif pointless_sgnumber.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._pointless_sgnumber = pointless_sgnumber else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversionOut constructor argument 'pointless_sgnumber' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._pointless_sgnumber.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if pointless_sgstring is None: self._pointless_sgstring = None elif pointless_sgstring.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._pointless_sgstring = pointless_sgstring else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversionOut constructor argument 'pointless_sgstring' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._pointless_sgstring.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if aimless_log is None: self._aimless_log = None elif aimless_log.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._aimless_log = aimless_log else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversionOut constructor argument 'aimless_log' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._aimless_log.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'pointless_sgnumber' attribute def getPointless_sgnumber(self): return self._pointless_sgnumber def setPointless_sgnumber(self, pointless_sgnumber): if pointless_sgnumber is None: self._pointless_sgnumber = None elif pointless_sgnumber.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._pointless_sgnumber = pointless_sgnumber else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversionOut.setPointless_sgnumber argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % pointless_sgnumber.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delPointless_sgnumber(self): self._pointless_sgnumber = None pointless_sgnumber = property( getPointless_sgnumber, setPointless_sgnumber, delPointless_sgnumber, "Property for pointless_sgnumber", ) # Methods and properties for the 'pointless_sgstring' attribute def getPointless_sgstring(self): return self._pointless_sgstring def setPointless_sgstring(self, pointless_sgstring): if pointless_sgstring is None: self._pointless_sgstring = None elif pointless_sgstring.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._pointless_sgstring = pointless_sgstring else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversionOut.setPointless_sgstring argument is not XSDataString but %s" % pointless_sgstring.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delPointless_sgstring(self): self._pointless_sgstring = None pointless_sgstring = property( getPointless_sgstring, setPointless_sgstring, delPointless_sgstring, "Property for pointless_sgstring", ) # Methods and properties for the 'aimless_log' attribute def getAimless_log(self): return self._aimless_log def setAimless_log(self, aimless_log): if aimless_log is None: self._aimless_log = None elif aimless_log.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._aimless_log = aimless_log else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataFileConversionOut.setAimless_log argument is not XSDataString but %s" % aimless_log.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delAimless_log(self): self._aimless_log = None aimless_log = property( getAimless_log, setAimless_log, delAimless_log, "Property for aimless_log" ) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataFileConversionOut"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataFileConversionOut"): XSDataResult.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._pointless_sgnumber is not None: self.pointless_sgnumber.export(outfile, level, name_="pointless_sgnumber") else: warnEmptyAttribute("pointless_sgnumber", "XSDataInteger") if self._pointless_sgstring is not None: self.pointless_sgstring.export(outfile, level, name_="pointless_sgstring") else: warnEmptyAttribute("pointless_sgstring", "XSDataString") if self._aimless_log is not None: self.aimless_log.export(outfile, level, name_="aimless_log") else: warnEmptyAttribute("aimless_log", "XSDataString") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "pointless_sgnumber": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setPointless_sgnumber(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "pointless_sgstring": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setPointless_sgstring(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "aimless_log": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setAimless_log(obj_) XSDataResult.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataFileConversionOut") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataFileConversionOut") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataFileConversionOut is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataFileConversionOut.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataFileConversionOut() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataFileConversionOut") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataFileConversionOut() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataFileConversionOut
[docs]class XSDataInputControlDimple(XSDataInput): def __init__( self, configuration=None, pdbDirectory=None, pyarchPath=None, mtzFile=None, dataCollectionId=None, ): XSDataInput.__init__(self, configuration) if dataCollectionId is None: self._dataCollectionId = None elif dataCollectionId.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._dataCollectionId = dataCollectionId else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataInputControlDimple constructor argument 'dataCollectionId' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._dataCollectionId.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if mtzFile is None: self._mtzFile = None elif mtzFile.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataFile": self._mtzFile = mtzFile else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataInputControlDimple constructor argument 'mtzFile' is not XSDataFile but %s" % self._mtzFile.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if pyarchPath is None: self._pyarchPath = None elif pyarchPath.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataFile": self._pyarchPath = pyarchPath else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataInputControlDimple constructor argument 'pyarchPath' is not XSDataFile but %s" % self._pyarchPath.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if pdbDirectory is None: self._pdbDirectory = None elif pdbDirectory.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataFile": self._pdbDirectory = pdbDirectory else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataInputControlDimple constructor argument 'pdbDirectory' is not XSDataFile but %s" % self._pdbDirectory.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'dataCollectionId' attribute def getDataCollectionId(self): return self._dataCollectionId def setDataCollectionId(self, dataCollectionId): if dataCollectionId is None: self._dataCollectionId = None elif dataCollectionId.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._dataCollectionId = dataCollectionId else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataInputControlDimple.setDataCollectionId argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % dataCollectionId.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delDataCollectionId(self): self._dataCollectionId = None dataCollectionId = property( getDataCollectionId, setDataCollectionId, delDataCollectionId, "Property for dataCollectionId", ) # Methods and properties for the 'mtzFile' attribute def getMtzFile(self): return self._mtzFile def setMtzFile(self, mtzFile): if mtzFile is None: self._mtzFile = None elif mtzFile.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataFile": self._mtzFile = mtzFile else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataInputControlDimple.setMtzFile argument is not XSDataFile but %s" % mtzFile.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delMtzFile(self): self._mtzFile = None mtzFile = property(getMtzFile, setMtzFile, delMtzFile, "Property for mtzFile") # Methods and properties for the 'pyarchPath' attribute def getPyarchPath(self): return self._pyarchPath def setPyarchPath(self, pyarchPath): if pyarchPath is None: self._pyarchPath = None elif pyarchPath.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataFile": self._pyarchPath = pyarchPath else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataInputControlDimple.setPyarchPath argument is not XSDataFile but %s" % pyarchPath.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delPyarchPath(self): self._pyarchPath = None pyarchPath = property( getPyarchPath, setPyarchPath, delPyarchPath, "Property for pyarchPath" ) # Methods and properties for the 'pdbDirectory' attribute def getPdbDirectory(self): return self._pdbDirectory def setPdbDirectory(self, pdbDirectory): if pdbDirectory is None: self._pdbDirectory = None elif pdbDirectory.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataFile": self._pdbDirectory = pdbDirectory else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataInputControlDimple.setPdbDirectory argument is not XSDataFile but %s" % pdbDirectory.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delPdbDirectory(self): self._pdbDirectory = None pdbDirectory = property( getPdbDirectory, setPdbDirectory, delPdbDirectory, "Property for pdbDirectory" ) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataInputControlDimple"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataInputControlDimple"): XSDataInput.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._dataCollectionId is not None: self.dataCollectionId.export(outfile, level, name_="dataCollectionId") else: warnEmptyAttribute("dataCollectionId", "XSDataInteger") if self._mtzFile is not None: self.mtzFile.export(outfile, level, name_="mtzFile") else: warnEmptyAttribute("mtzFile", "XSDataFile") if self._pyarchPath is not None: self.pyarchPath.export(outfile, level, name_="pyarchPath") else: warnEmptyAttribute("pyarchPath", "XSDataFile") if self._pdbDirectory is not None: self.pdbDirectory.export(outfile, level, name_="pdbDirectory") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "dataCollectionId": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setDataCollectionId(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "mtzFile": obj_ = XSDataFile() self.setMtzFile(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "pyarchPath": obj_ = XSDataFile() self.setPyarchPath(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "pdbDirectory": obj_ = XSDataFile() self.setPdbDirectory(obj_) XSDataInput.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataInputControlDimple") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataInputControlDimple") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataInputControlDimple is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataInputControlDimple.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataInputControlDimple() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataInputControlDimple") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataInputControlDimple() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataInputControlDimple
[docs]class XSDataMinimalXdsIn(XSDataInput): def __init__( self, configuration=None, unit_cell=None, spacegroup=None, spot_range=None, resolution_range=None, friedels_law=None, maxjobs=None, maxproc=None, job=None, input_file=None, ): XSDataInput.__init__(self, configuration) if input_file is None: self._input_file = None elif input_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._input_file = input_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn constructor argument 'input_file' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._input_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if job is None: self._job = None elif job.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._job = job else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn constructor argument 'job' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._job.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if maxproc is None: self._maxproc = None elif maxproc.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._maxproc = maxproc else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn constructor argument 'maxproc' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._maxproc.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if maxjobs is None: self._maxjobs = None elif maxjobs.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._maxjobs = maxjobs else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn constructor argument 'maxjobs' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._maxjobs.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if friedels_law is None: self._friedels_law = None elif friedels_law.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataBoolean": self._friedels_law = friedels_law else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn constructor argument 'friedels_law' is not XSDataBoolean but %s" % self._friedels_law.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if resolution_range is None: self._resolution_range = [] elif resolution_range.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._resolution_range = resolution_range else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn constructor argument 'resolution_range' is not list but %s" % self._resolution_range.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if spot_range is None: self._spot_range = [] elif spot_range.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._spot_range = spot_range else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn constructor argument 'spot_range' is not list but %s" % self._spot_range.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if spacegroup is None: self._spacegroup = None elif spacegroup.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._spacegroup = spacegroup else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn constructor argument 'spacegroup' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._spacegroup.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if unit_cell is None: self._unit_cell = None elif unit_cell.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._unit_cell = unit_cell else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn constructor argument 'unit_cell' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._unit_cell.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'input_file' attribute def getInput_file(self): return self._input_file def setInput_file(self, input_file): if input_file is None: self._input_file = None elif input_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._input_file = input_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.setInput_file argument is not XSDataString but %s" % input_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delInput_file(self): self._input_file = None input_file = property( getInput_file, setInput_file, delInput_file, "Property for input_file" ) # Methods and properties for the 'job' attribute def getJob(self): return self._job def setJob(self, job): if job is None: self._job = None elif job.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._job = job else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.setJob argument is not XSDataString but %s" % job.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delJob(self): self._job = None job = property(getJob, setJob, delJob, "Property for job") # Methods and properties for the 'maxproc' attribute def getMaxproc(self): return self._maxproc def setMaxproc(self, maxproc): if maxproc is None: self._maxproc = None elif maxproc.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._maxproc = maxproc else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.setMaxproc argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % maxproc.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delMaxproc(self): self._maxproc = None maxproc = property(getMaxproc, setMaxproc, delMaxproc, "Property for maxproc") # Methods and properties for the 'maxjobs' attribute def getMaxjobs(self): return self._maxjobs def setMaxjobs(self, maxjobs): if maxjobs is None: self._maxjobs = None elif maxjobs.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._maxjobs = maxjobs else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.setMaxjobs argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % maxjobs.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delMaxjobs(self): self._maxjobs = None maxjobs = property(getMaxjobs, setMaxjobs, delMaxjobs, "Property for maxjobs") # Methods and properties for the 'friedels_law' attribute def getFriedels_law(self): return self._friedels_law def setFriedels_law(self, friedels_law): if friedels_law is None: self._friedels_law = None elif friedels_law.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataBoolean": self._friedels_law = friedels_law else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.setFriedels_law argument is not XSDataBoolean but %s" % friedels_law.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delFriedels_law(self): self._friedels_law = None friedels_law = property( getFriedels_law, setFriedels_law, delFriedels_law, "Property for friedels_law" ) # Methods and properties for the 'resolution_range' attribute def getResolution_range(self): return self._resolution_range def setResolution_range(self, resolution_range): if resolution_range is None: self._resolution_range = [] elif resolution_range.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._resolution_range = resolution_range else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.setResolution_range argument is not list but %s" % resolution_range.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delResolution_range(self): self._resolution_range = None resolution_range = property( getResolution_range, setResolution_range, delResolution_range, "Property for resolution_range", ) def addResolution_range(self, value): if value is None: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.addResolution_range argument is None" ) raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._resolution_range.append(value) else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.addResolution_range argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def insertResolution_range(self, index, value): if index is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.insertResolution_range argument 'index' is None" raise Exception(strMessage) if value is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.insertResolution_range argument 'value' is None" raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._resolution_range[index] = value else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.addResolution_range argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'spot_range' attribute def getSpot_range(self): return self._spot_range def setSpot_range(self, spot_range): if spot_range is None: self._spot_range = [] elif spot_range.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._spot_range = spot_range else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.setSpot_range argument is not list but %s" % spot_range.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delSpot_range(self): self._spot_range = None spot_range = property( getSpot_range, setSpot_range, delSpot_range, "Property for spot_range" ) def addSpot_range(self, value): if value is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.addSpot_range argument is None" raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataRange": self._spot_range.append(value) else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.addSpot_range argument is not XSDataRange but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def insertSpot_range(self, index, value): if index is None: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.insertSpot_range argument 'index' is None" ) raise Exception(strMessage) if value is None: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.insertSpot_range argument 'value' is None" ) raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataRange": self._spot_range[index] = value else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.addSpot_range argument is not XSDataRange but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'spacegroup' attribute def getSpacegroup(self): return self._spacegroup def setSpacegroup(self, spacegroup): if spacegroup is None: self._spacegroup = None elif spacegroup.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._spacegroup = spacegroup else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.setSpacegroup argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % spacegroup.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delSpacegroup(self): self._spacegroup = None spacegroup = property( getSpacegroup, setSpacegroup, delSpacegroup, "Property for spacegroup" ) # Methods and properties for the 'unit_cell' attribute def getUnit_cell(self): return self._unit_cell def setUnit_cell(self, unit_cell): if unit_cell is None: self._unit_cell = None elif unit_cell.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._unit_cell = unit_cell else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsIn.setUnit_cell argument is not XSDataString but %s" % unit_cell.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delUnit_cell(self): self._unit_cell = None unit_cell = property( getUnit_cell, setUnit_cell, delUnit_cell, "Property for unit_cell" ) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataMinimalXdsIn"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataMinimalXdsIn"): XSDataInput.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._input_file is not None: self.input_file.export(outfile, level, name_="input_file") else: warnEmptyAttribute("input_file", "XSDataString") if self._job is not None: self.job.export(outfile, level, name_="job") if self._maxproc is not None: self.maxproc.export(outfile, level, name_="maxproc") if self._maxjobs is not None: self.maxjobs.export(outfile, level, name_="maxjobs") if self._friedels_law is not None: self.friedels_law.export(outfile, level, name_="friedels_law") for resolution_range_ in self.getResolution_range(): resolution_range_.export(outfile, level, name_="resolution_range") for spot_range_ in self.getSpot_range(): spot_range_.export(outfile, level, name_="spot_range") if self._spacegroup is not None: self.spacegroup.export(outfile, level, name_="spacegroup") if self._unit_cell is not None: self.unit_cell.export(outfile, level, name_="unit_cell") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "input_file": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setInput_file(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "job": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setJob(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "maxproc": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setMaxproc(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "maxjobs": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setMaxjobs(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "friedels_law": obj_ = XSDataBoolean() self.setFriedels_law(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "resolution_range": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.resolution_range.append(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "spot_range": obj_ = XSDataRange() self.spot_range.append(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "spacegroup": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setSpacegroup(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "unit_cell": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setUnit_cell(obj_) XSDataInput.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataMinimalXdsIn") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataMinimalXdsIn") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataMinimalXdsIn is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataMinimalXdsIn.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataMinimalXdsIn() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataMinimalXdsIn") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataMinimalXdsIn() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataMinimalXdsIn
[docs]class XSDataMinimalXdsOut(XSDataResult): def __init__(self, status=None, succeeded=None): XSDataResult.__init__(self, status) if succeeded is None: self._succeeded = None elif succeeded.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataBoolean": self._succeeded = succeeded else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsOut constructor argument 'succeeded' is not XSDataBoolean but %s" % self._succeeded.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'succeeded' attribute def getSucceeded(self): return self._succeeded def setSucceeded(self, succeeded): if succeeded is None: self._succeeded = None elif succeeded.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataBoolean": self._succeeded = succeeded else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataMinimalXdsOut.setSucceeded argument is not XSDataBoolean but %s" % succeeded.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delSucceeded(self): self._succeeded = None succeeded = property( getSucceeded, setSucceeded, delSucceeded, "Property for succeeded" ) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataMinimalXdsOut"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataMinimalXdsOut"): XSDataResult.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._succeeded is not None: self.succeeded.export(outfile, level, name_="succeeded") else: warnEmptyAttribute("succeeded", "XSDataBoolean") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "succeeded": obj_ = XSDataBoolean() self.setSucceeded(obj_) XSDataResult.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataMinimalXdsOut") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataMinimalXdsOut") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataMinimalXdsOut is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataMinimalXdsOut.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataMinimalXdsOut() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataMinimalXdsOut") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataMinimalXdsOut() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataMinimalXdsOut
[docs]class XSDataXdsOutput(XSDataResult): def __init__( self, status=None, xds_run_directory=None, sg_number=None, unit_cell_constants=None, cell_gamma=None, cell_beta=None, cell_alpha=None, cell_c=None, cell_b=None, cell_a=None, coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis=None, coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis=None, coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis=None, crystal_to_detector_distance=None, detector_origin=None, direct_beam_detector_coordinates=None, direct_beam_coordinates=None, crystal_mosaicity=None, total_completeness=None, completeness_entries=None, ): XSDataResult.__init__(self, status) if completeness_entries is None: self._completeness_entries = [] elif completeness_entries.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._completeness_entries = completeness_entries else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'completeness_entries' is not list but %s" % self._completeness_entries.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if total_completeness is None: self._total_completeness = None elif total_completeness.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry": self._total_completeness = total_completeness else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'total_completeness' is not XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry but %s" % self._total_completeness.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if crystal_mosaicity is None: self._crystal_mosaicity = None elif crystal_mosaicity.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._crystal_mosaicity = crystal_mosaicity else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'crystal_mosaicity' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._crystal_mosaicity.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if direct_beam_coordinates is None: self._direct_beam_coordinates = None elif direct_beam_coordinates.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataVectorDouble": self._direct_beam_coordinates = direct_beam_coordinates else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'direct_beam_coordinates' is not XSDataVectorDouble but %s" % self._direct_beam_coordinates.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if direct_beam_detector_coordinates is None: self._direct_beam_detector_coordinates = None elif ( direct_beam_detector_coordinates.__class__.__name__ == "XSData2DCoordinates" ): self._direct_beam_detector_coordinates = direct_beam_detector_coordinates else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'direct_beam_detector_coordinates' is not XSData2DCoordinates but %s" % self._direct_beam_detector_coordinates.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if detector_origin is None: self._detector_origin = None elif detector_origin.__class__.__name__ == "XSData2DCoordinates": self._detector_origin = detector_origin else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'detector_origin' is not XSData2DCoordinates but %s" % self._detector_origin.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if crystal_to_detector_distance is None: self._crystal_to_detector_distance = None elif crystal_to_detector_distance.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._crystal_to_detector_distance = crystal_to_detector_distance else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'crystal_to_detector_distance' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._crystal_to_detector_distance.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis is None: self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis = None elif coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataVectorDouble": self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis = coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis' is not XSDataVectorDouble but %s" % self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis is None: self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis = None elif coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataVectorDouble": self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis = coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis' is not XSDataVectorDouble but %s" % self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis is None: self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis = None elif coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataVectorDouble": self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis = coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis' is not XSDataVectorDouble but %s" % self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if cell_a is None: self._cell_a = None elif cell_a.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cell_a = cell_a else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'cell_a' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._cell_a.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if cell_b is None: self._cell_b = None elif cell_b.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cell_b = cell_b else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'cell_b' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._cell_b.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if cell_c is None: self._cell_c = None elif cell_c.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cell_c = cell_c else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'cell_c' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._cell_c.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if cell_alpha is None: self._cell_alpha = None elif cell_alpha.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cell_alpha = cell_alpha else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'cell_alpha' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._cell_alpha.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if cell_beta is None: self._cell_beta = None elif cell_beta.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cell_beta = cell_beta else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'cell_beta' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._cell_beta.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if cell_gamma is None: self._cell_gamma = None elif cell_gamma.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cell_gamma = cell_gamma else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'cell_gamma' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._cell_gamma.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if unit_cell_constants is None: self._unit_cell_constants = [] elif unit_cell_constants.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._unit_cell_constants = unit_cell_constants else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'unit_cell_constants' is not list but %s" % self._unit_cell_constants.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if sg_number is None: self._sg_number = None elif sg_number.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._sg_number = sg_number else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'sg_number' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._sg_number.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if xds_run_directory is None: self._xds_run_directory = None elif xds_run_directory.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._xds_run_directory = xds_run_directory else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput constructor argument 'xds_run_directory' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._xds_run_directory.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'completeness_entries' attribute def getCompleteness_entries(self): return self._completeness_entries def setCompleteness_entries(self, completeness_entries): if completeness_entries is None: self._completeness_entries = [] elif completeness_entries.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._completeness_entries = completeness_entries else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setCompleteness_entries argument is not list but %s" % completeness_entries.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCompleteness_entries(self): self._completeness_entries = None completeness_entries = property( getCompleteness_entries, setCompleteness_entries, delCompleteness_entries, "Property for completeness_entries", ) def addCompleteness_entries(self, value): if value is None: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.addCompleteness_entries argument is None" ) raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry": self._completeness_entries.append(value) else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.addCompleteness_entries argument is not XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def insertCompleteness_entries(self, index, value): if index is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.insertCompleteness_entries argument 'index' is None" raise Exception(strMessage) if value is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.insertCompleteness_entries argument 'value' is None" raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry": self._completeness_entries[index] = value else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.addCompleteness_entries argument is not XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'total_completeness' attribute def getTotal_completeness(self): return self._total_completeness def setTotal_completeness(self, total_completeness): if total_completeness is None: self._total_completeness = None elif total_completeness.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry": self._total_completeness = total_completeness else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setTotal_completeness argument is not XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry but %s" % total_completeness.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delTotal_completeness(self): self._total_completeness = None total_completeness = property( getTotal_completeness, setTotal_completeness, delTotal_completeness, "Property for total_completeness", ) # Methods and properties for the 'crystal_mosaicity' attribute def getCrystal_mosaicity(self): return self._crystal_mosaicity def setCrystal_mosaicity(self, crystal_mosaicity): if crystal_mosaicity is None: self._crystal_mosaicity = None elif crystal_mosaicity.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._crystal_mosaicity = crystal_mosaicity else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setCrystal_mosaicity argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % crystal_mosaicity.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCrystal_mosaicity(self): self._crystal_mosaicity = None crystal_mosaicity = property( getCrystal_mosaicity, setCrystal_mosaicity, delCrystal_mosaicity, "Property for crystal_mosaicity", ) # Methods and properties for the 'direct_beam_coordinates' attribute def getDirect_beam_coordinates(self): return self._direct_beam_coordinates def setDirect_beam_coordinates(self, direct_beam_coordinates): if direct_beam_coordinates is None: self._direct_beam_coordinates = None elif direct_beam_coordinates.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataVectorDouble": self._direct_beam_coordinates = direct_beam_coordinates else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setDirect_beam_coordinates argument is not XSDataVectorDouble but %s" % direct_beam_coordinates.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delDirect_beam_coordinates(self): self._direct_beam_coordinates = None direct_beam_coordinates = property( getDirect_beam_coordinates, setDirect_beam_coordinates, delDirect_beam_coordinates, "Property for direct_beam_coordinates", ) # Methods and properties for the 'direct_beam_detector_coordinates' attribute def getDirect_beam_detector_coordinates(self): return self._direct_beam_detector_coordinates def setDirect_beam_detector_coordinates(self, direct_beam_detector_coordinates): if direct_beam_detector_coordinates is None: self._direct_beam_detector_coordinates = None elif ( direct_beam_detector_coordinates.__class__.__name__ == "XSData2DCoordinates" ): self._direct_beam_detector_coordinates = direct_beam_detector_coordinates else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setDirect_beam_detector_coordinates argument is not XSData2DCoordinates but %s" % direct_beam_detector_coordinates.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delDirect_beam_detector_coordinates(self): self._direct_beam_detector_coordinates = None direct_beam_detector_coordinates = property( getDirect_beam_detector_coordinates, setDirect_beam_detector_coordinates, delDirect_beam_detector_coordinates, "Property for direct_beam_detector_coordinates", ) # Methods and properties for the 'detector_origin' attribute def getDetector_origin(self): return self._detector_origin def setDetector_origin(self, detector_origin): if detector_origin is None: self._detector_origin = None elif detector_origin.__class__.__name__ == "XSData2DCoordinates": self._detector_origin = detector_origin else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setDetector_origin argument is not XSData2DCoordinates but %s" % detector_origin.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delDetector_origin(self): self._detector_origin = None detector_origin = property( getDetector_origin, setDetector_origin, delDetector_origin, "Property for detector_origin", ) # Methods and properties for the 'crystal_to_detector_distance' attribute def getCrystal_to_detector_distance(self): return self._crystal_to_detector_distance def setCrystal_to_detector_distance(self, crystal_to_detector_distance): if crystal_to_detector_distance is None: self._crystal_to_detector_distance = None elif crystal_to_detector_distance.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._crystal_to_detector_distance = crystal_to_detector_distance else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setCrystal_to_detector_distance argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % crystal_to_detector_distance.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCrystal_to_detector_distance(self): self._crystal_to_detector_distance = None crystal_to_detector_distance = property( getCrystal_to_detector_distance, setCrystal_to_detector_distance, delCrystal_to_detector_distance, "Property for crystal_to_detector_distance", ) # Methods and properties for the 'coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis' attribute def getCoordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis(self): return self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis def setCoordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis(self, coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis): if coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis is None: self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis = None elif coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataVectorDouble": self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis = coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setCoordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis argument is not XSDataVectorDouble but %s" % coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCoordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis(self): self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis = None coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis = property( getCoordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis, setCoordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis, delCoordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis, "Property for coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis", ) # Methods and properties for the 'coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis' attribute def getCoordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis(self): return self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis def setCoordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis(self, coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis): if coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis is None: self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis = None elif coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataVectorDouble": self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis = coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setCoordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis argument is not XSDataVectorDouble but %s" % coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCoordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis(self): self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis = None coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis = property( getCoordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis, setCoordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis, delCoordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis, "Property for coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis", ) # Methods and properties for the 'coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis' attribute def getCoordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis(self): return self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis def setCoordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis(self, coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis): if coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis is None: self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis = None elif coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataVectorDouble": self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis = coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setCoordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis argument is not XSDataVectorDouble but %s" % coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCoordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis(self): self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis = None coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis = property( getCoordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis, setCoordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis, delCoordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis, "Property for coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis", ) # Methods and properties for the 'cell_a' attribute def getCell_a(self): return self._cell_a def setCell_a(self, cell_a): if cell_a is None: self._cell_a = None elif cell_a.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cell_a = cell_a else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setCell_a argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % cell_a.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCell_a(self): self._cell_a = None cell_a = property(getCell_a, setCell_a, delCell_a, "Property for cell_a") # Methods and properties for the 'cell_b' attribute def getCell_b(self): return self._cell_b def setCell_b(self, cell_b): if cell_b is None: self._cell_b = None elif cell_b.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cell_b = cell_b else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setCell_b argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % cell_b.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCell_b(self): self._cell_b = None cell_b = property(getCell_b, setCell_b, delCell_b, "Property for cell_b") # Methods and properties for the 'cell_c' attribute def getCell_c(self): return self._cell_c def setCell_c(self, cell_c): if cell_c is None: self._cell_c = None elif cell_c.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cell_c = cell_c else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setCell_c argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % cell_c.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCell_c(self): self._cell_c = None cell_c = property(getCell_c, setCell_c, delCell_c, "Property for cell_c") # Methods and properties for the 'cell_alpha' attribute def getCell_alpha(self): return self._cell_alpha def setCell_alpha(self, cell_alpha): if cell_alpha is None: self._cell_alpha = None elif cell_alpha.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cell_alpha = cell_alpha else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setCell_alpha argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % cell_alpha.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCell_alpha(self): self._cell_alpha = None cell_alpha = property( getCell_alpha, setCell_alpha, delCell_alpha, "Property for cell_alpha" ) # Methods and properties for the 'cell_beta' attribute def getCell_beta(self): return self._cell_beta def setCell_beta(self, cell_beta): if cell_beta is None: self._cell_beta = None elif cell_beta.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cell_beta = cell_beta else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setCell_beta argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % cell_beta.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCell_beta(self): self._cell_beta = None cell_beta = property( getCell_beta, setCell_beta, delCell_beta, "Property for cell_beta" ) # Methods and properties for the 'cell_gamma' attribute def getCell_gamma(self): return self._cell_gamma def setCell_gamma(self, cell_gamma): if cell_gamma is None: self._cell_gamma = None elif cell_gamma.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cell_gamma = cell_gamma else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setCell_gamma argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % cell_gamma.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCell_gamma(self): self._cell_gamma = None cell_gamma = property( getCell_gamma, setCell_gamma, delCell_gamma, "Property for cell_gamma" ) # Methods and properties for the 'unit_cell_constants' attribute def getUnit_cell_constants(self): return self._unit_cell_constants def setUnit_cell_constants(self, unit_cell_constants): if unit_cell_constants is None: self._unit_cell_constants = [] elif unit_cell_constants.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._unit_cell_constants = unit_cell_constants else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setUnit_cell_constants argument is not list but %s" % unit_cell_constants.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delUnit_cell_constants(self): self._unit_cell_constants = None unit_cell_constants = property( getUnit_cell_constants, setUnit_cell_constants, delUnit_cell_constants, "Property for unit_cell_constants", ) def addUnit_cell_constants(self, value): if value is None: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.addUnit_cell_constants argument is None" ) raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._unit_cell_constants.append(value) else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.addUnit_cell_constants argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def insertUnit_cell_constants(self, index, value): if index is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.insertUnit_cell_constants argument 'index' is None" raise Exception(strMessage) if value is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.insertUnit_cell_constants argument 'value' is None" raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._unit_cell_constants[index] = value else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.addUnit_cell_constants argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'sg_number' attribute def getSg_number(self): return self._sg_number def setSg_number(self, sg_number): if sg_number is None: self._sg_number = None elif sg_number.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._sg_number = sg_number else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setSg_number argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % sg_number.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delSg_number(self): self._sg_number = None sg_number = property( getSg_number, setSg_number, delSg_number, "Property for sg_number" ) # Methods and properties for the 'xds_run_directory' attribute def getXds_run_directory(self): return self._xds_run_directory def setXds_run_directory(self, xds_run_directory): if xds_run_directory is None: self._xds_run_directory = None elif xds_run_directory.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._xds_run_directory = xds_run_directory else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutput.setXds_run_directory argument is not XSDataString but %s" % xds_run_directory.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delXds_run_directory(self): self._xds_run_directory = None xds_run_directory = property( getXds_run_directory, setXds_run_directory, delXds_run_directory, "Property for xds_run_directory", ) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXdsOutput"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXdsOutput"): XSDataResult.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) for completeness_entries_ in self.getCompleteness_entries(): completeness_entries_.export(outfile, level, name_="completeness_entries") if self.getCompleteness_entries() == []: warnEmptyAttribute("completeness_entries", "XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry") if self._total_completeness is not None: self.total_completeness.export(outfile, level, name_="total_completeness") else: warnEmptyAttribute("total_completeness", "XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry") if self._crystal_mosaicity is not None: self.crystal_mosaicity.export(outfile, level, name_="crystal_mosaicity") else: warnEmptyAttribute("crystal_mosaicity", "XSDataDouble") if self._direct_beam_coordinates is not None: self.direct_beam_coordinates.export( outfile, level, name_="direct_beam_coordinates" ) else: warnEmptyAttribute("direct_beam_coordinates", "XSDataVectorDouble") if self._direct_beam_detector_coordinates is not None: self.direct_beam_detector_coordinates.export( outfile, level, name_="direct_beam_detector_coordinates" ) else: warnEmptyAttribute( "direct_beam_detector_coordinates", "XSData2DCoordinates" ) if self._detector_origin is not None: self.detector_origin.export(outfile, level, name_="detector_origin") else: warnEmptyAttribute("detector_origin", "XSData2DCoordinates") if self._crystal_to_detector_distance is not None: self.crystal_to_detector_distance.export( outfile, level, name_="crystal_to_detector_distance" ) else: warnEmptyAttribute("crystal_to_detector_distance", "XSDataDouble") if self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis is not None: self.coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis.export( outfile, level, name_="coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis" ) else: warnEmptyAttribute("coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis", "XSDataVectorDouble") if self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis is not None: self.coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis.export( outfile, level, name_="coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis" ) else: warnEmptyAttribute("coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis", "XSDataVectorDouble") if self._coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis is not None: self.coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis.export( outfile, level, name_="coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis" ) else: warnEmptyAttribute("coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis", "XSDataVectorDouble") if self._cell_a is not None: self.cell_a.export(outfile, level, name_="cell_a") else: warnEmptyAttribute("cell_a", "XSDataDouble") if self._cell_b is not None: self.cell_b.export(outfile, level, name_="cell_b") else: warnEmptyAttribute("cell_b", "XSDataDouble") if self._cell_c is not None: self.cell_c.export(outfile, level, name_="cell_c") else: warnEmptyAttribute("cell_c", "XSDataDouble") if self._cell_alpha is not None: self.cell_alpha.export(outfile, level, name_="cell_alpha") else: warnEmptyAttribute("cell_alpha", "XSDataDouble") if self._cell_beta is not None: self.cell_beta.export(outfile, level, name_="cell_beta") else: warnEmptyAttribute("cell_beta", "XSDataDouble") if self._cell_gamma is not None: self.cell_gamma.export(outfile, level, name_="cell_gamma") else: warnEmptyAttribute("cell_gamma", "XSDataDouble") for unit_cell_constants_ in self.getUnit_cell_constants(): unit_cell_constants_.export(outfile, level, name_="unit_cell_constants") if self._sg_number is not None: self.sg_number.export(outfile, level, name_="sg_number") if self._xds_run_directory is not None: self.xds_run_directory.export(outfile, level, name_="xds_run_directory") else: warnEmptyAttribute("xds_run_directory", "XSDataString") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "completeness_entries": obj_ = XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry() self.completeness_entries.append(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "total_completeness": obj_ = XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry() self.setTotal_completeness(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "crystal_mosaicity": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setCrystal_mosaicity(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "direct_beam_coordinates" ): obj_ = XSDataVectorDouble() self.setDirect_beam_coordinates(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "direct_beam_detector_coordinates" ): obj_ = XSData2DCoordinates() self.setDirect_beam_detector_coordinates(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "detector_origin": obj_ = XSData2DCoordinates() self.setDetector_origin(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "crystal_to_detector_distance" ): obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setCrystal_to_detector_distance(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "coordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis" ): obj_ = XSDataVectorDouble() self.setCoordinates_of_unit_cell_a_axis(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "coordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis" ): obj_ = XSDataVectorDouble() self.setCoordinates_of_unit_cell_b_axis(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "coordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis" ): obj_ = XSDataVectorDouble() self.setCoordinates_of_unit_cell_c_axis(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "cell_a": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setCell_a(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "cell_b": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setCell_b(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "cell_c": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setCell_c(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "cell_alpha": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setCell_alpha(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "cell_beta": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setCell_beta(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "cell_gamma": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setCell_gamma(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "unit_cell_constants" ): obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.unit_cell_constants.append(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "sg_number": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setSg_number(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "xds_run_directory": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setXds_run_directory(obj_) XSDataResult.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXdsOutput") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataXdsOutput") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataXdsOutput is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataXdsOutput.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXdsOutput() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXdsOutput") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXdsOutput() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataXdsOutput
[docs]class XSDataResCutoff(XSDataInput): def __init__( self, configuration=None, cc_half_cutoff=None, r_value_cutoff=None, isig_cutoff=None, completeness_cutoff=None, res_override=None, total_completeness=None, detector_max_res=None, completeness_entries=None, xds_res=None, ): XSDataInput.__init__(self, configuration) if xds_res is None: self._xds_res = None elif xds_res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXdsOutput": self._xds_res = xds_res else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff constructor argument 'xds_res' is not XSDataXdsOutput but %s" % self._xds_res.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if completeness_entries is None: self._completeness_entries = [] elif completeness_entries.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._completeness_entries = completeness_entries else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff constructor argument 'completeness_entries' is not list but %s" % self._completeness_entries.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if detector_max_res is None: self._detector_max_res = None elif detector_max_res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._detector_max_res = detector_max_res else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff constructor argument 'detector_max_res' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._detector_max_res.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if total_completeness is None: self._total_completeness = None elif total_completeness.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry": self._total_completeness = total_completeness else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff constructor argument 'total_completeness' is not XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry but %s" % self._total_completeness.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if res_override is None: self._res_override = None elif res_override.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._res_override = res_override else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff constructor argument 'res_override' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._res_override.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if completeness_cutoff is None: self._completeness_cutoff = None elif completeness_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._completeness_cutoff = completeness_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff constructor argument 'completeness_cutoff' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._completeness_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if isig_cutoff is None: self._isig_cutoff = None elif isig_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._isig_cutoff = isig_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff constructor argument 'isig_cutoff' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._isig_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if r_value_cutoff is None: self._r_value_cutoff = None elif r_value_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._r_value_cutoff = r_value_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff constructor argument 'r_value_cutoff' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._r_value_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if cc_half_cutoff is None: self._cc_half_cutoff = None elif cc_half_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cc_half_cutoff = cc_half_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff constructor argument 'cc_half_cutoff' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._cc_half_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'xds_res' attribute def getXds_res(self): return self._xds_res def setXds_res(self, xds_res): if xds_res is None: self._xds_res = None elif xds_res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXdsOutput": self._xds_res = xds_res else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff.setXds_res argument is not XSDataXdsOutput but %s" % xds_res.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delXds_res(self): self._xds_res = None xds_res = property(getXds_res, setXds_res, delXds_res, "Property for xds_res") # Methods and properties for the 'completeness_entries' attribute def getCompleteness_entries(self): return self._completeness_entries def setCompleteness_entries(self, completeness_entries): if completeness_entries is None: self._completeness_entries = [] elif completeness_entries.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._completeness_entries = completeness_entries else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff.setCompleteness_entries argument is not list but %s" % completeness_entries.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCompleteness_entries(self): self._completeness_entries = None completeness_entries = property( getCompleteness_entries, setCompleteness_entries, delCompleteness_entries, "Property for completeness_entries", ) def addCompleteness_entries(self, value): if value is None: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff.addCompleteness_entries argument is None" ) raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry": self._completeness_entries.append(value) else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff.addCompleteness_entries argument is not XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def insertCompleteness_entries(self, index, value): if index is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff.insertCompleteness_entries argument 'index' is None" raise Exception(strMessage) if value is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff.insertCompleteness_entries argument 'value' is None" raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry": self._completeness_entries[index] = value else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff.addCompleteness_entries argument is not XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'detector_max_res' attribute def getDetector_max_res(self): return self._detector_max_res def setDetector_max_res(self, detector_max_res): if detector_max_res is None: self._detector_max_res = None elif detector_max_res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._detector_max_res = detector_max_res else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff.setDetector_max_res argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % detector_max_res.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delDetector_max_res(self): self._detector_max_res = None detector_max_res = property( getDetector_max_res, setDetector_max_res, delDetector_max_res, "Property for detector_max_res", ) # Methods and properties for the 'total_completeness' attribute def getTotal_completeness(self): return self._total_completeness def setTotal_completeness(self, total_completeness): if total_completeness is None: self._total_completeness = None elif total_completeness.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry": self._total_completeness = total_completeness else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff.setTotal_completeness argument is not XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry but %s" % total_completeness.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delTotal_completeness(self): self._total_completeness = None total_completeness = property( getTotal_completeness, setTotal_completeness, delTotal_completeness, "Property for total_completeness", ) # Methods and properties for the 'res_override' attribute def getRes_override(self): return self._res_override def setRes_override(self, res_override): if res_override is None: self._res_override = None elif res_override.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._res_override = res_override else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff.setRes_override argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % res_override.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delRes_override(self): self._res_override = None res_override = property( getRes_override, setRes_override, delRes_override, "Property for res_override" ) # Methods and properties for the 'completeness_cutoff' attribute def getCompleteness_cutoff(self): return self._completeness_cutoff def setCompleteness_cutoff(self, completeness_cutoff): if completeness_cutoff is None: self._completeness_cutoff = None elif completeness_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._completeness_cutoff = completeness_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff.setCompleteness_cutoff argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % completeness_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCompleteness_cutoff(self): self._completeness_cutoff = None completeness_cutoff = property( getCompleteness_cutoff, setCompleteness_cutoff, delCompleteness_cutoff, "Property for completeness_cutoff", ) # Methods and properties for the 'isig_cutoff' attribute def getIsig_cutoff(self): return self._isig_cutoff def setIsig_cutoff(self, isig_cutoff): if isig_cutoff is None: self._isig_cutoff = None elif isig_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._isig_cutoff = isig_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff.setIsig_cutoff argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % isig_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delIsig_cutoff(self): self._isig_cutoff = None isig_cutoff = property( getIsig_cutoff, setIsig_cutoff, delIsig_cutoff, "Property for isig_cutoff" ) # Methods and properties for the 'r_value_cutoff' attribute def getR_value_cutoff(self): return self._r_value_cutoff def setR_value_cutoff(self, r_value_cutoff): if r_value_cutoff is None: self._r_value_cutoff = None elif r_value_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._r_value_cutoff = r_value_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff.setR_value_cutoff argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % r_value_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delR_value_cutoff(self): self._r_value_cutoff = None r_value_cutoff = property( getR_value_cutoff, setR_value_cutoff, delR_value_cutoff, "Property for r_value_cutoff", ) # Methods and properties for the 'cc_half_cutoff' attribute def getCc_half_cutoff(self): return self._cc_half_cutoff def setCc_half_cutoff(self, cc_half_cutoff): if cc_half_cutoff is None: self._cc_half_cutoff = None elif cc_half_cutoff.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._cc_half_cutoff = cc_half_cutoff else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoff.setCc_half_cutoff argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % cc_half_cutoff.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCc_half_cutoff(self): self._cc_half_cutoff = None cc_half_cutoff = property( getCc_half_cutoff, setCc_half_cutoff, delCc_half_cutoff, "Property for cc_half_cutoff", ) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataResCutoff"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataResCutoff"): XSDataInput.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._xds_res is not None: self.xds_res.export(outfile, level, name_="xds_res") else: warnEmptyAttribute("xds_res", "XSDataXdsOutput") for completeness_entries_ in self.getCompleteness_entries(): completeness_entries_.export(outfile, level, name_="completeness_entries") if self.getCompleteness_entries() == []: warnEmptyAttribute("completeness_entries", "XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry") if self._detector_max_res is not None: self.detector_max_res.export(outfile, level, name_="detector_max_res") if self._total_completeness is not None: self.total_completeness.export(outfile, level, name_="total_completeness") else: warnEmptyAttribute("total_completeness", "XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry") if self._res_override is not None: self.res_override.export(outfile, level, name_="res_override") if self._completeness_cutoff is not None: self.completeness_cutoff.export(outfile, level, name_="completeness_cutoff") if self._isig_cutoff is not None: self.isig_cutoff.export(outfile, level, name_="isig_cutoff") if self._r_value_cutoff is not None: self.r_value_cutoff.export(outfile, level, name_="r_value_cutoff") if self._cc_half_cutoff is not None: self.cc_half_cutoff.export(outfile, level, name_="cc_half_cutoff") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "xds_res": obj_ = XSDataXdsOutput() self.setXds_res(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "completeness_entries" ): obj_ = XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry() self.completeness_entries.append(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "detector_max_res": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setDetector_max_res(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "total_completeness": obj_ = XSDataXdsCompletenessEntry() self.setTotal_completeness(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "res_override": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setRes_override(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "completeness_cutoff" ): obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setCompleteness_cutoff(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "isig_cutoff": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setIsig_cutoff(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "r_value_cutoff": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setR_value_cutoff(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "cc_half_cutoff": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setCc_half_cutoff(obj_) XSDataInput.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataResCutoff") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataResCutoff") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataResCutoff is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataResCutoff.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataResCutoff() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataResCutoff") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataResCutoff() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataResCutoff
[docs]class XSDataResCutoffResult(XSDataResult): def __init__( self, status=None, total_isig=None, total_rfactor=None, total_complete=None, bins=None, res=None, ): XSDataResult.__init__(self, status) if res is None: self._res = None elif res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._res = res else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult constructor argument 'res' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._res.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if bins is None: self._bins = [] elif bins.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._bins = bins else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult constructor argument 'bins' is not list but %s" % self._bins.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if total_complete is None: self._total_complete = None elif total_complete.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._total_complete = total_complete else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult constructor argument 'total_complete' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._total_complete.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if total_rfactor is None: self._total_rfactor = None elif total_rfactor.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._total_rfactor = total_rfactor else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult constructor argument 'total_rfactor' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._total_rfactor.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if total_isig is None: self._total_isig = None elif total_isig.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._total_isig = total_isig else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult constructor argument 'total_isig' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._total_isig.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'res' attribute def getRes(self): return self._res def setRes(self, res): if res is None: self._res = None elif res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._res = res else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult.setRes argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % res.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delRes(self): self._res = None res = property(getRes, setRes, delRes, "Property for res") # Methods and properties for the 'bins' attribute def getBins(self): return self._bins def setBins(self, bins): if bins is None: self._bins = [] elif bins.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._bins = bins else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult.setBins argument is not list but %s" % bins.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delBins(self): self._bins = None bins = property(getBins, setBins, delBins, "Property for bins") def addBins(self, value): if value is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult.addBins argument is None" raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._bins.append(value) else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult.addBins argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def insertBins(self, index, value): if index is None: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult.insertBins argument 'index' is None" ) raise Exception(strMessage) if value is None: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult.insertBins argument 'value' is None" ) raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._bins[index] = value else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult.addBins argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'total_complete' attribute def getTotal_complete(self): return self._total_complete def setTotal_complete(self, total_complete): if total_complete is None: self._total_complete = None elif total_complete.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._total_complete = total_complete else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult.setTotal_complete argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % total_complete.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delTotal_complete(self): self._total_complete = None total_complete = property( getTotal_complete, setTotal_complete, delTotal_complete, "Property for total_complete", ) # Methods and properties for the 'total_rfactor' attribute def getTotal_rfactor(self): return self._total_rfactor def setTotal_rfactor(self, total_rfactor): if total_rfactor is None: self._total_rfactor = None elif total_rfactor.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._total_rfactor = total_rfactor else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult.setTotal_rfactor argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % total_rfactor.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delTotal_rfactor(self): self._total_rfactor = None total_rfactor = property( getTotal_rfactor, setTotal_rfactor, delTotal_rfactor, "Property for total_rfactor", ) # Methods and properties for the 'total_isig' attribute def getTotal_isig(self): return self._total_isig def setTotal_isig(self, total_isig): if total_isig is None: self._total_isig = None elif total_isig.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._total_isig = total_isig else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResCutoffResult.setTotal_isig argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % total_isig.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delTotal_isig(self): self._total_isig = None total_isig = property( getTotal_isig, setTotal_isig, delTotal_isig, "Property for total_isig" ) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataResCutoffResult"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataResCutoffResult"): XSDataResult.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._res is not None: self.res.export(outfile, level, name_="res") else: warnEmptyAttribute("res", "XSDataDouble") for bins_ in self.getBins(): bins_.export(outfile, level, name_="bins") if self.getBins() == []: warnEmptyAttribute("bins", "XSDataDouble") if self._total_complete is not None: self.total_complete.export(outfile, level, name_="total_complete") else: warnEmptyAttribute("total_complete", "XSDataDouble") if self._total_rfactor is not None: self.total_rfactor.export(outfile, level, name_="total_rfactor") else: warnEmptyAttribute("total_rfactor", "XSDataDouble") if self._total_isig is not None: self.total_isig.export(outfile, level, name_="total_isig") else: warnEmptyAttribute("total_isig", "XSDataDouble") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "res": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setRes(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "bins": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.bins.append(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "total_complete": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setTotal_complete(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "total_rfactor": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setTotal_rfactor(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "total_isig": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setTotal_isig(obj_) XSDataResult.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataResCutoffResult") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataResCutoffResult") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataResCutoffResult is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataResCutoffResult.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataResCutoffResult() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataResCutoffResult") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataResCutoffResult() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataResCutoffResult
[docs]class XSDataResultControlDimple(XSDataResult): def __init__(self, status=None, dimpleExecutedSuccessfully=None): XSDataResult.__init__(self, status) if dimpleExecutedSuccessfully is None: self._dimpleExecutedSuccessfully = None elif dimpleExecutedSuccessfully.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataBoolean": self._dimpleExecutedSuccessfully = dimpleExecutedSuccessfully else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResultControlDimple constructor argument 'dimpleExecutedSuccessfully' is not XSDataBoolean but %s" % self._dimpleExecutedSuccessfully.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'dimpleExecutedSuccessfully' attribute def getDimpleExecutedSuccessfully(self): return self._dimpleExecutedSuccessfully def setDimpleExecutedSuccessfully(self, dimpleExecutedSuccessfully): if dimpleExecutedSuccessfully is None: self._dimpleExecutedSuccessfully = None elif dimpleExecutedSuccessfully.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataBoolean": self._dimpleExecutedSuccessfully = dimpleExecutedSuccessfully else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataResultControlDimple.setDimpleExecutedSuccessfully argument is not XSDataBoolean but %s" % dimpleExecutedSuccessfully.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delDimpleExecutedSuccessfully(self): self._dimpleExecutedSuccessfully = None dimpleExecutedSuccessfully = property( getDimpleExecutedSuccessfully, setDimpleExecutedSuccessfully, delDimpleExecutedSuccessfully, "Property for dimpleExecutedSuccessfully", ) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataResultControlDimple"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataResultControlDimple"): XSDataResult.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._dimpleExecutedSuccessfully is not None: self.dimpleExecutedSuccessfully.export( outfile, level, name_="dimpleExecutedSuccessfully" ) else: warnEmptyAttribute("dimpleExecutedSuccessfully", "XSDataBoolean") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "dimpleExecutedSuccessfully" ): obj_ = XSDataBoolean() self.setDimpleExecutedSuccessfully(obj_) XSDataResult.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataResultControlDimple") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataResultControlDimple") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataResultControlDimple is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataResultControlDimple.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataResultControlDimple() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataResultControlDimple") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataResultControlDimple() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataResultControlDimple
[docs]class XSDataXdsGenerateInput(XSDataInput): def __init__(self, configuration=None, resolution=None, previous_run_dir=None): XSDataInput.__init__(self, configuration) if previous_run_dir is None: self._previous_run_dir = None elif previous_run_dir.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._previous_run_dir = previous_run_dir else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateInput constructor argument 'previous_run_dir' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._previous_run_dir.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if resolution is None: self._resolution = None elif resolution.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._resolution = resolution else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateInput constructor argument 'resolution' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._resolution.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'previous_run_dir' attribute def getPrevious_run_dir(self): return self._previous_run_dir def setPrevious_run_dir(self, previous_run_dir): if previous_run_dir is None: self._previous_run_dir = None elif previous_run_dir.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._previous_run_dir = previous_run_dir else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateInput.setPrevious_run_dir argument is not XSDataString but %s" % previous_run_dir.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delPrevious_run_dir(self): self._previous_run_dir = None previous_run_dir = property( getPrevious_run_dir, setPrevious_run_dir, delPrevious_run_dir, "Property for previous_run_dir", ) # Methods and properties for the 'resolution' attribute def getResolution(self): return self._resolution def setResolution(self, resolution): if resolution is None: self._resolution = None elif resolution.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._resolution = resolution else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateInput.setResolution argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % resolution.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delResolution(self): self._resolution = None resolution = property( getResolution, setResolution, delResolution, "Property for resolution" ) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXdsGenerateInput"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXdsGenerateInput"): XSDataInput.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._previous_run_dir is not None: self.previous_run_dir.export(outfile, level, name_="previous_run_dir") else: warnEmptyAttribute("previous_run_dir", "XSDataString") if self._resolution is not None: self.resolution.export(outfile, level, name_="resolution") else: warnEmptyAttribute("resolution", "XSDataDouble") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "previous_run_dir": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setPrevious_run_dir(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "resolution": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setResolution(obj_) XSDataInput.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXdsGenerateInput") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataXdsGenerateInput") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataXdsGenerateInput is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataXdsGenerateInput.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXdsGenerateInput() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXdsGenerateInput") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXdsGenerateInput() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataXdsGenerateInput
[docs]class XSDataXdsGenerateOutput(XSDataResult): def __init__( self, status=None, gxparm=None, integrate_noanom=None, integrate_anom=None, correct_lp_no_anom=None, correct_lp_anom=None, hkl_no_anom=None, hkl_anom=None, ): XSDataResult.__init__(self, status) if hkl_anom is None: self._hkl_anom = None elif hkl_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._hkl_anom = hkl_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateOutput constructor argument 'hkl_anom' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._hkl_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if hkl_no_anom is None: self._hkl_no_anom = None elif hkl_no_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._hkl_no_anom = hkl_no_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateOutput constructor argument 'hkl_no_anom' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._hkl_no_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if correct_lp_anom is None: self._correct_lp_anom = None elif correct_lp_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._correct_lp_anom = correct_lp_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateOutput constructor argument 'correct_lp_anom' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._correct_lp_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if correct_lp_no_anom is None: self._correct_lp_no_anom = None elif correct_lp_no_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._correct_lp_no_anom = correct_lp_no_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateOutput constructor argument 'correct_lp_no_anom' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._correct_lp_no_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if integrate_anom is None: self._integrate_anom = None elif integrate_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._integrate_anom = integrate_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateOutput constructor argument 'integrate_anom' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._integrate_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if integrate_noanom is None: self._integrate_noanom = None elif integrate_noanom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._integrate_noanom = integrate_noanom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateOutput constructor argument 'integrate_noanom' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._integrate_noanom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if gxparm is None: self._gxparm = None elif gxparm.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._gxparm = gxparm else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateOutput constructor argument 'gxparm' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._gxparm.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'hkl_anom' attribute def getHkl_anom(self): return self._hkl_anom def setHkl_anom(self, hkl_anom): if hkl_anom is None: self._hkl_anom = None elif hkl_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._hkl_anom = hkl_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateOutput.setHkl_anom argument is not XSDataString but %s" % hkl_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delHkl_anom(self): self._hkl_anom = None hkl_anom = property(getHkl_anom, setHkl_anom, delHkl_anom, "Property for hkl_anom") # Methods and properties for the 'hkl_no_anom' attribute def getHkl_no_anom(self): return self._hkl_no_anom def setHkl_no_anom(self, hkl_no_anom): if hkl_no_anom is None: self._hkl_no_anom = None elif hkl_no_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._hkl_no_anom = hkl_no_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateOutput.setHkl_no_anom argument is not XSDataString but %s" % hkl_no_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delHkl_no_anom(self): self._hkl_no_anom = None hkl_no_anom = property( getHkl_no_anom, setHkl_no_anom, delHkl_no_anom, "Property for hkl_no_anom" ) # Methods and properties for the 'correct_lp_anom' attribute def getCorrect_lp_anom(self): return self._correct_lp_anom def setCorrect_lp_anom(self, correct_lp_anom): if correct_lp_anom is None: self._correct_lp_anom = None elif correct_lp_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._correct_lp_anom = correct_lp_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateOutput.setCorrect_lp_anom argument is not XSDataString but %s" % correct_lp_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCorrect_lp_anom(self): self._correct_lp_anom = None correct_lp_anom = property( getCorrect_lp_anom, setCorrect_lp_anom, delCorrect_lp_anom, "Property for correct_lp_anom", ) # Methods and properties for the 'correct_lp_no_anom' attribute def getCorrect_lp_no_anom(self): return self._correct_lp_no_anom def setCorrect_lp_no_anom(self, correct_lp_no_anom): if correct_lp_no_anom is None: self._correct_lp_no_anom = None elif correct_lp_no_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._correct_lp_no_anom = correct_lp_no_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateOutput.setCorrect_lp_no_anom argument is not XSDataString but %s" % correct_lp_no_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCorrect_lp_no_anom(self): self._correct_lp_no_anom = None correct_lp_no_anom = property( getCorrect_lp_no_anom, setCorrect_lp_no_anom, delCorrect_lp_no_anom, "Property for correct_lp_no_anom", ) # Methods and properties for the 'integrate_anom' attribute def getIntegrate_anom(self): return self._integrate_anom def setIntegrate_anom(self, integrate_anom): if integrate_anom is None: self._integrate_anom = None elif integrate_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._integrate_anom = integrate_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateOutput.setIntegrate_anom argument is not XSDataString but %s" % integrate_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delIntegrate_anom(self): self._integrate_anom = None integrate_anom = property( getIntegrate_anom, setIntegrate_anom, delIntegrate_anom, "Property for integrate_anom", ) # Methods and properties for the 'integrate_noanom' attribute def getIntegrate_noanom(self): return self._integrate_noanom def setIntegrate_noanom(self, integrate_noanom): if integrate_noanom is None: self._integrate_noanom = None elif integrate_noanom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._integrate_noanom = integrate_noanom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateOutput.setIntegrate_noanom argument is not XSDataString but %s" % integrate_noanom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delIntegrate_noanom(self): self._integrate_noanom = None integrate_noanom = property( getIntegrate_noanom, setIntegrate_noanom, delIntegrate_noanom, "Property for integrate_noanom", ) # Methods and properties for the 'gxparm' attribute def getGxparm(self): return self._gxparm def setGxparm(self, gxparm): if gxparm is None: self._gxparm = None elif gxparm.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._gxparm = gxparm else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsGenerateOutput.setGxparm argument is not XSDataString but %s" % gxparm.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delGxparm(self): self._gxparm = None gxparm = property(getGxparm, setGxparm, delGxparm, "Property for gxparm") def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXdsGenerateOutput"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXdsGenerateOutput"): XSDataResult.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._hkl_anom is not None: self.hkl_anom.export(outfile, level, name_="hkl_anom") else: warnEmptyAttribute("hkl_anom", "XSDataString") if self._hkl_no_anom is not None: self.hkl_no_anom.export(outfile, level, name_="hkl_no_anom") else: warnEmptyAttribute("hkl_no_anom", "XSDataString") if self._correct_lp_anom is not None: self.correct_lp_anom.export(outfile, level, name_="correct_lp_anom") else: warnEmptyAttribute("correct_lp_anom", "XSDataString") if self._correct_lp_no_anom is not None: self.correct_lp_no_anom.export(outfile, level, name_="correct_lp_no_anom") else: warnEmptyAttribute("correct_lp_no_anom", "XSDataString") if self._integrate_anom is not None: self.integrate_anom.export(outfile, level, name_="integrate_anom") else: warnEmptyAttribute("integrate_anom", "XSDataString") if self._integrate_noanom is not None: self.integrate_noanom.export(outfile, level, name_="integrate_noanom") else: warnEmptyAttribute("integrate_noanom", "XSDataString") if self._gxparm is not None: self.gxparm.export(outfile, level, name_="gxparm") else: warnEmptyAttribute("gxparm", "XSDataString") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "hkl_anom": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setHkl_anom(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "hkl_no_anom": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setHkl_no_anom(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "correct_lp_anom": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setCorrect_lp_anom(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "correct_lp_no_anom": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setCorrect_lp_no_anom(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "integrate_anom": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setIntegrate_anom(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "integrate_noanom": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setIntegrate_noanom(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "gxparm": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setGxparm(obj_) XSDataResult.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXdsGenerateOutput") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataXdsGenerateOutput") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataXdsGenerateOutput is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataXdsGenerateOutput.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXdsGenerateOutput() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXdsGenerateOutput") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXdsGenerateOutput() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataXdsGenerateOutput
[docs]class XSDataXdsOutputFile(XSDataInput): def __init__(self, configuration=None, gxparm=None, correct_lp=None): XSDataInput.__init__(self, configuration) if correct_lp is None: self._correct_lp = None elif correct_lp.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataFile": self._correct_lp = correct_lp else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutputFile constructor argument 'correct_lp' is not XSDataFile but %s" % self._correct_lp.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if gxparm is None: self._gxparm = None elif gxparm.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataFile": self._gxparm = gxparm else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutputFile constructor argument 'gxparm' is not XSDataFile but %s" % self._gxparm.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'correct_lp' attribute def getCorrect_lp(self): return self._correct_lp def setCorrect_lp(self, correct_lp): if correct_lp is None: self._correct_lp = None elif correct_lp.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataFile": self._correct_lp = correct_lp else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutputFile.setCorrect_lp argument is not XSDataFile but %s" % correct_lp.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCorrect_lp(self): self._correct_lp = None correct_lp = property( getCorrect_lp, setCorrect_lp, delCorrect_lp, "Property for correct_lp" ) # Methods and properties for the 'gxparm' attribute def getGxparm(self): return self._gxparm def setGxparm(self, gxparm): if gxparm is None: self._gxparm = None elif gxparm.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataFile": self._gxparm = gxparm else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXdsOutputFile.setGxparm argument is not XSDataFile but %s" % gxparm.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delGxparm(self): self._gxparm = None gxparm = property(getGxparm, setGxparm, delGxparm, "Property for gxparm") def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXdsOutputFile"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXdsOutputFile"): XSDataInput.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._correct_lp is not None: self.correct_lp.export(outfile, level, name_="correct_lp") else: warnEmptyAttribute("correct_lp", "XSDataFile") if self._gxparm is not None: self.gxparm.export(outfile, level, name_="gxparm") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "correct_lp": obj_ = XSDataFile() self.setCorrect_lp(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "gxparm": obj_ = XSDataFile() self.setGxparm(obj_) XSDataInput.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXdsOutputFile") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataXdsOutputFile") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataXdsOutputFile is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataXdsOutputFile.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXdsOutputFile() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXdsOutputFile") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXdsOutputFile() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataXdsOutputFile
[docs]class XSDataXscaleOutput(XSDataResult): def __init__(self, status=None, lp_file=None, hkl_file=None, succeeded=None): XSDataResult.__init__(self, status) if succeeded is None: self._succeeded = None elif succeeded.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataBoolean": self._succeeded = succeeded else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleOutput constructor argument 'succeeded' is not XSDataBoolean but %s" % self._succeeded.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if hkl_file is None: self._hkl_file = None elif hkl_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._hkl_file = hkl_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleOutput constructor argument 'hkl_file' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._hkl_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if lp_file is None: self._lp_file = None elif lp_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._lp_file = lp_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleOutput constructor argument 'lp_file' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._lp_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'succeeded' attribute def getSucceeded(self): return self._succeeded def setSucceeded(self, succeeded): if succeeded is None: self._succeeded = None elif succeeded.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataBoolean": self._succeeded = succeeded else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleOutput.setSucceeded argument is not XSDataBoolean but %s" % succeeded.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delSucceeded(self): self._succeeded = None succeeded = property( getSucceeded, setSucceeded, delSucceeded, "Property for succeeded" ) # Methods and properties for the 'hkl_file' attribute def getHkl_file(self): return self._hkl_file def setHkl_file(self, hkl_file): if hkl_file is None: self._hkl_file = None elif hkl_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._hkl_file = hkl_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleOutput.setHkl_file argument is not XSDataString but %s" % hkl_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delHkl_file(self): self._hkl_file = None hkl_file = property(getHkl_file, setHkl_file, delHkl_file, "Property for hkl_file") # Methods and properties for the 'lp_file' attribute def getLp_file(self): return self._lp_file def setLp_file(self, lp_file): if lp_file is None: self._lp_file = None elif lp_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._lp_file = lp_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleOutput.setLp_file argument is not XSDataString but %s" % lp_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delLp_file(self): self._lp_file = None lp_file = property(getLp_file, setLp_file, delLp_file, "Property for lp_file") def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXscaleOutput"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXscaleOutput"): XSDataResult.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._succeeded is not None: self.succeeded.export(outfile, level, name_="succeeded") else: warnEmptyAttribute("succeeded", "XSDataBoolean") if self._hkl_file is not None: self.hkl_file.export(outfile, level, name_="hkl_file") if self._lp_file is not None: self.lp_file.export(outfile, level, name_="lp_file") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "succeeded": obj_ = XSDataBoolean() self.setSucceeded(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "hkl_file": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setHkl_file(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "lp_file": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setLp_file(obj_) XSDataResult.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleOutput") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleOutput") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataXscaleOutput is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataXscaleOutput.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXscaleOutput() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleOutput") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXscaleOutput() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataXscaleOutput
[docs]class XSDataXscaleParsedOutput(XSDataResult): def __init__(self, status=None, completeness_entries=None, total_completeness=None): XSDataResult.__init__(self, status) if total_completeness is None: self._total_completeness = None elif total_completeness.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry": self._total_completeness = total_completeness else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleParsedOutput constructor argument 'total_completeness' is not XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry but %s" % self._total_completeness.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if completeness_entries is None: self._completeness_entries = [] elif completeness_entries.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._completeness_entries = completeness_entries else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleParsedOutput constructor argument 'completeness_entries' is not list but %s" % self._completeness_entries.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'total_completeness' attribute def getTotal_completeness(self): return self._total_completeness def setTotal_completeness(self, total_completeness): if total_completeness is None: self._total_completeness = None elif total_completeness.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry": self._total_completeness = total_completeness else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleParsedOutput.setTotal_completeness argument is not XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry but %s" % total_completeness.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delTotal_completeness(self): self._total_completeness = None total_completeness = property( getTotal_completeness, setTotal_completeness, delTotal_completeness, "Property for total_completeness", ) # Methods and properties for the 'completeness_entries' attribute def getCompleteness_entries(self): return self._completeness_entries def setCompleteness_entries(self, completeness_entries): if completeness_entries is None: self._completeness_entries = [] elif completeness_entries.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._completeness_entries = completeness_entries else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleParsedOutput.setCompleteness_entries argument is not list but %s" % completeness_entries.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delCompleteness_entries(self): self._completeness_entries = None completeness_entries = property( getCompleteness_entries, setCompleteness_entries, delCompleteness_entries, "Property for completeness_entries", ) def addCompleteness_entries(self, value): if value is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataXscaleParsedOutput.addCompleteness_entries argument is None" raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry": self._completeness_entries.append(value) else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleParsedOutput.addCompleteness_entries argument is not XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def insertCompleteness_entries(self, index, value): if index is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataXscaleParsedOutput.insertCompleteness_entries argument 'index' is None" raise Exception(strMessage) if value is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataXscaleParsedOutput.insertCompleteness_entries argument 'value' is None" raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry": self._completeness_entries[index] = value else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleParsedOutput.addCompleteness_entries argument is not XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXscaleParsedOutput"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXscaleParsedOutput"): XSDataResult.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._total_completeness is not None: self.total_completeness.export(outfile, level, name_="total_completeness") else: warnEmptyAttribute("total_completeness", "XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry") for completeness_entries_ in self.getCompleteness_entries(): completeness_entries_.export(outfile, level, name_="completeness_entries") if self.getCompleteness_entries() == []: warnEmptyAttribute("completeness_entries", "XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "total_completeness": obj_ = XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry() self.setTotal_completeness(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "completeness_entries" ): obj_ = XSDataXscaleCompletenessEntry() self.completeness_entries.append(obj_) XSDataResult.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleParsedOutput") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleParsedOutput") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataXscaleParsedOutput is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataXscaleParsedOutput.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXscaleParsedOutput() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleParsedOutput") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXscaleParsedOutput() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataXscaleParsedOutput
[docs]class XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles(XSDataResult): def __init__( self, status=None, stats_noanom_unmerged=None, lp_noanom_unmerged=None, hkl_noanom_unmerged=None, stats_anom_unmerged=None, lp_anom_unmerged=None, hkl_anom_unmerged=None, stats_noanom_merged=None, lp_noanom_merged=None, hkl_noanom_merged=None, stats_anom_merged=None, lp_anom_merged=None, hkl_anom_merged=None, ): XSDataResult.__init__(self, status) if hkl_anom_merged is None: self._hkl_anom_merged = None elif hkl_anom_merged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._hkl_anom_merged = hkl_anom_merged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles constructor argument 'hkl_anom_merged' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._hkl_anom_merged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if lp_anom_merged is None: self._lp_anom_merged = None elif lp_anom_merged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._lp_anom_merged = lp_anom_merged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles constructor argument 'lp_anom_merged' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._lp_anom_merged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if stats_anom_merged is None: self._stats_anom_merged = None elif stats_anom_merged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXscaleParsedOutput": self._stats_anom_merged = stats_anom_merged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles constructor argument 'stats_anom_merged' is not XSDataXscaleParsedOutput but %s" % self._stats_anom_merged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if hkl_noanom_merged is None: self._hkl_noanom_merged = None elif hkl_noanom_merged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._hkl_noanom_merged = hkl_noanom_merged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles constructor argument 'hkl_noanom_merged' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._hkl_noanom_merged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if lp_noanom_merged is None: self._lp_noanom_merged = None elif lp_noanom_merged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._lp_noanom_merged = lp_noanom_merged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles constructor argument 'lp_noanom_merged' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._lp_noanom_merged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if stats_noanom_merged is None: self._stats_noanom_merged = None elif stats_noanom_merged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXscaleParsedOutput": self._stats_noanom_merged = stats_noanom_merged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles constructor argument 'stats_noanom_merged' is not XSDataXscaleParsedOutput but %s" % self._stats_noanom_merged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if hkl_anom_unmerged is None: self._hkl_anom_unmerged = None elif hkl_anom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._hkl_anom_unmerged = hkl_anom_unmerged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles constructor argument 'hkl_anom_unmerged' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._hkl_anom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if lp_anom_unmerged is None: self._lp_anom_unmerged = None elif lp_anom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._lp_anom_unmerged = lp_anom_unmerged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles constructor argument 'lp_anom_unmerged' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._lp_anom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if stats_anom_unmerged is None: self._stats_anom_unmerged = None elif stats_anom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXscaleParsedOutput": self._stats_anom_unmerged = stats_anom_unmerged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles constructor argument 'stats_anom_unmerged' is not XSDataXscaleParsedOutput but %s" % self._stats_anom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if hkl_noanom_unmerged is None: self._hkl_noanom_unmerged = None elif hkl_noanom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._hkl_noanom_unmerged = hkl_noanom_unmerged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles constructor argument 'hkl_noanom_unmerged' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._hkl_noanom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if lp_noanom_unmerged is None: self._lp_noanom_unmerged = None elif lp_noanom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._lp_noanom_unmerged = lp_noanom_unmerged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles constructor argument 'lp_noanom_unmerged' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._lp_noanom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if stats_noanom_unmerged is None: self._stats_noanom_unmerged = None elif stats_noanom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXscaleParsedOutput": self._stats_noanom_unmerged = stats_noanom_unmerged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles constructor argument 'stats_noanom_unmerged' is not XSDataXscaleParsedOutput but %s" % self._stats_noanom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'hkl_anom_merged' attribute def getHkl_anom_merged(self): return self._hkl_anom_merged def setHkl_anom_merged(self, hkl_anom_merged): if hkl_anom_merged is None: self._hkl_anom_merged = None elif hkl_anom_merged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._hkl_anom_merged = hkl_anom_merged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles.setHkl_anom_merged argument is not XSDataString but %s" % hkl_anom_merged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delHkl_anom_merged(self): self._hkl_anom_merged = None hkl_anom_merged = property( getHkl_anom_merged, setHkl_anom_merged, delHkl_anom_merged, "Property for hkl_anom_merged", ) # Methods and properties for the 'lp_anom_merged' attribute def getLp_anom_merged(self): return self._lp_anom_merged def setLp_anom_merged(self, lp_anom_merged): if lp_anom_merged is None: self._lp_anom_merged = None elif lp_anom_merged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._lp_anom_merged = lp_anom_merged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles.setLp_anom_merged argument is not XSDataString but %s" % lp_anom_merged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delLp_anom_merged(self): self._lp_anom_merged = None lp_anom_merged = property( getLp_anom_merged, setLp_anom_merged, delLp_anom_merged, "Property for lp_anom_merged", ) # Methods and properties for the 'stats_anom_merged' attribute def getStats_anom_merged(self): return self._stats_anom_merged def setStats_anom_merged(self, stats_anom_merged): if stats_anom_merged is None: self._stats_anom_merged = None elif stats_anom_merged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXscaleParsedOutput": self._stats_anom_merged = stats_anom_merged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles.setStats_anom_merged argument is not XSDataXscaleParsedOutput but %s" % stats_anom_merged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delStats_anom_merged(self): self._stats_anom_merged = None stats_anom_merged = property( getStats_anom_merged, setStats_anom_merged, delStats_anom_merged, "Property for stats_anom_merged", ) # Methods and properties for the 'hkl_noanom_merged' attribute def getHkl_noanom_merged(self): return self._hkl_noanom_merged def setHkl_noanom_merged(self, hkl_noanom_merged): if hkl_noanom_merged is None: self._hkl_noanom_merged = None elif hkl_noanom_merged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._hkl_noanom_merged = hkl_noanom_merged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles.setHkl_noanom_merged argument is not XSDataString but %s" % hkl_noanom_merged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delHkl_noanom_merged(self): self._hkl_noanom_merged = None hkl_noanom_merged = property( getHkl_noanom_merged, setHkl_noanom_merged, delHkl_noanom_merged, "Property for hkl_noanom_merged", ) # Methods and properties for the 'lp_noanom_merged' attribute def getLp_noanom_merged(self): return self._lp_noanom_merged def setLp_noanom_merged(self, lp_noanom_merged): if lp_noanom_merged is None: self._lp_noanom_merged = None elif lp_noanom_merged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._lp_noanom_merged = lp_noanom_merged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles.setLp_noanom_merged argument is not XSDataString but %s" % lp_noanom_merged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delLp_noanom_merged(self): self._lp_noanom_merged = None lp_noanom_merged = property( getLp_noanom_merged, setLp_noanom_merged, delLp_noanom_merged, "Property for lp_noanom_merged", ) # Methods and properties for the 'stats_noanom_merged' attribute def getStats_noanom_merged(self): return self._stats_noanom_merged def setStats_noanom_merged(self, stats_noanom_merged): if stats_noanom_merged is None: self._stats_noanom_merged = None elif stats_noanom_merged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXscaleParsedOutput": self._stats_noanom_merged = stats_noanom_merged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles.setStats_noanom_merged argument is not XSDataXscaleParsedOutput but %s" % stats_noanom_merged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delStats_noanom_merged(self): self._stats_noanom_merged = None stats_noanom_merged = property( getStats_noanom_merged, setStats_noanom_merged, delStats_noanom_merged, "Property for stats_noanom_merged", ) # Methods and properties for the 'hkl_anom_unmerged' attribute def getHkl_anom_unmerged(self): return self._hkl_anom_unmerged def setHkl_anom_unmerged(self, hkl_anom_unmerged): if hkl_anom_unmerged is None: self._hkl_anom_unmerged = None elif hkl_anom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._hkl_anom_unmerged = hkl_anom_unmerged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles.setHkl_anom_unmerged argument is not XSDataString but %s" % hkl_anom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delHkl_anom_unmerged(self): self._hkl_anom_unmerged = None hkl_anom_unmerged = property( getHkl_anom_unmerged, setHkl_anom_unmerged, delHkl_anom_unmerged, "Property for hkl_anom_unmerged", ) # Methods and properties for the 'lp_anom_unmerged' attribute def getLp_anom_unmerged(self): return self._lp_anom_unmerged def setLp_anom_unmerged(self, lp_anom_unmerged): if lp_anom_unmerged is None: self._lp_anom_unmerged = None elif lp_anom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._lp_anom_unmerged = lp_anom_unmerged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles.setLp_anom_unmerged argument is not XSDataString but %s" % lp_anom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delLp_anom_unmerged(self): self._lp_anom_unmerged = None lp_anom_unmerged = property( getLp_anom_unmerged, setLp_anom_unmerged, delLp_anom_unmerged, "Property for lp_anom_unmerged", ) # Methods and properties for the 'stats_anom_unmerged' attribute def getStats_anom_unmerged(self): return self._stats_anom_unmerged def setStats_anom_unmerged(self, stats_anom_unmerged): if stats_anom_unmerged is None: self._stats_anom_unmerged = None elif stats_anom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXscaleParsedOutput": self._stats_anom_unmerged = stats_anom_unmerged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles.setStats_anom_unmerged argument is not XSDataXscaleParsedOutput but %s" % stats_anom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delStats_anom_unmerged(self): self._stats_anom_unmerged = None stats_anom_unmerged = property( getStats_anom_unmerged, setStats_anom_unmerged, delStats_anom_unmerged, "Property for stats_anom_unmerged", ) # Methods and properties for the 'hkl_noanom_unmerged' attribute def getHkl_noanom_unmerged(self): return self._hkl_noanom_unmerged def setHkl_noanom_unmerged(self, hkl_noanom_unmerged): if hkl_noanom_unmerged is None: self._hkl_noanom_unmerged = None elif hkl_noanom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._hkl_noanom_unmerged = hkl_noanom_unmerged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles.setHkl_noanom_unmerged argument is not XSDataString but %s" % hkl_noanom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delHkl_noanom_unmerged(self): self._hkl_noanom_unmerged = None hkl_noanom_unmerged = property( getHkl_noanom_unmerged, setHkl_noanom_unmerged, delHkl_noanom_unmerged, "Property for hkl_noanom_unmerged", ) # Methods and properties for the 'lp_noanom_unmerged' attribute def getLp_noanom_unmerged(self): return self._lp_noanom_unmerged def setLp_noanom_unmerged(self, lp_noanom_unmerged): if lp_noanom_unmerged is None: self._lp_noanom_unmerged = None elif lp_noanom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._lp_noanom_unmerged = lp_noanom_unmerged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles.setLp_noanom_unmerged argument is not XSDataString but %s" % lp_noanom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delLp_noanom_unmerged(self): self._lp_noanom_unmerged = None lp_noanom_unmerged = property( getLp_noanom_unmerged, setLp_noanom_unmerged, delLp_noanom_unmerged, "Property for lp_noanom_unmerged", ) # Methods and properties for the 'stats_noanom_unmerged' attribute def getStats_noanom_unmerged(self): return self._stats_noanom_unmerged def setStats_noanom_unmerged(self, stats_noanom_unmerged): if stats_noanom_unmerged is None: self._stats_noanom_unmerged = None elif stats_noanom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXscaleParsedOutput": self._stats_noanom_unmerged = stats_noanom_unmerged else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles.setStats_noanom_unmerged argument is not XSDataXscaleParsedOutput but %s" % stats_noanom_unmerged.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delStats_noanom_unmerged(self): self._stats_noanom_unmerged = None stats_noanom_unmerged = property( getStats_noanom_unmerged, setStats_noanom_unmerged, delStats_noanom_unmerged, "Property for stats_noanom_unmerged", ) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles"): XSDataResult.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._hkl_anom_merged is not None: self.hkl_anom_merged.export(outfile, level, name_="hkl_anom_merged") else: warnEmptyAttribute("hkl_anom_merged", "XSDataString") if self._lp_anom_merged is not None: self.lp_anom_merged.export(outfile, level, name_="lp_anom_merged") else: warnEmptyAttribute("lp_anom_merged", "XSDataString") if self._stats_anom_merged is not None: self.stats_anom_merged.export(outfile, level, name_="stats_anom_merged") else: warnEmptyAttribute("stats_anom_merged", "XSDataXscaleParsedOutput") if self._hkl_noanom_merged is not None: self.hkl_noanom_merged.export(outfile, level, name_="hkl_noanom_merged") else: warnEmptyAttribute("hkl_noanom_merged", "XSDataString") if self._lp_noanom_merged is not None: self.lp_noanom_merged.export(outfile, level, name_="lp_noanom_merged") else: warnEmptyAttribute("lp_noanom_merged", "XSDataString") if self._stats_noanom_merged is not None: self.stats_noanom_merged.export(outfile, level, name_="stats_noanom_merged") else: warnEmptyAttribute("stats_noanom_merged", "XSDataXscaleParsedOutput") if self._hkl_anom_unmerged is not None: self.hkl_anom_unmerged.export(outfile, level, name_="hkl_anom_unmerged") else: warnEmptyAttribute("hkl_anom_unmerged", "XSDataString") if self._lp_anom_unmerged is not None: self.lp_anom_unmerged.export(outfile, level, name_="lp_anom_unmerged") else: warnEmptyAttribute("lp_anom_unmerged", "XSDataString") if self._stats_anom_unmerged is not None: self.stats_anom_unmerged.export(outfile, level, name_="stats_anom_unmerged") else: warnEmptyAttribute("stats_anom_unmerged", "XSDataXscaleParsedOutput") if self._hkl_noanom_unmerged is not None: self.hkl_noanom_unmerged.export(outfile, level, name_="hkl_noanom_unmerged") else: warnEmptyAttribute("hkl_noanom_unmerged", "XSDataString") if self._lp_noanom_unmerged is not None: self.lp_noanom_unmerged.export(outfile, level, name_="lp_noanom_unmerged") else: warnEmptyAttribute("lp_noanom_unmerged", "XSDataString") if self._stats_noanom_unmerged is not None: self.stats_noanom_unmerged.export( outfile, level, name_="stats_noanom_unmerged" ) else: warnEmptyAttribute("stats_noanom_unmerged", "XSDataXscaleParsedOutput") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "hkl_anom_merged": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setHkl_anom_merged(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "lp_anom_merged": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setLp_anom_merged(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "stats_anom_merged": obj_ = XSDataXscaleParsedOutput() self.setStats_anom_merged(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "hkl_noanom_merged": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setHkl_noanom_merged(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "lp_noanom_merged": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setLp_noanom_merged(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "stats_noanom_merged" ): obj_ = XSDataXscaleParsedOutput() self.setStats_noanom_merged(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "hkl_anom_unmerged": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setHkl_anom_unmerged(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "lp_anom_unmerged": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setLp_anom_unmerged(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "stats_anom_unmerged" ): obj_ = XSDataXscaleParsedOutput() self.setStats_anom_unmerged(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "hkl_noanom_unmerged" ): obj_ = XSDataString() self.setHkl_noanom_unmerged(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "lp_noanom_unmerged": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setLp_noanom_unmerged(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "stats_noanom_unmerged" ): obj_ = XSDataXscaleParsedOutput() self.setStats_noanom_unmerged(obj_) XSDataResult.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataXscaleGeneratedFiles
[docs]class XSDataXscaleInputFile(XSDataInput): def __init__(self, configuration=None, res=None, path_noanom=None, path_anom=None): XSDataInput.__init__(self, configuration) if path_anom is None: self._path_anom = None elif path_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._path_anom = path_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInputFile constructor argument 'path_anom' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._path_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if path_noanom is None: self._path_noanom = None elif path_noanom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._path_noanom = path_noanom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInputFile constructor argument 'path_noanom' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._path_noanom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if res is None: self._res = None elif res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._res = res else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInputFile constructor argument 'res' is not XSDataDouble but %s" % self._res.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'path_anom' attribute def getPath_anom(self): return self._path_anom def setPath_anom(self, path_anom): if path_anom is None: self._path_anom = None elif path_anom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._path_anom = path_anom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInputFile.setPath_anom argument is not XSDataString but %s" % path_anom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delPath_anom(self): self._path_anom = None path_anom = property( getPath_anom, setPath_anom, delPath_anom, "Property for path_anom" ) # Methods and properties for the 'path_noanom' attribute def getPath_noanom(self): return self._path_noanom def setPath_noanom(self, path_noanom): if path_noanom is None: self._path_noanom = None elif path_noanom.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._path_noanom = path_noanom else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInputFile.setPath_noanom argument is not XSDataString but %s" % path_noanom.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delPath_noanom(self): self._path_noanom = None path_noanom = property( getPath_noanom, setPath_noanom, delPath_noanom, "Property for path_noanom" ) # Methods and properties for the 'res' attribute def getRes(self): return self._res def setRes(self, res): if res is None: self._res = None elif res.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._res = res else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInputFile.setRes argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % res.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delRes(self): self._res = None res = property(getRes, setRes, delRes, "Property for res") def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXscaleInputFile"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXscaleInputFile"): XSDataInput.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._path_anom is not None: self.path_anom.export(outfile, level, name_="path_anom") if self._path_noanom is not None: self.path_noanom.export(outfile, level, name_="path_noanom") if self._res is not None: self.res.export(outfile, level, name_="res") else: warnEmptyAttribute("res", "XSDataDouble") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "path_anom": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setPath_anom(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "path_noanom": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setPath_noanom(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "res": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.setRes(obj_) XSDataInput.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleInputFile") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleInputFile") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataXscaleInputFile is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataXscaleInputFile.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXscaleInputFile() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleInputFile") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXscaleInputFile() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataXscaleInputFile
[docs]class XSDataXscaleInput(XSDataInput): def __init__( self, configuration=None, bins=None, sg_number=None, unit_cell_constants=None, xds_files=None, friedels_law=None, merge=None, ): XSDataInput.__init__(self, configuration) if merge is None: self._merge = None elif merge.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataBoolean": self._merge = merge else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput constructor argument 'merge' is not XSDataBoolean but %s" % self._merge.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if friedels_law is None: self._friedels_law = None elif friedels_law.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataBoolean": self._friedels_law = friedels_law else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput constructor argument 'friedels_law' is not XSDataBoolean but %s" % self._friedels_law.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if xds_files is None: self._xds_files = [] elif xds_files.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._xds_files = xds_files else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput constructor argument 'xds_files' is not list but %s" % self._xds_files.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if unit_cell_constants is None: self._unit_cell_constants = [] elif unit_cell_constants.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._unit_cell_constants = unit_cell_constants else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput constructor argument 'unit_cell_constants' is not list but %s" % self._unit_cell_constants.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if sg_number is None: self._sg_number = None elif sg_number.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._sg_number = sg_number else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput constructor argument 'sg_number' is not XSDataInteger but %s" % self._sg_number.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) if bins is None: self._bins = [] elif bins.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._bins = bins else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput constructor argument 'bins' is not list but %s" % self._bins.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'merge' attribute def getMerge(self): return self._merge def setMerge(self, merge): if merge is None: self._merge = None elif merge.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataBoolean": self._merge = merge else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.setMerge argument is not XSDataBoolean but %s" % merge.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delMerge(self): self._merge = None merge = property(getMerge, setMerge, delMerge, "Property for merge") # Methods and properties for the 'friedels_law' attribute def getFriedels_law(self): return self._friedels_law def setFriedels_law(self, friedels_law): if friedels_law is None: self._friedels_law = None elif friedels_law.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataBoolean": self._friedels_law = friedels_law else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.setFriedels_law argument is not XSDataBoolean but %s" % friedels_law.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delFriedels_law(self): self._friedels_law = None friedels_law = property( getFriedels_law, setFriedels_law, delFriedels_law, "Property for friedels_law" ) # Methods and properties for the 'xds_files' attribute def getXds_files(self): return self._xds_files def setXds_files(self, xds_files): if xds_files is None: self._xds_files = [] elif xds_files.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._xds_files = xds_files else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.setXds_files argument is not list but %s" % xds_files.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delXds_files(self): self._xds_files = None xds_files = property( getXds_files, setXds_files, delXds_files, "Property for xds_files" ) def addXds_files(self, value): if value is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.addXds_files argument is None" raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXscaleInputFile": self._xds_files.append(value) else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.addXds_files argument is not XSDataXscaleInputFile but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def insertXds_files(self, index, value): if index is None: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.insertXds_files argument 'index' is None" ) raise Exception(strMessage) if value is None: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.insertXds_files argument 'value' is None" ) raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataXscaleInputFile": self._xds_files[index] = value else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.addXds_files argument is not XSDataXscaleInputFile but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'unit_cell_constants' attribute def getUnit_cell_constants(self): return self._unit_cell_constants def setUnit_cell_constants(self, unit_cell_constants): if unit_cell_constants is None: self._unit_cell_constants = [] elif unit_cell_constants.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._unit_cell_constants = unit_cell_constants else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.setUnit_cell_constants argument is not list but %s" % unit_cell_constants.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delUnit_cell_constants(self): self._unit_cell_constants = None unit_cell_constants = property( getUnit_cell_constants, setUnit_cell_constants, delUnit_cell_constants, "Property for unit_cell_constants", ) def addUnit_cell_constants(self, value): if value is None: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.addUnit_cell_constants argument is None" ) raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._unit_cell_constants.append(value) else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.addUnit_cell_constants argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def insertUnit_cell_constants(self, index, value): if index is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.insertUnit_cell_constants argument 'index' is None" raise Exception(strMessage) if value is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.insertUnit_cell_constants argument 'value' is None" raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._unit_cell_constants[index] = value else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.addUnit_cell_constants argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'sg_number' attribute def getSg_number(self): return self._sg_number def setSg_number(self, sg_number): if sg_number is None: self._sg_number = None elif sg_number.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataInteger": self._sg_number = sg_number else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.setSg_number argument is not XSDataInteger but %s" % sg_number.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delSg_number(self): self._sg_number = None sg_number = property( getSg_number, setSg_number, delSg_number, "Property for sg_number" ) # Methods and properties for the 'bins' attribute def getBins(self): return self._bins def setBins(self, bins): if bins is None: self._bins = [] elif bins.__class__.__name__ == "list": self._bins = bins else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.setBins argument is not list but %s" % bins.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delBins(self): self._bins = None bins = property(getBins, setBins, delBins, "Property for bins") def addBins(self, value): if value is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.addBins argument is None" raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._bins.append(value) else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.addBins argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def insertBins(self, index, value): if index is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.insertBins argument 'index' is None" raise Exception(strMessage) if value is None: strMessage = "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.insertBins argument 'value' is None" raise Exception(strMessage) elif value.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataDouble": self._bins[index] = value else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleInput.addBins argument is not XSDataDouble but %s" % value.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXscaleInput"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXscaleInput"): XSDataInput.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._merge is not None: self.merge.export(outfile, level, name_="merge") else: warnEmptyAttribute("merge", "XSDataBoolean") if self._friedels_law is not None: self.friedels_law.export(outfile, level, name_="friedels_law") else: warnEmptyAttribute("friedels_law", "XSDataBoolean") for xds_files_ in self.getXds_files(): xds_files_.export(outfile, level, name_="xds_files") if self.getXds_files() == []: warnEmptyAttribute("xds_files", "XSDataXscaleInputFile") for unit_cell_constants_ in self.getUnit_cell_constants(): unit_cell_constants_.export(outfile, level, name_="unit_cell_constants") if self.getUnit_cell_constants() == []: warnEmptyAttribute("unit_cell_constants", "XSDataDouble") if self._sg_number is not None: self.sg_number.export(outfile, level, name_="sg_number") else: warnEmptyAttribute("sg_number", "XSDataInteger") for bins_ in self.getBins(): bins_.export(outfile, level, name_="bins") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "merge": obj_ = XSDataBoolean() self.setMerge(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "friedels_law": obj_ = XSDataBoolean() self.setFriedels_law(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "xds_files": obj_ = XSDataXscaleInputFile() self.xds_files.append(obj_) elif ( child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "unit_cell_constants" ): obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.unit_cell_constants.append(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "sg_number": obj_ = XSDataInteger() self.setSg_number(obj_) elif child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "bins": obj_ = XSDataDouble() self.bins.append(obj_) XSDataInput.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleInput") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleInput") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataXscaleInput is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataXscaleInput.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXscaleInput() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleInput") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXscaleInput() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataXscaleInput
[docs]class XSDataXscaleParsingInput(XSDataInput): def __init__(self, configuration=None, lp_file=None): XSDataInput.__init__(self, configuration) if lp_file is None: self._lp_file = None elif lp_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._lp_file = lp_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleParsingInput constructor argument 'lp_file' is not XSDataString but %s" % self._lp_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) # Methods and properties for the 'lp_file' attribute def getLp_file(self): return self._lp_file def setLp_file(self, lp_file): if lp_file is None: self._lp_file = None elif lp_file.__class__.__name__ == "XSDataString": self._lp_file = lp_file else: strMessage = ( "ERROR! XSDataXscaleParsingInput.setLp_file argument is not XSDataString but %s" % lp_file.__class__.__name__ ) raise Exception(strMessage) def delLp_file(self): self._lp_file = None lp_file = property(getLp_file, setLp_file, delLp_file, "Property for lp_file") def export(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXscaleParsingInput"): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("<%s>\n" % name_)) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, name_) showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write(unicode("</%s>\n" % name_)) def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_="XSDataXscaleParsingInput"): XSDataInput.exportChildren(self, outfile, level, name_) if self._lp_file is not None: self.lp_file.export(outfile, level, name_="lp_file") else: warnEmptyAttribute("lp_file", "XSDataString") def build(self, node_): for child_ in node_.childNodes: nodeName_ = child_.nodeName.split(":")[-1] self.buildChildren(child_, nodeName_) def buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_): if child_.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and nodeName_ == "lp_file": obj_ = XSDataString() self.setLp_file(obj_) XSDataInput.buildChildren(self, child_, nodeName_) # Method for marshalling an object def marshal(self): oStreamString = StringIO() oStreamString.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleParsingInput") oStringXML = oStreamString.getValue() oStreamString.close() return oStringXML # Only to export the entire XML tree to a file stream on disk def exportToFile(self, _outfileName): outfile = open(_outfileName, "w") outfile.write(unicode('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')) self.export(outfile, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleParsingInput") outfile.close() # Deprecated method, replaced by exportToFile def outputFile(self, _outfileName): print( "WARNING: Method outputFile in class XSDataXscaleParsingInput is deprecated, please use instead exportToFile!" ) self.exportToFile(_outfileName) # Method for making a copy in a new instance def copy(self): return XSDataXscaleParsingInput.parseString(self.marshal()) # Static method for parsing a string def parseString(_inString): doc = minidom.parseString(_inString) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXscaleParsingInput() # Check that all minOccurs are obeyed by marshalling the created object oStreamString = StringIO() rootObj.export(oStreamString, 0, name_="XSDataXscaleParsingInput") oStreamString.close() return rootObj parseString = staticmethod(parseString) # Static method for parsing a file def parseFile(_inFilePath): doc = minidom.parse(_inFilePath) rootNode = doc.documentElement rootObj = XSDataXscaleParsingInput() return rootObj parseFile = staticmethod(parseFile)
# end class XSDataXscaleParsingInput # End of data representation classes.