Source code for mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.PlateManipulator

[Name] PlateManipulator

Plate manipulator hardware object is used to use diffractometer in plate mode.
It is compatable with md2, md3 diffractometers. Class is based on
SampleChanger, so it has all the sample changed functionalities, like
mount, unmount sample (in this case move to plate position).
Plate is organized in rows and columns. Each cell (Cell) contains drop (Drop).
Each drop could contain several crystals (Xtal). If CRIMS is available then
each drop could have several crystals.


 - self.chan_current_phase   : diffractometer phase
 - self.chan_plate_location  : plate location (col, row)
 - self.chan_drop_location   : plate location (col, row, drop)
 - self.chan_state           : diffractometer state


 - self.cmd_move_to_location : move to plate location

[Emited signals]

 - emited signals defined in SampleChanger class

[Included Hardware Objects]
| name            | signals          | functions

import time
import gevent
import logging

from mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.abstract.sample_changer import Crims
from mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.abstract.AbstractSampleChanger import (
from mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.abstract.sample_changer.Container import (

[docs]class Xtal(Sample): __NAME_PROPERTY__ = "Name" __LOGIN_PROPERTY__ = "Login" def __init__(self, drop, index): super(Xtal, self).__init__(drop, Xtal._get_xtal_address(drop, index), False) self._drop = drop self._index = index self._set_image_x(None) self._set_image_y(None) self._set_image_url(None) self._set_name(None) self._set_login(None) self._set_info_url(None) self._set_info(False, False, False) self._set_loaded(False, False) self.present = True def _set_name(self, value): self._set_property(self.__NAME_PROPERTY__, value) def get_name(self): return self.get_property(self.__NAME_PROPERTY__) def _set_login(self, value): self._set_property(self.__LOGIN_PROPERTY__, value) def get_login(self): return self.get_property(self.__LOGIN_PROPERTY__) def get_drop(self): return self._drop def get_cell(self): return self.get_drop().get_cell()
[docs] def get_basket_no(self): """ In this cas we assume a drop is a basket or puck """ return self.get_drop().get_index() + 1
[docs] def get_cell_no(self): """ In this cas we assume wells in the row is a cell """ return self.get_cell().get_row_index() + 1
@staticmethod def _get_xtal_address(drop, index): return str(drop.get_address()) + "-" + str(index)
[docs] def get_index(self): """ Descript. : Sample index is calculated relaive to the row (Basket) In this case we assume that in drop is one xtal This should be changed to various num of xtals in the drop """ cell_index = self.get_cell().get_index() drops_in_cell_num = self.get_cell().get_drops_no() drop_index = self._drop.get_index() return cell_index * drops_in_cell_num + drop_index
[docs] def get_container(self): return self.get_cell().get_container()
def get_name(self): return "%s%d:%d" % ( self.get_cell().get_row_chr(), self.get_cell().get_index() + 1, self._drop.get_index() + 1, )
[docs]class Drop(Container): __TYPE__ = "Drop" def __init__(self, cell, drops_num): super(Drop, self).__init__( self.__TYPE__, cell, Drop._get_drop_address(cell, drops_num), False ) self._cell = cell self._drops_num = drops_num @staticmethod def _get_drop_address(cell, drop_num): return str(cell.get_address()) + ":" + str(drop_num) def get_cell(self): return self._cell def get_well_no(self): return self.get_index() + 1
[docs] def is_loaded(self): """ Returns if the sample is currently loaded for data collection :rtype: bool """ sample = self.get_sample() return sample.is_loaded()
[docs] def get_sample(self): """ In this cas we assume that there is one crystal per drop """ sample = self.get_components() return sample[0]
[docs]class Cell(Container): __TYPE__ = "Cell" def __init__(self, row, row_chr, col_index, drops_num): Container.__init__( self, self.__TYPE__, row, Cell._get_cell_address(row_chr, col_index), False ) self._row = row self._row_chr = row_chr self._col_index = col_index self._drops_num = drops_num for drop_index in range(self._drops_num): drop = Drop(self, drop_index + 1) self._add_component(drop) xtal = Xtal(drop, drop.get_number_of_components()) drop._add_component(xtal) self._transient = True def get_row(self): return self._row def get_row_chr(self): return self._row_chr def get_row_index(self): return ord(self._row_chr.upper()) - ord("A") def get_col(self): return self._col_index def get_drops_no(self): return self._drops_num @staticmethod def _get_cell_address(row, col): return str(row) + str(col)
class PlateManipulator(SampleChanger): """ """ __TYPE__ = "PlateManipulator" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(PlateManipulator, self).__init__(self.__TYPE__, False, *args, **kwargs) self.plate_label = None self.num_cols = None self.num_rows = None self.num_drops = None self.current_phase = None self.reference_pos_x = None self.timeout = 3 # default timeout self.plate_location = None self.crims_url = None self.crims_user_agent = None self.plate_barcode = None self.harvester_key = None self.processing_plan = None self.stored_pos_x = None self.stored_pos_y = None self.cmd_move_to_drop = None self.cmd_move_to_location = None self.chan_state = None def init(self): """ Descript. : """ cmd_get_config = self.get_channel_object("GetPlateConfig", optional=True) if cmd_get_config: try: ( self.num_rows, self.num_cols, self.num_drops, ) = cmd_get_config.get_value() except Exception: pass else: self.num_cols = self.get_property("numCols") self.num_rows = self.get_property("numRows") self.num_drops = self.get_property("numDrops") self.reference_pos_x = self.get_property("referencePosX") if not self.reference_pos_x: self.reference_pos_x = 0.5 self.stored_pos_x = self.reference_pos_x self.stored_pos_y = 0.5 self.plate_label = self.get_property("plateLabel") self.crims_url = self.get_property("crimsWsRoot") self.crims_user_agent = self.get_property("crimsUserAgent") self.plate_barcode = self.get_property("PlateBarcode") self.harvester_key = self.get_property("harvesterKey") self.cmd_move_to_drop = self.get_command_object("MoveToDrop") if not self.cmd_move_to_drop: self.cmd_move_to_location = self.get_command_object( "startMovePlateToLocation" ) self.cmd_move_to_crystal_position = self.get_command_object("MoveToXtalPointing") self.cmd_get_omega_scan_limits = self.get_command_object("getOmegaMotorDynamicScanLimits") self.cmd_do_abort = self.get_command_object("AbortCurrentAction") self._init_sc_contents() self.chan_current_phase = self.get_channel_object("CurrentPhase") self.chan_drop_location = self.get_channel_object("DropLocation") self.chan_plate_location = self.get_channel_object("PlateLocation") if self.chan_plate_location is not None: self.chan_plate_location.connect_signal( "update", self.plate_location_changed ) self.plate_location_changed(self.chan_plate_location.get_value()) self.chan_state = self.get_channel_object("State") if self.chan_state is not None: self.chan_state.connect_signal("update", self.state_changed) SampleChanger.init(self) def change_plate_barcode(self, barcode): if self._load_data(barcode): self.plate_barcode = barcode return True else: raise Exception("barcode unknown") def hw_get_loaded_sample_location(self): loaded_sample = None if(self.chan_drop_location): loaded_sample = self.chan_drop_location.get_value() return ( chr(65 + loaded_sample[0]) + str(loaded_sample[1] +1) + ":" + str(loaded_sample[2] +1) + "-0" ) return loaded_sample def plate_location_changed(self, plate_location): self.plate_location = plate_location self._update_loaded_sample() self.update_info() def state_changed(self, state): try: self.plate_location_changed(self.chan_plate_location.get_value()) self._on_state_changed(state) except AttributeError: pass def _on_state_changed(self, state): """ Descript. : state change callback. Based on diffractometer state sets PlateManipulator state. """ if state is None: self._set_state(SampleChangerState.Unknown) else: if state == "Alarm": self._set_state(SampleChangerState.Alarm) elif state == "Fault": self._set_state(SampleChangerState.Fault) elif state == "Moving" or state == "Running": self._set_state(SampleChangerState.Moving) elif state == "Ready": if self.current_phase == "Transfer": self._set_state(SampleChangerState.Charging) elif self.current_phase == "Centring": self._set_state(SampleChangerState.Ready) else: self._set_state(SampleChangerState.StandBy) elif state == "Initializing": self._set_state(SampleChangerState.Initializing) def _init_sc_contents(self): """ Descript. : Initializes content of plate. """ if self.num_rows is None: return self._set_info(False, None, False) self._clear_components() for row in range(self.num_rows): # row is like a basket basket = Basket(self, row + 1, samples_num=0, name="Row") present = True datamatrix = "" scanned = False basket._set_info(present, datamatrix, scanned) self._add_component(basket) for col in range(self.num_cols): cell = Cell(basket, chr(65 + row), col + 1, self.num_drops) basket._add_component(cell) def _do_abort(self): """ Descript. : """ self.cmd_do_abort() def _do_change_mode(self, mode): """ Descript. : """ if mode == SampleChangerMode.Charging: self._set_phase("Transfer") elif mode == SampleChangerMode.Normal: self._set_phase("Centring") def _do_load(self, sample=None): """ Descript. : """ selected = self.get_selected_sample() if sample is None: sample = self.get_selected_sample() if sample is not None: if sample != selected: self._do_select(sample) self._set_loaded_sample(sample) def load(self, sample=None, wait=True): comp = self._resolve_component(sample) coords = comp.get_coords() res = self.load_sample(coords) if res: self._set_loaded_sample(comp) comp._set_loaded(True, True) return res def load_sample(self, sample_location=None, pos_x=None, pos_y=None, wait=True): """ Location is estimated by sample location and reference positions. """ try: row = sample_location[0] - 1 col = int((sample_location[1] - 1) / self.num_drops) drop = sample_location[1] - self.num_drops * col if not pos_x: pos_x = self.stored_pos_x else: self.stored_pos_x = pos_x if not pos_y: pos_y = self.stored_pos_y else: self.stored_pos_y = pos_y # pos_y = float(drop) / (self.num_drops + 1) if self.cmd_move_to_location: self.cmd_move_to_location(row, col, pos_x, pos_y) if wait: self._wait_ready(60) elif self.cmd_move_to_drop: self.cmd_move_to_drop(row, col, drop - 1) if wait: self._wait_ready(60) else: # No actual move cmd defined. Act like a mockup self.plate_location = [row, col, self.stored_pos_x, pos_y] col += 1 cell = self.get_component_by_address("%s%d" % (chr(65 + row), col)) drop = cell.get_component_by_address("%s%d:%d" % (chr(65 + row), col, drop)) new_sample = drop.get_sample() old_sample = self.get_loaded_sample() new_sample = drop.get_sample() if old_sample != new_sample: if old_sample is not None: old_sample._set_loaded(False, True) if new_sample is not None: new_sample._set_loaded(True, True) return True except: return False def _do_unload(self, sample_slot=None): """ Descript. : """ self._reset_loaded_sample() self._on_state_changed("Ready") def _do_reset(self): """ Descript. : """ self._reset(False) self._wait_device_ready() def _do_scan(self, component, recursive): """ Descript. : """ if not isinstance(component, PlateManipulator): raise Exception("Not supported") self._initializeData() if self.get_token() is None: raise Exception("No plate barcode defined") self._load_data(self.get_token()) def sync_with_crims(self): """ Descript. : Get Crims information """ self.processing_plan = self._load_data(self.plate_barcode) return self.processing_plan def _do_select(self, component): """ Descript. : """ pos_x = self.stored_pos_x pos_y = 0.5 if isinstance(component, Xtal): self._select_sample( component.get_cell().get_row_index(), component.get_cell().get_col() - 1, component.get_drop().get_well_no() - 1, ) self._set_selected_sample(component) component.get_container()._set_selected(True) component.get_container().get_container()._set_selected(True) elif isinstance(component, Crims.CrimsXtal): col = component.Column - 1 row = ord(component.Row.upper()) - ord("A") pos_x = component.offsetX pos_y = component.offsetY cell = self.get_component_by_address( Cell._get_cell_address(component.Row, component.Column) ) drop = self.get_component_by_address( Drop._get_drop_address(cell, component.Shelf) ) drop._set_selected(True) drop.get_container()._set_selected(True) elif isinstance(component, Drop): self._select_sample( component.get_cell().get_row_index(), component.get_cell().get_col() - 1, component.get_well_no() - 1, ) component._set_selected(True) component.get_container().get_container()._set_selected(True) elif isinstance(component, Cell): self._select_sample(component.get_row_index(), component.get_col() - 1, 0) component._set_selected(True) elif isinstance(component, list): row = component[0] col = component[1] if len(component > 2): pos_x = component[2] pos_y = component[3] cell = self.get_component_by_address(Cell._get_cell_address(row, col)) cell._set_selected(True) else: raise Exception("Invalid selection") self._reset_loaded_sample() self._wait_device_ready() def _load_data(self, plate_barcode): processing_plan = Crims.get_processing_plan(plate_barcode, self.crims_url, self.crims_user_agent, self.harvester_key) if processing_plan is None: msg = "No information about plate with barcode %s found in CRIMS" % plate_barcode logging.getLogger("user_level_log").error(msg) else: msg = "Information about plate with barcode %s found in CRIMS" % plate_barcode logging.getLogger("user_level_log").info(msg) self._set_info(True, processing_plan.plate.barcode, True) for x in processing_plan.plate.xtal_list: cell = self.get_component_by_address( Cell._get_cell_address(x.row, x.column) ) cell._set_info(True, "", True) drop = self.get_component_by_address( Drop._get_drop_address(cell, x.shelf) ) drop._set_info(True, "", True) xtal = Xtal(drop, drop.get_number_of_components()) xtal._set_info(True, x.pin_id, True) xtal._set_image_url(x.image_url) xtal._set_image_x(x.offset_x) xtal._set_image_y(x.offset_y) xtal._set_login(x.login) xtal._set_name(x.sample) xtal._set_info_url(x.summary_url) drop._add_component(xtal) return processing_plan def _do_update_info(self): """ Descript. : """ self._update_state() def _read_state(self): return self.chan_state.get_value() def _update_state(self): """ Descript. : """ state = None if self.chan_state is not None: state = self.chan_state.get_value() if (state == "Ready") or (self.current_phase is None): self.current_phase = self.chan_current_phase.get_value() self._on_state_changed(state) return state def _update_loaded_sample(self): """Updates plate location""" if self.plate_location is not None: new_sample = self.get_loaded_sample() if new_sample is not None: # self._update_sample_barcode(new_sample) loaded = True has_been_loaded = True new_sample._set_loaded(loaded, has_been_loaded) self._set_loaded_sample(new_sample) def get_loaded_sample(self): sample = None for s in self.get_sample_list(): if s.get_address() == self.hw_get_loaded_sample_location(): sample = s return sample def get_sample(self, plate_location): row = int(plate_location[0]) col = int(plate_location[1]) y_pos = float(plate_location[3]) drop_index = abs(y_pos * self.num_drops) + 1 if drop_index > self.num_drops: drop_index = self.num_drops cell = self.get_component_by_address("%s%d" % (chr(65 + row), col + 1)) if cell: drop = cell.get_component_by_address( "%s%d:%d" % (chr(65 + row), col + 1, drop_index) ) return drop.get_sample() def get_sample_list(self): """ Descript. : This is ugly """ sample_list = [] for basket in self.get_components(): if isinstance(basket, Basket): for cell in basket.get_components(): if isinstance(cell, Cell): for drop in cell.get_components(): sample_list.append(drop.get_sample()) return sample_list def is_mounted_sample(self, sample_location): row = sample_location[0] - 1 col = (sample_location[1] - 1) / self.num_drops drop = sample_location[1] - self.num_drops * col pos_y = float(drop) / (self.num_drops + 1) sample = self.get_sample((row, col, drop, pos_y)) return sample.loaded def _ready(self): if self._update_state() == "Ready": return True return False def _wait_ready(self, timeout=None): if timeout <= 0: timeout = self.timeout tt1 = time.time() while time.time() - tt1 < timeout: if self._ready(): break else: gevent.sleep(0.5) def get_plate_info(self): """ Descript. : returns dict with plate info """ plate_info_dict = {} plate_info_dict["plate_label"] = self.plate_label or "Demo plate label" plate_info_dict["plate_barcode"] = self.plate_barcode or "" plate_info_dict["num_cols"] = self.num_cols plate_info_dict["num_rows"] = self.num_rows plate_info_dict["num_drops"] = self.num_drops return plate_info_dict def get_plate_location(self): if self.chan_plate_location is not None: self.plate_location = self.chan_plate_location.get_value() return self.plate_location def move_to_crystal_position(self, crystal_uuid): """ Descript. : Move Diff to crystal position Get crystal_uuid from processing plan for loaded sample/drop """ ret = None if crystal_uuid in ["undefined", None]: loaded_sample = self.chan_drop_location.get_value() row = int(loaded_sample[0]) col = int(loaded_sample[1]) drop = int(loaded_sample[2]) if self.processing_plan: for x in self.processing_plan.plate.xtal_list: if (row == ord(x.row) - 65 and col == x.column -1 and drop == x.shelf -1): crystal_uuid = x.crystal_uuid else : raise Exception("No processing_plan OR Crystal Found in this well") if self.cmd_move_to_crystal_position and crystal_uuid: try: # ret = self.cmd_move_to_crystal_position(row, col, drop, x.image_url, x.offset_x, x.offset_y, 0.0, 0.0, False) ret = self.cmd_move_to_crystal_position(self.plate_barcode, crystal_uuid) except Exception as ex: raise Exception("Could not move to crystal position %s" %str(ex)) else: raise Exception("move_to_crystal_position command or crystal UUID not found") return ret def get_scan_limits(self, args): """ get Omega Motor Dynamic Scan Limits """ ret = '' if self.cmd_get_omega_scan_limits: try: ret = self.cmd_get_omega_scan_limits(args) except Exception: raise Exception("Could not get Omega Motor Dynamic Scan Limits") else: raise Exception("command not found") return ret