Source code for mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.Gphl.GphlWorkflow

#! /usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

"""Workflow runner, interfacing to external workflow engine
using Abstract Beamline Interface messages


This file is part of MXCuBE.

MXCuBE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

MXCuBE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with MXCuBE. If not, see <>.
from __future__ import division, absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals

import copy
import logging
import enum
import time
import datetime
import os
import math
import subprocess
import socket
import uuid
from collections import OrderedDict

import gevent
import gevent.event
import gevent.queue
import f90nml

from mxcubecore.dispatcher import dispatcher
from mxcubecore.BaseHardwareObjects import HardwareObjectYaml
from mxcubecore.model import queue_model_objects
from mxcubecore.model import crystal_symmetry
from mxcubecore.queue_entry import QUEUE_ENTRY_STATUS
from mxcubecore.queue_entry import QueueAbortedException

from mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.Gphl import GphlMessages
from mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.Gphl.Transcal2MiniKappa import make_home_data
from mxcubecore import HardwareRepository as HWR

[docs]@enum.unique class GphlWorkflowStates(enum.Enum): """ BUSY = "Workflow is executing" READY = "Workflow is idle and ready to start" FAULT = "Workflow shutting down from an error" ABORTED = "HWorkflow shutting down after an abort or stop command COMPLETED = "Workflow has finished successfully" UNKNOWN = "Workflow state unknown" """ BUSY = 0 READY = 1 FAULT = 2 ABORTED = 3 COMPLETED = 4 UNKNOWN = 5
__copyright__ = """ Copyright © 2016 - 2019 by Global Phasing Ltd. """ __license__ = "LGPLv3+" __author__ = "Rasmus H Fogh" # Additional sample/diffraction plan data for GPhL emulation samples. EMULATION_DATA = { "3n0s": {"radiationSensitivity": 0.9}, "4j8p": {"radiationSensitivity": 1.1}, } # Centring modes for use in centring mode pulldown. # The dictionary keys are labels (changeable), # the values are passed to the program (not changeable) # The first value is the default RECENTRING_MODES = OrderedDict( ( ("Re-centre when orientation changes", "sweep"), ("Re-centre at the start of each wedge", "scan"), ("Re-centre all before acquisition start", "start"), ("No manual re-centring, rely on automatic recentring", "none"), ) ) # Lattice to point groups, # Used for GPhL UI pulldowns, hence the combined point groups, like '4|422' # The list of keys, plus "", defines the GPhL lattices pulldown. lattice2point_group_tags = OrderedDict( aP=("1",), Triclinic=("2",), mP=("2",), mC=("2",), mI=("2",), Monoclinic=("2",), oP=("222",), oC=("222",), oF=("222",), oI=("222",), Orthorhombic=("222",), tP=("4", "422", "4|422"), tI=("4", "422", "4|422"), Tetragonal=("4", "422", "4|422"), hP=("3", "312", "321", "3|32", "6", "622", "6|622", "3|32|6|622"), hR=("3", "32", "3|32"), Hexagonal=( "3", "312", "321", "32", "3|32", "6", "622", "6|622", "3|32|6|622", ), cP=("23", "432", "23|432"), cF=("23", "432", "23|432"), cI=("23", "432", "23|432"), Cubic=("23", "432", "23|432"), ) all_point_group_tags = [] for tag in ( "Triclinic", "Monoclinic", "Orthorhombic", "Tetragonal", "Hexagonal", "Cubic", ): all_point_group_tags += lattice2point_group_tags[tag] # Allowed altervative lattices for a given lattice alternative_lattices = {} for ll0 in ( ["aP", "Triclinic"], ["mP", "mC", "mI", "Monoclinic"], ["oP", "oC", "oF", "oI", "Orthorhombic"], ["tP", "tI", "Tetragonal"], ["hP", "hR", "Hexagonal"], ["cP", "cF", "cI", "Cubic"], ): for tag in ll0: alternative_lattices[tag] = ll0
[docs]class GphlWorkflow(HardwareObjectYaml): """Global Phasing workflow runner.""" SPECIFIC_STATES = GphlWorkflowStates TEST_SAMPLE_PREFIX = "emulate" # Signals PARAMETERS_NEEDED = "GphlJsonParametersNeeded" PARAMETER_RETURN_SIGNAL = "GphlParameterReturn" PARAMETER_UPDATE_SIGNAL = "GphlUpdateUiParameters" PARAMETERS_READY = "PARAMETERS_READY" PARAMETERS_CANCELLED = "PARAMETERS_CANCELLED" def __init__(self, name): super().__init__(name) # Needed to allow methods to put new actions on the queue # And as a place to get hold of other objects self._queue_entry = None # Configuration data - set on load self.workflows = OrderedDict() self.settings = {} self.test_crystals = {} # auxiliary data structure from configuration. Set in init self.workflow_strategies = OrderedDict() # Current data collection task group. # Different for characterisation and collection self._data_collection_group = None # event to handle waiting for parameter input self._return_parameters = None # Queue to read messages from GphlConnection self._workflow_queue = None # Message - processing function map self._processor_functions = {} # Subprocess names to track which subprocess is getting info self._server_subprocess_names = {} # Dictionary holding (prefix, run_number, first_image) : scan_id self._key_to_scan = OrderedDict() # Dictionary of scan_id to id of actual translation used self._scan_id_to_translation_id = {} # Translation ID matching current centring self._latest_translation_id = None # GoniostatTranslations generated in recentring self._recentrings = [] # Rotation axis role names, ordered from holder towards sample self.rotation_axis_roles = [] # Translation axis role names self.translation_axis_roles = [] # Switch for 'move-to-fine-zoom' message for translational calibration self._use_fine_zoom = False # Configurable file paths self.file_paths = {} self.recentring_file = None # # TEST mxcubeweb UI # self.gevent_event = gevent.event.Event() # self.params_dict = {}
[docs] def init(self): super().init() # Set up processing functions map self._processor_functions = { "String": self.echo_info_string, "SubprocessStarted": self.echo_subprocess_started, "SubprocessStopped": self.echo_subprocess_stopped, "RequestConfiguration": self.get_configuration_data, "GeometricStrategy": self.setup_data_collection, "CollectionProposal": self.collect_data, "ChooseLattice": self.select_lattice, "RequestCentring": self.process_centring_request, "PrepareForCentring": self.prepare_for_centring, "ObtainPriorInformation": self.obtain_prior_information, "WorkflowAborted": self.workflow_aborted, "WorkflowCompleted": self.workflow_completed, "WorkflowFailed": self.workflow_failed, } # Set standard configurable file paths file_paths = self.file_paths ss0 = HWR.beamline.gphl_connection.software_paths["gphl_beamline_config"] file_paths["gphl_beamline_config"] = ss0 file_paths["transcal_file"] = os.path.join(ss0, "transcal.nml") file_paths["diffractcal_file"] = os.path.join(ss0, "diffractcal.nml") file_paths["instrumentation_file"] = fp0 = os.path.join( ss0, "instrumentation.nml" ) instrument_data =["sdcp_instrument_list"] self.rotation_axis_roles = instrument_data["gonio_axis_names"] self.translation_axis_roles = instrument_data["gonio_centring_axis_names"] # Adapt configuration data - must be done after file_paths setting if HWR.beamline.gphl_connection.ssh_options: # We are running workflow through ssh - set beamline url beamline_hook = "py4j:%s:" % socket.gethostname() else: beamline_hook = "py4j::" # Consolidate workflow options for title, workflow in self.workflows.items(): workflow["wfname"] = title opt0 = workflow.get("options", {}) opt0["beamline"] = beamline_hook default_strategy_name = None for strategy in workflow["strategies"]: title = strategy["title"] self.workflow_strategies[title] = strategy strategy["wftype"] = workflow["wftype"] strategy["wfname"] = workflow["wfname"] if default_strategy_name is None: default_strategy_name = workflow["strategy_name"] = title dd0 = opt0.copy() dd0.update(strategy.get("options", {})) strategy["options"] = dd0 if workflow["wftype"] == "transcal": relative_file_path = strategy["options"].get("file") if relative_file_path is not None: # Special case - this option must be modified before use strategy["options"]["file"] = os.path.join( self.file_paths["gphl_beamline_config"], relative_file_path ) self.update_state(self.STATES.READY)
[docs] def shutdown(self): """Shut down workflow and connection. Triggered on program quit.""" workflow_connection = HWR.beamline.gphl_connection if workflow_connection is not None: workflow_connection.workflow_ended() workflow_connection.close_connection()
[docs] def get_available_workflows(self): """Get list of workflow description dictionaries.""" return copy.deepcopy(self.workflows)
[docs] def query_pre_strategy_params(self, choose_lattice=None): """Query pre_strategy parameters. Used for both characterisation, diffractcal, and acquisition Args: choose_lattice (:obj: `ChooseLattice`, optional): ChooseLattice message Returns: dict: Parameter value dictionary """ resolution_decimals = 3 data_model = self._queue_entry.get_data_model() strategy_settings = data_model.strategy_settings space_group = data_model.space_group or "" if choose_lattice: header, soldict, select_row = self.parse_indexing_solution(choose_lattice) lattice = list(soldict.values())[select_row].bravaisLattice point_groups = lattice2point_group_tags[lattice] point_group = point_groups[-1] lattice_tags = alternative_lattices[lattice] if space_group: crystal_class = ( crystal_symmetry.SPACEGROUP_MAP[space_group].crystal_class ) info = crystal_symmetry.CRYSTAL_CLASS_MAP[crystal_class] if info.bravais_lattice == lattice: point_group = info.point_group if point_group == "32" and info.bravais_lattice == "hP": point_group = crystal_class[:-1] if point_group not in point_groups: point_group = point_groups[-1] if space_group not in crystal_symmetry.XTAL_SPACEGROUPS: # Non-enantiomeric space groups not supported in user interface space_group = "" else: space_group = "" elif space_group: crystal_class = crystal_symmetry.SPACEGROUP_MAP[space_group].crystal_class info = crystal_symmetry.CRYSTAL_CLASS_MAP[crystal_class] lattice = info.bravais_lattice point_group = info.point_group point_groups = lattice2point_group_tags[lattice] if point_group not in point_groups: point_group = point_groups[-1] lattice_tags = [""] + list(lattice2point_group_tags) if space_group not in crystal_symmetry.XTAL_SPACEGROUPS: # Non-enantiomeric sace groups not supported in user interface space_group = "" else: lattice = "" point_group = "" lattice_tags = [""] + list(lattice2point_group_tags) point_groups = [""] + all_point_group_tags schema = { "title": "GΦL Pre-strategy parameters", "type": "object", "properties": {}, } fields = schema["properties"] fields["cell_a"] = { "title": "a", "type": "number", "minimum": 0, "readOnly": True, } fields["cell_b"] = { "title": "b", "type": "number", "minimum": 0, "readOnly": True, } fields["cell_c"] = { "title": "c", "type": "number", "minimum": 0, "readOnly": True, } fields["cell_alpha"] = { "title": "α", "type": "number", "minimum": 0, "maximum": 180, "readOnly": True, } fields["cell_beta"] = { "title": "β", "type": "number", "minimum": 0, "maximum": 180, "readOnly": True, } fields["cell_gamma"] = { "title": "γ", "type": "number", "minimum": 0, "maximum": 180, "readOnly": True, } fields["lattice"] = { "title": "Crystal lattice", "type": "string", "default": lattice, "enum": lattice_tags, } fields["point_groups"] = { "title": "Point Groups", "type": "string", "default": point_group, "enum": point_groups, } sglist = [""] + crystal_symmetry.space_groups_from_params( point_groups=point_groups ) fields["space_group"] = { "title": "Space Group", "type": "string", "default": space_group, "enum": sglist, } fields["input_space_group"] = { "title": "Space Group", "default": crystal_symmetry.regularise_space_group( data_model.input_space_group ) or "", "type": "string", "readOnly": True, } fields["relative_rad_sensitivity"] = { "title": "Radiation sensitivity", "default": data_model.relative_rad_sensitivity or 1.0, "type": "number", "minimum": 0, } fields["use_cell_for_processing"] = { "title": "Use for indexing", "type": "boolean", "default": self.settings["defaults"]["use_cell_for_processing"], } resolution = data_model.aimed_resolution or HWR.beamline.resolution.get_value() resolution = round(resolution, resolution_decimals) reslimits = HWR.beamline.resolution.get_limits() if None in reslimits: reslimits = (0.5, 5.0) if resolution < reslimits[0]: resolution = ( round(reslimits[0], resolution_decimals) + 0.1 ** resolution_decimals ) if resolution > reslimits[1]: resolution = ( round(reslimits[1], resolution_decimals) - 0.1 ** resolution_decimals ) fields["resolution"] = { "title": "Resolution", "type": "number", "default": resolution, "minimum": reslimits[0], "maximum": reslimits[1], } fields["strategy"] = { "title": "Strategy", "type": "string", } # Handle strategy fields if data_model.characterisation_done or data_model.wftype == "diffractcal": strategies = strategy_settings["variants"] if data_model.wftype == "diffractcal": strategies = list( strategy_settings["options"].get("strategy", "") + variant for variant in strategies ) fields["strategy"]["default"] = strategies[0] fields["strategy"]["title"] = "Acquisition strategy" fields["strategy"]["enum"] = strategies ll0 = strategy_settings.get("beam_energy_tags") if ll0: energy_tag = ll0[0] else: energy_tag = self.settings["default_beam_energy_tag"] else: # Characterisation strategies = self.settings["characterisation_strategies"] fields["strategy"]["default"] = strategies[0] fields["strategy"]["title"] = "Characterisation strategy" fields["strategy"]["enum"] = strategies energy_tag = "Characterisation" # Handle energy field # NBNB allow for fixed-energy beamlines energy_limits = tag = "energy" fields[tag] = { "title": "%s energy (keV)" % energy_tag, "type": "number", "default":, "minimum": energy_limits[0], "maximum": energy_limits[1], } # Handle cell parameters cell_parameters = None if choose_lattice: unit_cell = choose_lattice.userProvidedCell if unit_cell: cell_parameters = unit_cell.lengths + unit_cell.angles if not cell_parameters: cell_parameters = data_model.cell_parameters if cell_parameters: for tag, val in zip( ("cell_a", "cell_b", "cell_c", "cell_alpha", "cell_beta", "cell_gamma"), data_model.cell_parameters, ): fields[tag]["default"] = val else: for tag in ( "cell_a", "cell_b", "cell_c", "cell_alpha", "cell_beta", "cell_gamma" ): fields[tag]["default"] = 0 # NB update_on_change supports None, "always", and "selected" # It controls whether an update signal is sent when a parameter changes ui_schema = { "ui:order": ["crystal_data", "parameters"], "ui:widget": "vertical_box", "ui:options": { "return_signal": self.PARAMETER_RETURN_SIGNAL, "update_signal": self.PARAMETER_UPDATE_SIGNAL, "update_on_change": "selected", }, "crystal_data": { "ui:title": "Input Unit Cell", "ui:widget": "column_grid", "ui:order": [ "sgroup", "cella", "cellb", "cellc", ], "cella": { "ui:order": ["cell_a", "cell_alpha"], }, "cellb": { "ui:order": ["cell_b", "cell_beta"], }, "cellc": { "ui:order": ["cell_c", "cell_gamma"], }, "sgroup": { "ui:order": ["input_space_group", "relative_rad_sensitivity"], "relative_rad_sensitivity": { "ui:options": { "decimals": 2, } }, }, }, "parameters": { "ui:title": "Parameters", "ui:widget": "column_grid", "ui:order": ["column1", "column2"], "column1": { "ui:order": [ "lattice", "point_groups", "space_group", "use_cell_for_processing", ], "lattice": { "ui:options": { "update_on_change": True, }, }, "point_groups": { "ui:options": { "update_on_change": True, }, }, "space_group": { "ui:options": { "update_on_change": True, }, }, }, "column2": { "ui:order": ["strategy", "resolution", "energy"], "resolution": { "ui:options": { "decimals": resolution_decimals, }, }, "energy": { "ui:options": { "decimals": 4, }, }, }, }, } if data_model.wftype == "diffractcal": for tag in ( "cell_a", "cell_b", "cell_c", "cell_alpha", "cell_beta", "cell_gamma", ): fields[tag]["readOnly"] = False ui_schema["parameters"]["column1"]["ui:order"].remove("point_groups") elif not choose_lattice: # Characterisation ui_schema["parameters"]["column1"]["ui:order"].remove("point_groups") pass else: # Acquisition fields["relative_rad_sensitivity"]["readOnly"] = True fields["indexing_solution"] = { "title": "--- Select indexing solution : ---", "type": "string", } # Color green (figuratively) if matches lattices # NBNB TBD Redo once ABI has changed crystal_classes = ( choose_lattice.priorCrystalClasses or data_model.crystal_classes ) # Must match bravaisLattices column lattices = set( crystal_symmetry.CRYSTAL_CLASS_MAP[crystal_class].bravais_lattice for crystal_class in crystal_classes ) if "mC" in lattices: # NBNB special case. mI non-standard but supported in XDS lattices.add("mI") highlights = {} if lattices: for rowno, solution in enumerate(soldict.values()): if any(x == solution.bravaisLattice for x in lattices): highlights[rowno] = {0: "HIGHLIGHT"} ui_schema["ui:order"].insert(0, "indexing_solution") ui_schema["indexing_solution"] = { "ui:widget": "selection_table", "ui:options": { "header": [header], "content": [list(soldict)], "select_cell": (select_row, 0), "highlights": highlights, "update_on_change": True, }, } self._return_parameters = gevent.event.AsyncResult() try: dispatcher.connect( self.receive_pre_strategy_data, self.PARAMETER_RETURN_SIGNAL, dispatcher.Any, ) responses = dispatcher.send( self.PARAMETERS_NEEDED, self, schema, ui_schema, ) if not responses: self._return_parameters.set_exception( RuntimeError("Signal %s is not connected" % self.PARAMETERS_NEEDED) ) params = self._return_parameters.get() if params is StopIteration: return StopIteration solline = params.get("indexing_solution") if solline: params["indexing_solution"] = soldict[solline] finally: dispatcher.disconnect( self.receive_pre_strategy_data, self.PARAMETER_RETURN_SIGNAL, dispatcher.Any, ) self._return_parameters = None # Convert lattice and pointgroups to crystal class names lattice = params.pop("lattice", None) lattices = (lattice,) if lattice else () pgvar = params.pop("point_groups", None) space_group = params.get("space_group") if choose_lattice: point_groups = pgvar.split("|") if pgvar else None params["crystal_classes"] = crystal_symmetry.crystal_classes_from_params( lattices, point_groups, space_group ) else: params["crystal_classes"] = crystal_symmetry.crystal_classes_from_params( lattices=lattices, space_group=space_group ) # Convert energy field to a single tuple params["energies"] = (params.pop("energy"),) # return params
def pre_execute(self, queue_entry): if self.is_ready(): self.update_state(self.STATES.BUSY) else: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot execute workflow - GphlWorkflow HardwareObject is not ready" ) self._queue_entry = queue_entry data_model = queue_entry.get_data_model() if HWR.beamline.gphl_connection is None: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot execute workflow - GphlWorkflowConnection not found" ) HWR.beamline.gphl_connection.open_connection() if data_model.wftype == "transcal": return elif data_model.automation_mode: params = data_model.auto_acq_parameters[0] space_group = params.pop("space_group", "") crystal_classes = params.pop("crystal_classes", ()) if space_group and crystal_classes: raise ValueError( "Only one of space_group and crystal_classes can be set" "values are: %s, %s" % (space_group, crystal_classes) ) elif space_group or crystal_classes: params["space_group"] = space_group params["crystal_classes"] = crystal_classes else: params = self.query_pre_strategy_params() if params is StopIteration: self.workflow_aborted() return use_preset_spotdir = self.settings.get("use_preset_spotdir") if use_preset_spotdir: spotdir = self.get_emulation_sample_dir() if spotdir: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(spotdir, "SPOT.XDS")): params["init_spot_dir"] = spotdir else: raise ValueError( "no file SPOT.XDS in %s" % spotdir) else: raise ValueError( "use_preset_spotdir was set for non-emulation sample" ) cell_tags = ( "cell_a", "cell_b", "cell_c", "cell_alpha", "cell_beta", "cell_gamma", ) cell_parameters = tuple(params.pop(tag, None) for tag in cell_tags) if None not in cell_parameters: params["cell_parameters"] = cell_parameters data_model.set_pre_strategy_params(**params) if data_model.detector_setting is None: # NB can only happen in automation mode resolution = HWR.beamline.resolution.get_value() distance = HWR.beamline.detector.distance.get_value() orgxy = HWR.beamline.detector.get_beam_position() data_model.detector_setting = GphlMessages.BcsDetectorSetting( resolution, orgxy=orgxy, Distance=distance ) else: # Set detector distance and resolution distance = data_model.detector_setting.axisSettings["Distance"] HWR.beamline.detector.distance.set_value(distance, timeout=50) self._workflow_queue = gevent.queue.Queue() def execute(self): if self._workflow_queue is None: return # Fork off workflow server process HWR.beamline.gphl_connection.start_workflow( self._workflow_queue, self._queue_entry.get_data_model() ) # NB - this is really initialising, but we want to do it aftrer WF start # since here the directory we want is set self.recentring_file = os.path.join( HWR.beamline.gphl_connection.software_paths["GPHL_WDIR"], "recen.nml" ) dispatcher.connect( self.handle_collection_start, "collectOscillationStarted", HWR.beamline.collect, ) dispatcher.connect( self.handle_collection_end, "collectOscillationFinished", HWR.beamline.collect, ) try: while True: if self._workflow_queue is None: # We can only get that value if we have already done post_execute # but the mechanics of aborting means we conme back # Stop further processing here raise QueueAbortedException("Aborting...", self) tt0 = self._workflow_queue.get() if tt0 is StopIteration: logging.getLogger("HWR").debug("GΦL queue StopIteration") break message_type, payload, correlation_id, result_list = tt0 func = self._processor_functions.get(message_type) if func is None: logging.getLogger("HWR").error( "GΦL message %s not recognised by MXCuBE. Terminating...", message_type, ) break elif message_type != "String": logging.getLogger("HWR").info("GΦL queue processing %s", message_type) response = func(payload, correlation_id) if result_list is not None: result_list.append((response, correlation_id)) finally: dispatcher.disconnect( self.handle_collection_start, "collectOscillationStarted", HWR.beamline.collect, ) dispatcher.disconnect( self.handle_collection_end, "collectOscillationFinished", HWR.beamline.collect, )
[docs] def post_execute(self): """ The workflow has finished, sets the state to 'READY' """ self.emit("gphl_workflow_finished", self.get_specific_state().name) self.update_state(self.STATES.READY) self._queue_entry = None self._data_collection_group = None self._server_subprocess_names.clear() self._workflow_queue = None if HWR.beamline.gphl_connection is not None: HWR.beamline.gphl_connection.workflow_ended()
[docs] def update_state(self, state=None): """ Update state, resetting """ super().update_state(state=state) tag = self.get_state().name if tag in ("BUSY", "READY", "UNKNOWN", "FAULT"): self.update_specific_state(getattr(self.SPECIFIC_STATES, tag))
def _add_to_queue(self, parent_model_obj, child_model_obj): HWR.beamline.queue_model.add_child(parent_model_obj, child_model_obj) # Message handlers: def workflow_aborted(self, payload=None, correlation_id=None): logging.getLogger("user_level_log").warning("GΦL Workflow aborted.") self.update_specific_state(self.SPECIFIC_STATES.ABORTED) if self._workflow_queue: self._workflow_queue.put_nowait(StopIteration) def workflow_completed(self, payload=None, correlation_id=None): logging.getLogger("user_level_log").info("GΦL Workflow completed.") self.update_specific_state(self.SPECIFIC_STATES.COMPLETED) self._workflow_queue.put_nowait(StopIteration) def workflow_failed(self, payload=None, correlation_id=None): logging.getLogger("user_level_log").warning("GΦL Workflow failed.") self.update_specific_state(self.SPECIFIC_STATES.FAULT) self._workflow_queue.put_nowait(StopIteration)
[docs] def echo_info_string(self, payload, correlation_id=None): """Print text info to console,. log etc.""" subprocess_name = self._server_subprocess_names.get(correlation_id) if subprocess_name:"%s: %s" % (subprocess_name, payload)) else:
def echo_subprocess_started(self, payload, correlation_id): name = if correlation_id: self._server_subprocess_names[correlation_id] = name"%s : STARTING", name) def echo_subprocess_stopped(self, payload, correlation_id): try: name = self._server_subprocess_names.pop(correlation_id) except KeyError: name = "Unknown process""%s : FINISHED", name) def get_configuration_data(self, payload, correlation_id): return GphlMessages.ConfigurationData(self.file_paths["gphl_beamline_config"])
[docs] def query_collection_strategy(self, geometric_strategy): """Display collection strategy for user approval, and query parameters needed""" data_model = self._queue_entry.get_data_model() strategy_settings = data_model.strategy_settings # Number of decimals for rounding use_dose values use_dose_decimals = 4 # Number of decimals for rounding exposure times exposure_time_decimals = 6 data_model = self._queue_entry.get_data_model() initial_energy = data_model.wavelengths[0].wavelength ) sweep_group_counts = {} orientations = OrderedDict() axis_setting_dicts = OrderedDict() for sweep in geometric_strategy.get_ordered_sweeps(): rotation_id = sweep.goniostatSweepSetting.id_ if rotation_id in orientations: orientations[rotation_id].append(sweep) else: orientations[rotation_id] = [sweep] axis_settings = sweep.goniostatSweepSetting.axisSettings.copy() axis_settings.pop(sweep.goniostatSweepSetting.scanAxis, None) axis_setting_dicts[rotation_id] = axis_settings count = sweep_group_counts.get(sweep.sweepGroup, 0) + 1 sweep_group_counts[sweep.sweepGroup] = count energy_tags = strategy_settings.get("beam_energy_tags") or ( self.settings["default_beam_energy_tag"], ) # NBNB HACK - this needs to eb done properly # Used for determining whether to query wedge width is_interleaved = data_model.characterisation_done and ( len(energy_tags) > 1 or max(sweep_group_counts.values()) > 1 ) # Make info_text and do some setting up axis_names = self.rotation_axis_roles if data_model.characterisation_done or data_model.wftype == "diffractcal": title_string = data_model.strategy_name lauegrp, ptgrp = crystal_symmetry.strategy_laue_group( data_model.crystal_classes, phasing=(data_model.strategy_type == "phasing"), ) info_title = "--- %s ---" % title_string lines = [ "Strategy '%s', for symmetry '%s'\n" % ( # title_string, data_model.strategy_variant or data_model.strategy_name, ptgrp, ) ] beam_energies = OrderedDict() energies = [initial_energy, initial_energy + 0.01, initial_energy - 0.01] for idx, tag in enumerate(energy_tags): beam_energies[tag] = energies[idx] dose_label = "Dose/repetition (MGy)" # Make strategy-description info_text if len(beam_energies) > 1: lines.append( "Experiment length (per repetition): %s * %6.1f°" % (len(beam_energies), data_model.strategy_length) ) else: lines.append( "Experiment length (per repetition): %6.1f°" % data_model.strategy_length ) else: # Characterisation title_string = "Characterisation" info_title = "--- GΦL Characterisation strategy ---" lines = ["Experiment length: %6.1f°" % data_model.strategy_length] beam_energies = OrderedDict((("Characterisation", initial_energy),)) dose_label = "Characterisation dose (MGy)" if not self.settings.get("recentre_before_start"): # replace planned orientation with current orientation current_pos_dict = HWR.beamline.diffractometer.get_positions() dd0 = list(axis_setting_dicts.values())[0] for tag in dd0: pos = current_pos_dict.get(tag) if pos is not None: dd0[tag] = pos for rotation_id, sweeps in orientations.items(): axis_settings = axis_setting_dicts[rotation_id] ss0 = "\nSweep : " + ", ".join( "%s= %6.1f°" % (x, axis_settings.get(x)) for x in axis_names if x in axis_settings ) ll1 = [] for sweep in sweeps: start = sweep.start width = sweep.width ss1 = "%s= %6.1f°, sweep width= %6.1f°" % ( sweep.goniostatSweepSetting.scanAxis, start, width, ) ll1.append(ss1) lines.append(ss0 + ", " + ll1[0]) spacer = " " * (len(ss0) + 2) for ss1 in ll1[1:]: lines.append(spacer + ss1) info_text = "\n".join(lines) # Set up image width pulldown allowed_widths = geometric_strategy.allowedWidths if not allowed_widths: allowed_widths = list(self.settings.get("default_image_widths")) allowed_widths.sort() logging.getLogger("HWR").info( "No allowed image widths returned by strategy - use defaults" ) # set starting and unchanging values of parameters resolution = HWR.beamline.resolution.get_value() dose_budget = self.resolution2dose_budget( resolution, decay_limit=data_model.decay_limit, ) # NB These default values are set just before this function is called default_image_width = data_model.image_width default_exposure = data_model.exposure_time exposure_limits = HWR.beamline.detector.get_exposure_time_limits() total_strategy_length = data_model.strategy_length * len(beam_energies) # NB this is the default starting value, so repetition_count is 1 at this point experiment_time = total_strategy_length * default_exposure / default_image_width # Dose with transmission=100 and current defaults: maximum_dose = data_model.calc_maximum_dose(energy=initial_energy) if data_model.characterisation_done or data_model.wftype == "diffractcal": proposed_dose = dose_budget - data_model.characterisation_dose else: # Characterisation proposed_dose = dose_budget * data_model.characterisation_budget_fraction if maximum_dose: proposed_dose = min(maximum_dose, proposed_dose) proposed_dose = round(max(proposed_dose, 0), use_dose_decimals) # For calculating dose-budget transmission if maximum_dose: use_dose_start = proposed_dose use_dose_frozen = False transmission = 100 * proposed_dose / maximum_dose if transmission > 100: use_dose_start = proposed_dose * 100.0 / transmission transmission = 100.0 else: transmission = HWR.beamline.transmission.get_value() use_dose_start = 0 use_dose_frozen = True logging.getLogger("user_level_log").warning( "Dose rate cannot be calculated - dose bookkeeping disabled" ) reslimits = HWR.beamline.resolution.get_limits() if None in reslimits: reslimits = (0.5, 5.0) schema = { "title": "GΦL %s parameters" % title_string, "type": "object", "properties": {}, } fields = schema["properties"] # # From here on visible fields fields["_info"] = { # "title": "Data collection plan", "type": "textdisplay", "default": info_text, "readOnly": True, } fields["image_width"] = { "title": "Oscillation range", "type": "string", "default": str(default_image_width), "enum": list(str(val) for val in allowed_widths) } fields["exposure_time"] = { "title": "Exposure Time (s)", "type": "number", "default": default_exposure, "minimum": exposure_limits[0], "maximum": exposure_limits[1], } fields["dose_budget"] = { "title": "Dose budget (MGy)", "type": "number", "default": dose_budget - data_model.characterisation_dose, "minimum": 0.0, "readOnly": True, } fields["use_dose"] = { "title": dose_label, "type": "number", "default": use_dose_start, "minimum": 0.000001, "readOnly": use_dose_frozen, } # NB Transmission is in % in UI, but in 0-1 in workflow fields["transmission"] = { "title": "Transmission (%)", "type": "number", "default": transmission, "minimum": 0.001, "maximum": 100.0, } fields["resolution"] = { "title": "Detector resolution (Å)", "type": "number", "default": resolution, "minimum": reslimits[0], "maximum": reslimits[1], "readOnly": True, } fields["experiment_time"] = { "title": "Experiment duration (s)", "type": "number", "default": experiment_time, "readOnly": True, } if data_model.characterisation_done: fields["repetition_count"] = { "title": "Number of repetitions", "type": "spinbox", "default": 1, "lowerBound": 1, "upperBound": 99, "stepsize": 1, } if is_interleaved: fields["wedge_width"] = { "title": "Wedge width (°)", "type": "number", "default": self.settings.get("default_wedge_width", 15), "minimum": 0.1, "maximum": 7200, } readonly = True energy_limits = for tag, val in beam_energies.items(): fields[tag] = { "title": "%s beam energy (keV)" % tag, "type": "number", "default": val, "minimum": energy_limits[0], "maximum": energy_limits[1], "readOnly": readonly, } readonly = False fields["snapshot_count"] = { "title": "Number of snapshots", "type": "string", "default": str(data_model.snapshot_count), "enum": ["0", "1", "2", "4"] } # recentring mode: labels = list(RECENTRING_MODES.keys()) modes = list(RECENTRING_MODES.values()) default_recentring_mode = self.settings.get("default_recentring_mode", "sweep") if default_recentring_mode == "scan" or default_recentring_mode not in modes: raise ValueError( "invalid default recentring mode '%s' " % default_recentring_mode ) use_modes = ["sweep"] if len(orientations) > 1: use_modes.append("start") use_modes.append("none") if is_interleaved: use_modes.append("scan") for indx in range(len(modes) - 1, -1, -1): if modes[indx] not in use_modes: del modes[indx] del labels[indx] if default_recentring_mode in modes: indx = modes.index(default_recentring_mode) if indx: # Put default at top del modes[indx] modes.insert(indx, default_recentring_mode) default_label = labels.pop(indx) labels.insert(indx, default_label) else: default_recentring_mode = "sweep" default_label = labels[modes.index(default_recentring_mode)] fields["recentring_mode"] = { # "title": "Recentring mode", "type": "string", "default": default_label, "enum": labels, } ui_schema = { "ui:order": ["_info", "parameters"], "ui:widget": "vertical_box", "ui:options": { "return_signal": self.PARAMETER_RETURN_SIGNAL, "update_signal": self.PARAMETER_UPDATE_SIGNAL, "update_on_change": "selected", }, "_info": { "ui:title": info_title, }, "parameters": { "ui:title": "Parameters", "ui:widget": "column_grid", "ui:order": ["column1", "column2"], "column1": { "ui:order": [ "use_dose", "exposure_time", "image_width", "transmission", "snapshot_count", ], "exposure_time": { "ui:options": { "update_on_change": True, "decimals": exposure_time_decimals, } }, "use_dose": { "ui:options": { "decimals": use_dose_decimals, "update_on_change": True, } }, "image_width": { "ui:options": { "update_on_change": True, } }, "transmission": { "ui:options": { "decimals": 3, "update_on_change": True, } }, "repetition_count": {"ui:options": {"update_on_change": True}}, }, "column2": { "ui:order": [ "dose_budget", "experiment_time", "resolution", ], "dose_budget": { "ui:options": { "decimals": 4, } }, "resolution": { "ui:options": { "decimals": 3, } }, "experiment_time": { "ui:options": { "decimals": 1, } }, }, }, } if is_interleaved: ui_schema["parameters"]["column1"]["ui:order"].append("wedge_width") if data_model.characterisation_done: ui_schema["parameters"]["column1"]["ui:order"].insert( -1, "repetition_count", ) ll0 = ui_schema["parameters"]["column2"]["ui:order"] ll0.extend(list(beam_energies)) ll0.append("recentring_mode") self._return_parameters = gevent.event.AsyncResult() try: dispatcher.connect( self.receive_pre_collection_data, self.PARAMETER_RETURN_SIGNAL, dispatcher.Any, ) responses = dispatcher.send( self.PARAMETERS_NEEDED, self, schema, ui_schema, ) if not responses: self._return_parameters.set_exception( RuntimeError("Signal %s is not connected" % self.PARAMETERS_NEEDED) ) result = self._return_parameters.get() if result is StopIteration: return StopIteration finally: dispatcher.disconnect( self.receive_pre_collection_data, self.PARAMETER_RETURN_SIGNAL, dispatcher.Any, ) self._return_parameters = None tag = "image_width" value = result.get(tag) if value: image_width = float(value) else: image_width = self.settings.get("default_image_width", default_image_width) result[tag] = image_width # exposure_time OK as is tag = "repetition_count" result[tag] = int(result.get(tag) or 1) tag = "transmission" value = result.get(tag) if value: result[tag] = value tag = "wedgeWidth" value = result.get(tag) if value: result[tag] = int(value / image_width) else: # If not set is likely not used, but we want a default value anyway result[tag] = 150 # resolution OK as is tag = "snapshot_count" value = result.get(tag) if value: result[tag] = int(value) energies = list(result.pop(tag) for tag in beam_energies) del energies[0] result["energies"] = energies tag = "recentring_mode" result[tag] = RECENTRING_MODES.get(result.get(tag)) or default_recentring_mode # return result
[docs] def setup_data_collection(self, payload, correlation_id): """ Args: payload (GphlMessages.GeometricStrategy: GeometricStrategy message correlation_id (str) : Astra workflow correlation ID Returns: GphlMessages.SampleCentred: Return message with collection parameters """ geometric_strategy = payload self._key_to_scan.clear() self._scan_id_to_translation_id.clear() self._recentrings = [] # Set up gphl_workflow_model = self._queue_entry.get_data_model() wftype = gphl_workflow_model.wftype has_recentring_file = os.path.isfile(self.recentring_file) sweeps = geometric_strategy.get_ordered_sweeps() # Set strategy_length strategy_length = sum(sweep.width for sweep in sweeps) gphl_workflow_model.strategy_length = strategy_length allowed_widths = geometric_strategy.allowedWidths if allowed_widths: default_image_width = float( allowed_widths[geometric_strategy.defaultWidthIdx or 0] ) else: default_image_width = list( self.settings.get("default_image_widths") )[0] # get parameters and initial transmission/use_dose if gphl_workflow_model.automation_mode: # Get parameters and transmission/use_dose if gphl_workflow_model.characterisation_done: parameters = gphl_workflow_model.auto_acq_parameters[-1] else: parameters = gphl_workflow_model.auto_acq_parameters[0] if "dose_budget" in parameters: raise ValueError( "'dose_budget' parameter no longer supported. " "Use 'use_dose' or 'transmission' instead" ) if parameters.get("init_spot_dir"): transmission = HWR.beamline.transmission.get_value() if not parameters.get("transmission"): parameters["transmission"] = transmission if not( parameters.get("exposure_time") and parameters.get("image_width") ): raise ValueError( "exposure_time and image_width must be set when init_spot_dir is set" ) new_dose = self.adjust_dose(parameters)["use_dose"]["value"] else: image_width = parameters.setdefault("image_width", default_image_width) transmission = parameters.get("transmission") maximum_dose = gphl_workflow_model.calc_maximum_dose( image_width=image_width, ) or 0 if transmission: new_dose = maximum_dose * transmission / 100 elif maximum_dose: new_dose = parameters.get( "use_dose", gphl_workflow_model.recommended_dose_budget() ) if gphl_workflow_model.characterisation_done: new_dose -= gphl_workflow_model.characterisation_dose elif wftype != "diffractcal": # This is characterisation new_dose *= gphl_workflow_model.characterisation_budget_fraction if new_dose > maximum_dose: transmission = 100 new_dose = maximum_dose else: transmission = 100 * new_dose / maximum_dose parameters["transmission"] = transmission else: # We should not be here, but if we cannot calculate flux, ... new_dose = 0 parameters["transmission"] = ( HWR.beamline.transmission.get_value() ) else: # set gphl_workflow_model.transmission (initial value for interactive mode) use_dose = gphl_workflow_model.recommended_dose_budget() if gphl_workflow_model.characterisation_done: use_dose -= gphl_workflow_model.characterisation_dose elif wftype != "diffractcal": # This is characterisation use_dose *= gphl_workflow_model.characterisation_budget_fraction # Need setting before query gphl_workflow_model.image_width = default_image_width maximum_dose = gphl_workflow_model.calc_maximum_dose() if maximum_dose: transmission = 100 * use_dose / maximum_dose else: transmission = HWR.beamline.transmission.get_value() if transmission > 100: if gphl_workflow_model.characterisation_done or wftype == "diffractcal": # We are not in characterisation. # Try to reset exposure_time to get desired dose exposure_time = ( gphl_workflow_model.exposure_time * transmission / 100 ) exposure_limits = HWR.beamline.detector.get_exposure_time_limits() if exposure_limits[1]: exposure_time = min(exposure_limits[1], exposure_time) gphl_workflow_model.exposure_time = exposure_time transmission = 100 gphl_workflow_model.transmission = transmission # Get modified parameters from UI and confirm acquisition # Run before centring, as it also does confirm/abort parameters = self.query_collection_strategy(geometric_strategy) if parameters is StopIteration: return StopIteration user_modifiable = geometric_strategy.isUserModifiable if user_modifiable: # Query user for new rotationSetting and make it, logging.getLogger("HWR").warning( "User modification of sweep settings not implemented. Ignored" ) new_dose = parameters["use_dose"] # From here on same for manual and automation # First set current transmission and resolution values transmission = parameters["transmission"] logging.getLogger("GUI").info( "GphlWorkflow: setting transmission to %7.3f %%" % transmission ) HWR.beamline.transmission.set_value(transmission) # NB - now pre-setting of detector has been removed, this gets # the current resolution setting, whatever it is initial_resolution = HWR.beamline.resolution.get_value() new_resolution = parameters.pop("resolution", initial_resolution) if ( new_resolution != initial_resolution and not parameters.get("init_spot_dir") and not gphl_workflow_model.characterisation_done ): logging.getLogger("GUI").info( "GphlWorkflow: setting detector distance for resolution %7.3f A", new_resolution, ) # timeout in seconds: max move is ~2 meters, velocity 4 cm/sec HWR.beamline.resolution.set_value(new_resolution, timeout=60) gphl_workflow_model.set_pre_acquisition_params(**parameters) # Update dose consumed to include dose (about to be) acquired. if ( gphl_workflow_model.characterisation_done or gphl_workflow_model.wftype == "diffractcal" ): gphl_workflow_model.acquisition_dose = new_dose else: gphl_workflow_model.characterisation_dose = new_dose fmt = "--> %s: %s" print("GPHL workflow. Data collection parameters:") for item in gphl_workflow_model.parameter_summary().items(): print(fmt % item) # Enqueue data collection if gphl_workflow_model.characterisation_done: # Data collection TODO: Use workflow info to distinguish new_dcg_name = "GΦL Data Collection" elif wftype == "diffractcal": new_dcg_name = "GΦL DiffractCal" else: new_dcg_name = "GΦL Characterisation" logging.getLogger("HWR").debug("setup_data_collection %s", new_dcg_name) new_dcg_model = queue_model_objects.TaskGroup() new_dcg_model.set_enabled(True) new_dcg_model.set_name(new_dcg_name) new_dcg_model.set_number( gphl_workflow_model.get_next_number_for_name(new_dcg_name) ) self._data_collection_group = new_dcg_model # self._add_to_queue(gphl_workflow_model, new_dcg_model) # # Set (re)centring behaviour and goniostatTranslations # recentring_mode = gphl_workflow_model.recentring_mode goniostatTranslations = [] # Get all sweepSettings, in order sweepSettings = [] sweepSettingIds = set() for sweep in sweeps: sweepSetting = sweep.goniostatSweepSetting sweepSettingId = sweepSetting.id_ if sweepSettingId not in sweepSettingIds: sweepSettingIds.add(sweepSettingId) sweepSettings.append(sweepSetting) # For recentring mode 'start' do settings in reverse order if recentring_mode == "start": sweepSettings.reverse() # Handle centring of first orientation pos_dict = HWR.beamline.diffractometer.get_positions() sweepSetting = sweepSettings[0] # Get current position current_pos_dict = HWR.beamline.diffractometer.get_positions() current_okp = tuple(current_pos_dict[role] for role in self.rotation_axis_roles) current_xyz = tuple( current_pos_dict[role] for role in self.translation_axis_roles ) # Check if sample is currently centred, and centre first sweep if not if ( self.settings.get("recentre_before_start") and not gphl_workflow_model.characterisation_done ): # Sample has never been centred reliably. # Centre it at sweepsetting and put it into goniostatTranslations settings = dict(sweepSetting.axisSettings) q_e = self.enqueue_sample_centring(motor_settings=settings) translation, current_pos_dict = self.execute_sample_centring( q_e, sweepSetting ) self._latest_translation_id = translation.id_ self._recentrings.append(translation) goniostatTranslations.append(translation) # Update current position current_okp = tuple( current_pos_dict[role] for role in self.rotation_axis_roles ) current_xyz = tuple( current_pos_dict[role] for role in self.translation_axis_roles ) gphl_workflow_model.current_rotation_id = sweepSetting.id_ elif gphl_workflow_model.characterisation_done or wftype == "diffractcal": # Acquisition or diffractcal; crystal is already centred settings = dict(sweepSetting.axisSettings) okp = tuple(settings.get(x, 0) for x in self.rotation_axis_roles) maxdev = max(abs(okp[1] - current_okp[1]), abs(okp[2] - current_okp[2])) # Get translation setting from recentring or current (MAY be used) if has_recentring_file: # calculate first sweep recentring from okp tol = self.settings.get("angular_tolerance", 1.0) translation_settings = self.calculate_recentring( okp, ref_xyz=current_xyz, ref_okp=current_okp ) logging.getLogger("HWR").debug( "GPHL Recentring. okp, motors, %s, %s" % (okp, sorted(translation_settings.items())) ) else: # existing centring - take from current position tol = 0.1 translation_settings = dict( (role, current_pos_dict.get(role)) for role in self.translation_axis_roles ) if maxdev <= tol: # first orientation matches current, set to current centring # Use sweepSetting as is, recentred or very close translation = GphlMessages.GoniostatTranslation( rotation=sweepSetting, **translation_settings ) self._latest_translation_id = translation.id_ self._recentrings.append(translation) gphl_workflow_model.current_rotation_id = sweepSetting.id_ goniostatTranslations.append(translation) else: if recentring_mode == "none": if has_recentring_file: # If we have recentring use it # If not, never mind, presumably we have MiniKappaCorrescion translation = GphlMessages.GoniostatTranslation( rotation=sweepSetting, **translation_settings ) goniostatTranslations.append(translation) self._latest_translation_id = None else: if has_recentring_file: settings.update(translation_settings) q_e = self.enqueue_sample_centring(motor_settings=settings) translation, dummy = self.execute_sample_centring(q_e, sweepSetting) self._latest_translation_id = translation.id_ self._recentrings.append(translation) gphl_workflow_model.current_rotation_id = sweepSetting.id_ goniostatTranslations.append(translation) if recentring_mode == "start": # We want snapshots in this mode, # and the first sweepmis skipped in the loop below okp = tuple( int(settings.get(x, 0)) for x in self.rotation_axis_roles ) self.collect_centring_snapshots("%s_%s_%s" % okp) else: # Characterisation, and sample was centred before we got here # Do characterisation at current position, not the hardcoded one rotation_settings = dict( (role, current_pos_dict[role]) for role in sweepSetting.axisSettings ) orientation_id = gphl_workflow_model.workflow_params.get("orientation_id") if orientation_id: # We have a pre-existing orientation ID. Use it rotation_settings["id_"] = orientation_id newRotation = GphlMessages.GoniostatRotation(**rotation_settings) translation_settings = dict( (role, current_pos_dict.get(role)) for role in self.translation_axis_roles ) translation = GphlMessages.GoniostatTranslation( rotation=newRotation, requestedRotationId=sweepSetting.id_, **translation_settings ) self._latest_translation_id = translation.id_ self._recentrings.append(translation) gphl_workflow_model.current_rotation_id = newRotation.id_ goniostatTranslations.append(translation) # calculate or determine centring for remaining sweeps for sweepSetting in sweepSettings[1:]: settings = dict(sweepSetting.axisSettings) if has_recentring_file: # Update settings okp = tuple(settings.get(x, 0) for x in self.rotation_axis_roles) settings.update( self.calculate_recentring( okp, ref_xyz=current_xyz, ref_okp=current_okp ) ) if recentring_mode == "start": q_e = self.enqueue_sample_centring(motor_settings=settings) logging.getLogger("HWR").debug( "GPHL recenter at : " + ", ".join("%s:%s" % item for item in sorted(settings.items())) ) translation, dummy = self.execute_sample_centring(q_e, sweepSetting) goniostatTranslations.append(translation) gphl_workflow_model.current_rotation_id = sweepSetting.id_ okp = tuple(int(settings.get(x, 0)) for x in self.rotation_axis_roles) self.collect_centring_snapshots("%s_%s_%s" % okp) elif has_recentring_file and not gphl_workflow_model.characterisation_done: # Not the first sweep and not gone through stratcal # Calculate recentred positions and pass them back translation = GphlMessages.GoniostatTranslation( rotation=sweepSetting, **settings ) logging.getLogger("HWR").debug( "GPHL calculate recentring: " + ", ".join("%s:%s" % item for item in sorted(settings.items())) ) goniostatTranslations.append(translation) # gphl_workflow_model.goniostat_translations = goniostatTranslations # Do it here so that any centring actions are enqueued dfirst self._add_to_queue(gphl_workflow_model, new_dcg_model) # Return SampleCentred message sampleCentred = GphlMessages.SampleCentred(gphl_workflow_model) return sampleCentred
[docs] def calculate_recentring(self, okp, ref_okp, ref_xyz): """Calculate predicted traslation values using recen okp is the omega,gamma,phi tuple of the target position, ref_okp and ref_xyz are the reference omega,gamma,phi and the corresponding x,y,z translation position""" # Get program locations recen_executable = HWR.beamline.gphl_connection.get_executable("recen") # Get environmental variables envs = {} GPHL_XDS_PATH = HWR.beamline.gphl_connection.software_paths.get("GPHL_XDS_PATH") if GPHL_XDS_PATH: envs["GPHL_XDS_PATH"] = GPHL_XDS_PATH GPHL_CCP4_PATH = HWR.beamline.gphl_connection.software_paths.get( "GPHL_CCP4_PATH" ) if GPHL_CCP4_PATH: envs["GPHL_CCP4_PATH"] = GPHL_CCP4_PATH # Run recen command_list = [ recen_executable, "--input", self.recentring_file, "--init-xyz", "%s,%s,%s" % ref_xyz, "--init-okp", "%s,%s,%s" % ref_okp, "--okp", "%s,%s,%s" % okp, ] # NB the universal_newlines has the NECESSARY side effect of converting # output from bytes to string (with default encoding), # avoiding an explicit decoding step. result = {} logging.getLogger("HWR").debug( "Running Recen command: %s", " ".join(command_list) ) try: output = subprocess.check_output( command_list, env=envs, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: logging.getLogger("HWR").error( "Recen failed with returncode %s. Output was:\n%s", err.returncode, err.output, ) return result terminated_ok = False for line in reversed(output.splitlines()): ss0 = line.strip() if terminated_ok: if "X,Y,Z" in ss0: ll0 = ss0.split()[-3:] for idx, tag in enumerate(self.translation_axis_roles): result[tag] = float(ll0[idx]) break elif ss0 == "NORMAL termination": terminated_ok = True else: logging.getLogger("HWR").error( "Recen failed with normal termination=%s. Output was:\n" % terminated_ok + output ) for tag, val in result.items(): motor = HWR.beamline.diffractometer.get_object_by_role(tag) limits = motor.get_limits() if limits: limit = limits[0] if limit is not None and val < limit: logging.getLogger("HWR").warning( "WARNING, centring motor " "%s position %s recentred to below minimum limit %s" % (tag, val, limit) ) limit = limits[1] if limit is not None and val > limit: logging.getLogger("HWR").warning( "WARNING, centring motor " "%s position %s recentred to above maximum limit %s" % (tag, val, limit) ) # return result
def collect_data(self, payload, correlation_id): collection_proposal = payload angular_tolerance = float(self.settings.get("angular_tolerance", 1.0)) queue_manager = self._queue_entry.get_queue_controller() gphl_workflow_model = self._queue_entry.get_data_model() if gphl_workflow_model.init_spot_dir: # Characterisation, where collection and XDS have alredy been run return GphlMessages.CollectionDone( status=0, proposalId=collection_proposal.id_, scanIdMap={}, centrings=set(), ) master_path_template = gphl_workflow_model.path_template relative_image_dir = collection_proposal.relativeImageDir sample = gphl_workflow_model.get_sample_node() # There will be exactly one for the kinds of collection we are doing crystal = sample.crystals[0] snapshot_count = gphl_workflow_model.snapshot_count recentring_mode = gphl_workflow_model.recentring_mode data_collections = [] scans = collection_proposal.scans geometric_strategy = collection_proposal.strategy repeat_count = geometric_strategy.sweepRepeat sweep_offset = geometric_strategy.sweepOffset scan_count = len(scans) if repeat_count and sweep_offset and self.settings.get("use_multitrigger"): # commpress unrolled multi-trigger sweep # NBNB as of 202103 this is only allowed for a single sweep # # For now this is required if repeat_count != scan_count: raise ValueError( " scan count %s does not match repeat count %s" % (scan_count, repeat_count) ) # treat only the first scan scans = scans[:1] sweeps = set() last_orientation = () maxdev = -1 snapshotted_rotation_ids = set() scan_numbers = {} for scan in scans: sweep = scan.sweep acq = queue_model_objects.Acquisition() # Get defaults, even though we override most of them acq_parameters = HWR.beamline.get_default_acquisition_parameters() acq.acquisition_parameters = acq_parameters acq_parameters.first_image = scan.imageStartNum acq_parameters.num_images = scan.width.numImages acq_parameters.osc_start = scan.start acq_parameters.osc_range = scan.width.imageWidth logging.getLogger("HWR").info( "Scan: %s images of %s deg. starting at %s (%s deg)", acq_parameters.num_images, acq_parameters.osc_range, acq_parameters.first_image, acq_parameters.osc_start, ) acq_parameters.exp_time = scan.exposure.time acq_parameters.num_passes = 1 ## wavelength = sweep.beamSetting.wavelength = detdistance = sweep.detectorSetting.axisSettings["Distance"] # not needed when detdistance is set : # acq_parameters.resolution = resolution acq_parameters.detector_distance = detdistance # transmission is not passed from the workflow (yet) # it defaults to current value (?), so no need to set it # acq_parameters.transmission = transmission*100.0 # acq_parameters.shutterless = self._has_shutterless() # acq_parameters.detector_mode = self._get_roi_modes() acq_parameters.inverse_beam = False # acq_parameters.take_dark_current = True # acq_parameters.skip_existing_images = False # Edna also sets screening_id # Edna also sets osc_end # Path_template path_template = HWR.beamline.get_default_path_template() # Naughty, but we want a clone, right? # NBNB this ONLY works because all the attributes are immutable values path_template.__dict__.update(master_path_template.__dict__) if relative_image_dir: = os.path.join( HWR.beamline.session.get_base_image_directory(), relative_image_dir ) path_template.process_directory = os.path.join( HWR.beamline.session.get_base_process_directory(), relative_image_dir, ) acq.path_template = path_template filename_params = scan.filenameParams subdir = filename_params.get("subdir") if subdir: = os.path.join(, subdir) path_template.process_directory = os.path.join( path_template.process_directory, subdir ) ss0 = filename_params.get("run") path_template.run_number = int(ss0) if ss0 else 1 path_template.start_num = acq_parameters.first_image path_template.num_files = acq_parameters.num_images prefix = filename_params.get("prefix", "") if path_template.suffix.endswith("h5"): # Add scan number to prefix for interleaved hdf5 files (only) # NBNB Tempoary fix, pending solution to hdf5 interleaving problem scan_numbers[prefix] = scan_no = scan_numbers.get(prefix, 0) + 1 prefix += "_s%s" % scan_no path_template.base_prefix = prefix key = ( path_template.base_prefix, path_template.run_number, path_template.start_num ) self._key_to_scan[key] = scan # Handle orientations and (re) centring goniostatRotation = sweep.goniostatSweepSetting rotation_id = orientation_id = goniostatRotation.id_ initial_settings = sweep.get_initial_settings() orientation = ( initial_settings.get("kappa"), initial_settings.get( "kappa_phi") ) if last_orientation: maxdev = max( abs(orientation[ind] - last_orientation[ind]) for ind in range(2) ) last_orientation = orientation if not sweeps or recentring_mode in ("start", "none"): # First sweep (previously centred), or necessary centrings already done # Collect using precalculated or stored centring position acq_parameters.centred_position = queue_model_objects.CentredPosition( initial_settings ) elif recentring_mode == "sweep" and ( rotation_id == gphl_workflow_model.current_rotation_id or (0 <= maxdev < angular_tolerance) ): # Use same position as previous sweep, set only omega start acq_parameters.centred_position = queue_model_objects.CentredPosition( {goniostatRotation.scanAxis: scan.start} ) orientation_id = gphl_workflow_model.current_rotation_id else: # New sweep, or recentring_mode == scan # # We need to recentre # Put centring on queue and collect using the resulting position # NB this means that the actual translational axis positions # will NOT be known to the workflow self.enqueue_sample_centring( motor_settings=initial_settings, in_queue=True ) sweeps.add(sweep) if ( rotation_id in snapshotted_rotation_ids and rotation_id == gphl_workflow_model.current_rotation_id ): acq_parameters.take_snapshots = 0 else: # Only snapshots at the start or when orientation changes # NB the current_rotation_id can be set before acquisition commences # as it controls centring snapshotted_rotation_ids.add(rotation_id) acq_parameters.take_snapshots = snapshot_count gphl_workflow_model.current_rotation_id = rotation_id if repeat_count and sweep_offset and self.settings.get("use_multitrigger"): # Multitrigger sweep - add in parameters. # NB if we are here ther can be only one scan acq_parameters.num_triggers = scan_count acq_parameters.num_images_per_trigger = acq_parameters.num_images acq_parameters.num_images *= scan_count # NB this assumes sweepOffset is the offset between starting points acq_parameters.overlap = ( acq_parameters.num_images_per_trigger * acq_parameters.osc_range - sweep_offset ) data_collection = queue_model_objects.DataCollection([acq], crystal) # Workflow parameters for ICAT / external workflow # The 'if' statement is to allow this to work in multiple versions if hasattr(data_collection, "workflow_params"): wfp = gphl_workflow_model.workflow_params if not wfp.get("workflow_name"): wfp["workflow_name"] = gphl_workflow_model.wfname if not wfp.get("workflow_type"): wfp["workflow_type"] = gphl_workflow_model.wftype if not wfp.get("workflow_uid"): wfp["workflow_uid"] = HWR.beamline.gphl_connection._enactment_id if not wfp.get("position_id"): # As of 20240911 all workflows use a single position, wfp["position_id"] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if ( gphl_workflow_model.wftype == "acquisition" and not gphl_workflow_model.characterisation_done and not wfp.get("characterisation_id") ): wfp["characterisation_id"] = sweep.id_ wfp["orientation_id"] = orientation_id data_collection.workflow_params.update(wfp) data_collections.append(data_collection) data_collection.set_enabled(True) data_collection.ispyb_group_data_collections = True data_collection.set_name(path_template.get_prefix()) data_collection.set_number(path_template.run_number) self._add_to_queue(self._data_collection_group, data_collection) if scan is not scans[-1]: dc_entry = queue_manager.get_entry_with_model(data_collection) dc_entry.in_queue = True # debug fmt = "--> %s: %s" print("GPHL workflow. Collect with parameters:") for item in gphl_workflow_model.parameter_summary().items(): print(fmt % item) print(fmt % ("sweep_count", len(sweeps))) data_collection_entry = queue_manager.get_entry_with_model( self._data_collection_group ) try: queue_manager.execute_entry(data_collection_entry) except: HWR.beamline.queue_manager.emit("queue_execution_failed", (None,)) self._data_collection_group = None if data_collection_entry.status == QUEUE_ENTRY_STATUS.FAILED: # TODO NBNB check if these status codes are corerct status = 1 else: status = 0 failedScanIds = set(scan.id_ for scan in self._key_to_scan.values()) return GphlMessages.CollectionDone( status=status, proposalId=collection_proposal.id_, procWithLatticeParams=gphl_workflow_model.use_cell_for_processing, scanIdMap=self._scan_id_to_translation_id, centrings=set(self._recentrings), ) def select_lattice(self, payload, correlation_id): choose_lattice = payload data_model = self._queue_entry.get_data_model() data_model.characterisation_done = True if data_model.automation_mode: # Handle resolution # Resets detector_setting to match aimed_resolution data_model.detector_setting = None # NB resets detector_setting params = data_model.auto_acq_parameters[-1] if "resolution" not in params: params["resolution"] = ( data_model.aimed_resolution or HWR.beamline.get_default_acquisition_parameters().resolution ) # select indexing solution and set space_group, crystal_classes header, soldict, select_row = self.parse_indexing_solution(choose_lattice) indexing_solution = list(soldict.values())[select_row] bravais_lattice = indexing_solution.bravaisLattice space_group = choose_lattice.priorSpaceGroupString crystal_classes = crystal_symmetry.filter_crystal_classes( bravais_lattice, choose_lattice.priorCrystalClasses ) if space_group: xtlc = crystal_symmetry.SPACEGROUP_MAP[space_group].crystal_class if ( crystal_symmetry.CRYSTAL_CLASS_MAP[xtlc].bravais_lattice == bravais_lattice ): crystal_classes = (xtlc,) else: crystal_classes = () space_group = "" if not crystal_classes: crystal_classes = ( crystal_symmetry.crystal_classes_from_params( lattices=(bravais_lattice) ) ) params["space_group"] = space_group params["crystal_classes"] = crystal_classes else: params = self.query_pre_strategy_params(choose_lattice) if params is StopIteration: return StopIteration indexing_solution = params["indexing_solution"] data_model.set_pre_strategy_params(**params) distance = data_model.detector_setting.axisSettings["Distance"] HWR.beamline.detector.distance.set_value(distance, timeout=30) return GphlMessages.SelectedLattice(data_model, solution=indexing_solution)
[docs] def parse_indexing_solution(self, choose_lattice): """ Args: choose_lattice GphlMessages.ChooseLattice: Returns: tuple """ # Solution table. for format IDXREF will look like """ *********** DETERMINATION OF LATTICE CHARACTER AND BRAVAIS LATTICE *********** The CHARACTER OF A LATTICE is defined by the metrical parameters of its reduced cell as described in the INTERNATIONAL TABLES FOR CRYSTALLOGRAPHY Volume A, p. 746 (KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS, DORDRECHT/BOSTON/LONDON, 1989). Note that more than one lattice character may have the same BRAVAIS LATTICE. A lattice character is marked "*" to indicate a lattice consistent with the observed locations of the diffraction spots. These marked lattices must have low values for the QUALITY OF FIT and their implicated UNIT CELL CONSTANTS should not violate the ideal values by more than MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_CELL_AXIS_RELATIVE_ERROR= 0.03 MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_CELL_ANGLE_ERROR= 1.5 (Degrees) LATTICE- BRAVAIS- QUALITY UNIT CELL CONSTANTS (ANGSTROEM & DEGREES) CHARACTER LATTICE OF FIT a b c alpha beta gamma * 44 aP 0.0 56.3 56.3 102.3 90.0 90.0 90.0 * 31 aP 0.0 56.3 56.3 102.3 90.0 90.0 90.0 * 33 mP 0.0 56.3 56.3 102.3 90.0 90.0 90.0 * 35 mP 0.0 56.3 56.3 102.3 90.0 90.0 90.0 * 34 mP 0.0 56.3 102.3 56.3 90.0 90.0 90.0 * 32 oP 0.0 56.3 56.3 102.3 90.0 90.0 90.0 * 14 mC 0.1 79.6 79.6 102.3 90.0 90.0 90.0 * 10 mC 0.1 79.6 79.6 102.3 90.0 90.0 90.0 * 13 oC 0.1 79.6 79.6 102.3 90.0 90.0 90.0 * 11 tP 0.1 56.3 56.3 102.3 90.0 90.0 90.0 37 mC 250.0 212.2 56.3 56.3 90.0 90.0 74.6 36 oC 250.0 56.3 212.2 56.3 90.0 90.0 105.4 28 mC 250.0 56.3 212.2 56.3 90.0 90.0 74.6 29 mC 250.0 56.3 125.8 102.3 90.0 90.0 63.4 41 mC 250.0 212.3 56.3 56.3 90.0 90.0 74.6 40 oC 250.0 56.3 212.2 56.3 90.0 90.0 105.4 39 mC 250.0 125.8 56.3 102.3 90.0 90.0 63.4 30 mC 250.0 56.3 212.2 56.3 90.0 90.0 74.6 38 oC 250.0 56.3 125.8 102.3 90.0 90.0 116.6 12 hP 250.1 56.3 56.3 102.3 90.0 90.0 90.0 27 mC 500.0 125.8 56.3 116.8 90.0 115.5 63.4 42 oI 500.0 56.3 56.3 219.6 104.8 104.8 90.0 15 tI 500.0 56.3 56.3 219.6 75.2 75.2 90.0 26 oF 625.0 56.3 125.8 212.2 83.2 105.4 116.6 9 hR 750.0 56.3 79.6 317.1 90.0 100.2 135.0 1 cF 999.0 129.6 129.6 129.6 128.6 75.7 128.6 2 hR 999.0 79.6 116.8 129.6 118.9 90.0 109.9 3 cP 999.0 56.3 56.3 102.3 90.0 90.0 90.0 5 cI 999.0 116.8 79.6 116.8 70.1 39.8 70.1 4 hR 999.0 79.6 116.8 129.6 118.9 90.0 109.9 6 tI 999.0 116.8 116.8 79.6 70.1 70.1 39.8 7 tI 999.0 116.8 79.6 116.8 70.1 39.8 70.1 8 oI 999.0 79.6 116.8 116.8 39.8 70.1 70.1 16 oF 999.0 79.6 79.6 219.6 90.0 111.2 90.0 17 mC 999.0 79.6 79.6 116.8 70.1 109.9 90.0 18 tI 999.0 116.8 129.6 56.3 64.3 90.0 118.9 19 oI 999.0 56.3 116.8 129.6 61.1 64.3 90.0 20 mC 999.0 116.8 116.8 56.3 90.0 90.0 122.4 21 tP 999.0 56.3 102.3 56.3 90.0 90.0 90.0 22 hP 999.0 56.3 102.3 56.3 90.0 90.0 90.0 23 oC 999.0 116.8 116.8 56.3 90.0 90.0 57.6 24 hR 999.0 162.2 116.8 56.3 90.0 69.7 77.4 25 mC 999.0 116.8 116.8 56.3 90.0 90.0 57.6 43 mI 999.0 79.6 219.6 56.3 104.8 135.0 68.8 For protein crystals the possible space group numbers corresponding to""" solutions = choose_lattice.indexingSolutions indexing_format = choose_lattice.indexingFormat solutions_dict = OrderedDict() if indexing_format == "IDXREF": header = """ LATTICE- BRAVAIS- QUALITY UNIT CELL CONSTANTS (ANGSTROEM & DEGREES) CHARACTER LATTICE OF FIT a b c alpha beta gamma""" line_format = ( " %s %2i %s %12.1f %6.1f %6.1f %6.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f" ) consistent_solutions = [] for solution in solutions: if solution.isConsistent: char1 = "*" consistent_solutions.append(solution) else: char1 = " " tpl = ( char1, solution.latticeCharacter, solution.bravaisLattice, solution.qualityOfFit, ) solutions_dict[ line_format % (tpl + solution.cell.lengths + solution.cell.angles) ] = solution crystal_classes = ( choose_lattice.priorCrystalClasses or self._queue_entry.get_data_model().crystal_classes ) # Must match bravaisLattices column lattices = frozenset( crystal_symmetry.CRYSTAL_CLASS_MAP[crystal_class].bravais_lattice for crystal_class in crystal_classes ) select_row = None if lattices: # Select best solution matching lattices for idx, solution in enumerate(consistent_solutions): if solution.bravaisLattice in lattices: select_row = idx break if select_row is None: # No match found, select on solutions only lattice = consistent_solutions[-1].bravaisLattice for idx, solution in enumerate(consistent_solutions): if solution.bravaisLattice == lattice: select_row = idx break else: raise RuntimeError("Indexing format %s not supported" % indexing_format) # return header, solutions_dict, select_row
def process_centring_request(self, payload, correlation_id): # Used for transcal only - anything else is data collection related request_centring = payload logging.getLogger("user_level_log").info( "Start centring no. %s of %s", request_centring.currentSettingNo, request_centring.totalRotations, ) # Rotate sample to RotationSetting goniostatRotation = request_centring.goniostatRotation goniostatTranslation = goniostatRotation.translation # if self._data_collection_group is None: gphl_workflow_model = self._queue_entry.get_data_model() new_dcg_name = "GΦL Translational calibration" new_dcg_model = queue_model_objects.TaskGroup() new_dcg_model.set_enabled(True) new_dcg_model.set_name(new_dcg_name) new_dcg_model.set_number( gphl_workflow_model.get_next_number_for_name(new_dcg_name) ) self._data_collection_group = new_dcg_model self._add_to_queue(gphl_workflow_model, new_dcg_model) if request_centring.currentSettingNo < 2: # Start without fine zoom setting self._use_fine_zoom = False elif not self._use_fine_zoom and goniostatRotation.translation is not None: # We are moving to having recentered positions - # Set or prompt for fine zoom self._use_fine_zoom = True zoom_motor = HWR.beamline.sample_view.zoom if zoom_motor: # Zoom to the last predefined position # - that should be the largest magnification ll0 = zoom_motor.get_predefined_positions_list() if ll0: logging.getLogger("user_level_log").info( "Sample re-centering now active - Zooming in." ) zoom_motor.moveToPosition(ll0[-1]) else: logging.getLogger("HWR").warning( "No predefined positions for zoom motor." ) elif True: logging.getLogger("user_level_log").info( "Sample re-centering now active - Zoom in before continuing." ) else: # TODO The UI popup does not work in mxcubeweb # NB Temporarily inactivated pending a fix # Ask user to zoom info_text = """Automatic sample re-centering is now active Switch to maximum zoom before continuing""" schema = { "title": "GΦL Translational calibration", "type": "object", "properties": {}, } fields = schema["properties"] fields["_info"] = { "type": "textdisplay", "default": info_text, "readOnly": True, } ui_schema = { "ui:order": ["_info"], "ui:widget": "vertical_box", "ui:options": { "return_signal": self.PARAMETER_RETURN_SIGNAL, # "update_signal": self.PARAMETER_UPDATE_SIGNAL, # "update_on_change": "selected", }, } self._return_parameters = gevent.event.AsyncResult() try: dispatcher.connect( self.receive_ok_cancel, self.PARAMETER_RETURN_SIGNAL, dispatcher.Any, ) responses = dispatcher.send( self.PARAMETERS_NEEDED, self, schema, ui_schema, ) if not responses: self._return_parameters.set_exception( RuntimeError( "Signal %s is not connected" % self.PARAMETERS_NEEDED) ) result = self._return_parameters.get() if result is StopIteration: return StopIteration finally: dispatcher.disconnect( self.receive_ok_cancel, self.PARAMETER_RETURN_SIGNAL, dispatcher.Any, ) self._return_parameters = None settings = goniostatRotation.axisSettings.copy() if goniostatTranslation is not None: settings.update(goniostatTranslation.axisSettings) centring_queue_entry = self.enqueue_sample_centring(motor_settings=settings) goniostatTranslation, dummy = self.execute_sample_centring( centring_queue_entry, goniostatRotation ) if request_centring.currentSettingNo >= request_centring.totalRotations: return_status = "DONE" else: return_status = "NEXT" # return GphlMessages.CentringDone( return_status, timestamp=time.time(), goniostatTranslation=goniostatTranslation, ) def enqueue_sample_centring(self, motor_settings, in_queue=False): # NBNB Should be refactored later and combined with execute_sample_centring # Now in_queue==False implies immediate execution queue_manager = self._queue_entry.get_queue_controller() data_model = self._queue_entry.get_data_model() if in_queue: parent = self._data_collection_group else: parent = data_model task_label = "Centring (kappa=%0.1f,phi=%0.1f)" % ( motor_settings.get("kappa"), motor_settings.get("kappa_phi"), ) if data_model.automation_mode: # Either TEST or MASSIF1 # NB Negotiate different location with Olof Svensson centring_model = queue_model_objects.addXrayCentring( parent, name=task_label, motor_positions=motor_settings, grid_size=None ) else: centring_model = queue_model_objects.SampleCentring( name=task_label, motor_positions=motor_settings ) self._add_to_queue(parent, centring_model) centring_entry = queue_manager.get_entry_with_model(centring_model) centring_entry.in_queue = in_queue centring_entry.set_enabled(True) return centring_entry
[docs] def collect_centring_snapshots(self, file_name_prefix="snapshot"): """ :param file_name_prefix: str :return: """ gphl_workflow_model = self._queue_entry.get_data_model() number_of_snapshots = gphl_workflow_model.snapshot_count if number_of_snapshots: filename_template = "%s_%s_%s.jpeg" snapshot_directory = os.path.join( gphl_workflow_model.path_template.get_archive_directory(), "centring_snapshots", ) logging.getLogger("user_level_log").info( "Post-centring: Taking %d sample snapshot(s)", number_of_snapshots ) collect_hwobj = HWR.beamline.collect timestamp =".")[0] summed_angle = 0.0 for snapshot_index in range(number_of_snapshots): if snapshot_index: HWR.beamline.diffractometer.move_omega_relative(90) summed_angle += 90 snapshot_filename = filename_template % ( file_name_prefix, timestamp, snapshot_index + 1, ) snapshot_filename = os.path.join(snapshot_directory, snapshot_filename) logging.getLogger("HWR").debug( "Centring snapshot stored at %s", snapshot_filename ) collect_hwobj._take_crystal_snapshot(snapshot_filename) if summed_angle: HWR.beamline.diffractometer.move_omega_relative(-summed_angle)
def execute_sample_centring( self, centring_entry, goniostatRotation, requestedRotationId=None ): queue_manager = self._queue_entry.get_queue_controller() try: queue_manager.execute_entry(centring_entry) except: HWR.beamline.queue_manager.emit("queue_execution_failed", (None,)) centring_result = centring_entry.get_data_model().get_centring_result() if centring_result: positionsDict = centring_result.as_dict() dd0 = dict((x, positionsDict[x]) for x in self.translation_axis_roles) return ( GphlMessages.GoniostatTranslation( rotation=goniostatRotation, requestedRotationId=requestedRotationId, **dd0 ), positionsDict, ) else: raise RuntimeError("Centring gave no result") def prepare_for_centring(self, payload, correlation_id): # TODO Add pop-up confirmation box ('Ready for centring?') return GphlMessages.ReadyForCentring() def obtain_prior_information(self, payload, correlation_id): workflow_model = self._queue_entry.get_data_model() # NBNB TODO check this is also OK in MXCuBE3 image_root = HWR.beamline.session.get_base_image_directory() if not os.path.isdir(image_root): # This directory must exist by the time the WF software checks for it try: os.makedirs(image_root) except Exception: # No need to raise error - program will fail downstream logging.getLogger("HWR").error( "Could not create image root directory: %s", image_root ) priorInformation = GphlMessages.PriorInformation(workflow_model, image_root) # return priorInformation
[docs] def handle_collection_end( self, dummy1, dummy2, dummy3, dummy4, dummy5, collect_dict ): """ Read and process collectOscillationFinished signal which means scan finished successfully""" key = ( collect_dict["fileinfo"].get("prefix"), collect_dict["fileinfo"].get("run_number"), collect_dict["oscillation_sequence"][0].get("start_image_number") ) scan = self._key_to_scan.pop(key, None) if scan is None: raise RuntimeError( "No scan matching prefix: %s, run_number: %s, start_image_number: %s at end" % key )
[docs] def handle_collection_start( self, owner, blsampleid, barcode, location, collect_dict, osc_id ): """ Read and process collectOscillationStarted signal Used to set actual centring positions NB only collect_dict is reliably non-null""" key = ( collect_dict["fileinfo"].get("prefix"), collect_dict["fileinfo"].get("run_number"), collect_dict["oscillation_sequence"][0].get("start_image_number") ) scan = self._key_to_scan.get(key) if scan is None: raise RuntimeError( "No scan matching prefix: %s, run_number: %s, start_image_number: %s at start" % key ) translation_settings = dict( (role, collect_dict["motors"].get(role)) for role in self.translation_axis_roles ) if not self._scan_id_to_translation_id or None in translation_settings.values(): # First sweep or not first scan in sweep # No new centring done if self._latest_translation_id: self._scan_id_to_translation_id[scan.id_] = self._latest_translation_id else: # NBNB RECHECK!!! # We must be in centring mode None: No real centring known, use calculated self._scan_id_to_translation_id[scan.id_] = None else: # First scan in sweep (not first sweep) # We have recentred. Make new translation object translation_settings = dict( (role, HWR.beamline.diffractometer.get_motor_positions().get(role)) for role in self.translation_axis_roles ) translation = GphlMessages.GoniostatTranslation( requestedRotationId=scan.sweep.goniostatSweepSetting.id_, **translation_settings ) self._latest_translation_id = translation.id_ self._scan_id_to_translation_id[scan.id_] = translation.id_ self._recentrings.append(translation)
# Utility functions
[docs] def resolution2dose_budget( self, resolution, decay_limit=None, maximum_dose_budget=None, relative_rad_sensitivity=1.0, ): """ Args: resolution (float): resolution in A decay_limit (float): min. intensity at resolution edge at experiment end (%) maximum_dose_budget (float): maximum allowed dose budget relative_rad_sensitivity (float) : relative radiation sensitivity of crystal Returns (float): Dose budget (MGy) Get resolution-dependent dose budget that gives intensity decay_limit% at the end of acquisition for reflections at resolution assuming an increase in B factor of 1A^2/MGy """ max_budget = maximum_dose_budget or self.settings.get("maximum_dose_budget", 20) decay_limit = decay_limit or self.settings.get("decay_limit", 25) result = 2 * resolution * resolution * math.log(100.0 / decay_limit) # return min(result, max_budget) / relative_rad_sensitivity
[docs] @staticmethod def maximum_dose_rate(energy=None): """Calculate dose rate at average flux density for transmission=100 NB put here rather than in AbstractFlux as assumptions inherent in using averaging to calculate dose rates are felt to be ungeneric Args: energy (Optional[float]): Beam enrgy in keV. Defaults to current beamline v alue Returns: float: Maximum dose rate in MGy/s """ energy = energy or flux = HWR.beamline.flux if flux: flux_density = flux.get_average_flux_density(transmission=100.0) if flux_density: return ( flux_density * flux.get_dose_rate_per_photon_per_mmsq(energy) * 1.0e-6 # convert to MGy ) return 0
[docs] def get_emulation_samples(self): """Get list of lims_sample information dictionaries for mock/emulation Returns: LIST[DICT] """ crystal_file_name = "crystal.nml" result = [] sample_dir = HWR.beamline.gphl_connection.software_paths.get( "gphl_test_samples" ) serial = 0 if sample_dir and os.path.isdir(sample_dir): for path, dirnames, filenames in sorted(os.walk(sample_dir)): if crystal_file_name in filenames: data = {} sample_name = os.path.basename(path) indata =, crystal_file_name))[ "simcal_crystal_list" ] space_group = indata.get("sg_name") cell_lengths = indata.get("cell_dim") cell_angles = indata.get("cell_ang_deg") resolution = indata.get("res_limit_def") location = (serial // 10 + 1, serial % 10 + 1) serial += 1 data["containerSampleChangerLocation"] = str(location[0]) data["sampleLocation"] = str(location[1]) data["sampleName"] = sample_name if cell_lengths: for idx, tag in enumerate(("cellA", "cellB", "cellC")): data[tag] = cell_lengths[idx] if cell_angles: for idx, tag in enumerate( ("cellAlpha", "cellBeta", "cellGamma") ): data[tag] = cell_angles[idx] if space_group: data["crystalSpaceGroup"] = space_group data["experimentType"] = "Default" # data["proteinAcronym"] = self.TEST_SAMPLE_PREFIX data["smiles"] = None data["sampleId"] = 100000 + serial # ISPyB docs: # experimentKind: enum('Default','MAD','SAD','Fixed','OSC', # 'Ligand binding','Refinement', 'MAD - Inverse Beam','SAD - # Inverse Beam', 'MXPressE','MXPressF','MXPressO','MXPressP', # 'MXPressP_SAD','MXPressI','MXPressE_SAD','MXScore','MXPressM',) # # Use "Mad, "SAD", "OSC" dfp = data["diffractionPlan"] = { # "diffractionPlanId": 457980, "experimentKind": "Default", "numberOfPositions": 0, "observedResolution": 0.0, "preferredBeamDiameter": 0.0, "radiationSensitivity": 1.0, "requiredCompleteness": 0.0, "requiredMultiplicity": 0.0, # "requiredResolution": 0.0, } dfp["aimedResolution"] = resolution dfp["diffractionPlanId"] = 5000000 + serial dd0 = EMULATION_DATA.get(sample_name, {}) for tag, val in dd0.items(): if tag in data: data[tag] = val elif tag in dfp: dfp[tag] = val # result.append(data) # return result
[docs] def get_emulation_sample_dir(self, sample_name=None): """If sample is a test data set for emulation, get test data directory Args: sample_name Optional[str]: Returns: """ sample_dir = None if sample_name is None: sample_name = ( self._queue_entry.get_data_model().get_sample_node().get_name() ) if sample_name: if sample_name.startswith(self.TEST_SAMPLE_PREFIX): sample_name = sample_name[len(self.TEST_SAMPLE_PREFIX)+1:] sample_dir = HWR.beamline.gphl_connection.software_paths.get( "gphl_test_samples" ) if not sample_dir: raise ValueError("Test sample requires gphl_test_samples dir specified") sample_dir = os.path.join(sample_dir, sample_name) if not sample_dir: logging.getLogger("HWR").warning( "No emulation sample dir found for sample %s", sample_name ) # return sample_dir
[docs] def get_emulation_crystal_data(self, sample_name=None): """If sample is a test data set for emulation, get crystal data Returns: Optional[str] """ crystal_data = None hklfile = None sample_dir = self.get_emulation_sample_dir(sample_name=sample_name) if os.path.isdir(sample_dir): crystal_file = os.path.join(sample_dir, "crystal.nml") if not os.path.isfile(crystal_file): raise ValueError( "Emulator crystal data file %s does not exist" % crystal_file ) # in spite of the simcal_crystal_list name this returns an OrderdDict crystal_data =["simcal_crystal_list"] if isinstance(crystal_data, list): crystal_data = crystal_data[0] hklfile = os.path.join(sample_dir, "sample.hkli") if not os.path.isfile(hklfile): raise ValueError("Emulator hkli file %s does not exist" % hklfile) else: raise RuntimeError( "No emulation data found for %s at %s " % (sample_name, sample_dir) ) # return crystal_data, hklfile
# # Functions for new version of UI handling def receive_pre_strategy_data(self, instruction, parameters): if instruction == self.PARAMETERS_READY: self._return_parameters.set(parameters) elif instruction == self.PARAMETERS_CANCELLED: self._return_parameters.set(StopIteration) else: update_dict = {} try: if instruction == "indexing_solution": update_dict = self.update_indexing_solution(parameters) elif instruction == "lattice": update_dict = self.update_lattice(parameters) elif instruction == "point_groups": update_dict = self.update_point_groups(parameters) elif instruction == "space_group": update_dict = self.update_space_group(parameters) except: logging.getLogger("HWR").error( "Error in GΦL parameter update for %s, Continuing ...", instruction, ) finally: responses = dispatcher.send( self.PARAMETER_UPDATE_SIGNAL, self, update_dict, ) if not responses: self._return_parameters.set_exception( RuntimeError( "Signal %s is not connected" % self.PARAMETER_UPDATE_SIGNAL ) ) def receive_ok_cancel(self, instruction, parameters): if instruction == self.PARAMETERS_READY: self._return_parameters.set(parameters) elif instruction == self.PARAMETERS_CANCELLED: self._return_parameters.set(StopIteration) else: self._return_parameters.set_exception( ValueError( "Illegal return instruction %s for Ok/Cancel query" % instruction ) ) def receive_pre_collection_data(self, instruction, parameters): if instruction == self.PARAMETERS_READY: self._return_parameters.set(parameters) elif instruction == self.PARAMETERS_CANCELLED: self._return_parameters.set(StopIteration) else: update_dict = {} try: if instruction == "use_dose": update_dict = self.adjust_transmission(parameters) elif instruction in ( "image_width", "exposure_time", "repetition_count", "transmission", ): update_dict = self.adjust_dose(parameters) except: logging.getLogger("HWR").error( "Error in GΦL parameter update for %s, Continuing ...", instruction, ) finally: responses = dispatcher.send( self.PARAMETER_UPDATE_SIGNAL, self, update_dict, ) if not responses: self._return_parameters.set_exception( RuntimeError( "Signal %s is not connected" % self.PARAMETER_UPDATE_SIGNAL ) )
[docs] def update_lattice(self, values): """Update pulldowns when crystal lattice changes""" lattice = values.get("lattice") or "" pgvar = values.get("point_groups") space_group = values.get("space_group") if lattice: pglist = lattice2point_group_tags[lattice] pgvalue = pgvar if pgvar and pgvar in pglist else pglist[-1] sgoptions = [""] + crystal_symmetry.space_groups_from_params( (lattice,), point_groups=pglist[-1].split("|") ) sgvalue = "" else: pglist = [""] + all_point_group_tags pgvalue = "" sgoptions = [""] + crystal_symmetry.space_groups_from_params() sgvalue = space_group result = { "point_groups": {"value": pgvalue, "enum": pglist,}, "space_group": {"value": sgvalue, "enum": sgoptions,}, } # return result
[docs] def update_point_groups(self, values): """Update pulldowns when pointgroups change""" pgvar = values.get("point_groups") or "" lattice = values.get("lattice") sglist = [""] + crystal_symmetry.space_groups_from_params( (lattice,), point_groups=pgvar.split("|") ) value = "" result = { "space_group": {"value": value, "enum": sglist}, } # return result
[docs] def update_space_group(self, values): """Update pulldowns when space_group changes""" space_group = values.get("space_group") lattice0 = values.get("lattice") point_groups0 = values.get("point_groups") result = {} if space_group: info = crystal_symmetry.CRYSTAL_CLASS_MAP[ crystal_symmetry.SPACEGROUP_MAP[space_group].crystal_class ] lattice = info.bravais_lattice if lattice != lattice0: values1 = dict(values) values1["lattice"] = lattice result = self.update_lattice(values1) # In case update_lattice changed the space group result["space_group"]["value"] = space_group point_groups = info.point_group if point_groups == "32" and lattice == "hP": point_groups =[:-1] if point_groups != point_groups0: result["point_groups"]["value"] = point_groups # return result
[docs] def update_indexing_solution(self, values): """Update pulldowns when selected indexing solution changes""" solution = values.get("indexing_solution") for lattice in crystal_symmetry.UI_LATTICES: if lattice and lattice in solution: # values_map.set_values(lattice=lattice) values1 = dict(values) values1["lattice"] = lattice result = self.update_lattice(values1) result["lattice"] = { "value": lattice, "enum":alternative_lattices[lattice], } break else: result = {} # return result
[docs] def adjust_dose(self, values): """When transmission, image_width, exposure_time or repetition_count changes, update experiment_time and use_dose in parameter popup, and reset warnings""" data_model = self._queue_entry.get_data_model() exposure_time = float(values.get("exposure_time", 0)) image_width = float(values.get("image_width", 0)) transmission = float(values.get("transmission", 0)) dose_budget = float(values.get("dose_budget", 0)) repetition_count = int(values.get("repetition_count", 1)) if image_width and exposure_time: maximum_dose = data_model.calc_maximum_dose( exposure_time=exposure_time, image_width=image_width ) experiment_time = ( exposure_time * data_model.total_strategy_length / image_width ) result = {"experiment_time": {"value": experiment_time}} if maximum_dose and transmission: # If we get here, Adjust dose # NB dose is calculated for *one* repetition use_dose = maximum_dose * transmission / 100 result["use_dose"] = {"value": use_dose} if ( use_dose and dose_budget and use_dose * repetition_count > dose_budget ): result["use_dose"]["highlight"] = "WARNING" result["dose_budget"] = {"highlight": "WARNING"} else: result["use_dose"]["highlight"] = "OK" result["dose_budget"] = {"highlight": "OK"} return result else: return {}
[docs] def adjust_transmission(self, values): """When use_dose changes, update transmission and/or exposure_time In parameter popup""" data_model = self._queue_entry.get_data_model() exposure_limits = HWR.beamline.detector.get_exposure_time_limits() exposure_time = float(values.get("exposure_time", 0)) image_width = float(values.get("image_width", 0)) use_dose = float(values.get("use_dose", 0)) dose_budget = float(values.get("dose_budget", 0)) transmission = float(values.get("transmission", 0)) repetition_count = int(values.get("repetition_count", 1)) result = {} if image_width and exposure_time: maximum_dose = data_model.calc_maximum_dose( exposure_time=exposure_time, image_width=image_width ) experiment_time = ( exposure_time * data_model.total_strategy_length / image_width ) if maximum_dose and use_dose: new_transmission = 100 * use_dose / maximum_dose if new_transmission > 100.0: # Transmission too high. Try max transmission, longer exposure_time new_exposure_time = exposure_time * new_transmission / 100 new_transmission = 100.0 max_exposure = exposure_limits[1] if max_exposure and new_exposure_time > max_exposure: # exposure_time over max; set dose to highest achievable dose new_exposure_time = max_exposure * 0.99999 new_experiment_time = ( experiment_time * new_exposure_time / exposure_time ) use_dose = data_model.calc_maximum_dose( exposure_time=new_exposure_time, image_width=image_width ) result = { "exposure_time": {"value": new_exposure_time,}, "transmission": {"value": new_transmission,}, "use_dose": {"value": use_dose,}, "experiment_time": {"value": new_experiment_time,}, } elif new_transmission < transmission: # Try reducing exposure_time time instead new_exposure_time = exposure_time * new_transmission / transmission new_transmission = transmission min_exposure = exposure_limits[0] if min_exposure and new_exposure_time < min_exposure: # exposure_time below min; reduce new transmission to match new_exposure_time *= 1.001 new_transmission = ( transmission * new_exposure_time / min_exposure ) new_exposure_time = min_exposure result = { "transmission": {"value":new_transmission}, "exposure_time": {"value":new_exposure_time}, } else: result = {"transmission": {"value":new_transmission}} if ( use_dose and dose_budget and use_dose * repetition_count > dose_budget ): dd0 = result.setdefault("use_dose", {}) dd0["highlight"] = "WARNING" result["dose_budget"] = {"highlight": "WARNING"} else: dd0 = result.setdefault("use_dose", {}) dd0["highlight"] = "OK" result["dose_budget"] = {"highlight": "OK"} # return result