
Authentication and authorization#

The authentication and authorization of a user have traditionally been performed in one step via the ISPYBClient hardware object. The authentication step has either been done through LDAP or delegated to ISPyB. ISPYBClient has been replaced by ISPyBAbstractLIMS and exists in two variants, one for user-based login (UserTypeISPyBLims) and another one for proposal (ProposalTypeISPyBLims) both of which support authentication via LDAP or ISPyB. The possibility to authenticate via LIMS will be removed in the future, and authentication has to be delegated to a process dedicated to authentication. The authorization for a user to use a beamline is performed via the user portal or LIMS system.

Authentication with single sign-on#

MXCUBE can be configured to use single sign-on (SSO) through OpenIDConnect for user authentication. The OpenIDConnect configuration is located in the server.yaml file, which should contain an sso section like the one below:

  USE_SSO: false                                              # `true` to use SSO
  ISSUER: https://websso.[site].[com]/realms/[site]/          # OpenIDConnect issuer URI
  LOGOUT_URI: ""                                              # OpenIDConnect logout URI
  TOKEN_INFO_URI: ""                                          # OpenIDConnect token info URI
  CLIENT_SECRET: ASECRETKEY                                   # OpenIDConnect client secret
  CLIENT_ID: mxcube                                           # OpenIDConnect client ID
  SCOPE: openid email profile                                 # OpenIDConnect default scopes, none scope is actually being used
  CODE_CHALLANGE_METHOD: S256                                 # OpenIDConnect challange method

User authorization is delegated to the LIMS client inheriting AbstractLims and is performed in the login method.

HTTP session management#

MXCuBE web sessions are meant to expire when there is no activity.

For this purpose:

  • Flask configuration setting PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME is set to the preferred value (seconds).

  • Flask configuration setting SESSION_REFRESH_EACH_REQUEST is enabled, which is the default anyway.

  • Flask session setting session.permanent is set right after successful authentication.

  • The front-end calls the /mxcube/api/v0.1/login/refresh_session endpoint regularly (hardcoded value: 9000 milliseconds) for as long as the browser tab is open.

Every time the refresh endpoint is called, the browser session cookie is refreshed, meaning its expiration timestamp is pushed back in the future for as much as the value stored in PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME.

Testing with ISPyBMockupClient#

ISPyBMockupClient simulates both user type and proposal type login. The typical demo/test configuration can be found below. The loginType attribute is used to switch between the two different behaviours, user for user type login and proposal for proposal type login.

<object class="ISPyBClientMockup">
  <object hwrid="/lims_rest" role="lims_rest"/>
  <loginType>user</loginType>                <!-- set to user or proposal -->
  <object role="session" href="/session"/>

Example test configuration