
This configuration file allows customizing the UI to match the local beamline. It allows configuring widgets for controlling gonio motors, on-axis sample viewer, hutch video streams and more. The ui.yaml contains following sections:

Each section groups settings for related UI features. See below an example ui.yaml file.


This section configures widgets for controlling gonio motors used for sample alignment. The section has the following syntax:

  id: sample_view
    - label: <motor_label>
      attribute: <beamline_attribute>
      role: <motor_role>
      step: <step_size>
      precision: <value_precision>
      suffix: <value_suffix>

The components key contains a list of gonio motor specifications. Each motor specification have the following keys:




motor’s beamline attribute id


motor’s sample movement role


widget’s text label


widget’s single step size


widget’s position display precision


widget’s position units suffix

The attribute key specifies the underlying motor’s adapter object, via it’s beamline attribute ID. The role key specifies the physical move the motor performs on the sample. For example, motor with the role omega rotates sample around the omega axis.

Common roles are:

  • omega

  • kappa

  • kappa_phi

  • phix

  • phiy

  • phiz

  • sampx

  • sampy

  • sample_horizontal

  • sample_vertical

  • zoom

  • focus

Here is an example of sample_view section:

  id: sample_view
    - label: Omega
      attribute: diffractometer.phi
      role: omega
      step: 90
      precision: 2
      suffix: °
    - label: Kappa
      attribute: diffractometer.kappa
      role: kappa
      step: 0.1
      precision: 1
      suffix: °

Above configures two rotational motors: omega and kappa.


This section configures sample view video widgets that should be included. The section has the following syntax:

  id: sample_view_video_controls
    - id: snapshot
      show: <show>
    - id: draw_grid
      show: <show>
    - id: 3_click_centring
      show: <show>
    - id: focus
      show: <show>
    - id: zoom
      show: <show>
    - id: backlight
      show: <show>
    - id: frontlight
      show: <show>
    - id: video_size
      show: <show>

It is a list of all supported sample video widgets. <show> flag is a boolean, when it’s true the widget is included, when false it is omitted.


Above is the illustration of all supported widgets, with the IDs used by the MXCuBE.


This section configures general beamline control widgets. These widgets appear in the upper row on Data collection tab.


beamline_setup supports two types of widgets, continuous value controllers and discrete state controllers. Continuous value controller is for example a widget for beamline energy, which have range of valid energy levels. Discrete state controllers, also known as N-state controllers, have a predefined number of valid states. For example, fast shutter widget is such a controller, it has open and closed states.

The continuous widgets are rendered in the left-most post of the row. The discrete widgets are placed to the right in the beamline setup row.

The section has the following syntax:

  id: beamline_setup
    - label: <UI label>
      attribute: <beamline_attribute>
      step: <step_size>
      precision: <value_precision>
      suffix: <value_suffix>

The components key contains a list of control widget specifications. Each widget specification has the following keys:




hardware beamline attribute id


widget’s text label


widget’s single step size


widget’s position display precision


widget’s position units suffix

Note that the step, precision, and suffix keys are only used by continuous widgets and are omitted for discrete widgets.

Here is a short example of beamline_setup section:

  id: beamline_setup
    - label: Fast Shutter
      attribute: fast_shutter
    - label: Safety shutter
      attribute: safety_shutter
    - label: Energy
      attribute: energy
      step: 0.001
      precision: 4
      suffix: keV
    - label: Resolution
      attribute: resolution
      step: 0.001
      precision: 3
      suffix: Å


Configures video stream widgets. Each widget provides access to a video stream on the Data collection tab. This is typically used for giving users an easy way to access hutch view cameras. The section has the following syntax:

  id: camera_setup
    - label: <UI label>
      attribute: <stream format>
      url: <video stream url>
      width: <width>
      height: <height>

The components key contains a list of video stream specifications. Each stream specification has the following keys:




widget’s text label


stream format


video stream’s URL


video window width


video window height

The attribute specifies the video format. If attribute is set to mp4, the video will be rendered with the <video> HTML tag, otherwise the <img> tag is used.

Below is an example of a camera_setup section that configures two hutch view video streams.

  id: camera_setup
    - label: Camera 1
      attribute: jpg
      url: http://localhost:8080/mjpg/video.mjpg?streamprofile=mxcube
      width: 800
      height: 450
    - label: Camera 2
      attribute: jpg
      url: http://localhost:9090/mjpg/video.mjpg?streamprofile=mxcube
      width: 800
      height: 450

The above configuration will result in the following UI setup:


Two video streams widgets are available in the upper right corner, with ‘Camera 1’ and ‘Camera 2’ labels. By clicking on the camera icon, the video stream will be displayed.

ui.yaml example#

Below is an example of a UI configuration file ui.yaml, as used by the mockup beamline.

  id: sample_view
    - label: Omega
      attribute: diffractometer.phi
      role: omega
      step: 90
      precision: 2
      suffix: °
    - label: Kappa
      attribute: diffractometer.kappa
      role: kappa
      step: 0.1
      precision: 1
      suffix: °
    - label: Kappa Phi
      attribute: diffractometer.kappa_phi
      role: kappa_phi
      step: 0.1
      precision: 1
      suffix: °
    - label: X
      attribute: diffractometer.phix
      role: phix
      step: 0.1
      precision: 3
      suffix: mm
    - label: Y
      attribute: diffractometer.phiy
      role: phiy
      step: 0.1
      precision: 3
      suffix: mm
    - label: Z
      attribute: diffractometer.phiz
      role: phiz
      step: 0.1
      precision: 3
      suffix: mm
    - label: Samp-X
      attribute: diffractometer.sampx
      role: sampx
      step: 0.1
      precision: 3
      suffix: mm
    - label: Samp-Y
      attribute: diffractometer.sampy
      role: sampy
      step: 0.1
      precision: 3
      suffix: mm
    - label: Sample Horizontal
      attribute: diffractometer.phiz
      role: sample_horizontal
      step: 0.1
      precision: 3
      suffix: mm
    - label: Sample Vertical
      attribute: diffractometer.phiy
      role: sample_vertical
      step: 0.1
      precision: 3
      suffix: mm
    - label: Zoom
      attribute: diffractometer.zoom
      role: zoom
      step: 1
      precision: 1
      suffix: mm
    - label: Focus
      attribute: diffractometer.sampx
      role: focus
      step: 0.1
      precision: 3
      suffix: mm

  id: sample_view_video_controls
    - id: snapshot
      show: true
    - id: draw_grid
      show: true
    - id: 3_click_centring
      show: true
    - id: focus
      show: true
    - id: zoom
      show: true
    - id: backlight
      show: true
    - id: frontlight
      show: true
    - id: video_size
      show: true

  id: beamline_setup
    - label: Beamstop
      attribute: beamstop
    - label: Capillary
      attribute: capillary
    - label: Fast Shutter
      attribute: fast_shutter
    - label: Safety shutter
      attribute: safety_shutter
    - label: Detector
      attribute: detector
    - label: Energy
      attribute: energy
      step: 0.001
      precision: 4
      suffix: keV
    - label: Resolution
      attribute: resolution
      step: 0.001
      precision: 3
      suffix: Å
    - label: Transmission
      attribute: transmission
      step: 0.1
      precision: 1
      suffix: "%"
    - label: Cryo
      attribute: cryo
      precision: 2
      suffix: k
    - label: Wavelength
      attribute: energy.wavelength
      step: 0.01
      precision: 2
      suffix: Å
    - label: Detector
      attribute: detector.detector_distance
      step: 0.1
      precision: 1
      suffix: mm
    - label: Flux
      attribute: flux
      precision: 2
      suffix: ph/s
      format: expo

  id: camera_setup
    - label: Camera 1
      attribute: jpg
      url: http://localhost:8080/mjpg/video.mjpg?streamprofile=mxcube
      width: 800
      height: 450
    - label: Camera 2
      attribute: jpg
      url: http://localhost:9090/mjpg/video.mjpg?streamprofile=mxcube
      width: 800
      height: 450