Working with documentation#

This documentation is automatically built and published from the contents of the mxcubeweb repository. Each time the repository’s develop branch is updated, documentation is regenerated and published to

If you want to modify this documentation, make a pull request to the repository with your suggested changes.

Modifying the documentation#

This documentation is built using the Sphinx documentation generator. The documentation’s source and configuration files are located in the docs folder of the mxcubeweb repository. Sphinx will also read Python docstrings from the repository’s source code.

Building documentation#

Follow the instructions for Installing a development environment. The development environment will include Sphinx and all necessary packages for building documentation.

Once you have a working environment, use these commands to build the documentation:

# goto docs folder
$ cd docs

# build documents with Sphinx
$ make html

The commands above will generate documentation in docs/html/ directory. The generated docs can be viewed by opening docs/html/index.html in your web browser.