Working with Documentation

This documentation is automatically built and published from the contents of Argussight's repository. Each time the repository’s master branch is updated, documentation is regenerated.

If you want to modify this documentation, make a pull request to the repository with your suggested changes.

Modifying the Documentation

In this project, MkDocs is used to convert Markdown files into a static website. The core of the documentation is written in Markdown files, located in the docs/ folder, while the configuration file (mkdocs.yml) controls how the site is built and customized.

Key files in the Documentation Setup

  • mkdocs.yml: This is the configuration file for MkDocs, found in the repository's root folder. It defines the structure of the documentation site, including navigation, themes, plugins, and other settings. Below you can find an example of mkdocs.yml:
site_name: MXCuBE Video-Streamer Documentation
theme: readthedocs
  - macros
  - Home:
  - About:
  - Installation:
  - FAQ:

  • docs/ : This folder contains the source Markdown files (.md), which make up the content of the documentation.
└── images/

Adding New Content

To add new content to the documentation, create new Markdown files in the docs/ folder. Once you add the file, update the mkdocs.yml navigation structure to include it. For example, if you create a file, you would add it to mkdocs.yml:

  - Home:
  - Tutorial:

Working with Macros

In this project, we use the mkdocs-macros-plugin to define custom macros. You can define macros in a custom Python script (e.g., docs_config/ and use them throughout the documentation.

For example, the following macro will include the contents of the LICENSE file:

def read_file_path(path):
    with open(path, 'r') as file:

Then, in the Markdown files, you can use this Macro like this:

## License

{{ read_file('LICENSE') }};

Test your Changes Locally

Before submitting your changes to the repository, please make sure that they run locally.

Installing MkDocs

Please follow the instructions in the Installation Guide, it will automatically install mkdocs and all the needed plugins.

Use the Development Server

MkDocs has an integrated development server that will run per default on http://localhost:8000. To run it navigate to the folder where mkdocs.yml is located and run

mkdocs serve

Build the Documentation

To build the static HTML files that make up your documentation, use the following command:

mkdocs build

This will generate a site/ directory in the root of the project, containing the compiled HTML files. You can then upload the contents of the site/ folder to a web server or use it for deployment.