About Argussight
Originally developed as an extension to MXCuBE's video-streamer, Argussight
aims to expand streaming capabilities for experimental environments worldwide. Its primary objectives include improving interaction with experimental setups, distributing processing resources efficiently, and providing remote users with a more comprehensive and user-friendly overview of ongoing experiments.
By harnessing the power of computer vision, Argussight introduces multiple processes that offer new and exciting perspectives on existing experimental procedures. While still a work in progress, the project continues to evolve, incorporating new features and optimizations to meet the needs of its users.
About MXCuBE
MXCuBE (Macromolecular Xtallography Customized Beamline Environment) is an open-source data acquisition software, which started in 2005 at ESRF. Initially designed for the synchrotron community, it has since grown into a globally adopted solution, used by major institutes worldwide.
In 2010, a collaboration agreement was signed to further develop MXCuBE between major synchrotron facilities across Europe. Since then, MXCuBE has been expanded and used in facilities around the world, supporting researches in various scientific fields.
For more information on the organization and its collaborators see the MXCuBE webpage.
This project is licensed under the MIT License, providing open access to use, modify, and distribute the code. For full details, see the License file.